
Volume 9, 4 – Karen Tendou and High Score Challenge

Volume 9, Chapter 4 – Karen Tendou and High Score Challenge

Translator: your_pingas

There’s a smelly cardboard box inside the dust-filled storage closet of the Game Club.

I can’t help but clap my hands in celebration when I decided to open it.

“Ara, I miss this!”

As for the people in the same room, the three club members was influenced by this happiness-



“Ah, w-what’s wrong, Tendou-san?”

Two of the three ignored me. One of them even cursed me for breaking his attention. What a terminal reaction. It’s late January, and the cold breezes slipped passed from the window are sending chills down our spines.

I can’t help but sigh. Then, the only normal member in this club, …Eiichi Mizumi-kun, stopped playing his game. After that, he came next to me, who bent down at the corner of the room.

“Did you find anything good?”

With that said, he squatted down and glanced at the box I opened.

I answered, “Yeah.” Then, I gently took out one of the consoles inside of it.

“I played this in elementary school, and it’s a short-lived one. …Don’t you remember?”

“I see. …Sorry, I lost my memories, after all.”

“R-Right. I’m sorry.”

Mizumi-kun’s still who he is. Even though he’s normal, his experiences are ridiculous.

I cleared my throat and stared at the console intoxicatedly.

“Look. It’s a cassette, a cassette! …Sigh, when it was the age of CDs, …I’m shivering for its bravery to fight with a cassette.”

“Uh, I don’t understand how romantic that is though…”

Mizumi-kun changed the topic slightly after he smiled bitterly.

“But why is there such an old thing here in the club room? Tendou-san, didn’t you register the club in this year’s spring?”

“Ah, well, right, I never explained this to you before?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

Mizumi-kun tilted his head confusedly. I put the console back temporarily and turned to him.

“I think I talked about this a bit before. Before I recreated the club, there was a Game Club in Otobuki too. They are famous for their skills.”

“Ah, come to think of it, I did hear that. However, I think the club was abandoned before you entered the school…”

“Yes, you’re right. So, I can only dash around in the first year. …Most of my effort was spent on convincing Kase-senpai and Nina-senpai to join. Then, I barely managed to recover the club in the second year’s spring. Also, these two senpais were really just ‘lone wolf gamers’ before I brought them in. They weren’t connected to the last Game Club at all.”

“I see. …Well, we’re totally separated from the last club.”

Mizumi-kun mumbled in a lonely manner. However, I smiled and told him this.

“Well, about that, we shouldn’t skip to the conclusion. Indeed, just like what you said, we have no direct interaction with the last members. However, …in terms of materials, we did inherit something more or less.”

At this point, Mizumi-kun seems to have figured out something and mumbled.

“Ah, do you mean this club room?”

“Exactly. Even though this place isn’t a ‘Game Club’ when I’m in the school anymore, luckily, no other clubs wanted to use this room. In the end, all the way until I revived the Game Club, this room barely changed at all.”

“I see. So, that box full of old games is…”

“Yes, it’s from the last generation. Sigh, since gaming equipment is expensive, all of the soft and hardware were left for the former members. So, there aren’t too many things left. …However, it looks like there are still some unwanted goods, and here they are.”

I said that as I searched the box. Aside from the old console I picked out, the rest are basically complicated wires and plugs with no purpose. …It’s hard to say I gained something.

Mizumi looked at me from behind. At the same time, he understood something and mumbled.

“Ah, you already knew the stuff inside isn’t really useful. So, that’s why you didn’t unbox them until just then, right.”

I nodded and said yes as I’m searching the wires.

“After all, there are a lot of things I need to do in the beginning, like recruiting members. It’s just that, …uh, from what this room looks like now, we’re not in a position to say that…”


Mizumi-kun glanced at the club and smiled bitterly. The reason for that is because…this Game Club clubroom is already filled with things. It’s on a whole different level than when Amano-kun paid us a visit.

Naturally, there are software and consoles. Aside from that, the room’s filled with a bunch of game controllers and trophies from the competitions.

The expert members often win in e-sports events on their own. Then, they spend their rewards on improving this room. Therefore, this club is having more and more stuff as time goes on.

At this point, …I, as the president, have to deal with the mysterious boxes left by the last club members. I have to save as much space for the club as possible.

By the way, the nostalgic console is an unexpected reward to me.

I continued searching in the box and seeing if there are any cables or games for this console. So, around 10 minutes later…

“…Everything’s here.”

I didn’t expect the whole set required for playing on this console to be included in this one box. Mizumi-kun gave me a round of applause.

“Wow, I feel like this is similar to < Lucky Strike>.” [Note: It’s a show for identifying antiques in Japan.]

“Yeah, …even though there’s only one, it has a cassette inside too.”

“I see. I think it’s a shooting game from the package…”

Mizumi-kun’s interested as he looked at the box of the game. I started explaining excitedly.

“Yep, you’re right. Strictly speaking, this is a ‘shoot ‘em up’ action game. The protagonist will dash between huge waves of enemies automatically. The player has to move left and right, aim, fire, and attack in close range to pass the level. There’s no experience at all. Also, even though I thought it’s for gamers, the easy mode provided more-“

Just as I’m talking, suddenly, I can hear a greeting from behind. “Excuse me.” After that, I heard the door of the clubroom being opened.

I turned back, and the person is…

“Ara, Amano-kun, what’s wrong?”

“Ah, Tendou-san, thanks for the work. Uh, I’m sorry. I thought the club was almost over, so I wanted to get you. …It looks like I’m still early.”

Amano-kun backed down a bit after seeing the flurry of activity in the clubroom. My heart can’t help but beat faster after seeing his “effort.”

Actually, recently, …after the winter holiday, Amano-kun started inviting me to go home after school enthusiastically. Usually, he’s not used to showing up in the Game Club…

Amano-kun scratched his cheeks and took a step back.

“Uh, then I’ll wait in the classroom. Please tell me once you’re done-“

“Wait, Keita Amano.”

He prepared to leave, yet, unexpectedly, Kase-senpai told him to stay. Senpai put down his mouse and turned to Amano-kun. He suggested this calmly.

“You’re waiting for Tendou, anyway. Just stay here. It’s more efficient.”

“Eh? But, won’t I bother you guys…?”

“Ha, you think a little brat like you can never interrupt me playing games? Don’t underestimate me.”

“I-I’m sorry. Well, thanks, senpai…”


Kase-senpai said that as he pushed his glasses a little and went back to gaming.

