
Volume 8 2 – Karen Tendou and Fresh Restart

Volume 8 Chapter 2 – Karen Tendou and Fresh Restart

Translator: your_pingas

(An hour before meeting up with Amano in the park.)

“The last time when I came here, …is when we were playing that Game of Life, right.”

I turned off the GPS on my phone and looked at the house in front of me. …The house with a “Hoshinomori” sign next to it. I can’t help but stand there silently for a moment.

After school, residential area. A housewife from the neighbourhood is holding her shopping bag while looking at the blonde high school girl, …which is me, from afar, again and again.

I sighed deeply and mumbled to myself.

(I can’t help but come and “visit” Chiaki-san. …However, no matter how you think of it, this will do nothing but trouble to her, right.)

I suddenly want to back out once I came here. …I really can’t be confident with myself once it involves Amano-kun.

I took a few deep breaths in front of Hoshinomori’s home as I thought about why I’m here.

(Firstly, today is the first normal school day after the end of the school trip. …From what I’ve heard from the teacher, my classmate Chiaki-san was absent because she caught a cold. That’s how everything began.)

There’s no problem so far. Karen Tendou is worrying her classmate that caught a cold, so she’s going to pay a visit. …Yep, there’s nothing strange with the process. Yes…

-If only the incident on the 4th day of the school trip didn’t happen.

I put my hand on my forehead as I pondered about it.

(Although I feel like it’s impossible, …don’t tell me the real reason why Chiaki-san was absent has to do with that “thing” I did to Amano-kun.)

That thing…refers to that. Uh, Amano-kun and I…k…ki…

W-We touched each other’s lips, and then we broke up.

(Honestly, I thought I was seeing things. …However, I think I did saw a figure that resembles Chiaki-san…)

That’s a shadow I saw in the gloomy park. Since things were happening to us, so I can’t confirm before everything was finished. If say, the person that I saw was really Chiaki-san, …and it’s why she was absent today…


I finally made up my mind at this point.

(…Right. If that’s really the case, …no matter how ugly and awkward the meeting might go, I’m still responsible for explaining everything to her.)

Perhaps I’ll be scolded or hated. The worst possible scenario is that she might end our friendship. …The expectation that a person who I sincerely identified as a friend will reject me is overwhelming me with fear.

However, even so-

If the reason for Chiaki-san not coming to school isn’t because she caught a cold, and it’s actually because of us…because of me-

“Well, then I’ll need to take care of everything.”

After I made up my mind, I finally pressed the doorbell at the entrance. A moment passed and I can someone’s coming to the door. …No, I knew that Chiaki-san’s here. By texting Konoha-san beforehand, I confirmed that right now, Chiaki-san is home alone.

In other words, there’s no way to back out now.

I awaited her with a nervous look. Then, the door was pushed open.

So, she finally appeared in front of me. …Chiaki Hoshinomori looks-

“Cough! Cough! Sniffffff... I-I’m soreyyy, Karen-san. I can’t believe I have to see you with how I’m looking now… A-ACHOO! Cough! Cough! …Sniff, …sniff. …A-Anyway, please come in- Cough! Ugh! Cough! Phew, …phew, …phew…”

-Without a doubt, she’s just a girl that caught a severe cold!

She’s wearing pyjamas with a mask on her face, her hair and skin are a mess. …I can’t help but immediately complain.

“Chiaki-san, you really just caught a cold!”

“What? Eh, t-this is the first time that my friend got mad at me because I ‘really just caught a cold!’ I-I feel like I should apologize…”

“I-It’s fine. It’s good that you caught a cold, it’s good. …Phew, I’m relieved.”

“Relived? K-Karen-san, don’t tell me you’re taking pleasure in my suffering because you hate me! Cough, cough!”

Chiaki-san looks like she’s about to cry as she started coughing again. …Crap, what am I doing.

“I-I’m sorry! P-Please get back to your house, Chiaki-san! Here, let’s go!”

“R-Really. Uh, thanks…?”

So, I immediately switched to the “visiting” mode, pushed her back, and walked into Hoshinomori’s home.


“Cough, cough! H-Hiya, people like me is very likely to catch a cold before and after a trip. Recovery takes a long time. …Achoo! Sniff, …sniff…”

Chiaki-san crawled into the bed in her room and explained with only her head out. After I put my bag at the corner of the room, I moved her desk next to the bed as I answered.

