
Volume 7 – Gamers and Kiss of Dead End, 1 – Keita Amano and Chiaki Hoshinomori and Youth Continue

Volume 7 – Gamers and Kiss of Dead End, Chapter 1 – Keita Amano and Chiaki Hoshinomori and Youth Continue

Translator: your_pingas“Keita. I…I-“

A night in autumn.

Under the starry sky.

My rival, Chiaki Hoshinomori.

Faced me, Keita Amano, a guy who has a girlfriend.

“-I really love you.”

And confessed while blushing.


(Eh? W-What is this? Is this an elementary school game that needs you to tell “When. Where. Who. To who. What.” from a random situation? T-This is too sudden, right.)

I think my brain will freeze if I relax for even a second. However, I managed to snap out of it and tried my best to deal with this incomprehensible situation.

(I need to calm down first…Hmm, n-no problem. Now that I’m memorizing everything, I managed to get a hold on what’s happening until right now.)

Calm down. Anyway, let’s confirm one by one…Alright, let’s begin.

When: A night in autumn after our friends, including Chiaki and me, played for a whole day.

Where: We have our own reasons to go home a bit late. Then, in the end, we ended up staying at this dating hotspot, Starry Plaza, alone. A boy and a girl.

Who: My rival, and also a respected creator that I found out just then…A girl that’s my enemy in every way, Chiaki Hoshinomori.

To who: The lonely passerby that’s dating Tendou-san, the school idol, under the strings of fate, which is me, Keita Amano.

What: A love confession.

(That’s a too sudden turn for the worse! The “what” option.)

What the hell is this? If there’s an author that’s supposed to create stories for us, I want to tell him that this is a rash and careless plot. I’m sure that the editor responsible will immediately and mercilessly cross out the last line with a red pen.

What is this?

I can’t help but sigh quietly and put my hand on my forehead.

…Uh, I did more or less foresaw this. I can tell that Chiaki’s trying to “confess” something to me from the situation.

However, initially, I thought Chiaki’s “confession” is about her “real identity…”

(After all, she just admitted, “Keita, I’m actually the person who’s frequently chatting online with you” a second ago…)

If there’s something that Chiaki wanted to tell, naturally, I would think that’s something extra related to her true identity…

So, for example, even if Chiaki suddenly reveals that “I’m an alien bi-bi-bo-bo,” or “Konoha and I have superpowers that we use to hunt a group of creatures called Dark Beasts every night.” While I’ll ask “really” in a shocked manner, my mind is not as faded out in this situation. Even though I can’t accept it, I’m still “mentally prepared” for what’s to come.

Then, at this point, …I can’t believe Chiaki said, “she loves me.”

This is way too unexpected, no matter how you think about it.

It’s like I’m staring at the sky and hoping for an outfield hit. Then, someone from the audience suddenly launched Yoga Flame towards my waist. This is something more than lethal.

Anyway, I can’t digest the situation at all. However, even so…



…I made eye contact with Chiaki, who’s looking at me with a serious expression.


(It looks like…this isn’t a situation where I can escape or fool over…)

This is literally a bolt from the blue to me. But, from Chiaki’s perspective, I guess she finally managed to come to this after an enduring struggle. Even a dense protagonist like me can understand that.

Also, it’s because I understand this, …I’m not willing to give a quick answer to her sincere feelings and actions.


(…Yep, …I guess so…)

I slowly lowered my head down and stared at the tip of my sneakers for a while.

…So, I finally made up my mind.

(…What’s wrong with being unable to understand?)

For example, even if I don’t “completely” understand this confession.

Even if her feeling shocked me.

Even so, I…am confident that I know “what Keita Amano’s really thinking” more than anyone. This is undoubtedly true.

If that’s the case, the least I could do right now is to answer her wholeheartedly and sincerely.

I have to return her feelings.



I exhaled before facing Chiaki once again.


Under the starry sky.

Although Chiaki’s blushing really hard right now, …she didn’t look away from me. Her eyes are boiling with determination as she stared back at me. That overwhelming “staunchness” made me respect her sincerely. At the same time-

That’s why I’m also answering as sincerely and truthfully as I can.

I replied to her confession.

“Thank you, and I’m sorry.”

I lowered my head as I spoke up.

…There are a lot of things I want to say, ask, and confirm right now.

However, at the last moment, all of my emotions and feelings are concentrated in this appreciation and apology.

I will only keep my head lowered in silence until Chiaki permitted me to raise my head.

Perhaps she would be angry. Perhaps she would be upset. Perhaps she would yell at me for answering insincerely.

…However, even if her action is one of the above.

(I need to accept her feelings truthfully right here, and right now…It’s because that’s all I can do.)


A moment of silence filled between us two. A couple second passed, which felt like an eternity…

“…Please raise your head, Keita.”

Chiaki spoke to me in an unexpectedly gentle tone. So, I slowly raised my head.

So, I gulped and mentally prepared myself as I look at Chiaki’s face tremblingly.

I saw an unexpected yet hazeless and bright smile.

Then, she…continued with her usual hasty and at-a-loss attitude and told me.

“Ah, actually! I’m the one that should apologize, Keita. Even though I know that you have a girlfriend, I still confessed to you just to make me feel better. How selfish of me! Yes, you should blame me!”


Chiaki’s still talking to me like that in her old ways.

Although I felt like I’m about to cry for a second, …I managed to suppress it and smiled immediately. Then, I put my hands on my waist and tried my best to answer with the usual flippant “rival” attitude.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Eh, you’re cheered up that quickly?”

“Yeah. It’s more like, in reality, this is probably the most disgusting attack I’ve ever received from you.”

I stared at Chiaki sulkily. Then, she protested with her eyes full of tears.

“W-What was that! I can’t believe you called a girl’s sincere confession disgusting! You’re a complete jerk, Keita!”

“It’s really disgusting. No one told you to do things like this that can only result in you hurting yourself.”

I let out a massive sigh after saying that. Then, I continued with a bitter smile.

“After all, …Chiaki, you’re still very important to me, no matter what.”