…I was shocked at how he treated Amano-kun. Mizumi-kun whispered to me.

“Actually, Kase-senpai already treated him as a friend. After all, we owed him one for making him help us a while ago…”

“You owed him one? I’m not sure about that. …But, Kase-senpai did already accept Amano-kun. ...Well, even though he was mad at me just then.”

“Ahaha, I-I think that’s also the proof of him opening his heart…”

After Mizumi-kun smiled bitterly like this, Amano-kun came in front of us. He greeted Mizumi-kun and then immediately showed interest in the box. After that…

“Ah, isn’t this the brilliant console that still used cassettes during the CD era!? Hiya, it’s so admirable to have such a determination like that!”

“Yes! You’re right, Amano-kun!”

I can’t help but look at him with sparkling eyes. Then, both of us held each other’s hands tightly.

So, Mizumi-kun mumbled dumbfoundedly next to us.

“…Can I ask, if I remembered correctly, you two broke up, …right?”

However, we already can’t hear what he said.

I explained the last club issue to Amano-kun just like what I did to Mizumi-kun. Of course, he seems to also feel the romanticism behind it. His eyes are sparkling even more brightly. …I’m relieved to know that.

Then, Amano-kun found out about the package of the game, and his voice got even higher.

“Ah, this one!”

“Yes, Amano-kun! This is that hidden masterpiece, < Gods and Evil>!”

“T-This is way too moving! That’s awesome! I can’t believe this is the only game left!”

“You get it!? Can you feel it, Amano-kun!? It’s this awesome! Ay, really!”

At this point, both of us looked at the game’s box intoxicatedly like it’s our child.

…During this time, Mizumi-kun put his hand on the forehead and mumbled something again.

“Right now, I feel like my definition of words like friends and couples are shaking violently…”

It looks like he’s talking about personal troubles. What he’s mumbling shouldn’t have to do with us.

So, Amano-kun noticed something and spoke up.

“Ah, speaking of < Gods and Evil>, if I remembered correctly, …the score records of the game are stored in the cassette, right?”


Mizumi-kun and I can’t help but look at each other after hearing what Amano-kun said. We questioned him.

“This means that…”


Amano-kun nodded with a smile, and then he brought up that “possibility” excitedly.

“If it can be turned on, I guess it has the last Game Club’s high score records.”


In summary, Amano-kun’s guess is entirely on-point.

“This score…”

The console is connected to the TV screen at the corner of the clubroom. …With me holding the controller as the center, all of us stared at the screen intensely.

After that, Mizumi-kun sighed and asked.

“…Sorry, I don’t know whether my score’s good enough since I never played it before. …What do you two think?”


Even for Amano-kun and I, we’re not too sure of the score standards of a game we played a few years ago. Although we don’t remember…

Amano-kun still answered Mizumi-kun.

“Let’s forget whether it’s fantastic or not. Anyway, the record is really inside. Look, games like this will usually let the player create a name with three letters. All of the record holders are named < MAI>. All of the high score players are named < COM > in a row, if I remembered correctly. Also, their scores would be in integers…”

“Ah, I understand. This means that it’s almost certain that this is the last club’s record. However, the problem is…”

“Yes, we’re not sure how good this score is. …The standard is kind of vague.”

After Amano-kun sighed, -I closed the score record screen. Then, I returned to the title screen and selected < New Game > as I suggested to them.

“Can I spend some time beating the game? I think it should take less than an hour if I skipped all of the plots…”

Both of them immediately nodded and answered. “Of course.” It looks like they are just as interested in the last club’s skill as I do.

After I thanked the two, I took a deep breath and started the game…under ultra concentration.

So, around 40 minutes passed after that.

“Phew, …it’s done.”

“Tendou-san, you’re amazing!”

I withdrew from my concentrated state and wiped the sweats on my forehead. Amano-kun cheered me up with a smile.

“Shooting games like this only allows you to challenge a high score after remembering the pattern. I didn’t expect you to pass it with no deaths on the first try!”

“Thanks. Sigh, I did already forget all of the levels. …However, I managed to get my feel back in the middle. I was surprised at how fast I picked up the pace too.”

After I smiled, Mizumi-kun nodded and answered.

“It looks like we can expect a lot for your score.”

“Yes. After all, I gave it everything I got. I guess so.”

Just as we’re chatting, the screen showed the final score during the playthrough.

The number is…

“Around 60 million points...?”

I think this score is pretty decent, …yet I’m not sure. I just glanced at the last club members’ score briefly, so I didn’t remember it.

Anyway, I inserted < TEN > into the name and switched the screen to the ranking.

This is the moment to identify the last generation’s skills. Did I surpass the previous club’s highest score? I’m a little bit confident in that.

The three of us waited for the results anxiously, so-


-We were shocked.


I put down the controller subconsciously, and it smacked the table loudly. Mizumi-kun and Amano-kun are just as speechless.

…There are two parts that we’re surprised about.

First of all, -this game’s high score record only includes the top 8 players. …My score wasn’t even on the top 8. In other words, it’s not worthy of discussion. I can’t even stand on the competition stage.

However, …this doesn’t really matter. Shooting games are all about getting a higher score. It would be unrealistic for one to think that they can surpass an expert on the first attempt.

So, …while not being included in the ranking did hurt me, that’s still okay. The real problem is…

“…300…million points…?”

The top 8 scored 5 times higher than my 60 million points, …300 million.


To that, all of us fell silent.

In reality, …even though it’s basically my first playthrough, I didn’t make any serious mistakes, and I beat the level quite cleanly too. However, …there’s still such an overwhelming and hopeless difference.

I feel like my pride was utterly destroyed.

I can’t help but plop my head down. Amano-kun and Mizumi-kun scrambled to smooth things over.

“Y-You don’t need to mind too much. Even though you lost, this is still your first time trying to break the record! It’s…hard for things to not end up like this.”

“A-Amano-kun’s right! Tendou-san, there’s no use competing with someone who knows how to play the game! You can definitely get a score like this after trying a couple times-“

“-I don’t think I can do it.”

However, I abruptly rejected what they said. …After all, I was the one that played until that moment. …I know our skill disparity the best.

I can’t help but bite my thumb nail forcefully and glare at the screen.

“…I remembered it. The highest score I got back then…is at max 100 million…”

“B-But, Tendou-san, that was when you were in elementary school, right?”

“…Yes, you’re right. Amano-kun, …you’re right…”

I answered, yet my cloudy eyes are still staring at the scoreboard. …I stared at my worthless and miserable score…

“Hey, Tendou, the club’s ending soon.”