“I understand how you feel. However, is there any direct reason…”

Is she really exhausted because of me? …I worried about this as I took a seat. Chiaki remained in bed and tilted her head confusingly.

“Honestly, …I don’t recall any specific reasons.”

“Huh! I’m the one that hurt you, after all…”

“I rode on the rollercoaster 10 times at a cold amusement park night with thin clothes on. I feel like that’s not relevant, right…”

“No, that’s the reason!”

I knew why, finally. It’s not because she worried too much. She just exhausted her body out.

I asked dumbfoundedly.

“W-Why are you doing dumb things like that…”

“Eh? Hiya, that’s because, …ugh, …uh…”

Suddenly, Chiaki-san looked away slightly and covered her mouth tightly with the blanket.

I was alerted by her look.

I clenched my fist on my lap. …Then, I got right into the chase and asked her.

“Chiaki, …don’t tell me…you saw what I did…with Amano-kun…that night?”


To my suspicion, Chiaki closed her eyes firmly. …After that, she turned away and faced the wall, seemingly trying to avoid me. …However, 10 seconds later, she slowly nodded her head.

I dropped my shoulders and sighed deeply. I showed a loving scene with my boyfriend to my rival in love. …In certain situations, perhaps it’ll make people feel good. But, right now, I’m not happy at all. Moreover, I don’t even feel embarrassed.

All I can feel is…bitterness. This is sad. I’m upset.

I lowered my head with a bitter expression and squeezed my voice out to apologize.

“How should I put it. …Chiaki-san, that’s why you didn’t want to talk to me on the plane heading back. …It’s because your chest is flooded with jealously and sadness, right…”

After she heard what I said, Chiaki-san…looked at me once again. Then, she denied it with a puzzled look.

“Ah, it’s not like that. I was just trying my best to resist that ‘nausea’ caused by the upcoming cold.”


“So, the things that were flooding my chest isn’t sadness or anything. It was actually wave after wave of vomit. Ay, that was really close. I almost discharged next to you…”


What the, I don’t want to hear this information at all. …I really hope that she can return my worries.

I took a deep breath and made up my mind before talking to her once again.

“This is about what happened to us that night, …and what you witnessed. There’s something else I would like to confirm, alright?”

“Oh, what is it? …Ah, well, if you’re referring to an ‘even more intimate scene’ after that, t-then I saw nothing! Yes, please don’t worry about it! So, I have no idea. Whether it’s your reddish skin, or Keita’s face when he unleashed his lust. I saw none-“

“No, I’m not talking about those! Moreover, that didn’t happen!”

“R-Really? But if that’s true, what are you talking about…”

Chiaki answered me with a confused look. From her face, I can tell she really didn’t see the scene after we kissed.

…I paused for a beat. …Then, I mentally prepared myself and spoke up.

“Chiaki-san, it seems to be that you have no idea. That night, Amano-kun and I- broke up already.”

“HUH! …Achoo!”

Right away, Chiaki-san popped up from the bed and sneezed at the same time.

-Saliva, sweat, and snivel all flew across the room towards me.

“S-Sorry, sorry.”

Chiaki-san quickly started cleaning everything around her with tissues. …Yep, Amano-kun is like this too. Why do these people keep breaking serious moments! Are they sick? Sigh, even though Chiaki-san is really sick now, she caught a cold.

After she cleaned her mess, Chiaki-san wiped her nose forcefully. Then, she propped up and asked me again.

“W-W-What happened! Karen-san, why did you say you broke up with Keita!”

“It’s what you heard.”

I wiped the mucus splashed onto my face calmly with a handkerchief.

“T-This means that after the bodies of Keita and you broke up, they formed Karen B and Keita B…”

“Uh, it’s not science fiction. I mean, we broke up mentally.”

“T-This means that the ‘Holy Karen’ that was born from your conscience, and the ‘Evil Karen’ that was spawned from your wicked thoughts finally battled each other-“

“No. It’s not as fantastical. My soul didn’t break up and formed two parts.”

“Well, …I-I’m sorry. An idiot like me can only guess a hopeless conclusion as ‘you broke up with Keita’ and ceased to be a couple…”

“Uh, that’s correct! Sorry, this is the real, hopeless conclusion!”