Chiaki’s giving me a slightly embarrassed look. I almost submerged myself into that floaty and loving atmosphere unconsciously…However! At that moment, I immediately put out a serious expression and distanced myself from Chiaki before reaching my hand out and rejecting her.

“Ah, e-even if I say that you’re important to me, I’m absolutely only viewing you as a friend!”

“That’s a complete rejection! D-Do you have to be that brutal!”

“Of course! After all, I swore my loyalty to my girlfriend, which is Tendou-san. That’s why I’m doing something like this! I really hope that she wouldn’t misunderstand anything!”

“Y-You sure are noble…but it’s okay for you to care about me just a little bit more, right…”

“So, you, t-the girl that’s falling in love with me, can you please keep your distance away from me!”

“That rejection is pissing me off! Uh, even though it’s true that I fell in love with you! Even though it’s really a fact, yes!”

After I heard Chiaki’s retort, I can’t help but scratch my head with a blush.

“Eh? Ah, hmm, well, uh, thank you, well, for being interested in a person like me…”

“Eh? It’s nothing, well, uh, ah, yes, …you’re right…”

Chiaki was embarrassed, too, after she witnessed my reaction.

The two of us just plopped our heads down silently for a while as we’re focused on being embarrassed…

…Crap! When did this turn into a loving atmosphere again, I’m such an idiot!

“D-Damn you, little devil! You’re trying to waver my loyalty towards Tendou-san again!”

I quickly distanced myself away from her. Chiaki’s about to cry out.

“No, no, no! I’m treated like a demon a few seconds after my confession, what kind of hell is this! Y-You can at least view me as an important friend, right. Keita!”

“W-Well, it’s not like I want to hurt you…But think about it, in my stance, I basically have to eliminate all beings that are hostile to Tendou-san…”

“There’s a limit for blind loyalty! I-It’s not like you’ll be struck by lightning even if you care about a friend like me a bit more…”

“Y-You’re doing it again! Look, you’re trying to bewitch me like that…!”

Just like that, Chiaki and I started yelling at each other. Then, the couples around made a loud “ahem” cough as they cleared their throats.


Both of us seem to have forgotten that this place is supposed to be a quiet and romantic dating hotspot.

Chiaki and I immediately lowered our heads and apologized. “I’m sorry.” Then, we fled the plaza as if we’re escaping from something.

We’re now at the stairs that go from the platform of Starry Plaza to the rest area.

After a short walk, we’re already in the middle of the mountain that’s so quiet that we can’t sense any human around.

In the dark and flourishing forest, only the stairs that leads to the foot of the hill is lighted. There’s no one hiking aside from us. We can only hear the calls of the crickets and the noise coming from the wind blowing the dead leaves.


This silence seeming voided the chaos earlier.

The two of us realized this, so we stopped at the same time. Then…


We burst into laughter, perhaps it’s because we’re feeling relieved.

Suddenly, I feel like the nervousness that shared by us two that lasted from the confession to right now finally disappeared, even if we acted like it’s normal.

The two of us walked along the stairs, shoulder-to-shoulder. Then, after a while of quiet walking…

“…Ah, …let me ask you this, Chiaki. I-I’m just trying to reference this…”

“What’s wrong, Keita?”

I scratched my face slightly…Then, I thought that there’s nothing wrong with asking this in terms of the atmosphere, so I spoke up determinedly.

“Chiaki, why do you love me?”


I think I shouldn’t ask this. Chiaki let out a “pfft” as if she just got punched really hard.

I hastily tried to smooth things over.

“I-I’m sorry! I-I get it! Even I know that this is a ‘why don’t this guy go die’ question. However, Chiaki, I sincerely don’t know which part of me do you love…It’s more like, the process is way too complicated. Honestly, I’m still perplexed…”

After I managed to express my thoughts, Chiaki wiped the corner of her mouth with her sleeve before saying “r-right” as she continued.

“Indeed, perhaps you’ll feel perplexed since I’m always arguing with you. Uh, …it’s because I knew your true identity a while ago, that’s why I’m falling for you on my own…”

“My identity…Ah, you mean our interactions online…”

Come to think of it, Chiaki and I are bitter rivals in reality, but NOBE and Mono are good friends of mine. Although it kind of freaks me out since people will think I’m falling in love with another girl, I really think those two (one in reality) are important to me. So, even if I can’t let this go yet, it’s not hard for me to understand.

“I get it.” I nodded. Then, Chiaki plopped her head down embarrassingly before counting the stairs as if she’s trying to cover something and continued.

“W-Well, Keita, even so, it’s not just from what we did online. Uh, to me, the time when I get to chat about gaming with you in real life, that’s precious...and relaxing…”

“R-Really, …well, …I’m honored….”

“I-It’s fine…”

I can’t help but scratch my cheeks and fell silent…N-No, I don’t know what I should do in situations like this. Since I’ve always been a shabby loner, there are no smart options for me to choose when people are complimenting or liking me. It feels like I’m talking about a buggy game with other online players.

“A-Also, Keita, let me tell you, let me tell you! The reason that I love you! Well, actually, a big factor of that comes from the suggestion of developing games…!”

During this time, Chiaki seems to be moved by something and tried to continue excitedly. Crap, …if I do nothing, I think she will continue to talk about “the reason why she loves me.” What a creative way for harassment.

After I cleared my throat loudly, I decided to stop this discussion.

“I-I get it! Yep, Chiaki, how should I put this, I roughly understood why you love- No, uh, well, w-why you like me. It’s okay now.”

“R-Really? I’m glad to hear that.”

Chiaki pressed her chest in relief. I can’t help but mumble after seeing her like that.

“Ay, of course, the messages with NOBE and Mono has always spiritually supported me. Moreover, I’m actually thrilled when I get to chat with you in real life as well…”



I feel like Ms. Chiaki’s blushing really hard, and she’s even staring at me with a hopeful look.

I hastily shook my head and distanced myself away from her!

“If you think I’m lowering my guard, then you’re dead wrong! Nasty girl!”

“Keita, don’t you think your cold treatment is a bit too much! E-Even if you’re doing the right thing as Tendou-san’s boyfriend, but I feel like your personality is slowly corrupting!”