During this time, I can hear Kase-senpai from behind. It seems that it’s time to go home.


…Amano-kun and Mizumi-kun are glancing at me tremblingly for some reason.

However, facing the end of the club today-

“Okay, I got it.”

-I smiled and answered honestly. Amano-kun and Mizumi-kun let out a sigh in relief somehow.

I smiled and turned off the console, and then I smiled and ejected the cassette. …After that, I smiled and pulled out all the cables. Then, I smiled and put all of those back into the tiny box. Finally, I smiled and-



-I held the box under my arm.

Amano-kun and Mizumi-kun started sweating profusely. I asked for permission from Kase-senpai.

“Uh, senpai, can I ask for something? …Can I keep this console and game for a while? I’ll bring it to the club room when there are activities.”

“Hmm? Sure, it should be fine. No one’s using it, anyway.”

“Thanks, senpai. Well, …let’s go, Amano-kun.”


Amano-kun answered densely for some reason. I can’t help but tilt my head slightly.

“Hmm? You’re walking me home today, right?”

“Eh? Ah, yes, right…”

For some reason, Amano-kun said that as he glanced at the box instead of me. Also, even Mizumi-kun is doing the same thing. …What’s wrong with them?

I chuckled at them. “Let‘s go.” After that, I urged everyone to leave the room and go home.

“You two, the room’s closing. Please leave first.”

“Ah, okay…”

“Hmm? What’s wrong with you guys? Why are you two staring at me so passionately…”

“Uh, no…”

They keep looking at my face and the box for some reason. …Then, the boys only managed to squeeze this question out.

“…Please remember to sleep, okay?”

“…Haha, I have no idea what you’re talking about, no idea at all.”

I turned away and answered, …yet they’re still glaring at me.


…Anyway, I, Karen Tendou-

-started to lose a bunch of sleep.


Using the weekend, I immediately got back on track with < Gods and Evil>.

Don’t get hit. Don’t miss any enemies. Don’t miss the bonus items.

Come to think of it, all of these are basics in shooting games. However, that’s why you need to get really familiar with it. A high score requires you to master all of that. Therefore, as long as you achieve those perfectly, you’re close to your final goal.

-That should be the case.

“1-130 million…”

“Yes, …you’re right.”

I dropped my shoulders and sighed depressingly with dark circles under my eyes. Amano-kun looked at me worriedly.

It’s after school Monday. Coincidentally, there’s no meeting of the Game Club or the Game Hobby Club today.

I almost said that I want to grab the chance to dash home even a second earlier. I didn’t even bother to wait for the bus. -However, I bumped into my ex-boyfriend, who seemingly expected and ambushed me next to the shoe shelves. His eyes told me, “I’ll walk you home,” determinedly. I have to back down. So, we’re walking together toward the residential area.


Amano-kun’s catching his breath next to me as he continued.

“Uh, …if I remembered correctly, the last member < MAI>’s record is over 300 million points, right?”


“But, Tendou-san, you already passed the level perfectly at this stage, right? Yet, you only got 130 million points?”


“Uh, how?”

“I don’t know.”

I can’t help but grin after saying that.

“Really, I have no idea at all. Honestly, all I can do right now is to hold my hands up and surrender.”

While I said that, my cheeks still relaxed for a bit. I can’t help but bite the nail on my thumb again.

…Oh no, I really want to investigate it right now. Since this game’s from the last generation, there are no walkthroughs on the internet anymore. Therefore, I can only rely on myself if I want a chance at surviving.”

This is overwhelmingly attractive to me right now…

“…Please don’t force yourself too much. I’m serious.”


I hastily turned to him. Amano-kun’s looking at me sincerely and worriedly.

I snapped out of it, slowed down, and then answered him.

“I-It’s okay, Amano-kun. I, Karen Tendou, have absolute confidence in self-control!”

“…That’s good to hear.”

“Yeah, no problem at all! So, let’s move quickly, Amano-kun!”

“Eh? …Uh, well, Tendou-san?”

“Eh? W-What’s wrong?”

I quickly tidied up my bangs and turned back to him. …So, Amano pointed to his right secretly and reminded me while shivering.

“But, we’re already at your house…”


I didn’t realize it until he said that. …This is indeed my home. I didn’t notice it because I kept thinking about stuff while walking hastily.

I laughed stiffly and answered him.

“O-Of course, I know it. Yes, I know everything. This is that renowned and beautiful gamer girl, Karen Tendou’s house. Yes, I always wanted to pay a visit here.”

“No matter what you say, you’re too nervous, Tendou-san.”

I got my cool back when Amano-kun complained. So, I cleared my throat. …Yep, I have to calm down.

I smiled again and bid farewell to Amano-kun.

“Well, I’ll see you-“

-However, I quickly realized this in the middle of my speech.

(T-This isn’t right, Karen Tendou! Amano-kun’s walking me home! Also, it’s still early! This way, no matter how much you want to play the game alone, you should…!)

I stopped abruptly and changed my farewell to an invitation.

“-D-Do you want to come to my house, Amano-kun?”


For a second, Amano-kun looked really excitedly. …However, for some reason, it immediately turned into a bitter smile.

“Ah, no, thanks. My whole family has to go out today.”

“R-Really? What…a shame.”

Even though I said that, I also want to focus on < Gods and Evil > today.

“Uh, well, Tendou-san, I’ll see you in school tomorrow!”

“Eh? Ah, sure, see you tomorrow…”

Just as I’m lost in my gloomy thoughts, Amano-kun waved with a smile before leaving chicly.

I watched until he disappeared…and mumbled.

“Amano-kun, …are you being considerate to me…?”

I think he realized it just then. I actually want to go home and play < Gods and Evil > right away. Also, he even said that he had things to do to avoid me feeling guilty.

That’s…really smart. He’s gentle and considerate. It doesn’t feel like Amano-kun at all. …At least, that’s entirely different from him prioritizing his mobile game first when I invited him to the Game Club. That was really impolite. Yeah, he has improved a lot…


“Karen? What’s wrong? You’re idling in front of the house.”

During this time, someone suddenly called me from behind. When I turned back, my mother was poking her head from the door and stared at me dumbfoundedly. I guess she heard me talking outside and came to see what’s happening.

I sighed and answered with a smile. “It’s nothing. I’m back, Mom.”

So, I took a step toward my house, where < Gods and Evil > is waiting for me.


