
Volume 10, 4 – Aguri and Aftermath Report

Volume 10, Chapter 4 – Aguri and Aftermath Report

Translator: your_pingas

Valentine's Day is over. It’s a Sunday in the middle of February.

I, Aguri, am now on a date with Tasuku. …Regrettably, I’m not.

Right now, I’m sitting in a waiting room intimately with my 7-year-old cousin- Mii Fushiguro.

Mii’s swinging her legs that are unable to touch the ground carefreely. Then, she looked in front of her dazedly and spoke to me.

“Hey, hey, Aguri-nee-chan.”

“What’s wrong, Mii?”

“Aguri-nee-chan, you’re just ‘accompanying’ me today, …right?”

“Y-Yeah? What can I do otherwise?”

“I see. …But, if that’s the case, why…”

During this time, Mii slowly pointed to the reception and got me at my weak point triumphantly. Her innocent yet piercing words really make me feel that she’s related to Main-nee-san.

“Why did onee-chan give the registration card to the dentist too?”


I can’t help but mumble. …Indeed, right now, …we’re at the nearby dentist.

Mii rolled her watery eyes and looked up at me.

“I’m here to do my routine check-up. Is that the same for Aguri-nee-chan too?”

“Ugh, ys. I guess…so.”

I looked away and answered with a face full of sweat. Then, Mii continued her interrogation. She’s really Main-nee-chan’s sister.

“Well, well, I saw Aguri-nee-chan opening your mouth in front of the mirror for a long time. I can hear your sighs too. Is that irrelevant to what’s happening now?”

“I…I don’t think so.”

“Really. …Well, Aguri-nee-chan tried a bunch of chocolate because you want to ‘make’ them. Is that irrelevant too?”


“…Really? …………”

‘…Sorry, I have a tooth decay.”

I revealed the truth before plopping my head down and apologizing to a 7-year-old child.

I started making excuses to Mii, who fell speechless.

“B-But, it’s not that big of a deal! Even though it’s tooth decay, I don’t feel pain at all. This can be treated once, and it’ll be good-“

“Watch out for sweet stuff.”

“Yes, I’m really sorry.”

A high school girl is apologizing to a 7-year-old child. …Sigh, this is embarrassing. The children and their parents in the waiting room are hiding their laughter too. …I’m really going to cry?

Mii shot me a sympathetic look that doesn’t resemble a face that a 7-year-old can make at all. Then, she changed the topic with her more-than-7-year-old wit.

“By the way, Aguri-nee-chan, don’t you have plans today?”

“Eh? Oh, hmm, sigh, I wanted to go on a date today.”

Mii asked a bit confusedly after hearing my answer.

“A date? With Keita-nii-chan? Or with your prince?”


I was pretty shocked when I heard her unexpected question. “I got a bit of intel from Mom.” She explained. After that, I sighed and mumbled.

“Sigh, …you already know that, Mii. Well, I also know that Main-nee-san knows because of Amanocchi…”

I can’t help but wrap my hands around my head. As for Mii, she continued her innocent questioning.

“Well, don’t tell me that Keita-nii-chan and Aguri-nee-chan only have a ‘sexual’ relationship?”

“A-Ahem! Hey, …where did you learn that word from, Mii?”

“It’s from the TV show that Aguri-nee-chan was watching in the living room while scratching your belly.”

“Oh, I’m really sorry.”

I didn’t expect it was my fault. …Main-nee-san’ll kill me if this gets out.

I cleared my throat.

“Amanocchi and I are just normal friends.”

“I see, normal, sexual friends, right?”

“No, can you stop saying sexual?”

“I know. Aguri-nee-chan and Keita-nii-chan have something more than a sexual relationship, right?”

“Why do I feel like the suspicions keep adding on? No, we don’t have a sexual nor a mental relationship.”

“…Uh, does this count as friendship?”

“Ugh, …I take that back. We have a mental relationship.”

“I got it. Your body belongs to your boyfriend, but your heart belongs to Keita-nii-chan, right?”

“I don’t like where this conversation is going! Amanocchi and I are really just friends!”