“B-But, Chiaki, aren’t you trying to have sex with me whenever you have a chance?”

I wrapped my arms around my body as I shiver. Chiaki’s face immediately flared up as she yelled at me!

“I-I’m not! Please don’t think of me as Konoha!”

“You’re not supposed to say that, right. I can’t believe that’s how you view your little sister…”

“S-Shut up! Keita, you’re overly self-conscious right now, anyway!”

“B-But, Chiaki-san, you’re interested in me, right?”

“You’re annoying! I’ve never seen such an annoying confession plot in romantic comedies! How much do you want your reputation as a man to fall!”

“I-I guess you’re right…”

I admitted that I’m overreacting as well…However, when I got my girlfriend, my “harem” level isn’t high enough to clever adapt to a situation where a girl confessed her love to me.

This situation is tough, so I can’t help but stop as I scratched my head. So, Chiaki glanced at me from a couple steps lower, …and then she lowered her head depressingly.

“…My confession is really causing you a lot of pain, right…”

“D-Don’t say that-“

I immediately wanted to comfort her, but Tendou-san’s face flashed in my mind right away. So, I fell speechless…and Chiaki’s lowering her head even more as she mocked herself.

“…I’m sorry, Keita. In reality, I’m the selfish one for confessing to you…and even requesting you to ‘maintain the same relationship’ with me after your rejection.”


“S-So, for a while, I need to distance myself away from the Hobby Club-“

“Y-You can’t do that! I won’t allow it!”


Chiaki’s eyes bulged at my sudden loud announcement. As for me, …I clenched my fist tightly as I slowly walked down the stairs.

Then, I turned around in front of Chiaki and took a deep breath before telling her.

“…Honestly, I’m really honored to know that you’re interested in me.”


“When you confessed to me, I said ‘thank you’ right away to show my appreciation to you, right? That’s really what I meant. After all, it’s impossible for a loner like me…to feel annoyed or frustrated when someone confessed to me, right? Instead, I want to say that this is the happiest thing I’ve heard in my whole life.”


I interrupted Chiaki and continued.

“So, the one that should be disciplined…isn’t you. Instead, …it’s that cowardly heart of mine that can’t help but feel overly excited about your confession and feelings.”

“…B-But, the root cause of that is due to my confession…”

“You’re wrong.”

I finally made up my mind when I’m talking to her.

I smiled at Chiaki, …and then I announced it clearly once again.

“Thank you, Chiaki. I’m happy that you’re interested in me, and I sincerely respect you for mustering up your courage to confess to me. That’s why, …from now on, I should be the one that works harder. You absolutely don’t have to suppress or lose anything anymore!”

Tears began to form in Chiaki’s eyes after she heard what I just said. However, she stopped herself from crying out. Instead, she answered with a smile.

“Thank you, Keita.”

“…You’re welcome, Chiaki.”

We smiled at each other for a moment…Then, we walked down the stairs together once again.

Chiaki’s rubbing her eyes next to me, and I pretended that I didn’t see any of that. I even tried to joke around.

“By the way, I didn’t expect that I’ll encounter a plot that’s straight out of dating sims like this in my entire life.”

“W-What was that. It would be creepy if you compared me as a female character in dating sims!”

Chiaki, who’s a moe hater, retorted angrily…Yep, this is the usual Chiaki.

I argued with that my usual frustrated face as well.

“Ms. Chiaki, don’t you think you’re a little bit impolite with your tone on dating sims?”

“Why am I the one that’s being corrected? You’re the one that said something impolite first!”

“Eh, normally, shouldn’t it be honorable when you’re called a female character in dating sims?”

“Which universe’s ‘normal’ are you referring to! How about this, will you be happy when someone described you as a male character in otome games-“

“I’m honored. Doesn’t that mean I’m a handsome dude?”

“Eh, really! This is weird! I-I feel like this is different than the female characters in dating sims!”

“You’re right, Chiaki. Even if we’re talking about female characters in dating sims, you’re like the ones that the developers will add a plot to in fan discs.”

“You’re finally calling me a female side character, right! There’s a limit for rudeness, Keita!”

“Then, let me tell you this. There’s a lot of female side characters that are even more popular than the female protagonist. A lot of companies noticed this. They’ll put up a little trick at the start and purposely leave the female side character with the most personality to fan discs-“

“Eh, you’re definitely not trying to calm me down! …Ah, Keita, d-don’t tell me, you’re implying that I’m actually more attractive than Tendou-san-“

“Nope, I just want to say that female side characters are essential in dating sims as well. It has nothing to do with you. I should say, including 2D anime characters, no one in this world’s more attractive than Tendou-san. Since when did you become this ignorant? That’s scary.”

“Cold treatment! I said this before, Keita. Don’t you think you love Tendou-san a bit too much and treated me way too harshly!?”

“But my feelings towards Tendou-san are nothing but true love…”

“Can you stop that! How many times do you want to say that to a rejected girl!”

“But Chiaki, I feel like you’re actually an excellent female side character.”

“I said that it won’t comfort me in the slightest! The more you call me a female side character, the more I feel ashamed!”

“Uh, Chiaki, I think you should be ashamed over your thoughts on all the female side characters…”

“Shut up! A boy that thinks the entire world works like dating sims like you is so damn annoying!”

We started arguing over moe elements, just like usual.

Once we’re finished, Chiaki and I looked at each other with a lightened expression.

During this time, Chiaki perhaps realized why I’m doing all of this, so she looked away from me a bit embarrassingly.

So, I turned away as well…This is an excellent opportunity, so I decided to convey my sincere thoughts that are a bit embarrassing.

“…Uh, honestly, Chiaki…I think to chat with you like this, …how should I put it, …it’s not like I hate it…”


“S-So, I feel like…it would be great if I can chat with you cheerfully from now on.”


Chiaki’s ears turned red as she nodded slightly. I continued.

“Like I’ve said before, including this point, I hope you can still participate in the Game Hobby Club…Uh, of course, only if you wanted to.”

“O-O-O-Of course! I-I’m just the same…!”

Chiaki’s suddenly agreeing with me excitedly. I’m relieved to see that. At the same time, another worry showed up in my heart as I scratched my head.