In the end, I made virtually no progress for the following 3 days. Slight improvements were made in small mistakes or predicting the enemy sequence. However, the score only increased by less than 10% with all of that.

After I reached 140 million points, my orthodox strategy reached the bottleneck ultimately.

This way, -there’s nothing much I can do to double the score.

“You want the Hobby Club to come up with new strategies?”


I nodded repeatedly and answered my beloved Game Hobby Club members.

It’s the 4th Thursday of January, after school. I, Karen Tendou, finally decided to ask my friends for suggestions. Also, I’m asking people in the Game Hobby Club instead of the Game Club.

After Chiaki-san heard what I said, she raised her hand silently.

“Well, …uh, we don’t dislike helping Karen-san at all…”

“Thank you, Chiaki-san. You’re reliable.”

“It’s fine. B-But, uh, …can I ask why are you asking the Hobby Club? Also, you went out of your way to make sure all of us came here…”

Chiaki-san said that as she looked around. So, other members started to become restless too.

It’s hard to blame them. After all, this isn’t the 2F classroom we use to hold Hobby Club meetings. -It’s the Game Club.

I smiled and started explaining to calm them down.

“First of all, I chose here simply because this is the playable environment. It’s because I want to play while listening to everyone’s suggestions.”

After I explained, Uehara-kun answered this time.

“Well, I do get that. …However, is it really necessary to close the Game Club for today? Moreover, aren’t Kase-senpai, Nina-senpai, and Mizumi more reliable when it comes to beating games?”

“Well, that’s not actually true.”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“Everyone in the Game Club is indeed pros, …but all of them are specialized on one kind of game. Also, regrettably, no one in the club has experience with shooting action games like this.”

“How about Mizumi? Think about it, that guy is super talented, right? Well, even though I don’t really know him.”

“Yes, he does have amazing talents. It’s just that, …how should I put it? Honestly, I think he’s running wild recently. I should say his powers already exceed the ‘gaming’ realm by a lot, right?”


For some reason, Amano-kun and Uehara-kun nodded convincingly. …Did they deal with troubles caused by Mizumi-kun recently? Aguri-san and Chiaki-san still don’t understand.

I continued.

“Anyway, a guy like him is really not fit for suggestion or help. I feel like he’s full of special abilities that can’t help us.”

“He’s the protagonist, after all…”

The two boys agreed again. As for the girls, they didn’t say anything. All of them seem to have accepted my explanation.

However, Aguri-san raised her hand and asked me. “Yes, yes, yes!”

“But, are you sure we can do it? …From Tendou-san’s point, aren’t Tasuku, Amanocchi, and Hoshinocchi are all trash gamers, not to mention me?”


Aguri-san’s innocent speech made Amano-kun, Uehara-kun, and Chiaki-san suffered massive mental damage. I cleared my throat and helped the three out.

“I-It’s not like that. I’m not trying to see an expert’s demonstration. At this point, my strategy has already reached its limit. What I need is a way that I never thought of before.”

“Oh, I see. So, instead of finding those Game Club pros, we need a player that’s far from Tendou-san’s amazing skills. In other words, you want Amanocchi’s suggestion, right!”


In the end, they took even more damage. …For some reason, Aguri-san’s innocence made all of that hurt so much.

Anyway, they get what I mean. After I took a seat near the club room entrance, I started playing on the giant screen in the room. The four of them are next to me. This way, I can play the game while exchanging opinions from everyone.

I started the game skillfully. When the plot is skipped, Amano-kun looked at the screen and mumbled embarrassingly.

“However, if Tendou-san can’t think of how to think of a creative strategy, ordinary people like us won’t be able to do that too…”

Aguri-san casually suggested this and retorted to him quickly.

“Why don’t you just kiss with Amanocchi as you beat the game?”


Everyone dropped their jaws. The whole board agreed that it’s a creative strategy. It’s not just that you can’t find any examples in the shooting games history. The strategy can’t even be found in all of the video games.

Aguri-san laughed and continued explaining to us, who fell speechless.

“Love can solve everything in the world, right?”

Amano-kun sweated profusely and stopped her right away.

“No, it’s not. Love can only solve everything in a fictional world.”

“Aren’t games fictional?”

“The players are real!”

“Amanocchi, but your face looks fictional.”

“What did you just say!? Eh! You want to fight!? Got a problem!?”

“That’s not important. Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

“Stop it. Don’t yell it like a slogan! Are you a toddler!? No one will do it! The kiss between Tendou-san and me isn’t cheap enough to show in a ridiculous environment like this!”

“Well, it’s okay for Hoshinocchi to kiss Amanocchi as well.”


Amano-kun and Chiaki-san yelled at the top of their lungs. Also…

“Ah, you died.”

Uehara-kun looked at the screen and mumbled. …This is the first time I lost a life after I remembered the basics of this game. Of course, …after all, I dropped the controller entirely just then.

Amano-kun slammed the table and retorted Aguri-san.

“What does Chiaki kissing me has to do with a shooting game’s strategy!?”

“I already said it’s the power of love.”

“Can love really give the person in question power when she’s not even participating!?”

“I don’t know. We have to try everything we can. It’s worth a try.”

“It’s not! Please don’t use such excuses to prank Chiaki and me!”

Amano-kun’s so pissed off that he’s about to bite Aguri-san. As for Aguri-san, she curled up her lips and turned away. “Tck…” …They are still as close as siblings.

I coughed. After that, …since getting hit reduced the score multiplier, I have to try again. …I’ll have to be careful this time.

So, I finally got to the level where I died.

…This time, Chiaki-san was the one that made up her mind. …She suddenly stood up and yelled.

“W-Well, …it’s not like I can’t assist you guys beating the game that way!”


Amano-kun looked at Chiaki-san shockingly. Aguri-san even cheered up at the same time. “Nice, Hoshinocchi!” Also…

“Ah, you died.”

Uehara-kun looked at the screen and mumbled again. …This is the first time I lost a life after I remembered the basics of this game. Of course, …after all, I threw out the controller just then. Full power. I threw it into the clubroom’s…seating pad.

Just as I’m picking up the controller faintly, Amano-kun blushed and yelled.

“Why are you accepting such a ridiculous request, Chiaki!?”

“…It’s because I don’t dislike it, …yes!”

“You do! You have to dislike it! Isn’t this too weird!? This devilish gal just arranged the worst kissing scene in history, and yet you’re playing along. It’s so pointless!”