“I wish you can give me this reaction earlier!”

Chiaki-san was thoroughly shocked while I sighed helplessly.

I sat upright and continued.

“I already told your little sister Konoha about this …I should say, including Konoha-san, everyone around you knew in advance.”

“Ehhhhh! What is this! N-Not again! I’m always the one that gets the message last, why does this plot appear in my life this often! I was the only one that didn’t know the hiking trip was cancelled, and I looked forward to it while going to the elementary school alone with my bags on. I ended up waiting for nothing in the rain! This is just like what happened at that time! This is madness! I’m used to it, anyway, it’s fine!”

“Sorry, Chiaki-san. I understand that we’ll be stuck on the topic, but please let me hug you for 3 seconds.”


So, I hugged Chiaki-san’s head for 3 seconds tightly while she’s confused. …Phew.

“Well, allow me to continue.”

“W-What’s with that magical mind-reading? The triggers are too random!”

Although Chiaki-san seems to be confused, I still pressed on.

“There’s another thing I want to report, Uehara-kun and Aguri-san broke up as well.”

“WHATTTTTTTTTTTT! Cough, cough! Cough, cough!”

Whether it’s because she screamed too hard or the cold, Chiaki-san choked herself at last. I rubbed her back. So, after she calmed down, the girl gave me a serious look.

“Ah! It turned into this after I got a mysterious fever. …This means that I was influenced by a change in the timeline unknowingly-“

“It’s not that at all. The things that are influencing you right now is ‘the ups and downs in a romantic comedy’ instead of a ‘timeline change.’ Well, I do hate to describe my relationship as a romantic comedy.”

“R-Really. …I can’t believe all of this happened when I’m struggling to fight my cold. …Honestly, I feel like I’m the protagonist of Walking Dead season 1.”

“Please don’t relate our situation to the end of the world.”

She’s acting like we made a colossal mess, …even though we actually did.

Chiaki-san answered with a “sorry” and chugged the sports drink I got for her. After she finished half of it, she looks a lot better. So, she covered herself with the blanket before facing me again.

…It wasn’t until now that I realized Chiaki-san’s pyjamas aren’t appropriately worn, and her chest looks a bit red. It looks incredibly charming. I’m glad that Amano-kun didn’t visit her alone. …Just as I’m almost feeling relived, I noticed and immediately pinched the back of my hand.

(I’m not his ‘girlfriend’ anymore. I’m his ex, right! No, I can’t feel that! Jeez! I’ve always been-)


Chiaki-san was confused by what I’m doing and tilted her head. I quickly stopped pinching my hand and tried to calm myself down. Then, I followed it with a cough before explaining again.

“Although we didn’t talk to each other in advance, …that day, Uehara-kun and I broke up with our lovers separately.”

“Uh, this means that…after…you two…kissed each other?”

Chiaki-san asked embarrassingly. I can feel my cheeks are heating too as I answered her.

“Y-Yeah, well, …after…the k-kiss…”

Chiaki-san’s room was filled with silence for a while, around 10 seconds.

Then, Chiaki-san said something unexpected -yet it fits her style.

“…Well, I feel terrible for Keita…and Aguri-chan…”

Chiaki-san looks gloomy, perhaps she might break into tears. Even though it’s inappropriate for me to mention this, I’m convinced by her.

(Even though you’re in such a sorry state, …your spirit and stamina should be incredibly low right now. You’re still just as compassionate to your friends, Chiaki-san…)

The embarrassing fact is that I don’t think I can act in the same way.

Moreover, since she loves Amano-kun, …no one will blame her even if she’s “happy” about our situation at first…

(Sigh, …it’s because you’re a person like this, that’s why I…)

After I saw Chiaki-san’s thoroughly depressed face, I…I once again believed that my decision is “correct.”

(Perhaps no one will understand. I sincerely get that I’m asserting things here. However, …this…this is how I’m going to show my sincerity. …This is…the conclusion I’ve reached for my relationship.)

I stared at Chiaki-san’s eyes again. As for her, …she’s still glaring at me with a shocked look, even mixed with slight sparks of anger.

(…It’s because you’re a person like this…)

At this moment, I took a deep breath…

-Then, finally, I told someone why I’m doing this.

“But, this way, everyone can finally ‘love’ each other, without any boundaries.”