“H-However, what should we do when things went this way?”

“What do you mean?”

“Uh, for example, Chiaki, …are you really okay with this? You have to…chat and play happily with a guy that rejected you. I feel like I’m taking advantage of you…”

“Ah, I don’t think so.”

Chiaki immediately answered in an unexpectedly clean way. I blinked my eyes as she continued

“Well, if we’re talking about taking advantage, I’m just the same as well. The girl that failed her confession, yet she can still maintain a friendship with the boy. Don’t you think I’m the one that got something ‘good’ out of this? It’s like I can continue to play without insert a 100 yen coin.”

“That example is too frivolous, right?”

“Does it? But, isn’t that like what I’ve said before? Ah, also, if you think I’ll continue treating you as a guy I love, then you’re dead wrong.”

“R-Really…I guess you’re right.”

“O-Of course.”

…I feel like another unexpected silence fell onto us.

I went on after clearing my throat with a cough.

“Well, Chiaki, does that mean you’re willing to continue our friendship?”

“O-Of course! I should be the one to say that!”

Chiaki smiled as she reached her hand out. To that, …I didn’t overreact and calmly shook her hand as a friend before answering.

So, when we started walking again, we can see a bright and spacious area just a bit lower. That’s a platform connected Starry Plaza to the rest station at the foot of the hill via the long stairs. It even has a couple of benches for people to sit down and relax. Although we can’t see clearly due to the distance, I think someone is sitting there right now as well.

I stared at that dazedly as I thought, “Perhaps we can’t catch the bus.” Then, I fell silent. During this time, Chiaki seems to have misunderstood something and sighed a bit awkwardly.

“Ah, …uh, Keita, …but, I’m sorry.”

“Eh? What are you talking about?”

“Well, …even though I said we should keep it the same way, I think the atmosphere will still get a bit awkward sometimes, like right now.”


I didn’t mean it that way right now…However, I understand what’s Chiaki trying to say.

She continued.

“But it would be great if you can tolerate it…”

To Chiaki’s words, I answered with an “of course” as I nodded.

“It’s more like, I think it’ll be weird if we tried to suppress it that much.”

“Yeah. Ay, so, please remain ‘natural’ from now on in every way.”

“I got it, the person that likes me.”

“Goodbye, Keita.”

“Sorry, Chiaki, even though you’re my rival, I’ll never prank you that way anymore!”

“You have to keep your own words, the guy that decided to keep a girl’s who interested in him.”

“Goodbye, Chiaki.”

“Sorry, Keita, even though you’re my rival, I’ll never prank you that way anymore!”

We went back and forth as we searched for a solution for our friendship awkwardly.

After that, I realized there’s something we need to reflect on as well.

“Right, can I tell everyone that you confessed to me?”

“Oh, we got a ‘bullying’ case here! W-What are you trying to pull off! Are you trying to write ‘Chiaki Hoshinomori Loves Keita Amano?’ on the blackboard? You’re trying to do that, right!”

Chiaki protested with tears in her eyes, I quickly tried to smooth things over.

“I-It’s not like the ‘bullying’ you’re talking about! Eh? So, you wanted to keep your confession, …or should I say, you want to keep the fact that you love me as a secret?”

“Of course! Isn’t that embarrassing!”

“Y-You’re right. It’s quite embarrassing to love a guy like me.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this heavily self-abased side of yours. No, I’m not talking about that kind of embarrassment.”

Chiaki spoke up and complained. I continued after clearing my throat.

“But if we’re keeping it that way, it’ll be quite troublesome to me.”

“You’re saying…troublesome?”

“Yep. After all, this means that I’ll have to keep your confession to me as a secret to Tendou-san as well, right? …Honestly, I feel like from a boyfriend’s perspective, I feel kind of guilty…”


Chiaki seems to have realized the problem and sighed. I continued.

“Logically, I didn’t cheat on anyone. However, don’t you think ‘staying as a friend with a girl that confessed to me and pretend nothing’s wrong’ is a bit too much…?”

Chiaki started thinking about it after she heard what I said.

“When you put it that way, I-I feel like it’s a bit too much as well. Logically, I’m not a mistress behind Tendou-san, but I do feel like I did something I never was supposed to do.”


“Yeah…Also, Keita, this is quite sudden, but I’m feeling a little throbbed right now.”


After I asked, Chiaki…shouted the answer out excitedly for some reason.

“We were still loners a while ago. Now, …we’re already like this, getting annoyed with normie relationship problems like we're in Terrace House. That's why I’m so throbbed!”

“…Uwah! You’re right!”

I didn’t realize before she said it. T-This is impressive, we’re making a lot of progress! What a luxurious trouble for us to have! There should be a limit to how normie we can be!

We can’t help but stop walking and stare at the sky for a moment.


Alright, the jokes end here.

We finally arrived at the platform that we saw earlier after a long walk on the stairs. There’s a celestial globe made with bronze here, and even benches for people to take a small break. Although there’s no one around right now, the atmosphere feels a bit warm somehow.

Even so, Chiaki and I aren’t going to sit down here. We glanced at the celestial globe at the corner of our eyes as we walked through the platform and started talking again.

“Sigh, honestly, from my stance, I also hope to explain this properly to Tendou-san as well.”

Chiaki was troubled by what I just said earlier, but she still nodded forcefully in the end.

“You’re right. If Tendou-san hates me because of that, or she’s blaming the relationship between you and me. I can only say it can’t be helped since it’s all my fault.”

“…It’s all our fault.”

After I corrected her, Chiaki started to get embarrassed before nodding her head.

“I understand. Keita, we should explain our relationship to Tendou-san as soon as possible. I feel like that’s the only way to keep our relationship without any troubles.”

“Yep. Indeed, we really need to quickly end this part.”

“Yeah. I feel terrible for Tendou-san if we’re hiding everything away from her.”

“Yes. I also hope that I can maintain a relationship built on trust with the person I’m dating with.”

“Right. I also wish the person that’s important to me can keep it that way. I really hoped that.”

Chiaki smiled gently at me. My heart was filled with what she just said…It’s hard to translate this kind of emotion into words. So, right now, I can only stare at her eyes before nodding confidently.

