
Volume 10, 3 – Gamers and Valentine’s Day, Part 1 of 2

Volume 10, Chapter 3 – Gamers and Valentine’s Day, Part 1 of 2

Translator: your_pingas

I never acknowledge the passerby characters in rom-coms at all.

Although I, Keita Amano, am definitely closer to these passerby characters than a popular harem protagonist, I’m absolutely leaning toward being a commoner.

Well, if you’re asking me whether I’ll be engulfed in a flame of jealousy like those characters, it’s not to that point yet.

The most significant example is Valentine’s Day.

Guys that no one loves will always shed angry and bloody tears because the harem protagonist receives a boatload of chocolates from the pretty girls. …Although you see that plot really often in rom-coms, in reality, I always watched handsome boys in my class getting chocolates left and right. Yet, I just thought, “Oh.” Then, I immediately lowered my head and back to my mobile game.

It’s because that happened in a world entirely parallel to mine.

It’s like watching an unknown protagonist getting shot by the criminal in a detective show when you accidentally switched the channel. You won’t think about him.

Even if someone’s popular in a parallel world to mine, I won’t feel jealous. The same goes for games as well. Emotions like “upset” can only appear between same-level contestants.

…So, to me, Valentine’s Day is just a typical day where the surroundings get a bit more festive.


That was the case for last year.


It’s 13th February, just a day before Valentine’s.

I’m wrapping my hands around my head on the table as I sweated profusely during the break.

(W-What’s happening!? I thought I could look forward to Valentine’s Day a little after meeting a couple girls this year. …I didn’t expect this to go the complete opposite way! My stomach’s starting to hurt really bad since yesterday!)

N-No, in reality, I didn’t think about Valentine’s Day at all until a couple days ago. After all, this festival has nothing to do with me. However, …come to think of it…

(…Not getting any chocolate hurts way harder than last year!)

I’m not getting any chocolate despite knowing more than one girl. …Doesn’t this show how worthless I am as a person!?

Compared to not getting chocolate because girls hate me, not getting chocolate because I’m a loner is much better!

I hugged my head alone as I remembered the excuse I mumbled to myself many times since yesterday.

(I-It’s okay. No matter what, it’s a trend for people to get obligatory chocolate these days. I’m sure that even a guy like me can-)

“Hey, Uehara. Here’s your early obligatory chocolate this year.”

“Oh, thanks, Mika!”


I can’t help but raise my head after hearing the cheerful chatter that echoed across the classroom. -Mika-san, one of the girls in Uehara-kun’s circles, is right in front of me. She handed him a self-made chocolate waffle. Also…

“Hey, here, Inamoto, Kitami. Also, …Kimura. Here’s your chocolate!”

“Oh, coming!”

Mika-san’s gathered the boys in the class quickly as she chuckled while handing out the waffles. After that…

“Alright, there goes my investment for this year! It’ll be you guys’ turn on White Day!”

The peaceful chocolate gifting ceremony ended with the laughter and booing of the boys.

…Sigh, how should I say this? 90% of the guys in-class got their obligatory gifts. Yep…

-Aside from a guy that’s coincidentally taking a break today, which is me.


(…Hiya, I’m so nervous, …hmm…)

I’m trying my best to suppress the warmth that’s about to overflow in my eyeballs as I stared at the chilly winter view outside the window.

…Recently, I got to know a lot of people and made communications with games. Subconsciously, I already forgot…that I’m still the loner that no one likes. Perhaps the player of this “Cultivate Keita Amano!” game is an idiot- actually, that’s me.

“Ah, well, I’m giving Uehara this as well.”

“Oh, thanks, Reina. It’s going to be a pain in White Day.”

“Hehe, I’ll look forward to it.”

…I glanced at Uehara-kun getting another chocolate. …I take back what I said. Right now, I feel like I’m entirely synced with those passersby dripping bloody tears when they see a popular protagonist!

(N-No! That’s not it! Keita Amano, don’t be fooled!)

I looked away from him and cheered myself up again.

(This isn’t the end! Valentine's chocolate will still end up, …yes, the quality is way more important than quantity! It’s because that’s how rom-coms work! Yes! Yep, this is it!)

I threw away the reality of rom-coms that I was bitching about away wholly. Then, I started to search for comfort with a rom-com’s mindset.

I became the eye of the “obligatory chocolate” hurricane on the surroundings. Well, then I started imagining the great plot twist that’s about to happen.

(Y-Yes, this…is it! Right, according to the story, this must be the final hold-off before the big squeeze! If I keep accumulating the pressure of not getting what I want, …Tendou-san will give me a lovely serving of chocolate that sends me flying! Look, this is awesome! This must be it! It has to be!)

So, it’s correct not to receive any obligatory chocolate. It’s incredibly valid.

It’s more like I should prevent someone from giving me obligatory chocolate. That will reduce the value of chocolate in my high school life! In other words!

(Naturally, I’ll look forward to tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day and face my true angel girl- Tendou-san. This is my < GLORIOUS ROAD >!) [Note: The singer of < GLORIOUS ROAD > is also named Tendou.]

After I made up my mind, I’m getting proud of not receiving any obligatory chocolate. So, …I spent the eve of Valentine without speaking to anyone, just as usual.