“They say that, but they will kiss 5 minutes later.”

“That’s what I was watching on the TV, right!?”

“You scratched your belly as you’re watching that.”

“Do we really have to focus on that part!? Anyway, there’s nothing between Amanocchi and me!”



A high school girl is bickering with a little girl in the waiting room. Luckily, the BGM in the room is pretty loud for relaxation purposes. Our conversation didn’t have much of an effect. …Well, even though I can hear people snickering.

“…No! I’m not going in! LET ME GO HOME!”

“Be good, Yuiko, don’t throw a tantrum now. …I’ll let you play games once we’re home.”

A child is being flighty inside the treatment room. …It looks like it’ll be a while before us.

Right at that moment-

“By the way, I played games yesterday.”

Mii seems to have remembered something from the conversation in the treatment room. Honestly, thanks to a certain family restaurant partner, I’m already fed up with gaming topics. But, we’re doing nothing now, anyway. So, I said “really” to Mii and continued the chatter.

“I had to work yesterday because I spent too much money on making chocolate, so I didn’t see you. Main-nee-chan took care of you, right?”


Mii seems to be struggling to answer. I can’t help but ask with a baffled look.

“Hmm? No one in the family was free aside from her, right?”

“…I guess so. But, our holidays often go beyond our expectations.”

“What’s with that idiom-like sentence? Oh, but, speaking of expectations, I think the same is for Amanocchi too. I just heard this, but I believe Tendou-san tried to go out with him. In the end, he couldn’t go because something happened…”


Mii looked away for some reason. …Don’t tell me.

“…Uh, …where and who are you playing games with yesterday, Mii?”

“Well, …uh…”

Mii moved her hand a bit awkwardly and lowered her head.

…Then, as if she’s confessing a prank she made, the little girl revealed what she did yesterday.

“Mom put me in Keita-nii-chan’s care yesterday. I had fun for the entire day.”

“Amanocchi turned into a nursery!”

I’m frightened by my family’s selfishness. Sigh, but Main-nee-san has always been like this. However, come to think of it…

“Main-nee-san’s actually letting someone else take care of Mii, …that’s new, right?”

“Yeah, I’m surprised too.”

“Of course.”

“As for Keita-nii-chan, who was yawning before suddenly forced to take care of me in the morning, he’s even more surprised than I do.”

“Of course!”

This really feels like what Main-nee-san would do. I can’t help but cover my forehead and sighed.

“Sheesh, why is my relative always like this…? …By the way, why did Main-nee-san do that?”

“Who knows. …But, I think she was mumbling, ‘I’m getting restless because it wasn’t fun’ before dashing out like a beast.”

“Her working switch is just as violent as it is.”

Main-nee-san often gets promoted because of her unexpected responses as a flight attendant. I don’t understand how this world works.

After I complained about Main-nee-san, I urged Mii to continue.

“Then? Did Mii just play games with Amanocchi for the whole day?”

“Yes, we played a lot of games together. Then, I won 90% of the time.”

“90% of the time…”

I don’t know whether I should praise Mii or tease Amanocchi.

I shrugged and asked Mii.

“Then, did you cause any trouble to Amanocchi? Were you good?”

“Of course. Did I ever cause troubles for Keita-nii-chan?”

“I feel like the Fushiguro sisters only caused him troubles ever since you guys met…”

“That’s impolite. This time, I really just wrecked Keita-nii-chan in games and nearly made him cry.”

“Let’s not mention whether you’re being honest or not. At least you didn’t do anything weird.”



“…Aside from almost eating onii-chan’s important chocolate.”

“That’s really bad! What you did was directly spearing at Amanocchi’s biggest weakness! W-What the hell did you do!?”

“I-It’s all because of Aguri-nee-chan’s fault, okay? You didn’t give me any chocolate…”

“I’m the indirect cause!?”

I didn’t expect this. My important friend’s honmei chocolate had an existential crisis because I didn’t give my cousin chocolate.

I urged her to continue with a face full of sweat.

“T-Then? How did it go? Did you return the chocolate?”