“…Keita, …I think, …I think a girl has times where she must fight! This is what I think!”

“Now’s not the time for that! Your impressive determination should never be used now, Chiaki!”

“Let’s go, …Keita! Please! G-Give me a painless one!”

“Kissing definitely doesn’t involve a painless one! I don’t want to!”

“Amanocchi’s a coward, weakling, virgin, midget!”

“Very well, that gal will die first.”

Finally, this turned into Amano-kun and Aguri-san bickering with each other again. So, Chiaki-san seems to have regained her consciousness too. She mumbled embarrassingly and sat down while blushing heavily.


I regained my cool as well and restarted the game again. This time, Aguri-san also stopped bringing up those ridiculous strategies. …Huh, even though this girl always messes with Amano-kun, she knows when to quit. I should say she really understands Amano-kun’s bottom line…

“Oh, that was close.”

Uehara-kun mumbled again. While I dodged everything this time, I clutched the enemy bullets really close. I continued either way since it doesn’t affect my score.

Then, when I finally defeated the first boss, …Chiaki-san mumbled.

“Hmm, …Karen-san’s indeed really good at this. This still doesn’t work?”

“Regrettably, I can’t break the record this way. So, that’s why I hoped for a different strategy…”

“Ah, how about I just kiss with Keita-“’

“That’s not possible.”

After I said that, I swept the entire wave of minions with an overpowered attack. Sweat appeared on Chiaki-san’s forehead. She cleared her throat and changed the topic.

“But, the real question is how we should improve the score. I think it has to reach that ridiculous ‘I didn’t know this work!’ level. Well, even though that doesn’t mean the power of love.”

“Hmm, yes, Chiaki-san. Did you think of something while watching? It would be great if you can give me some suggestions, even if it’s not directly related to improving the score.”

“Hmm, …w-well…”

Chiaki-san crossed her arms and closed her eyes as she fell into deep thought. …Later, when she opened her eyes suddenly, she brought this up.

“I worry about the cost-performance ratio of bullet hell attacks.”

“That’s really irrelevant!”

Everyone yelled at the same time when her mumble is even less relevant than we thought.

However, Chiaki-san switched to her serious “creator” face for some reason and continued explaining.

“No, no, no, but don’t you guys have questions about this? A massive amount of bullets were sprayed in the entirely opposite direction to the player. Is there a reason? Also, the bullet hell’s colors are so sharp and bright!”

“I-I think it’s not wise to complain about the game this way. Moreover, < Gods and Evil > isn’t really a bullet hell game…”

“I’m not talking about < Gods and Evil>, Karen-san! I’m talking about all bullet hell games!”

“Uh, can you please talk about < Gods and Evil>!? I was asking for suggestions of achieving a new score here!”

“Right! Well, I’ll first hide my eternal issue of bullet hell systems inside my heart secretly!”

“It would be great if you can do that.”



“…Uh, basically, if they are powerful enough to spray such bullet hell, why don’t the enemy just cut off all of my escape? That’s-“


“Alright, I will be quiet!”

Chiaki-san straightened her back and saluted me. …S-Sheesh, that’s what weird people look like…

So, just as I’m sighing dumbfoundedly, I realized that Amano-kun’s getting restless. He mumbled to himself quietly.

“…Yes, yes, yes, come to think of it, it’s weird to set the hitbox of the player in the center…”

However, he only kept that to himself…without sharing the topic with Chiaki-san.


I bet he realized what will happen next. If he started chatting with Chiaki-san passionately after that, my mood is guaranteed to turn sour. It’s not hard to imagine what’s next. I will immediately remind him, “Amano-kun?” After that, both of them will squeak and shrug their shoulders.

That’s why he explicitly kept the topic to himself. …This is a reasonable choice. Also, he didn’t want to distract me from playing the game.

…Even though that should be the case…

When I’m tangled up in an indescribable knot of complicated emotions, Uehara-kun, who had remained silent, spoke up.

“Honestly, you’re so good at it, yet the record score is nearly twice as much. …From my view, I can only guess that you missed something important. You’re Tendou, after all.”

“Although I don’t understand what does that last ‘after all’ mean, …what did I miss?”

“Think about it, there should be some hidden or bonus levels where you can only enter under special conditions. I don’t think you’re that fated to encounter those bonus rewards.”

“You’ve been really noisy since then! Moreover, if I’m really not fated with bonuses, then what should I do!?”

“Of course, the best way is to find two matching people playing the game together, right?”

Uehara-kun looked at Amano-kun and Chiaki-san after saying that. …Indeed, few boys and girls are blessed by “fate” or “coincidence” more than them.

Also, both of them love gaming, and they are getting restless after seeing me playing. After Uehara-kun suggested it, both of them are quite interested in accepting-

‘Alright, please-“

-Amano-kun smiled bitterly in the middle of his sentence suddenly and quitted.

“-I wanted to accept it, but Chiaki should be the one to try.”

“Hmm? Keita?”

Chiaki-san tilted her head confusingly. Amano-kun explained.

“Even though two people can play this game, in the end, it’s just spreading the control of one main character to two players. I feel like this can ruin what makes the game interesting. Of course, you can have a different kind of ‘fun’ playing that way too.”

“I-I see. Indeed, perhaps you’re right.”

“So, anyway, let’s have Chiaki try playing it first? Although it’s different than Uehara-kun’s suggestion, I think Chiaki will do a lot of things that Tendou-san wouldn’t.”

R-Really? Uh, well, …if Keita and Tendou-san are okay with this, I’d be more than happy to play…”

Chiaki-san glanced at me. I nodded with a smile. Then. I restarted the game and handed her the controller.

So, Chiaki-san immediately…and “uncharacteristically” cheered herself up with a breath.

“Alright, I’ll give it my best!”


My heart’s getting tortured by a wave of complicated emotions again after seeing her face. …She just wants to play with Amano-kun, right? The game doesn’t really matter. Only I can…acknowledge this painfully, about how she feels.

On the other hand, Amano-kun’s attitude and suggestion weren’t wrong either. I can also understand that. In reality, he’s way too sincere to us recently. The evidence Is that- during these few weeks, my heart didn’t ripple at all. Surprisingly, the weird misunderstandings never happened again. Also, I’m sure that the reason…wasn’t because fate has stopped messing with us.

It’s because the annoying seed of misunderstanding…has already been carefully removed one by one. The one that used to lay the roots has improved.

…In other words-

It’s all because of Amano-kun’s effort and consideration. This sentence can summarize everything.