-Until I’m rushing to meet Aguri-san in the family restaurant after school like an idiot.

“Here, Amanocchi, Black Thunder chocolate.” [Note: It’s a bar of 30-yen chocolate that’s 1/3 the size of Kitkat.]

The first Valentine’s chocolate in my high school life formally became a shitty convenience store snack. It was given by a gal with a boyfriend (I guess).


“Take it.”

The first Valentine’s chocolate in my high school life was thrown onto the family restaurant’s table incredibly casually.

…I took the chocolate and stared at Aguri-san’s eyes directly. Then, I spoke up with an incredibly refreshing smile.

“I’ll murder you.”

“Is that how you react to a girl that just gave you chocolate!?”

Aguri-san leaned forward and tried to take back the chocolate.

“I-If you’re reacting like that, I’m taking back the Black Thunder!”

“Nope, I’m taking it.”

I took the Black Thunder and stared at the package.

“…Actually, I do love it.”

“Eh, you mean me?”


“Amanocchi, you’re really sly these days!”

“Aguri-san, you’re having too much fun pretending to be the main heroine!”

We started bickering with each other furiously. It’s so violent that you won’t think that she just gave me chocolate.

…Sheesh, the first chocolate in my high school is way too depressing.

…But, whatever. …Sigh.

After I’m done yelling, I turned my head away and answered her.

“…How should I say this? Thanks…for giving me chocolate. …I’m relieved.”

“Relieved? Well, even though I don’t really understand, whatever. …It’s fine if you’re happy.”

Aguri-san finally cooled down after that.

I took a sip of coffee and suddenly snapped out of it as I asked.

“Ah, right, Uehara-kun’s chocolate-“

“Of course, I’ll spend the whole night making one filled with love for him!”

“…E-Eh, what’s happening? I feel so irritated right now!”

No, Black Thunder’s pretty tasty. It’s okay! I think it’s a million times better than Aguri-san’s clumsy handmade chocolate!

Aguri-san laughed naughtily after seeing my reaction.’

“Hiya, Amanocchi, are you getting jealous again?”

“Uh, I guess it’s jealousy…! …How should I put it? Well, Aguri-san, if I gave Tendou-san and Chiaki each a VR headset, but I gave you a paper cannon only, what would you feel?”

“T-This is pissing me off! Well, even though I’ll never use VR! It’s more like, I think paper cannons are way better to play! But, isn’t your difference in treatment too much?”

“See!? I feel that as well!”

“Ugh, you can’t be helped. Well, I’ll give you a little bit of the chocolate’s corner I made for Tasuku-“

“Ah, no thanks. My stomach can’t take it.”

“What do you mean!?”

So, we started arguing pointlessly again. …This is weird. Words like “Valentine’s Day,” “girls I know,” and “getting chocolate” are far beyond my expectation of rom-com events.

After we’re done dissing each other, both of us felt pretty exhausted from how pointless this is. Finally, we began today’s real topic.

“So? Amanocchi, why did you want to hold a family restaurant meeting with me again? Aren’t you trying to stay away from anything that can affect your relationship with Tendou-san?”

“Oh, about that.”

I answered casually after hearing her logical question.

“I already gave up the moment that I started fighting Main-san.”

“…I think so.”

Aguri-san continued drinking orange juice calmly like this has nothing to do with her. It’s like she already knew my answer from the start.

I continued with a bitter smile.

“So, I’m not saying that…let’s hold even more family restaurant meetings with you, Aguri-san. However, I think the least we can do is don’t avoid it explicitly. …What do you think?”

“How should I answer you…?”

After she heard that, Aguri-san looked away a bit embarrassingly. She blew a bunch of bubbles on her orange juices violently before answering quietly.

“…It’s fine as long as Amanocchi pays for it.”

“Ah, then I guess we should really stop doing this.”

“Amanocchi, you’re getting really sly these days!”

“Isn’t it because a particular gal’s getting too disgusting these days!?”

We started the 3rd round of the pointless argument of today again. However, both of us just lack the energy for another one. So, we immediately ended it and plopped our heads down.

“Well, Aguri-san, we can come to this family restaurant once in a while.”


The gal raised her hand casually and answered. …I feel like she’s so quick to respond that it made me a bit uncomfortable. Well, I think this works since we’re not a divorced couple trying to get back together, anyway.

So, we finally returned to our usual attitude. Aguri-san immediately said this.

“Ah, right, I forgot to tell you what happened to Main-nee-san.”

“Uh, what’s wrong? Ah, d-don’t tell me you’re getting bullied even harder because I lost…”

“N-No, it’s not that. Please relax about that. It’s more like this is the exact opposite.”

“The opposite?”

I expressed my confusion after not understanding what she said. Aguri-san searched in her bag and said, “Look at this.” After that, she showed me something familiar.

“…The Labears? Oh, come to think of it, didn’t Main-san take that away from you after I lost that day?”

“Yeah, Main-nee-san said we’re only wagering our ownerships. I’ll forget about the bear’s ownership.”

“Oh, that does sound like what Main-san would say- no, it doesn’t really sound like her…”



I nodded at Aguri-san. No, how should I say this? Even though Main-san emphasizes logic, the Labears doesn’t really have to do with the duel in reality. That’s supposed to be the punishment of Aguri-san letting me off without a proper greeting.