“…No, I did a little prank at that time.”

“…What do you mean?”

“I took that chocolate and ran around onii-chan’s house a couple times.”

“That’s a tragedy! Didn’t I tell you to be honest!?”

“It’s okay. I didn’t say much. I just ran away quietly.”

“Weren’t you just being sneaky!? That’s even worse! Weren’t you the real chocolate thief!?”

“I didn’t steal it. I salvaged it up from onii-chan’s table.”

“Your Aguri-nee-chan feels like it’s not salvaging if it’s on the table!”

“…It can’t be helped. At that time, …I didn’t have fun, so I’m pretty restless…”

“Why are you sisters restless on holiday!?”

Sheesh, my head’s getting dizzy. Although I feel like the central issue of the Fushiguro sisters has to do with the onee-san, she indeed inherited the bloodline.

After I snapped out of it, Mii looked pretty depressed due to my anger. I hastily try to smooth things over.

“Sigh, but it’s okay. Mii just said you ‘wanted’ to eat it, right? Which means that you didn’t really eat it, right?”


“Well, uh, then it’s not really a big problem…”



I nodded. “Right!” Mii immediately brightened up and continued.

“Well, it’s also not a big problem when Mii robbed Keita-nii-chan’s phone and video-called someone I didn’t know, right!”

“You keep committing crimes that I’ve first heard of! Hey, what were you even doing!? Why did you rob his phone!?”

“…I wanted to ask for help.”

“You’re the theft here, right!?”

“I feel like Mom will stand on my side, no matter what.”

“Yes, your judgment is correct! It’s just that your education is entirely wrong!”

“But, I didn’t know how to call Mom, so I just randomly picked one on the contacts…”

“D-Don’t just do whatever you want. What if you called someone you weren’t supposed to!?”

“Oh, it’s okay. Onii-chan’s contacts are nearly empty.”

“Don’t expose how pathetic Amanocchi is!”

“So, I felt that there was a high chance to call Mom or Aguri-nee-chan.”

“You’re quite smart, Mii!”

“However, I lost. In the end, …I called someone I didn’t know.”

“Hmm, Mii doesn’t know that person while Amanocchi does. Hmm, who could it be…?”

“I don’t know, but she’s a beautiful girl.”


Even though Amanocchi’s a loner, he managed to know a couple of beautiful girls. Well, I still can’t say who it is from this alone-

“It’s just that I suddenly wanted to eat seaweed miso soup after the phone call.”

“It’s Hoshinocchi.”

I’m sorry, Hoshinocchi. I really am. It’s about how I know you’re the one. …How should I say this? I’m really sorry.

I cleared my throat and asked Mii.

“Well, what did you say to Hoshinocchi- her?”

“Nothing. I won’t talk to someone I don’t know.”

“That’s true. Well, it’s good that this call didn’t cause that much trouble-“

“So, I didn’t end the call as I ran away from onii-chan. I was having so much fun screaming. It’s like something terrible just happened.”


Sheesh, what’s wrong with this child? How much does she want to ruin Amanocchi’s happiness in a single day!?

As for Mii, she continued mumbling to me, who doesn’t even want to hear anymore.

“Hiya, Keita-nii-chan was super fun to watch at that time. He said a whole bunch of things to the onee-chan, who was trying to call the cops.”

“I’m now certain! You’re really Main-nee-san’s little sister!”


“I’m not praising you! Sheesh, I can’t deal with this pair of sisters!”

“Hey, that onee-chan didn’t call the cops in the end.”

“Oh, that’s good to hear. …Really.”

I’m relieved. “Then?” I urged her to tell me what happened in the end.

“Mii, you returned the chocolate and the phone, right?”

“Of course, who do you think I am?”

“A mini Main-nee-san.”

“I won’t give you anything even if you praise me like that.”


“Anyway, I returned the phone and chocolate…after 2 hours.”

“2 HOURS!?”

Nope, this child can’t be helped. Main-nee-san’s education…is indeed scary.

Just as I’m trembling, Mii swung her legs cheerfully and stared at the ceiling.