We passed the platform and continued walking along the stairs.

Then, we only chatted about gaming until we arrived at the rest station. This situation is…Well, although we can’t say that we’re keeping it in the exact same way, even so, it’s still gratifying for us to talk about games.

So, when we arrived at the rest area, even though we’re still a bit nervous, we don’t feel uncomfortable anymore.

(Perhaps it’s because even if the ending is bitter, we still managed to say what we need to…)

Actually, in all honesty, I can never judge how Chiaki feels right now. The pain of being rejected after confessing to a close friend. I don’t think I can casually imagine it and reaching my own, arrogant conclusion. Moreover, I can never forget that I rejected Chiaki…I hurt someone that fell in love with me…Honestly, I’m still feeling a tinge of pain in my heart right now.

We hurt each other.

However, at least, there’s no further damage.

While a scar might form, but the pain will disappear, and it will heal- I hope.

I glanced at Chiaki, who’s next to me, and then I realized she’s giving me the usual pouting face.

“Keita, why are you staring at me? You’re disgusting.”

Chiaki causally insulted me. I also replied with my usual manners.

“It’s okay. I think there’s a faint smell of sea tide coming from you.”

“What do you mean by I smell like sea tide!”

Then, we started bickering with each other without holding back just like we were. This makes me really relieved right now.

If that’s the case, I think we can still treat each other as “friends” or “partners” in the Game Hobby Club from now on.

We pressed our chests in relief after reaching this conclusion as we walked towards the rest station.

When we arrived at the kiosk, there’s suddenly an unexpected voice calling us.

“Hey, isn’t this Amano and Hoshinomori? What are you two doing here?”


I freaked out as I turned to where the voice was coming from. Then…

“Eh, Uehara-kun…and Aguri-san?”

A normie x gal couple is resting at the seats of the kiosk.

“Oh, Amanocchi, Shin-chan, thanks for today.”

Aguri-san waved as she smiled. Chiaki and I looked at each other in shock as we walked towards them, who should be already on the bus to home.

So, when we came next to the table, Uehara-kun asked.

“Shouldn’t you guys went home already?”

“Hey, that’s my line, Uehara-kun. What happened to you two? Didn’t you guys go onto the bus to downtown an hour ago?”

I started searching in my memory as I said that. In reality, I did see these two and Tendou-san’s bus heading towards downtown leaving an hour ago.

Just as I’m feeling thoroughly unbelievable, Uehara-kun said a “well” depressingly before speaking up.

“The bus broke down suddenly after 5 minutes. Then, the driver checked for a while for a cause. In the end, he didn’t know how to fix it. So, he apologized and asked the passengers to go back to the rest station and take the next bus. There’s nothing we can do.”

“Wow, I feel terrible for you.”

Aguri-san crossed her arms angrily at my sympathy.

“Jeez. We even had to walk all the way back here. We spent 20 minutes in the dark mountain roads. Also, I think the next bus is arriving late as well. This sucks.”

Aguri-san said that as she stared at the roundabout facing the window near the entrance. Indeed, there’s not a single bus stopping there. After we questioned further, it seems the buses going to our homes are delayed too.

“So, why don’t you guys sit down and wait as well?”

We were urged by Uehara-kun, so we sat next to them. Then, this time, Uehara-kun started questioning us.

“So? Why are you two still here? Did your buses break down too?”

“Ah, nope, it’s not that. We’re…”

Just as I’m preparing to explain, Chiaki suddenly stepped on the tip of my foot and made me realized.

…Right, what am I going to say?

“I met my partner with a fated connection online, and she even confessed to me.”

Am I really going to say that? Well, while this is a fact, …but if I don’t explain in order and in detail. This is going to be troublesome if it got out since I have a girlfriend. However, in situations like this, the bus could arrive at any time…

Just as I’m hesitating to answer, Chiaki spoke up cleverly for me.

“Well, we went to the restroom on our own before the bus started to leave, but we ended up missing it. After that, when we’re chilling and waiting, I suggested going to Starry Plaza behind to kill time given a chance….”

“Ah, that’s why you two are coming from behind?”

After Uehara-kun heard Chiaki’s explanation, he understood quickly without any questions.

During this time, Aguri-san let out an “Eh!”

“What the hell, I didn’t realize there’s such a romantic spot here! We should have gone there if we knew it! Jeez…!”

Aguri-san plopped on the table as she rubbed her hands while throwing a tantrum. I answered her with a bitter smile.

“Uh, it’ll take a long time for a round trip. Even if the arrival of your bus is different than ours, you won’t have time to watch the stars since it takes 30 minutes.”

“Really. I guess it can’t be helped if you put it that way…By the way, Amanocchi, Shin-chan, you two are interested in stars as well? I didn’t expect that. I thought you two don’t care about anything outside of games.”

“T-That’s impolite. We’re at least interested in the stars…R-Right, Chiaki?”

“Y-Y-Yeah, Keita. I don’t want to be treated like a girl that’s o-only interested in gaming!”

We glanced at each other before lowering our heads awkwardly…I-I really can’t say it. Actually, 90% of our motives is taking the rewards of the mobile game. That’s why we’re climbing the hill. But I really can’t say it right now!


Aguri-san stared at us suspiciously…Crap. This person is really sensitive towards relationship issues. She will start getting her own ideas if this continues.

I freaked out as I looked around before immediately changing the topic.

“R-Right. Tendou-san should be on the same bus as you two, where is she?”

I looked around as I asked. Then, Uehara-kun answered.

“Ah, come to think of it, she said she wanted to walk around the kiosk, so she left the seat.”

“R-Really…Uh, w-well, then I’ll go look for Tendou-san…”

After I said that, I quickly tried to leave to avoid Aguri-san’s question- At that moment.

“Amano-kun, Hoshinomori-san, good evening.”

Someone suddenly spoke up behind us. Once I turned back, …the cutest being on this planet, which is my girlfriend, Karen Tendou, is waiting there with a smile. Even though she was exhausted from the long walks of today, because of her blonde hair, she still looks just as bright and refreshing.

“T-Thanks for today!”