So, it’s okay if I won at that time and got Aguri-san’s everything. However, if I didn’t pull that off, I can’t complain if the Labears are taken away by Main-san.

However, Main-san let this teddy bear couple go away. This…isn’t like her.

Aguri-san fiddled with the Labears in her hand and scratched her cheeks. “But.”

“Although I’m a bit sorry for you to fight Main-nee-san for me, …despite Main-nee-san’s look, she’s not really a bad person.”

“Well, …sigh, how should I put this? I, …even though I hate to say this either, I can’t disagree with you.”

Even if you ask me whether she’s a good person right now, I can definitely answer, “She’s absolutely not.” However, if you’re asking me whether she’s a bad person, I’ll hesitate for a bit as well.

Aguri-san’s swinging the hoop of the keychain with her finger as she continued.

“Amanocchi was angry at that time. I think Main-nee-san must know how much more important this is to me than she thinks. No, perhaps she already knew everything.”

“…I think so. She has godlike senses, after all.”

“Yes. So, she used that duel as an excuse to shirk the bear thing away. From this perspective, I have to thank Amanocchi and Main-nee-san for putting up a good fight.”

“Sigh, …I’m relieved to know that duel is meaningful more or less.”

“Hahaha, yeah, thank you, Amanocchi. Also, …I can’t believe Main-nee-san can hold herself back even when she likes cute dolls like this-“


-I think I just heard something I can’t miss.

Aguri-san sipped the remaining juice with her straw when she saw me blinking shockingly.

“Eh, did I not tell you this before? Despite Main-nee-san’s look, her hobbies are really girly. Her room is filled with dolls.”

“Ehh…? Are you sure they’re not dolls with their heads ripped off?”

“Amanocchi, aren’t you too scared of Main-nee-san? No, it’s just a regular room with a lot of adorable dolls. I think she has to hug something fluffy while sleeping. …When I’m waking her up, she’ll throw it aside and try to make an excuse.”

For a moment, I seem to have understood what Main-san’s really like. However…

I spoke up dazedly.

“I can’t believe that Main-san will- …but her hairstyle and clothing doesn’t…”

“Oh, she understands that she doesn’t fit with those things. So, Mii’s the one wearing it for her?”

“Huh! I see!”

I finally managed to solve some of the questions in my heart. I see. …Come to think of it, she took the Labears out of Aguri-san’s room chicly. That’s not just because she hates us. …Hmm, she simply could have only seen something cute and feel excited about it. …I-I feel a bit sorry for bickering with her angrily now…

…But…I can’t believe…Main-san actually likes cute things.

“Next time, …I’ll definitely torment her with this.”

I smiled evilly and mumbled. Aguri-san looked at me a bit dumbfoundedly.

“Wow, I didn’t expect Main-nee-san and Amanocchi to become such good friends after a short time.”

“A-Aguri-san, don’t tell me you can’t see…?”

“No, I’m not blind. At least, I feel like Main-nee-san rarely loves someone other than her family so much.”

“…I feel like she just found a new toy.”

“Sigh, that could be the case. Anyway, thanks to you, Mii and I are a lot less stressed now. Think about it, didn’t Main-nee-san always look for Amanocchi in the holidays or after school? You really caught us a break there.”

“Don’t treat me as a nursery, please…”

If this continues, perhaps I’ll really become the one that has to take care of Main-san exclusively soon. That’s too scary. No, I have to get away from this…

After seeing my depressed face, Aguri-san stared at me worriedly and said.

“…Ah, …sorry, Amanocchi.”

“Ah? No, why is Aguri-san apologizing? This is completely my fault, right.”

“Hmm, I guess so. …But, do tell me if you need any help.”

“Oh, so, for example, can you help me look after Main-san for 3 hours when I’m dating Tendou-san?”

“No, please don’t treat me as a nursery…”

…I think the people hearing this won’t know we’re talking about an adult lady.

So, we ended the Main-san topic. “Phew.” Aguri-san straightened her back and moved on.

“By the way, Amanocchi, tomorrow- on Valentine’s Day, how are you going to spend it with Tendou-san? Did you make a promise with her?”

“No, …I didn’t.”

“Ehh? You are kidding me!?”

Aguri-san showed me an “unbelievable” face as she glared at me. …It looks like Uehara-kun and her already planned what to do on Valentine’s Day. Sigh, it’s hard to blame her. After all, this is what a couple with a normal relationship should do. However…

I scratched the back of my head and spoke up quietly.

“How should I put it? …It’s more like Tendou-san and me…didn’t say anything about Valentine’s Day this week…”

“What!? Why!? I’m asking you this. Can a loving couple talk about anything else in this one week!?”

“Uh, we did talk about how incredible the third PV of the new RPG is.”

“That’s why I hate gamer couples like you two! W-Well, how about Hoshinocchi!?”

“Uh, we talked about how incredible the 4th PV of the new RPG is.”

“This company is spending way too much effort in PVs!”

Aguri-san’s running out of breath from yelling. I answered with a bitter smile.

“It’s kind of hard when the only good thing is the PV.”

“No, you guys are the one making this hard, alright!? Don’t avoid the chocolate!”