“Wow, wow, wow.”

-Once I snapped out of it, Chiaki-san immediately lost a life in the first level.

She complained while looking at the screen tearfully.

“U…Ughh, I can’t even beat the level! I was a bit confident at first!”

“Ahaha, that baffling confidence is quite common! You can’t help but think you can also do it after watching experienced people nailing it!”

“Yeah, Keita! Ugh, I should’ve let you play first…”

“W-What are you trying to say, seaweed-san?”

“It’s exactly what you’re thinking right now, bean sprout-san.”

…They are enjoying themselves and started bickering intimately. For some reason, …I was relieved after seeing that. Come to think of it, it’s weird to feel relieved when your loved one is hanging out with your rival.

(Why is that…? …Is it because Amano-kun is still Amano-kun…?)

Even I have no idea what I’m saying at all. I turned around, and Uehara-kun and Aguri-san are showing a similar expression to mine. …I feel like this atmosphere is unbelievable.

However, I reaffirmed something in this mind-boggling web of emotions.

That is-

“Ah! I didn’t even reach the capital on the first level! No, I don’t accept this!”

“Okay, Chiaki, you’re out. I’ll go next! My turn! Alright, let me show you-“

“Eh? Amano’s playing too? Well, I’ll go to the toilet first.”

“Yeah! I’m going with you! There’s no point watching a replay, anyway!”

“Wait right there, you two!”

-The five of us are the happiest when playing video games together. Nothing tops that.


It’s midnight on that day.

“I-I’m finally at 280 million points…!”

I’m wearing my pajamas in the gloomy room. My eyes are staring at the bright screen sparklingly.

“I didn’t expect Aguri-san to find the breakthrough…!”

Even though I held the meeting to hope for an unexpected idea, I didn’t expect a non-gamer like her got me the solution.

I restarted from the first level again. Then, I remembered what happened as I’m fighting for a better score.

Yes, that was when the meeting’s almost over.

Aguri-san was looking at other people playing dazedly, except when it’s Uehara-kun’s turn. Suddenly, she seemed to have realized something and said, “Borrow me this.” Then, she robbed the controller away from Amano-kun, who was playing at that time.

Of course, Amano-kun complained a lot. At that point, Aguri-san started playing the game unfamiliarly like a total newbie. She didn’t press the attack button at all and missed enemy after enemy. The bullets even hit her, and the score multiplier dropped a lot. Also, at last-


-The flight directly collided with the middle boss battleship and crashed in an explosion. After that, “Here you go.” Aguri-san said this, satisfied. She returned the controller to Amano-kun.

As for Amano-kun, …of course, he’s about to blow up from anger.

“No, no, no! What the hell were you trying to do!?”

“Eh, colliding with the enemy.”

“Why!? Are you trying to mess with me? What’s the point of-“

“Eh, it’s because all of you are trying to increase that number, right.”


Aguri-san said that as she pointed. -We confirmed her score, and we saw…


Even though she was hit a couple of times and lost a life, her score is still slightly better than our “normal” method.

We fell silent while Aguri-san yawned and explained.

“Ah, that mainly happened when Amanocchi and Hoshinocchi were playing. When the two of them dropped dead, that number will SOMETIMES go up a bit. At first, I thought it was just an unbelievable bonus from god since they suck. …However, I realized it afterward.”

“R-Realized what?”

We gulped anxiously. Aguri-san answered calmly.

“When the protagonist collides with the enemy directly, the enemy dies due to the protagonist’s explosion. Then, at that time, I think the number jumps up a lot.”


“Also, it increases more when you’re hitting big enemies. But, I think that’s called the boss, right? Since you can’t defeat that by collision, that’s why I thought hitting the middle boss is the best, right? That’s all.”

Amano-kun paused the screen as he fell speechless and stared at the score. …Since he died from the bullets, the score multiplier did drop a lot. While that’s true…

(…I think the score’s even higher when you play it that way!)

I calculated that and took over from Amano-kun. After that, I purposely collided with the middle boss during the critical levels and replayed the level. The end result…is actually 200 million points.


Aside from Aguri-san, everyone in the Game Hobby Club exploded.

At that moment, I finally managed to break my limit.

I snapped out of my memories and mumbled in the dark room alone.

“Also, after I investigated the ‘collision method’ even more, …I got 280 million points this time!”

300 million points are finally within range.

All that remains is…

“At this point, I can’t believe I have to practice grinding this…!”

The flow is already complete. I know where I need to use the collision method.

The only thing left is to charge into the boss at the right time, …but here’s the problem.

“I didn’t expect the game to have countermeasures against this too…”

While you can get points by directly colliding with the boss, …aside from the level Aguri-san’s in, other levels’ bosses will always hit you with a bunch of minions and bullets. I didn’t realize that until now.

In other words, it’s actually not that easy to charge into the middle boss.

I was left speechless by that as well.

“T-This game is designed so brilliantly…”

You won’t realize that at all if you play it usually. After all, the most crucial part of the game is defeating the middle boss ASAP. Letting it stay on the screen isn’t great for your score multiplier and lives.

However, it’s just that, …after I knew the collision method, the game changed completely. It’s not just a change. They thought about the balance as well. From this point, …it’s absolutely not a bug.

Clearly, this is purposely designed by the developer – a shocking fact that won’t be revealed until 10 years after release.

Yes, this is it. When you play video games or encounter entertainment like video games, …a surprise like this awaits you!

“…I must break the record and show everyone…!”

At this point, I only wasn’t able to use the collision method on the last level. The middle boss in this level is crashing at an incredibly tricky position. It’s designed for the protagonist to get hit by bullets or other enemies.

Even so, since this is the last level, it takes a long time to reach here if you restarted. It’s designed so that people can’t practice easily.

If this isn’t evil, I don’t know what is. The barrier is hopelessly tall.

However, that’s why, …that’s why…!”


My blood turned boiling hot from excitement as I spent all night gaming in a long while.

Keita Amano

It’s Friday morning. When I’m walking towards the 2F classroom and holding my yawn, …I bumped into a mysterious blonde creature heading forward wobbly.

…Without using an if, I bet that’s my beloved ex-girlfriend.

Every other classmate was scared by her unusual aura and kept their distance. As for me, …of course, I chased after her and spoke up.

“A-Are you okay, Tendou-san!?”


Tendou-san didn’t even open her eyes when she looked back. …She was totally not sleeping.

She looked at my face and smiled.

“Ah, oh, …nice to meet you, …sir, you remind me of Amano-kun.”