Chiaki-san was speechless. I held her hand and smiled warmly before continuing.

“Chiaki-san, the love you have for Amano-kun. …Although I’m unwilling to admit this, I’ll say that it’s ‘genuine,’ …to the point where I’m in awe.”

“Eh? W-Well, how, uh, uh, I, Keita…”

Chiaki-san freaked out since she’s embarrassed. I still held her hand tightly and pressed on.

“Of course, I love Amano-kun too. I sincerely…and deeply love him, …to the point that I’m willing to let myself suffer.”


This time, after Chiaki-san heard the sentence that I mustered out, she held my hand tightly. …I want to cry. However, I can’t break down here. I raised my head determined and continued.

“However, previously, -the fact that I’m dating him has trampled…your noble love, …and your feeling brutally.”

“N-No, my feelings weren’t trampled! I’m not thinking that at all…!”

Chiaki-san tried to retort, but I interrupted her.

“The reason why I started dating him is twisted. It’s a product of misunderstandings and luck. However, I think…I’ve always just sat and enjoyed the relationship with Amano-kun since I love him.”

“It’s not like that. …Think about it, …Keita’s second confession is undoubtedly sincere…”

Chiaki-san was startled as she quickly comforted me, who’s supposed to be her rival in love.

(…Really, why can’t you notice it? The more you act like this, …the more determined I became.)

Although I can’t help but laugh out, I still continued.

“Yeah, after that confession, I think we’re genuinely dating. That love is 100% real. …E-Even though I suspected it idiotically at one time, I still believed we were couples at that time. That’s why, while this relationship is temporary, and I understand that it’s really selfish, I took his first kiss away before breaking up. After all, this is undeniable evidence that we dated.”

“If that’s the case…”

“However, even so, the fact that it’s flawed at the start won’t change. …Also, someone’s rejected feelings won’t disappear as well.”


Chiaki-san still looks like she can’t accept it, so I decided to put it in another way.

“It’s like a racing game. Even though the winner of that match is an overwhelming professional player that can mow all opposition down. Even though the winner will win when you consider her skills. Even so, …if that match started with a ‘sneak off,’ I think the result should be invalidated.”


Chiaki-san is very impressed by my extraordinary philosophy of winning and losing. After I saw her reaction, I put up a smug face confidently. Then, suddenly, …Chiaki-san squinted and complained.

“…Did you just secretly emphasize that ‘you’re better even without a sneak off’ when you’re presenting your view?”

“…Alright, let’s forget about that.”


Their ears are still really sensitive when it comes to small things like this—these loners, …whatever.

I glanced at Chiaki-san’s eyes again and told her this.

“Chiaki-san, I…I hope I can win legitimately. Not at a competition where I get to start first, but it’s a legitimate competition where we share the same conditions, that’s where I want to win.”

“…Karen-san, …but, …if you do that, …I still feel like…”

During this time, she glared at my eyes brutally with a determined look.

“I still feel terrible for Keita. He’s upset because of our selfishness. …I’m absolutely not willing to hurt his love! I won’t back down on this one!”


With how sincere her words…and attitude are, I already surrendered countless times in my heart. …Although I’m the one that triggered her, …this girl is way too unbeatable when it comes to being considerate to Amano-kun. …However-

That’s why Karen Tendou will move forward fearlessly. It’s because an obstacle is blocking me.

I glared at Chiaki-san fiercely as well and told her.

“That’s why I’m competing with you fairly. This is for Amano-kun to get his ‘true happiness.’ After all, you won’t be happy just because you got ‘someone’ to go out with, right? I think true happiness can only be acquired by dating someone you sincerely love with your entire soul.”


My retort stunned Chiaki-san.

I slowly let go of her hand.

“Also, the most important thing is that…”

I brought on a slightly cunning conclusion to convince her.

“After this competition, we can at least be sure that Amano-kun can be ‘truly happy.’ Don’t you think…this is the best ending for us as well? We both love him, right.”


It’s been 10 minutes since I talked to Chiaki-san and when she accepted my reasoning.

It’s not good to overstay my visit. So, even though I don’t want to leave yet, I still prepared to go home. “Right-“ Chiaki-san maintained her pose on the bed and said.

“I wasn’t paying attention when I was talking about Keita with you. But, …did Uehara-kun and Aguri-chan broke up because of the same reason?”