“How can you blame someone that didn’t even get chocolate in the first place?”

“This is the first time I’m getting so pissed as well!”

Bam, Aguri-san slammed her hand onto the table. Klink, the ice cubes in the glass bumped each other.

“Anyway, the three of you better not avoid chocolate anymore!”

“Your line is like the climax of an imaginary movie called < Scary! The Attack of the Chocolate Monster! >.”

“This is what I’m talking about! I’m saying that this is how you’re avoiding it!”


The weakling in relationships can only cover his brain to the overwhelmingly stronger opponent.

The feisty gal continued arrogantly on the sofa in the family restaurant.

“I don’t really want to say this. Amanocchi, all of you are too indecisive!”

“…Big talk from one of the most indecisive couples I know-“

“What did you say!?”

“I’m sorry.”

She exploded for a moment. It made me feel like Main-san and Aguri-san are indeed cousins. Their type of “stress” is entirely identical.

I was freaking out. “Whatever.” Aguri-san sighed and continued.

“Even though I feel like I shouldn’t take my anger on you.”

“What do you mean?”

“It just disgusts me when Amanocchi’s the only one preparing for Valentine’s Day happily.”


“So, Tendou-san or Hoshinocchi should make the first move, …but they didn’t do anything, right?”


That’s why I’m really restless. Although I already think that some girls are interested in me, now I just feel like a ridiculously wrong clown. Also, you have to include my lack of confidence as well. This is literally…!

Aguri-san sighed.

“…I wonder what those girls are doing now.”

“…Yeah, what are they doing…?”

We stared out into the street a day before Valentine’s. Then, we can’t but sigh together when we think of those two confusing gamer girls that don’t understand love.

Karen Tendou

Let’s skip to the conclusion.


-I have to rely on a < Steins;Gates > reference to escape reality.

13th February, 5:30 PM.

I’m paralyzed on the ground lonely in the kitchen under the white ceiling lights of my house.


I’m dazing out with my weary eyes as if someone just raped me a while ago.

Melted chocolate can be found everywhere on the ground. My favorite apron is a bit burnt up—the oven’s oozing with “brown marshmallow,” giving out a black fume. The pot, which caught on fire a while ago, is now overflowing with a soup-like scent. The three cats in the living room are meowing as they cheerfully pulled the cotton out of the cushions and threw them everywhere.


How did this happen?

Let’s answer- sorry, I don’t want to say it. Yes, I don’t want to.

Actually, my emotions and brain can’t follow up as well.

It’s just that, no matter what, let’s skip to the conclusion.

I, Karen Tendou, failed to make chocolate.


I pulled myself up with the help of the desk. Then, I glanced at this tragic scene detailedly again. …My parents are spending the night outside. Should I say this is the silver lining? After all, the house isn’t burnt up. It’s fine as long as I clean everything up.

The problem is that the failure just then hit me hard…


At this moment, my phone on the glass table started ringing. I went around the chocolate on the ground and trimmed the three cats’ fur laying on my legs. After that, I grabbed the phone. I freaked out when I saw the screen.


I thought it was my parents. I trembled as I tidied my hair and skirt meaninglessly.

Then, I took a deep breath…and pulled up the < Karen Tendou: Ultra Calm > armor and equipped it in my < Soul Inventory >. I picked up the call.

“Hey, hello. I’m the perfectly fine Karen Tendou without any problems at all.”

“Why are you making such a worrisome introduction!? I-I’m Amano…”

“Oh, Amano-kun. Hello.”


Amano-kun sounds really dumbfounded on the other side of the phone. …T-This is weird. I have to smooth things over.

I cleared my throat and urged him to continue.

“So, Amano-kun, what’s wrong? It’s rare for you to call me at this time. Don’t tell me you’re asking me for money?”

“Why am I suddenly the cheap ex-boyfriend in your eyes!?”

“Ah, no, I didn’t mean anything bad. It’s just that the only reason I can think of for Amano-kun to call me in the evening is asking me for money.”

“The relationship between my ex-girlfriend and I is too terrible! No, I’m not here for money…”

“Eh, really? Well, so, why are you…”

I’m perplexed. After Amano-kun paused for a moment, he hesitated…before making up his mind and spoke up.

“H-Hey! About Valentine’s Day tomorrow-“

“Oh, I know. I’m trying my best right now. Please wait.”

“No, why are you acting like a writer with an impending deadline!? No, I’m trying to say-“

“It’s just that my work speed won’t increase no matter how much you urged me!”

“No, that’s why I’m asking why are you like a fearless writer that doesn’t care about the deadline anymore!? No, I’m not here to urge you anything! It’s just that, tomorrow-“

“Yes, tomorrow’s the deadline, right? I understand. Tomorrow’s the deadline’s…start?”

“Start!? No, there’s no ‘start’ for Valentine’s Day!”

“B-But, think about it, isn’t there like- for example, Christmas is on the 25th, but the eve is on the 24th. These two days aren’t that different, right?”

“Why are you talking about Christmas!? No, Valentine’s Day only lasts for tomorrow! A-Also, if it’s possible, can you please spend-“

“-Spend the day together cheerfully with you, right? I think so, too, until 5 minutes ago.”