I got nervous for some reason and greeted like I’m a junior in a sports club. Then, I hastily stood up and gave away the seat on my left that was for my luggage to make sure she has a place to sit. However, Tendou-san’s reaction…

“Ah, Uehara-kun, Aguri-san, I’m sorry, but can you give me some space.”


Once we realized, she was already sitting between Uehara-kun and Aguri-san.

(…Uh, I-I guess that works too…It’s not like there’re rules requiring couples to sit together every time…Yep…)

Although everyone is feeling the seat arrangement isn’t right, I managed to give myself an explanation. I guess Tendou-san is just taking her original seat before our arrival.

During this time, Uehara-kun spoke up. “W-Well-“ Then, he stood up.

“The bus isn’t arriving yet. I’m going to the bathroom.”

Aguri-san stood up as well after hearing what he said.

“Ah, then I’m going too. Tendou-san, please keep sight of our luggage.”



Tendou-san suddenly let out a sound while trembling. To that, Aguri-san tilted her head.

“Uh, …I’m just trying to get you to watch our stuff…I-Is there any inconvenience?”

“Eh? Ah, n-no, it’s nothing…I understand. I, Karen Tendou, will watch you two’s luggage, even if it meant sacrificing my own life!”

“You don’t need to give up your own life for it…Uh, alright, …well, thanks.”

Aguri-san looks dumbfounded as she prepares to leave with Uehara-kun, who’s already walking towards the toilet.

I saw her leaving…as an idea suddenly popped out in my heart. Then, I kicked Chiaki’s leg.

(Shouldn’t we mention the thing we’ve talked about earlier right now?)

I tried to suggest to her with eye contact and my expressions. So, Chiaki looked confused for a second, but she immediately gave me a determined look and nodded.

Chiaki turned her body along with the chair and faced Tendou-san. After that, just as she’s going to speak up with an extremely serious look-

“A-Amano-kun! Have you played the newest series in Battlefield?”

-Tendou-san suddenly opened her eyes and asked me.

While I’m a bit confused, I still answered her question.

“N-Nope, how regretful, I didn’t play that…”

“R-Really? You never played that…Ah, h-how about Hoshinomori-san…”

“I’ve never played it…I’m sorry…”


…The conversation is over. I-It’s because we have never played the game she’s talking about.

Moreover, there’s something more important right now…

“Uh, Tendou-san? Well, there’s something important that Chiaki and I wanted to tell you right now-“

“This game is really based on WWI, the immersion is powerful!”

“Isn’t that topic over already!”

The Battlefield discussion seems to be continuing again! Tendou-san started talking non-stop.

“No. Personally, I’m really fond of FPS that’s based in the near-future with intense combat and futuristic items! However, there are some situations where you have to participate in a slow battle to emphasize the importance of teamwork and tactics! Think about it, the reason why online battle games are fun is that they’re not just focused on accuracy-“

“P-Please wait, Tendou-san! I-I’m not against other people’s game commentary. Even so, can you put that game aside from a second?”

I tried my best and interrupted Tendou-san. She let out an unwilling “ugh” mumble…Eh, has she always been like this? Uh, even though Chiaki and I will go haywire when we’re talking about our favorite games…However, Tendou-san should be able to observe the mood and act decisively…

A-Anyway, Tendou-san stopped talking about Battlefield.

Chiaki and I cleared our throats as we sit upright once again. Then, just as we’re preparing to talk about that-

“I’m going to take a walk around the kiosk.”

-Tendou-san suddenly stood up before hearing us! I hastily spewed a couple of “no” and stopped her!

“How many times do you want to go to the kiosk, Tendou-san!”

“Perhaps they got new products already.”

“Only an online game store can update that quickly! Also, didn’t you bet your own life on taking care of Aguri-san’s luggage?”

“Ho, why do I have to bet my own life on Aguri-san’s stuff?”

“Even though your question makes a lot of sense! By the way, didn’t you say it yourself, Tendou-san?”

“My brain wasn’t working properly just then. Well, I’m going to the kiosk, see you later!”

“Your brain isn’t working correctly right now as well! E-Even if you made that promise when you’re unconscious, a promise is a promise! I can’t believe you’re this irresponsible. This isn’t like you, Tendou-san!”

“Ugh, …you’re right. I-I understand. I…will take care of the luggage.”

Tendou-san sat back down with a face full of regret. It looks like she’s about to bite her own tongue and kill herself. After that, she stared at Aguri-san’s stuff silently…

“Uh, …Tendou-san? So, …well, there’s something that Chiaki and I want to…”


“…Tendou-san? Hey…?”


Tendou-san’s paying full attention to Aguri-san’s bags.

“Eh, are you serious! You can at least talk to people when you’re keeping watch, right? Tendou-san, can you please at least say something.”


“That’s casual! That’s even more casual than I’ve imagined! If you’re paying this little attention, are you sure that you can hear what we’re saying!”


“Please listen to us seriously, Tendou-san! Please, Tendou-san!”

I can’t take it anymore. So, I stood up and reached my hand towards Tendou-san’s shoulders-



-So, with a “bap” noise, my hand was swept away.

Her sense of rejection is way too apparent…At the moment, Chiaki and I froze. However, after that-

“Thanks for the wait. I’m sorry for asking you to keep watch.”

“Amanocchi, is the bus still not here yet?”

-Since Uehara-kun and Aguri-san returned from the toilet, we vaguely went over everything.

Chiaki and I gathered up with those two as we whispered to each other.

(This feels really strange…Ay, I guess we can say it next time, right?)

(Yeah. It’s not like we have to say it right now, anyway.)

Although Tendou-san’s a bit strange right now, we’re exhausted after this long day, anyway. The time’s getting late, so Chiaki and I didn’t really care about her “unreasonable excitement” that much. In reality, Chiaki and I just had a bunch of embarrassing interactions at Starry Plaza just then.

Even so…

(To us, I think we need to explain everything to Tendou-san to end this vague relationship. We can’t revert back to ‘friends’ completely before then…)

With that, we managed to switch up the mood and started walking again.

Even so, right now, we’re hiding something together from Tendou-san…as if we’re cheating behind her. What the hell is this?