“No, I’m Amano. A-Are you alright?”

“I’m okay. …Ah, …nice to meet you, …sir. You remind me of Amano-kun.”

“Your memory can’t even last for 2 seconds!?”

This is anything but okay. When I take a good look, parts of her hair are curled up. The uniform and the tie aren’t really tidy either. It’s hard to imagine such a languish Tendou-san from her usual appearance. …Sigh, even so, she’s still adorable to the extreme! Ah, she’s so cute. I can’t take it anymore! I literally want to bring her home like a doll!

However, I managed to suppress this desire and coughed. Then, I put my hand on Tendou-san’s shoulder.

“Uh, anyway, you shouldn’t force yourself. Should I take you to the health room?”

“Eh? Going to the health room with Amano-kun, alone…!?”


Tendou-san’s eyes slowly bulged. Also, her cheeks started to regain their usual redness again. …After that, she stood straight and cleared her throat.

“Thanks for your love. …Sadly, my consciousness has already recovered.”

“I-I guess so.”

While I’m not sure why, her heart seems to be experiencing some intense emotions that caused her to wake up. …Well, even though Tendou-san looks pretty regretted now.

We first stood next to the hallway to avoid blocking other classmates. Then, we started the conversation again.

“By the way, Tendou-san, you’re clearly lacking sleep. Don’t tell me…”

“Don’t tell you what? Amano-kun, don’t tell me you’re still trying to show your dull logic to Karen Tendou? Ah, that would be way too funny. I’m the one talking to you right now, the renowned Karen Tendou. I’m the incarnation of self-control, Karen Tendou. There’s no reason for Karen Tendou to be this exhausted aside from-“

“You stayed up all night playing video games, right?”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

Tendou-san bowed down and sincerely apologized to her ex-boyfriend. …The other classmates are staring daggers at me from the hallway. But, even I’m getting used to it.

I sighed and smiled bitterly at Tendou-san.

“There’s no need to say sorry. After all, I sometimes do that too. It’s just that…I can’t help but worry when I see a girl I love is in this situation.”

“Amano-kun, …t-thank you.”

“Y-You’re welcome…”

Tendou-san’s blushing slightly, while I’m feeling a bit embarrassed.

There’s this embarrassing rom-com mood radiating between us.


Sigh, even though we’re actually talking about staying up all night playing video games and not having enough sleep. That’s a terrible topic.

I changed the topic and asked Tendou-san again.

“So, Tendou-san, uh, well, …your result?”

“Hoho, that’s a good question, Amano-kun.”

So, Tendou-san put her hands on her waist and puffed up her chest. I mumbled, “Eh, don’t tell me…” Then, she…put up an adorable V sign and announced it to me with a bright smile.

“I finally broke the record this morning! I even got first place!”

“Ohhhh! You did it, Tendou-san! That’s amazing! Congratulations!”

“Yeah, thank you, Amano-kun!”

“Even though I’m pretty aware that you said ‘this morning’ instead of yesterday!”

“Yeah, don’t mention it, Amano-kun!”

The two of us just cheered each other next to the hallway excitedly. I didn’t expect Aguri-san to bring light to the high score challenge yesterday after school. …It only took her a day to surpass the last club members! That’s our Tendou-san!”

I smiled and cheered Tendou-san excitedly.

“This way, you’re finally free from your painful struggle, Tendou-san!”


However, Tendou-san tilted her head confusingly at what I said.

I don’t know what she’s thinking about, so I continued.

“Eh, Tendou-san, aren’t you exhausted during this week?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“So, …that’s why I said you’re finally free from your painful struggle…”

“…Then you’re wrong, Amano-kun.”

Suddenly, Tendou-san abruptly rejected what I said. I was surprised as I answered.

“Eh, don’t tell me you’re trying to reach an even higher record…?”

“No, I’ve already achieved the goal, so I’ll stop here. It’s not what you think. When I say you’re wrong, I mean you’re describing this whole thing as painful.”


During this time, Tendou-san turned her body toward the window of the hallway. She looked up to the blue sky. …After that, the girl spoke up with sparkling eyes that don’t look exhausted at all.

“I wasn’t struggling painfully this week. Instead, I’m having fun playing games.”


What she said made me, …no, she’s way too charming. I fell speechless.

Tendou-san continued.

“Amano-kun, you said this before, right? The reason that you didn’t join the Game Club is that you lacked the determination to improve. Something like that.”

“…I did.”

“At this point, I have to retort what you said.”

Tendou-san said that as she looked at me again. …Then, facing the sunny sky in the morning, she told this to me.

“I’ve never brought determination into gaming. However, I’m still, …no, the Game Club is still dedicated to improving. There’s only one reason for that.”

“…And that is?”

After she heard my question, Tendou-san, she- showed me a childish and carefree smile.

“-That’s because we’re all really happy!”


…I lost, …what should I do?

That smile is way too charming, and I can’t even look at her face properly.

What’s with this warmth in my heart? Yep, I’m really into this girl…”

I slightly looked away from her. Then, I tried to answer while scratching my cheeks.

“That’s nice. …I’m really, really envious of your attitude on gaming.”

“Hoho, thank you. However, you can find a lot of fun outside of winning and losing. We’re pretty envious of your attitude as well.”



At this point, we smiled at each other again. …This reminded me of our first date. We were like that at that time…

Then, Tendou-san looked at the window again. After that, she saw what she looked like on it and hastily spoke up.

“S-Sorry, Amano-kun! I have to tidy up my looks…”

“Eh? Your look? But, you’re always extremely adorable.”


“Ah, are you minding that curled up hair? I do feel that’s pretty cute in its own way too. …Ah, please wait.”

“Eh? Eh? Eh?”

I took a step closer to Tendou-san. After that, I combed her curled hair gently and carefully using my hand. So, after I swept it silently a couple times. I was so relieved that I can’t help but express what I’m sincerely thinking.

“…Haha, Tendou-san, it feels like I’m coaxing you to be a good girl.”


I guess she wanted me to have an easy time combing. Tendou-san plopped her head down. I continued.

“Ah, but let’s say I do mean that, perhaps it’s nice too. It’s because you got such a brilliant score today. I think the teacher or your parents won’t praise you for beating the game. …So, the least I can do is to help and praise you for loving gaming. Moreover, I also hope for a little that can be what I mean to you."


Tendou-san seems to be mumbling something. Is it because it hurts when I’m combing her hair?

I paid attention to be more gentle with my hands as I continued chatting.