“What happened in these 5 minutes!?”

“I have no idea already. Whether it’s my power, …or the definition of chocolate…”

“The definition of chocolate as well!? Uh, chocolate’s made from cocoa…”

“…Is that really the case? Come to think of it, doesn’t soup count as a kind of chocolate too?”

“What happened in these 5 minutes to make you reach that level!?”

Amano-kun kept on yelling on the other side since he has no idea what’s going on.

I feel sorry for his reaction. However, I can’t just tell how exhausting chocolate-making is to the person I’m giving it to.

It can’t be helped. I can only end the conversation with the initial promise.

“…Amano-kun, about tomorrow’s promise, there’s only one thing I can say to you right now.”


“…Let us live to see each other.”

“Tendou-san!? No, wait, I’m just trying to spend tomorrow with-“

Amano-kun’s still trying to say something. However, I hung up the call extremely depressingly.

(…Making a promise with my lover without preparing the chocolate is like entering a concert without a ticket!)

I, Karen Tendou, am a person that has to make perfect preparation before playing a game. This kind of mistake is a literal insult to me.

It’s because I…I’m insanely in love with him.

So, on such a critical day like Valentine’s, I want to puff up my chest confidently and face Amano-kun in my best game.

That’s why…!


I made up my mind to try to make the best chocolate again. Let’s start by cleaning the room first.

Chiaki Hoshinomori

“Onee-chan, is this chocolate really okay?”

“It’s fine. No problem.”

It’s 6 PM on 13th February. I’m looking at this glimpse of hope I found in the chaos with sparkling eyes.

However, the high school girl standing next to me- my little sister, Konoha Hoshinomori, is warning me with suspicious eyes.

“…I think the God of Love is saying that you can’t die here yet.”

“It’s okay. A little sister shouldn’t worry about this. It’s the best one.”


Konoha gave the chocolate I chose an unconvinced look.

Also, Konoha got a delivery when she was about to head out in the morning. It looks like Valentine’s chocolate. I talked to her when she opened the package, and she got jumpscared. Then, she shoved it into her bag as if she’s hiding it away from me. After that, she didn’t answer no matter what questions I asked her. “Who are you giving it to?” “What does the chocolate look like?” …Sigh, I guess it must be the obligatory chocolate for the student council members in Hekiyou. Yes. …Whatever, let’s move on.

“Hello, I want to buy this!”

I ignored Konoha’s suspicious glare and gave the goods to the cashier.

Konoha asked me again when we’re waiting for the package.

“…Onee-chan, are you sure you’re not handing out a handmade one?”

This is already the billionth time that my little sister told me this. I nodded confidently and said yes.

“I’ll definitely make something terrible if I try it myself!”

“Why can my onee-chan expose how unvirtuous she is so confidently?”

“Well, if onee-chan made chocolate, would you eat them?”

“…I’m sorry, onee-chan. This is entirely my fault.”

“Ehh, this is strange! Why am I feeling so sulky even though I just retorted to you so brilliantly!?”

“But, actually, boys don’t really care about the taste or whether it’s poisonous. I think they are already happy with the fact that it’s handmade.”

“No, I think they still care whether it’s poisonous. Also, even though I understand what you mean, I feel like handmade chocolate isn’t the only thing to send out your feelings!”

“…Sigh, so, …in the end, you bought that?”

After that, my little sister looked at the packaged thing behind the cashier. I nodded confidently and said yes again.

“I’m a loner and hikineet, after all. The polluted atmosphere released out by normie girls that love relationships terrifies me. I barely had the will to give it my all to find chocolate before Valentine’s Day. In a sense, it contains even more feelings than a handmade one!”

“Indeed, my stupid onee-chan’s seaweed brain is struggling within a sparkling wave of Ols and JKs. As your little sister, I’m really about to cry. Do you really think that Amano-senpai will know how you feel?”

“I believe that Keita will understand me!”

“What’s with this trust between useless people? I’m getting envious for some reason.

Konoha answered helplessly. The packaging is done at this point. So, I quickly fetched the paper bag from the cashier. After that, I hugged it outside my coat and started walking.

We got over the crowd and took the escalator before walking out of the store. …During this time, Konoha looked at me, who’s hugging the chocolate tightly, with helpless eyes.

“…Onee-chan, how much do you love that chocolate? Your body temperature will melt it.”

“T-That’s okay. The chocolate’s taste isn’t the most important part here!”

“Sheesh, my onee-chan’s taste of chocolates is too unique…”

Konoha mumbled dumbfoundedly. Then, she added something else quietly.

“…This is why I can never win against you.”

“Hmm? I feel like you’re better than me in every way, right?”

“You even heard that too. Sigh, whatever, you’re the same as a certain person.”

Konoha walked in front of me after saying something baffling. I guess she doesn’t want me to see her face.

My little sister and I are walking unwillingly on the street filled with red hearts icons without saying anything.

…In the past, I never treated this Valentine’s mood seriously.

However, this year, …I can’t help but admire those high school couples walking together lovingly. I don’t really understand myself either. Since when did I imagine myself in their place? The sweet dreams and the bitter reality taste like chocolate in my heart.

Konoha seems to have noticed that I’m looking at her. She asked me without turning around.