I can’t help but look at Chiaki, and she did the same thing as well. We started staring at each other. This is embarrassing, so we immediately plopped our heads down. However…

(So, why is this cheating situation still going on! If we don’t explain and end everything clearly to Tendou-san, the subtle relationship between Chiaki and I can never be resolved!)

Even so, I don’t think it’s right to say this over text or phone. This is a critical case where Tendou-san, Chiaki, and I have to be present and explain everything. Sincerely. There’s no doubt about that.

I let out a huge sigh as I looked at Tendou-san, who’s chatting with Uehara-kun and Aguri-san, dazedly before making a conclusion.

(Sigh, there’s a lot of chance for us three to talk in the Hobby Club, anyway.)

This isn’t a long-distance relationship. We can solve this within days.

Just as I’m thinking about this, the buses that are heading to our destinations arrived one by one.


The buses started successfully this time.

We can finally end this long and intense day.

Karen Tendou

I let out a deep sigh as I stared at the dark road from the window of the moving bus. Uehara-kun and Aguri-san are sitting behind lovingly. However, I distanced myself from them for a bit and took a seat at the front. The two of them will probably think that I’m considerate, but it’s actually not.

I just want to….stay alone.

After all, I really don’t want to talk to anyone right now.

The reason is that…is because…because…

(Amano-kun and Hoshinomori-san started ‘dating’ each other. HOW CAN I ACCEPT A FACT LIKE THAT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!)

I screamed inside my heart as I lowered my head and start fisting the empty seat next to me with my left hand.

There’s a traffic of boiling emotions with nowhere to go inside me. They’re ravaging every piece of me.

Anger, depression, jealousy, jealousy, JEALOUSY, hate, and-

(I will never….never tolerate something like this!)


(I can’t believe things are going this way…going this way…This is too weird…!)

I can’t help but try and pinch my cheeks…It hurts. It hurts so much. Perhaps I’m pinching the wrong spot, so I tried the other side as well. In the end, the result is the same. It’s just that both sides hurt equally now.


This time, the sadness in my heart overwhelmed anger. Tears nearly fell out of my eyes.

However, I immediately cheered myself up. “I can’t do that!”

The same thing goes for playing games. If I cried out of depression, everything’s over. While it’s fine to cry out of regret and hate for it to be the fuel of the next match, however, crying out of sadness will extinguish the fire inside my heart. It’s because those kinds of years will really end everything.


After I adjusted my breaths, I tried to cheer myself up once again. So, …I tried my best to be objective as if I’m describing this to another person…and started remembering how did I know those two started ‘dating.’


Around an hour ago.

When the bus broke down, Uehara-kun, Aguri-san, and I started chilling around the kiosk after we walked all the way back to the rest station.

However, I really can’t deny the fact that I’m an extra when I’m facing Uehara-kun and Aguri-san as a couple. So, after a slight consideration, I said, “Ah, I-I’m going to walk around the kiosk.” Then, I left the seat directly.

That’s the worst mistake I’ve made today.

In reality, there’s almost nothing to see at the kiosk. I quickly started strolling inside since I have nothing else to do…So, I noticed it.

The entrance towards Starry Plaza.

I’m glad to know that I can kill time for a moment. However, after I read the instructions, I realized there’s not enough time for me to get to the top and come back.

But, even so, I can never give up “seeing a sky filled with beautiful stars,” no matter what. Anyway, I believed the instruction that mentioned there’s already enough space to watch the stars on the path to the plaza. I started walking up to the middle of the mountain while thinking I have to try it out to know.

So, at last, the starry sky that I saw is really incredible.

Especially when there’s a spacious rest area in the middle of the hill. I can see an even more fantastic starry sky there. I sat on the bench for tourists alone as I enjoyed the view for a while.

…I even wished that Amano-kun is here to watch the stars with me.

So, when I reveled on the stars for roughly a minute, my hairpin fell onto somewhere dark behind the bench.

I stood up helplessly and went to the back. Then, I bowed down and started looking for the hairpin with poor vision.

However, the hairpin rolled to somewhere far away. In the end, I finally found it behind the celestial globe.

I grabbed the pin as I let out a sigh in relief. Then, I pressed my chest, thinking it’s almost time for me to go back to the rest station-

-Just as I’m about to stand up, suddenly, I realized someone’s here as well.

I can’t help but freak out and even hid at the corner of the celestial globe out of reflex.

So, when I’m peeking at the corner to see what’s happening, I found out a couple is walking towards here from the mountain path.

Honestly, there’s no need for me to hide, but I might as well stay to prevent them from getting scared by suddenly popping out. Anyway, I decided to stay hidden and planned to leave after the couple passed through the platform.

I stayed behind the celestial globe and thought about what the hell I’m doing depressingly as I waited for the couple to pass. However, no matter how long I waited, those two aren’t showing up.

I’m baffled by what those two are doing, so I can’t help but peek from the celestial globe.

…In the end, I saw someone unexpected.

(Eh, isn’t that…Amano-kun and Hoshinomori-san?)

I bulged my eyes out of the unbelievable scenery. As for those two, they’re chatting with each other cheerfully.

“We were still loners…normies…troublesome…This!”

“…Uwah! You’re right…”

Although I can only hear some fragments, I can guarantee that it’s them with those voices and the interaction.

(Why are they together…)

I’m slightly palpitating, but I still continued to observe the situation. During this time, the two stopped at the stairs for some reason…Then, they stared at the sky before falling into silence.

(…W-What’s with this hidden atmosphere…! Eek…!)

I’m incredibly anxious out of my sheer jealousy…No, come to think of it, I think my emotions were too vigorous at that time. However, a boy and a girl staring at the sky while throbbing…Is there another way to describe this situation aside from romantic?

Just as my worries are getting consolidated with each passing minute, the two walked down the stairs.

I quickly stopped peeking and hid behind the globe again. I made sure that I’m entirely silent…Please don’t complain about why I’m doing this. Do you understand the feeling of not being able to escape if you decided to hide?

Anyway, I was hiding behind the globe and held my breath.

Amano-kun and Hoshinomori seem to be unaware of my presence as they walked silently.