“Eh? Oh, ..well, …hmm…”

I started putting on my scarf as I replied Chiaki-san with a vague smile.

“I think so, …but it’s hard to say. Like what I’ve said before, Uehara-kun and I didn’t agree that we’ll break up with our lovers together in advance. Perhaps he has his own reasons.”

“Right. …Uh, can I ask how did things go for the two of them?”

Chiaki-san asked worriedly. …Jeez, this girl is the kindest person ever.

Although I can’t help but chuckle, I stilled stopped putting on my scarf and answered her.

“Well, for Uehara-kun, …hmm, I guess he’s just the same. Even though I didn’t talk to him directly, I saw that he’s still messing with his friends in-class cheerfully as they walked.”

“Really? Well, how about Aguri-chan…”

“…Sorry, I don’t know too much then. While I’m worried as well, …even so, I’m not supposed to interfere in her relationship too much.”

“Ah, …right. I guess I shouldn’t ask that.”

Chiaki-san scratched her face embarrassingly. We’re actually friends and partners in the Hobby Club. However, honestly, we still mind each other’s existence.

I started putting on my scarf again as I sighed loudly.

“Ay, Amano-kun should be a good companion of her right now…”

“Ah, yeah. Speaking of this, I feel like Aguri-chan can also heal Keita’s wounds pretty well too…”

“Yeah, you’re right. From this perspective, right now, they’re irreplaceable to each other-“

“Yes, yes. Currently, they’ve never needed to rely on each other so much mentally-“

At this moment, we paused everything we’re doing.


I stopped putting on my scarf.

Chiaki-san stopped scratching her cheeks.

-We started sweating profusely. Then, the two of us looked at each other and screamed in our hearts.


We still smiled at each other, …yet sweat keeps appearing on our faces as we continued the conversation.

“H-Hiya, this is not good. Well, I, …right! I want to find Amano-kun directly and talk about gaming together, yes. I have to see him now, a-as a friend!”

“W-What a coincidence, Karen-san! I also want to look for Keita, uh, well, r-right, there’s something I would like to ask him about the mobile game, a-as a friend, o-of course!”

So, we laughed emotionlessly at each other.

So, a moment of silence passed.

We started moving quickly.

Chiaki-san grabbed her phone next to the bed, and I opened the door.

“Well, stay safe, Chiaki-san!”

“Alright! Sorry for not bidding farewell properly, Karen-san! See you!”

“K, bye!”

I hastily waved at her and just left by the corridor directly. After I put my shoes on within 2 seconds and walked out of the entrance, I immediately got my phone out and opened the texting app. Usually, I will never walk while paying attention to my phone, but now’s different. Anyway, once I confirmed that there’s no pedestrians or cars nearby, I dashed across the residential area as I typed.

<Hello, Amano-kun. I’ve never messaged you since then. Did anything change for you? By the way, if you’re free right now, do you want to meet->

Just as I’m typing this.

“…Sigh, sigh, how regrettable.”

“You’re saying that again…”

I heard some familiar voices.

I can’t help but my raise my head from the screen. So, I saw a high school boy and girl walking out from the park not far away…

(Uh, that’s Amano-kun? Also, …Konoha-san too!)

Due to the surprise, I stopped walking.

(Eh? Why? Why is Amano-kun here? Is he visiting Chiaki-san? …No, he’s not my class, I don’t think he even knows that Chiaki-san is absent. Moreover, Konoha-san is with him. …But it’s natural for her to show up around Hoshinomori’s home…)

Although I thought of all the possible scenarios, anyway, the worst possible one – the scene when Aguri-san and him “instantly matched” each other, didn’t happen. I pressed my chest in relief.

I wanted to say hi to them. -However, at this moment, Amano-kun, who faced me with his back, put his hands on Konoha-san’s shoulders tightly.



The gasps that Konoha-san and I let out due to shock completely overlapped each other. At the same time, since she’s facing Amano-kun, she made eye contact with me, who’s behind him.

Konoha-san noticed my presence and tried to tell Amano-kun.

Her eyes are bouncing between Amano-kun and me. However, …Amano-kun didn’t notice it at all.

Moreover, …he grabbed Konoha-san’s shoulders with his hands even tighter and told her this with an unprecedentedly “manly” tone.