“…Onee-chan, when are you giving that to Amano-senpai tomorrow?”

“Uh, when will I give it? Well…”

I fell silent for a moment and hugged the chocolate in front of my chest even more tightly. I answered.

“…I’ll find a good time.”

“…I see.”

Konoha’s a bit unsatisfied. I plopped my head down as if I’m avoiding her.

…Actually, I can feel what Konoha’s trying to say.

“Well, …Konoha, I, …well, …how should I say this…?”

I’m stuttering, not being able to speak out the following words. To that, Konoha turned around with a frustrated face and said.

“Hey, onee-chan. You should understand this, right. How can you look forward to chances and fates-“

“…Hmm? Konoha?”

Konoha suddenly stopped as she looked in a particular direction. I followed her confusedly. Then, right in front of me…


It’s a lonely high school boy. He’s walking within this Valentine’s atmosphere depressingly, just like me before. In other words…


Just as I’m mumbling his name, he seems to have heard what I said within this crowd and looked at us. Then, he immediately brightened up and dashed to us.

My little sister looked at Keita…and sighed lonely. Then, she spoke up angrily.

“Sigh, this is why I hate fateful love like this…!”

Keita Amano

“Chiaki, Konoha-san, what a coincidence. Are you two going home right now?”

After I bid farewell to Aguri-san in the family restaurant, I’m walking toward the station. Suddenly, I bumped into the Hoshinomori sisters. So, I smiled carefreely and started talking to them. After this eventful year, I can at least say hi to my friends casually. However-


“…What’s wrong?”

-The Hoshinomori sisters gave me a subtle reaction as if they’re denying my growth. …Hiya, a loner finally managed to open up his heart and try to talk to others enthusiastically. Yet, they immediately say, “No, we’re not that close.” It really hurts me!

I’m profusely sweating as I tried my best to change up the mood.

“U-Uh, this is embarrassing. Aguri-san just forced me to call Tendou-san, and it ended in a mess…”



Very well, that’s everything I can talk about today. …What the hell is this? Even Konoha-san got uncharacteristically quiet, as for Chiaki-

“…Hiya! Hey…!”


-She suddenly seems to have remembered something. Then, as if she’s trying to cover up her plumpy chest, she hugged herself in a wildly exaggerated manner.


I’m pretty shocked when I saw her- clearly sexually harassed reaction.

(Do I stare at Chiaki’s chest all the time!?)

I-I’m not thinking about the girl that way. …But, if you ask me whether I’m sure that I didn’t look, …I guess not. …Hmm, …crap.

C-Crap, I’m getting less confident the more I think about it. Also, my mind is filled with close-ups of Chiaki’s chest in my memories. In the end, it just further progressed the hate I have for myself. …This is a vicious cycle!


In the end, the three of us remained speechless as we froze there. …This is weird. This is not how I hope…a rom-com style Valentine’s Day would go.

So, finally, …I hate myself so much. I plopped my head down to them as tears flooded my eyes.

“…I understand. …I’ll surrender myself to the police.”


The two girls immediately freaked out and got close to me.

After that, we spent 3 minutes communicating with each other and solved the misunderstanding. I sighed in relief and mumbled.

“Oh, I didn’t know Chiaki’s hugging herself because it’s cold.”


The Hoshinomori sisters nodded at the same time. I continued.

“But, if that’s the case, why didn’t Chiaki continue doing that? I think your hands are empty after shoving something into your bag behind me…”

“Huh! I-I’m okay! Well, …right, I just took a handy warmer out of my bag! So, I’m pretty warm right now. So warm! Look, look!”

“Uh, ah, hmm, yes.”

For some reason, Chiaki started sending me her body temperature innocently this time. I’m in a pretty awkward situation. Uh, uh, I can feel your chest when you’re so close. Also, your seaweed smell- no, your shampoo smells really nice…!


At this point, Konoha-san cleared her throat loudly and stopped her onee-chan.

Chiaki freaked out and let me go. Konoha-san smiled as she suggested.

“Senpai, let’s not stand around while talking. Let’s walk to the station.”

“Uh, ah, hmm, sure.”

“(nodded repeatedly)”

Chiaki nodded as she’s blushing. The three of us took a step forward. …Moreover, under Konoha-san’s subtle persuasion, I’m now walking between the Hoshinomori sisters. …In other words, it’s a trap of harem. …Usually, it’s depressing to walk on the streets alone. Even though this has always been the case since I was dating Tendou-san, this time, that “who the hell do you think you are” pressure is much stronger. Sigh, it would be at least better if I’m as tall as Uehara-kun…!

I’m being tortured with jealousy and embarrassment. Then, as if she’s trying to make me feel even worse, Konoha-san asked.

“By the way, senpai, what are you planning to do for tomorrow?”

“You’re asking a lonely gamer what he’s planning to do on Valentine’s Day?”

“Senpai, you don’t need to act humble. I bet there are a bunch of naked girls pouring chocolate onto themselves for you since you’re so popular. That’s nice. Can you invite me too?”

“Invite your ass. I wasn’t planning to do that as well. Sheesh, you’re playing too many hentai-“



Konoha-san smiled and warned me. …R-Right, she didn’t tell Chiaki her interests in hentai games yet.