“I had so much fun yesterday! Really!”

“…I see.”

…Let’s forget it took a guy 2 hours to seriously try and catch a 7-year-old child. It’s weird no matter how you think about it. Well, indeed, …it’s Amanocchi’s problem, right. No, I should say it’s both Amanocchi and Hoshinocchi.

As if she’s trying to prove my thoughts are correct, Mii continued.

“I also gave some love suggestions to Keita-nii-chan!”

“Love suggestions? What did you say?”

“You don’t need to spend so much effort for a bar of chocolate. This just proves how insecure you are. Things like that…”

“Stop it! A 7-year-old child like you shouldn’t keep attacking Amanochci’s weak spots!”

“Finally, Keita-nii-chan even started saying stuff like he doesn’t know how to convey his ‘love’ feelings. It was really embarrassing.”

“Is Amanocchi this self-abased!? What was he discussing with a little girl!?”

“So, I suggested this to him! It’s easy to convey your feelings. Just-“

“That’s enough! I don’t want to hear about a high school guy asking a little girl for love advice!”

“Oh, right, when I was bullying Keita-nii-chan, for some reason, the onee-chan also started moaning.”

“What a miserable hit, Hoshinocchi! I’m really sorry for you!”

“However, this way, I think Keita-nii-chan learned something too.”

“No, what were your love advice even based on…?”

“The TV shows that Aguri-nee-chan’s watching while scratching your belly.”

“It’s my fault again!?”

Amanocchi, Hoshinocchi, I’m really sorry. Please forgive me. I mean, this poor girl can’t deal with the Fushiguro sisters…!

Just as I’m hugging my head, the door to the treatment room opened. That child walked out with her mother. It looks like the treatment’s already over.

I think it’s almost our turn. …Then, my cousin was called.

“Mii-chan. Mii Fushiguro-chan.”


Mii raised her hand energetically and got off the chair. I patted her head and asked.

“Aren’t you afraid? You want me to go with you?”

Mii shook her head and rejected my worries.

“It’s fine. It’s more like you should be good in your treatment, Aguri-nee-chan.”

“Ugh, …you’re right.”

Mii said that as she walked to the room. I faced her back. Then, suddenly, I realized I didn’t ask the one last thing during the conversation. …However, this is an essential piece of information in Amanocchi’s love.

I saw that some other patients are walking out of the room. So, I patted Mii’s shoulder gently to make her turn around. After that, I smiled mischievously and gossiped.

“Let me ask you this, Mii. By the way, what does Amanocchi’s important chocolate look like? Is it big and handmade? Or is it like an in-game character? Oh, or is it pretty erotic- weird?”

Aguri listed out all the chocolate's features I heard from Amanocchi calmly. I really want to get information out of Mii’s mouth. This is because…

(Hehe! Now I can know who Amanocchi cares about the most!)

Now I can know who’s the main heroine of this twisted rom-com! I’m hyped!

-However, Mii looked surprised as she answered me. “Well...”

“I took that in the first place because I didn’t think it’s an ‘important’ chocolate at the start…”

“…Uh, …what does that mean?”

“…Hmm, so-“

Mii wanted to continue.

“Sakurano-san! Aguri Sakurano-san!”

“Oh, y-yes!”

I quickly stood up upon hearing my name.

Mii showed me a mischievous smile.

“Don’t cry, Aguri-nee-chan? It’ll be embarrassing for me, as your accompany.”

“W-Why would I cry!? Don’t underestimate me! Sheesh…!”

As a role-model for Mii, I angrily dashed into the treatment room before her.

…At the same time, I forgot about the chocolate thing entirely.

Mii Fushiguro


Aguri-nee-chan’s walking in front of me like a child.

I started laughing on my own since I found this funny.

Then, I walked into the room and separated from Aguri-nee-chan. I sat on the chair.

Suddenly, I remembered the question. So, I pouted and mumbled quietly.

“Why was he getting so worked up? It’s just a Black Thunder.” [Note: Aguri gave Amano that, in case you forgot.]


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