“Well, now that we have a chance, why don’t you comfort me with the flirty way that you just mentioned, Konoha-san?”

“Eh!” “Eh!”

Konoha-san’s and my voice overlapped again. At the same time, I’m feeling dizzy.

…What’s happening? Is this reality?


I can’t help but call him out. However, even so, Amano-kun still didn’t look back.

However, …after a couple seconds, he was clearly alerted. Then, …he looked back quite slowly.

…With a pretty awkward expression.

As for me, I calmed down and asked.

“Amano-kun, …what…did you…just say to Konoha-san…”


Right away, Amano-kun’s face is painted full of hopelessness. …T-This reaction, …it looks like it can’t be too far from that…

The atmosphere that feels like a cheater getting caught is permeating between Amano-kun and me.

So, it looks like Konoha-san can’t take it anymore, so she hastily broke the silence and attempted to smooth things over.

“H-Hiya, Tendou-senpai, what a coincidence to see you here! L-Let’s forget about that, how should I put it, we’re just chatting, yes! Senpai said that because of the things we talked about!”

“…Oh, oh, …really. W-What did you two talk about?”

“Eh? Uh, well, …I mentioned to senpai that, actually, I can comfort him with an extremely flirty way…”

“If that’s true, then it’s just like what I expected. I didn’t misunderstand anything, right!”

“Crap, you’re right! Uh, b-but, that’s not true! Right, senpai?”

Konoha-san threw the topic to Amano-kun. He started nodded repeatedly like a wind-up doll. His face is pale as he tried his best to explain to me.

“Yes! I was thinking about ‘why don’t I take the initiative’ sometimes…”

“Y-You’re literally falling in love with her, right…!”

“Y-You’re wrong! It’s not like that! I should say I’m just trying to return Konoha-san’s effort…”

“You want to return Konoha-san’s ‘sexual desires,’ right!”

“No, no, no, no, no! It’s not like what you’ve said…!”

“Senpai! If that’s true, I’m totally alright even if we’re doing it in public suddenly!”


After Amano-kun shouted, he scratched his brain repeatedly before explaining everything to me with his entire soul. From what I’ve heard, that was just his way of “joking” with Konoha-san.

When I heard the full story, I felt like it fits his style, so I pressed my chest in relief. …However, after seeing his expression that looks like he’s explaining to his girlfriend, I realized I shouldn’t act like this. So, I crossed my arms and answered him coldly with a sharp attitude.

“Amano-kun doing what with who has nothing to do with me, a-anyway! We’re not dating, a-after all!”


Amano-kun dropped his shoulders depressingly right away. …What the, I feel terrible. I really want to hug him right now. However, …I’ve already announced that I’m competing legitimately, so I can’t step out of bounds and enter the “girlfriend” realm…

“Wow, I feel sorry for senpai…”


So, at the next moment, Konoha-san hugged Amano-kun’s arm intimately for some reason. She kept touching him with her plumpy chest that’s as big as her sister. Moreover, her entire body is leaning on him, nearly putting his arm in her cleavage.


I can’t suppress my anger. However, Konoha-san immediately said, “Weird?” as she looked at me mischievously.

“Why is Ms. ‘Ex-girlfriend’ getting angry when she broke up with senpai?”

“Uh, ugh…!”

“Like what you’ve said, you’re already the ‘ex-girlfriend’ now. Is it reasonable for you to be angry at times like this? Ah, …or, Tendou-senpai, you’re actually still in love with senpai?”

Konoha-san asked me while showing an evil smile. J-Jeez, she has always been like this…! While she acts freely and carelessly on the surface, in reality, …she’s doing all this to cheer Amano-kun up. That’s why Konoha-san revealed my feelings in front of him, …I guess.

Amano-kun was convinced by what she said, so he mustered up his courage and stepped forward to face me.

“T-Tendou-san! Uh, …i-if that’s true, w…well! P-Please, can…can we…can we go out…once again! Please! T-This time, I, …well, …I’ll work even harder!”

Amano-kun bowed down as he reached his hand out to me.

“You’ll work even harder, …right…”

As for me, when I’m faced with his request that’s about to make me jump in excitement, I can’t help but lowered my head as I held my trembling hands tightly.

I…I really love Keita Amano.