Chiaki’s the only one tilting her head in confusion. I cleared my throat.

“Anyway, regrettably, there’s no plan.”


Konoha-san’s voice looks really energetic after hearing my lonely expectation. Then, she suggested this as if it’s nothing.

“Well, why don’t you come to play at our house, senpai?”


After hearing that, it’s not just me. Even Chiaki freaked out too.

Then, Konoha-san seduced me with a devilish smile.

“Onee-chan and I can pour chocolate all over ourselves for you to lick us.”

“Hey, Konoha!”

Chiaki immediately stopped her little sister. For a moment, I imagined that scene as well, and my face flared up. …At the same time, I think that Konoha-san feels a bit different today.

(It’s fine to turn on her “hentai game lover” mode when we’re alone, …but she’s doing that in front of Chiaki now. Isn’t she a bit too carefree now?)

In reality, Chiaki also seems to have noticed her little sister’s unusual behavior. She restrained Konoha-san to stop her from rampaging. At the same time, she spoke up worriedly.

“Konoha, what’s wrong with you? …Are you getting a fever?”

“Fever? Ah, fever. Well, in that meaning, I guess I’m burning now?”

Yet, Konoha-san replied to her onee-chan’s worry very casually.

Chiaki and I can only look at each other. For some reason, …she gave us an annoyed look.

“…Senpai, onee-chan, how should I say this…? You two are really kind.”


Even Chiaki and I know that she’s definitely not praising us with that.

Konoha-san continued with a slightly gloomy look.

“I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. Instead, that’s why I really love you two. It’s just that…”

“It’s just?”


Konoha-san didn’t answer my question.

Instead, she stood still and searched in her bag. After that…

“…Senpai, this is for you.”

She forcefully pressed a paper bag to my chest.


I didn’t understand, so I can only take it. Chiaki’s also blinking her eyes confusedly next to me.


Konoha-san looked at us and took a deep sigh.

Then, at the next moment, she glared at me directly- and said.

“I love senpai.”


Her expression doesn’t allow any room for misunderstandings, and her eyes are shining in determination. …I froze after looking at that.

…Even a guy like me deeply understands that Konoha-san isn’t joking around.

…Even a guy like me knows the weight of Konoha-san’s feelings.


Chiaki fell silent in shock.

However, Konoha-san continued calmly in contrast to our emotions.

“I think you understand this already. This is Valentine’s chocolate. Even though I bought it instead of making it myself, this is my only honmei chocolate.”

“Uh, ah, how should I say this? Thank…you.”

I have no idea how to answer her, but I still thanked the girl first as I lowered my head.

“Also,” Konoha-san asked me again

“Senpai, …this year, did you already receive any Valentine’s chocolate aside from me?”

“Eh? A-Ah, …uh, Aguri-san did give me the most obligatory of obligatory chocolate just then. I don’t even know if it counts as Valentine’s chocolate…”

“Tck, you already lost your chocolate virginity…!”


Your onee-chan can hear that as well, you know? Sigh, Chiaki already lost her soul after your confession just then.

Then, Konoha-san cleared her throat. “Whatever, but, if that’s the case…” She slightly blushed and looked at me with watery eyes.

“…This is your first honmei chocolate, right, senpai?”

“Eh? Ah, hmm, yes. It’s more like this is my first honmei chocolate…”

I scratched my cheeks and continued a bit embarrassingly.

“…It’s not just this year. It’s the first in my life…”


Chiaki suddenly pressed her chest painfully after hearing that.

Konoha-san glanced at her onee-chan before immediately looking at me again.

She showed me a sincere smile.

“I’m really happy. It’s worth it for me to muster up my courage this way.”

Konoha-san’s face looks prettier and more tragic than I’ve ever seen.


However, that’s why I- plopped my head down painfully. Then, …no, even so, I have to answer what she said.

“…Thanks. But, well, …I…”

“I know. I’m not attractive enough for you, right.”

“T-That’s not the case-“

I hastily raised my head after hearing her over-denial. -Konoha-san’s face is already right in front of me. Our noses are practically touching each other.

She stared at me with her clean, big eyes and continued.

“However, right now -at the moment that I mustered up all my courage, senpai, you’re impressed by me, right?”


Just as I’m struggling to come up with an answer, Konoha-san smiled naughtily and moved away. Then, she put her hands behind her and showed me her tongue.

“This is already enough. One day, I’ll turn this feeling of yours into something that lasts more than one second.”

“Konoha-san, well, but I really…”

“Hahaha, I know. You don’t need to draw your line this clearly. I get it. But, this loyalty or coldness of senpai really feels like you.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“That’s sudden. I should be the one saying sorry, whether it’s to senpai, …or onee-chan.”


Chiaki clenched her fist tightly in front of her chest as she called her little sister’s name depressedly.

Konoha-san turned around and started walking to the station.

“However, I’m not tolerant enough to look at my rival’s face while in a relationship.”


Chiaki and I froze after hearing that.

Konoha-san turned her head around slightly and waved with a bitter smile.

“We shouldn’t walk to the station together, right. Well, see you, senpai. …Onee-chan, I’ll see you later.”


Chiaki and I can only wave back at Konoha-san silently.

So, …she took a turn and disappeared.