“Ah, come to think of it, even though it’s a bit late, this is the first time I combed a girl’s hair.”


“But, somehow, whenever I’m with you, …my wish to do all this for you always wins against embarrassment. It’s just like when I confessed to you. This is unbelievable. I guess it’s because I really do love you…”


Perhaps it’s because Tendou-san’s hair is incredibly soft and smooth. I’m revealing all of my emotions defenselessly like I’m in my bed.

With that, …Tendou-san suddenly raised her head as if she’s trying to stop me. After that, she rolled her eyes and started protesting.

“W-What were you doing j-just then!?”

“Ah, I’m sorry.”

After she said that, I finally realized that this is the school hallway in the morning. When I turned around, a shocking amount of people are looking at me. …However…

“Ah, but, Tendou-san, it’s great now that you cheered up!”

I smiled and answered. So, …Tendou-san’s blushing harder and harder like a red apple. Her lips are trembling.

“A-A-A-Amano-kun! …Y-Y-Y-You’re literally R-R…”

“R? …Ah, I get it! I bet you’re trying to say ‘romantic player’ just then-“

“You’re literally Romeo! I LOVE YOU!”

“What’s with that reaction!?”

My ex-girlfriend made that shocking confession as she yelled at the top of her lungs and ran away. …Uh, …how should I say this? What just happened? I think I didn’t mishear anything, yet I feel like I shouldn’t take her word for it. I can’t just get excited like that.


…Sigh, even so, I’m excited. Yay.

“…A-Amano, why are you bouncing around in the hallway alone? That’s disgusting.”

Someone suddenly talked to me from behind. I turned back and saw a familiar face.

“Ah, good morning, Uehara-kun. …Eh, huh, Aguri-san and Chiaki are here too.”

“Hi, Amanocchi.”

“Good morning, Keita.”

The two girls poked her head out behind Uehara-kun. …I can’t help but glare at Uehara-kun.

“…That’s our Uehara-kun. You can get two girls next to you once you arrive at school…”

“Your eyes are full of darkness. Well, Aguri is going to school with me, but we bumped into Hoshinomori on the road.


“What’s with your reply? Ah, forget about that, Amano, is Tendou alright?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“I mean, the three of us saw a wobbling and mysterious blonde creature near the entrance. But, we lost her because she’s wobbling too much. After that, we walked around the entire school and got here…”

“Ah, I see. Yes, honestly, she’s miserable in terms of sleeping time. …However, I think she got better.”

When Uehara-kun and I talked about that, Chiaki suddenly freaked out for some reason and asked me.

“A-Also, K-Keita, …w-were you chatting happily with Tendou-san just then?”

“Eh? Uh, hmm, I guess so…”

“Can I ask…what did…you two talk about?”


Chiaki glanced up at me as she asked me that question, …even I know what that means. I feel like, …right now, she seems to be a bit jealous. Ugh, …t-this is embarrassing.

So, the sharp-eyed normie couple secretly looked at us with an annoying expression. So, I cleared my throat and decided to explain to them.

“Tendou-san said that she has already broken the record of that game.”


These three immediately cheered up. …My heart’s getting warm when they’re so engaged in their friend’s score in a game.

After that, when I told them Tendou-san is really exhausted, Chiaki suddenly grabbed her phone out and said, “Come to think of it-“

“I discovered this mobile game after yesterday’s meeting.”

“Mobile game?”

Uehara-kun, Aguri-san, and I tilted our heads as we looked at Chiaki’s phone. So, the game is…

“Is this…the mobile version of < Gods and Evil>? I didn’t know they have this version!”

“Yes, Keita. I didn’t know that either. However, I think this got on the shelves 3 days ago. I can’t help but download it since it’s a one-time purchase.”

Chiaki then showed us the new game. The screen is showing the exact same thing we saw at the Game Club yesterday.

Uehara-kun sighed admirably.

“Oh, it’s almost the same.”

“Yeah, all of the comments are positive as well. I also think that they did a good job. It’s just that the impossible part to replicate is…”

“Huh, Hoshinocchi, how do you control this?”

“This is the issue…”

After Aguri-san asked that, Chiaki rotated her phone and continued playing the game. …However, no matter how you look at it, the controls are pretty restricted.

“Uh, well, they already tuned it a lot for a mobile game. Therefore, the comments have no problem with that too. …Even so, the controls are still worse than a game controller…”

“It has to be. The original game already required you to press a lot of buttons…”

I glanced at the screen as I said that. Once I got my face close, Chiaki messed up and got a game over. …A slightly awkward atmosphere enveloped us.

Then, when the screen switched to the scoreboard, my eyes turned to the tiny button at the top right corner.

“Eh, there’s an online ranking in the mobile version too.”

“Eh? Ah, there is. I didn’t even notice that.”

Chiaki said that as she pressed that button unintentionally. The loading screen showed up.

Uehara-kun mumbled.

“The controls in the mobile version aren’t great, right? How high can the score be when it’s just 3 days old…”

“Yeah, …ah, there it is. Uh, the current first place is…”

“Let me see! Let me see!”

All of us looked at the screen excitedly. In the end, the score and name above is-

< No.1 – MAI – 457 million points >


Everyone froze and fell speechless. …All of us are thinking of the same thing.

(Huh, I think I just saw one of my friends staying up all night to reach the 300 million goal…)

After that, Chiaki suddenly laughed stiffly and clicked on her phone.

“T-Think about it, the score multiplier in the mobile version…is definitely higher, right?”

She opened the official webpage and scrolled down to the comments. However, it showed…

< The mobile version is excellent. But, the controls are terrible, and the score increases very slowly.>

< It’s still just as fun! But are there fewer enemies in the mobile version? Thanks to that, I think the score can’t be as high as the console version…>

< There are cheaters on the online scoreboard, right? MAI dominated. How could someone get a score like that?>

< Developers: We didn’t discover any cheaters at this stage. It would be our honor if the players can continue to enjoy the game.>


The four of us read these comments. The mood is getting heavier and heavier.

The classmates saw our faces and left without a trace.

At this point, Chiaki finally…

“…Phew, phew.”

She pressed the power button and turned off the screen silently.


…An exhausted gamer girl floated up in our minds.


The four of us looked at each other’s face and gulped.

Then, we mumbled the same thing at the same time.

“There’s no mobile version at all.”

Sometimes, we have to look away from reality for our friend’s health. …This realization came to the high school year 2 students on a cold winter morning.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.