Immediately following that, when they arrived at the rest area where I’m hiding, …they suddenly started talking…

Yes, they started that decisive conversation.

“Sigh, honestly, from my stance, I also hope to explain this properly to Tendou-san as well.”

“You’re right. If Tendou-san hates me because of that, or she’s blaming the relationship between you and me. I can only say it can’t be helped since it’s all my fault.”

“…It’s all our fault.”

I didn’t understand any of that in the least bit at that time. However, even though I don’t understand, …my heart is beating so fast that I’m feeling a tinge of pain. Something in my heart is warning me to not listen any further.

However, …before I can put my hands around my ears.

That ‘brutal’ sentence is already out of Hoshinomori-san’s mouth.

“I understand. Keita, we should explain our relationship to Tendou-san as soon as possible. I feel like that’s the only way to keep our ‘relationship’ without any troubles.”


Right away, I can feel all emotions are lost in my eyes.

…What did she just say?

I think I just imagined things. Yep, this is just a usual misunderstanding. Exactly, there’s the only possible conclusion. Haha.

I was trying my best to cheer up…However, as if the two are trying to add insult to injury, they started a continuous attack on me.

“Yep. Indeed, we really need to quickly ‘end’ this part.”

“Yeah. I feel terrible for Tendou-san if we’re hiding everything away from her.”

“Yes. I also hope that I can maintain a relationship built on trust’ with the person I’m dating with.”

“Right. I also wish ‘the person that’s important to me’ can keep it that way. I really hoped that.”


Then, the distance became further, and I can no longer hear what they’re saying.

No, even if I heard a voice, I think I can’t interpret it as a conversation.

This is because my heart is already totally messed up at that point.

(Eh? What is this? Ugh, so, why are they…)

I wrapped my legs behind the globe and started pondering it non-stop. However, …no matter how hard I’m thinking, thinking, and thinking, …I can only reach one conclusion.

The interpretation is just like…when I’ve heard.

(Amano-kun and Hoshinomori-san started dating. So, they’re going to end this with me soon.)



I screamed at the top of my lungs as I stood up. Amano-kun and Hoshinomori-san seem to be so far ahead that they didn’t realize I’m here. However-



-In comparison, I didn’t realize that another couple saw me while climbing down the hill. They were totally freaked out…Ay, I guess the reaction is normal if a hysterical blonde hair girl suddenly appearing from behind the celestial globe while screaming…Come to think of it, I still feel like I did something terrible to them. I’m sorry, but I hope that it’s not going to be turned into an urban legend in the future.

Anyway, I quickly apologized to the couple and ran as if I’m trying to escape. The tears that have been building in my eyes were blown away by the wind and sparkling behind.

My mind is going haywire when I’m running. I can’t think properly. I’m frustrated and depressed. I didn’t understand the meaning of all this, why are things going this way.

I can’t accept the reality.

Even so, when I’m back at the rest station, there’s only…one clear answer in my heart.

That is…

(I-I will never acknowledge this…! I can’t agree with this…! I absolutely…absolutely disagree with this!)

They plan to ‘end’ this with me on their own. Then, they’re going to march onto a new journey selfishly.

To that, I really can’t let that slide easily.

(Yeah, …no one will allow that!)

Well, …that realization is mine is like a father that’s unwilling to meet his daughter’s boyfriend for a marriage proposal.

After all, if I heard a request like that.

If I let…the two to…end everything with me like this.

I’m sure that…there’s nothing I can do.

It’s impossible for me…to have any means to fight against…a couple that sincerely loves each other.

That’s why, …when we’re alone at the rest station, I kept on avoiding when they’re trying to report about the date or the breakup.



The replay ends here. I returned to the quiet bus at night. When I looked back, Uehara-kun and Aguri-san are lying on each other’s head lovingly as they fell asleep. I…made up my mind once again after I saw that lovely couple.

“…It’s not over yet. It’s not over yet. After all, …Amano-kun…confessed to me…”

I remembered a while ago, that extremely passionate, …that confession that’s making me blush by only thinking about it.

…Indeed. Didn’t I hear Amano-kun’s passionate confession a while ago? Thre’s no way he’s lying. But if that’s the case, why is he dating Hoshinomori-san…?

I finally realized at this point.

(Right! How could I not know until now! I bet he didn’t find the right way – to reject Hoshinomori-san’s confession!)

Everything can be explained this way.

I theorized further.

(Yeah, that’s right! I’m sure this is the answer! Amano-kun has always been a gentle and kind person! He can never reject a confession from his friend, Hoshinomori-san, in that romantic situation! This has to be right! Yes!)

So, things have gotten intense after some back and forth. In the end, they plan to discuss this with me for a proper “ending.”

If that’s the case, I’m entirely relieved…No, it has to be this way.

(In reality, there’s no way for them to love each other…It’s not going to happen…)

I trust Amano-kun a lot, yet there’s a fear passing at the corner of my brain…No, Karen, you don’t need to consider a possibility like that.

The theory must be correct. It has to be correct.

(Yeah. After all, it made sense. It has to be right.)

I can’t help but grin coldly at myself, who’s a bit too “clever” and sensitive.

(Sigh, by the way, I can even acknowledge the “misunderstandings” and “mistakes” that I’ve caused and used them in my theory…)

I’m terrified by my high standards. This woman, Karen Tendou, how ugly and calculating do you have to be?

However, this is the only time where I have to appreciate my outstanding wit. Thanks to this, …I can correctly identify the “enemy” and the “countering” method.

To put it simply, the enemy…isn’t Hoshinomori-san. Instead, it’s the “couple declaration” that they made under a string of misunderstandings.

As for the counter…

(If that’s the case, there’s only one thing I need to do!)

I glared at the starry sky from the window.

Then, I put my fist together with all of my determination and raised them forcefully to the starry sky outside.

(Whenever they’re trying to talk about “that” thing, I’ll have to avoid, avoid, and avoid. I need to cause their relationship to stagnate. This is for the benefit of everyone!)

To say how powerful my fist raise was-

“Ding! Stopping at the next station.”

-It made me accidentally press the STOP button.


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