For some reason, …Chiaki held her bag tightly in front of her chest and stuttered to me.

“Keita. …Well, …I, …let’s, …tomorrow…”


“…N-Nevermind. W-Well, come to think of it, Konoha said you’re coming to our house tomorrow…”

“No, …well, …that’s too…”

Although Chiaki’s trying her best to talk to me, ..right now, my brain’s in a mess. I already spent all of my energy trying to answer her with a bitter smile.

“R-Right.” Chiaki answered me depressingly. She bit her lips and lowered her head.

“Well, I need to think about something myself as well. I’ll be leaving!”

“Uh, ah, uh, sure. I’m…just the same. Well, …see you tomorrow.”

“Yes, how should I say this? Well, …well, …see you tomorrow.”

“Yes, …see you tomorrow.”

So, Chiaki and I bid farewell to each other stiffly.

We took a step forward to our respective stations. After I walked alone for a while, …I sighed and stared at the sky before mumbling.

“…Look at my rival’s face while in a relationship, …ah…”

The weather on Valentine’s eve is a cloudy sky that’s about to snow.

Tasuku Uehara

The weather on Valentine’s Day is so sunny that I hate it.

I glanced at the snow in the fields reflecting the sunlight. A wave of tiredness hits me as I try to suppress my yawn when I’m on the way to school. …Actually, I didn’t really sleep well yesterday. After all…

(Aguri’s chocolate, …ah.)

…At this point, I won’t suspect where my girlfriend’s going. Unlike those twisted souls like Amano, Aguri already declared this to me a while ago.

“Tasuku, you better look forward to Valentine’s Day! I’m really worked up!”

Of course, I can only feel happiness from that.

So, what is the troublesome thing that hindered my sleep yesterday? That would be-

“Good morning, Uehara-kun.”

Suddenly, someone talked to me from behind. I turned around, and it’s the usual humpbacked little boy- However, for some reason, my friend looks a bit taller today.

“Oh, good morning, Amano. It’s rare for you to walk to school instead of taking the bus.”

I asked. He came next to me and answered with a bitter smile.

“Yeah, sometimes. I have some stuff…to think about.”

“You too?”

“That means Uehara-kun’s troubled by something too?”

“Yes, I guess so. …I’m getting restless since my dear ex-girlfriend is giving me chocolate today.”

“Hmm, I could be innocent even if I punched you right now, as long as the jurors are guys.”

“Isn’t that the same for you? You’re walking to school today because of chocolate, right?”

“…Ugh, …I guess so.”

Amano looked away a bit awkwardly. He sighed heavily and confessed.

“How should I say this? Right now, a girl ‘could be’ giving me non-obligatory chocolate. Actually, it hurts my stomach way more than not getting any at all last year…”

“What you’re thinking isn’t much better either. Aren’t you in your popular phase?”

“I won’t be afraid of not getting chocolate if I’m really in my popular phase, …sigh.”

Amano pressed his stomach. It looks like he’s really troubled by this. Indeed, I also know that he’s afraid of the girl that’s giving him chocolate. Especially Tendou, she’ll hesitate and hesitate and end up with a twisted ending. “After heavy consideration, I still decided that it’s better to not give you any chocolate.” That’s too usual.

I laughed loudly and patted Amano’s back over his coat.

“Sigh, there’s nothing for you to worry about, even if that’s the case. You can beat yourself over it when you’re actually not getting any.”

“Uh? Ah, …yes, …I guess you’re right.”

It’s hard for Amano to say his troubles out loud, after all. I can’t help but look away and scratch my head.

After he stared up at me for a while, he said this with a gentle smile.

“…I love Uehara-kun.”

“W-Why did you say that? It’s disgusting.”

I didn’t expect my first rom-com Valentine’s event to be with a guy.

I stopped, and Amano chuckled as he walked forward.

“Nothing, I just want to say it. It’s Valentine’s Day, after all.”

“Hey, are you serious? Ah, well, then give me chocolate.”

“Sorry, I didn’t prepare that at all.”

“What the hell? This main heroine can’t be helped. Sheesh.”

“Hahaha, you’re right.”

Amano smiled and continued walking. The snow is rustling under his feet. I glanced at his back. …Then, I thanked the boy silently for avoiding him from hearing.

“…Thank you, Amano.”

-However, at the next moment, Amano immediately turned around and broke the mood without hesitation.

“Ah, no problem.”

“How did you hear it!?”

“No, no, keep it in your heart if you don’t want people to hear it! Come to think of it, why are you guys always mad at me when I hear your mumblings!? Isn’t the person speaking at fault here!?”

“Shut up! Quick, stop squabbling. Let’s go to school! Although I don’t really want them, a lot of obligatory chocolate is waiting for me!”

“Hiya, you just offended both boys and girls at the same time! That’s why I hate normies…”

“Big talk from a brat that’s probably going to get two beautiful girls’ honmei chocolate!”

“Tck, I already got a honmei chocolate yesterday! …Even though it’s a very wretched and disgusting one.”

“A very wretched and disgusting honmei chocolate!? WHAT IS THAT!? Spill the beans-“

So, we chatted with each other happily and threw all the troubles behind-

-This marks the ordinary start of this important day.


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