He loves gaming. He’s always cheerful. He’s gentle, yet he got a strong opinion. He’s timid but filled with courage at the same time, and he’s incredibly sincere to everyone…

I fell in love with him unconsciously. …I really love him. I really love him, I’m in love him so much that I can’t pull myself out.

I want to stay with him forever. I want to laugh with him together. I want to be…the closest to him. Yes, I sincerely wished that.

However, that’s why, at the same time, I hope… No, I really hope-

-I really hope that he can truly happy with the person he loves the most.

…If I’m that person, then nothing is happier in the world for me. At that time, I think I will forget everyone and love him wholeheartedly and enjoy our lives together.

However, that’s the exact reason.

I don’t hope that…he chose me because “we used to be a couple.”

…That’s why, …that’s why I…

I clenched my fist subconsciously. …Even so, I still squeezed out my final strength and raised my head with a calm smile. Then, I told this to my favourite boy in the world.

“No, thanks, Amano-kun. It’s because you’re not the Amano-kun that I want to go out with right now.”



It’s been 10 minutes since I met with Amano-kun and Konoha-san. I, Karen Tendou, bid farewell to them and left with a chic “nice girl” aura. …After that, I headed to the nearest convenience store and bought carbonated drinks, which I usually wouldn’t try. Then, when I chugged the whole bottle at the food court, …I scratched my head as I flooded myself in regret.

(Why! Why would I reject Amano-kun with a smug face! What’s the reason to turn down your most beloved person’s confession! There’s literally nothing in the world that stops me from dating him, not in my family at least! I just rejected him because of self-satisfaction, …isn’t this too weird? True love overrides everything, right? If that’s the case, this means that what I did…is just committing suicide! Am I an idiot! Seriously, what was I doing…)

I stopped scratched my head as I leaned on the chair and stared at the roof of the store. A dusty air conditioner came into view. …I was feeling as boundless as the sea and sky when I was explaining to Chiaki-san. Right now, I’m utterly depressed.

(Sigh, …can Amano-kun please ask me to date him again.)

The Karen Tendou in Hoshinomori’s home was nowhere to be found, I was hopeless. Although I’m dumbfounded at myself, the bitterness in my heart hurts way more, so I’m really helpless too.

Venting out in the store alone like this, I feel like… all these hesitations in my heart doesn’t even matter if I can stay with Amano-kun.

Really, how petty and low do I have to be as a girl.

However, …on the other hand, I did expect this.

“Even though I’m such a coward alone, …when I’m in front of Amano-kun or Chiaki-san, I bet I’ll still pretend to be the strong-willed Karen Tendou. …I’ve always been like this.”

Really. It’s idiotic, no matter how you look at it.

I sighed loudly after I’m completely fed up with myself. So, …my phone on the table suddenly vibrated. I casually grabbed it and turned on the screen while still feeling depressed, then I found out…

“…It’s from Konoha-san?”

Konoha-san texted me on her own. I always get a half-baked response even if I tried to talk to her. It’s rare for her to text me.

I opened the app and read it.

<Konoha Hoshinomori: About the question earlier, I think I can answer more straightforwardly. Sorry, even though this is still my own definition, please allow me to answer again if possible.>

“The question earlier?”

I was confused with what she’s talking about, so I checked our message history. So, after a while of sliding, I found out the message I wanted.

“Ah, ‘what is love?’ That’s what I asked, right.”

That’s the question I threw to her during the school trip. Initially, Konoha-san answered me casually. …Then, she wrote something sincere as the reply and alerted me. …Yep.

“I feel like she already answered it pretty simply…”

I confirmed the brilliant answer I got from her once again as I tilted my head.

At this time, another message comes through. I scrolled the history and confirmed the latest content. So, the text written there is straightforward. …It’s her 4-word definition of love.

<Konoha Hoshinomori: It’s in your heart.>


I blinked at what she said for a second.

After a moment, …I can’t help but chuckle.

“Really, …is that true…”

If that’s the case, …nothing is more exciting than this.

After all, this means that I’m finally with Chiaki-san and Aguri-san…

I’m finally standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the girls that I’ve respected for long.


I looked at the screen for a while.

Then, I rose up from the chair chicly as I let out a “yep” and straightened my back. After that…

“…Alright, I’ll enjoy myself with video games once I got home today!”

Well, today’s the same. I started my dumbfoundedly usual daily routine with video games.


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