
Volume 6, 4 – Tasuku Uehara and Weakened Restart

Volume 6, Chapter 4 – Tasuku Uehara and Weakened Restart

Translator: your_pingas“You want me to meet with another girl today after school?”


I questioned him with a face full of distrust. Then, Masaya gave me that usual suspicious and nasty smile and put his hand on my shoulders like we’re whispering. I can’t help but sigh loudly and stare at the sky from the window of the dirty toilet of the old school building.

“The lesson will end in 10 minutes. When Masaya explicitly asked me to go to a toilet like this with him, I can already tell that something’s going on…”

This is the third worst terrible development that I’ve imagined when we’re on the way. Also, in my mind, the worst would be that he’s inviting me to smoke, and the best is that he’s going to give me concert tickets.

“Nah, I need to meet someone important today.”

I grabbed my phone out of the pocket to check how long until the lesson finishes, but Masaya didn’t back down from my apparent lack of interest. He even pulled me over forcefully and continued.

“Ay, listen to me, the girl’s called Onnmu Ryoutsuzi…She’s a junior that I’ve met during a gathering.”

“Gathering, …that’s not an abbreviation for a friendly concert, right?” [Note: The word “gathering” in Japanese can either mean an actual meeting or friendship.]

“Of course not, it’s just a typical gathering. A meeting for boys and girls to fool around.”

“Oh, is it a joined concert of Johnny and AKB?”

“That can really bring boys and girls together if a concert like that actually exists! Eh, please.”

“Sorry. Even if that’s true, you’re in high school only, and you have a girlfriend already. Why would you go to a gathering like that…”

I looked at Masaya dumbfoundedly. He’s still answering me with a warm smile.

“Ay, to be honest, I’m just dragged by my brother in university to make up the numbers. I will be lying if I say I’m definitely not going to mess around. However, I’m going to treat 90% of it as a social study.”

“A social study…”

I didn’t know there’s such a frivolous social study. However, in reality, Masaya has always been like this. While it’s true that he’s flippant, but he’s honest and kind. So, unbelievably, none of us dislikes him.

“So, of course, all the participants are in university. But for some reason, there’s a girl that’s about as young as I do. After I asked, she said that she’s in year 1 of our school.

“I got it. Then? Don’t tell me…that Ryoutsuzi girl is interested in me, the charming normie handsome guy?”

“You got that quickly.”


“Eh, that’s too fast for a conclusion, please!”

“It’s not about fast. Like I’ve said at the start, I got to meet someone important today after school.”

“You can always delay small things like that. I guess it’s just your daily walk home with Aguri, right?”

“It’s indeed just a daily activity, but I’m really occupied when I said I’m occupied.”

“No, no, no, that’s not related whether you’re free or not! I’m talking about the prioritization!”

“Uh, so, in my concept, I prioritize someone that I’ve already decided to meet…”

“There’s something even more important than gathering with an ‘easy’ girl!?”

“There is! Also, don’t force that sexually-driven mindset of yours onto me!”

I threw away Masaya’s hand and planned to leave the toilet, then he quickly tried to save.

I stopped walking and let out a loud sigh, then I turned back and looked at him.

“Hey, hey, hey, …why are you being so stubborn. What’s in it for you if I meet with that girl?”

“My best friend will be blessed. That’s what in it for me!”

“Really. Well, the actual situation is?”

“I used my friend’s virginity as an exchange, and asked the girl to introduce an ‘easy’ friend to me!”

“You’re a total prick!”

I take back when I’ve said. This guy is honest, kind, and so cheerful that it’s hard for people to dislike him, but he’s a total prick inside…By the way, a douche that doesn’t make people hate him is quite terrible, right?

“P-Please, Tasuku! Onnmu said she’s totally uninterested in me, but she’s quite fond of you. If that’s the case, it’s hard to not make a deal. This is the only way to achieve a beautiful double-win!”

“You and that girl are the only ones winning, right!”

I let out a sigh because I might have befriended the wrong person in high school. Then, Masaya tilted his head in confusion.

“What? Uh, but this is not a bad thing for you.”

“This is the bad thing, right. I need to meet someone today, and more importantly, I already have a girlfriend…”

“Eh? But, recently, things between Aguri and you aren’t going well, right?”


My heart was severely hurt when another person says that “things aren’t going well” between us.

I pressed my chest and asked Masaya.

“M-Masaya, …when you said things aren’t going well between us, where did you hear that from…”

“No one told me about it…It’s just something I concluded when I observed you two from the side.”

“W-Which part tells you that our relationship is rough?”

“Which part? …When a young boy and girl aren’t making any progress for half a year, it’s already pretty much that, if you know what I mean. Also, recently, I can see there’s a subtle distance between when you two are together.”


Exactly. Aguri and I…aren’t going too well these days. We treated it as a misunderstanding about the time when she almost kissed Amano. Even so, a separate issue is that we need to slowly figure out how we should treat each other.

“How should I put it…Perhaps it’s because we’re timid. It’s the same for Aguri and me.”

Both of us look like we’re the bold and open type. In reality, we tend to prioritize “respecting the partner” at no.1. So, that’s why we kept thinking, “is it too weird to do this” or “will the person misunderstand if I did that.” In the end, we can only talk about our daily lives.

Then, of course, when others saw this, they’ll feel like that “things aren’t great” for us…

“…No, it’s not just ‘it looks like,’ …things really aren’t great for us…”

I acknowledged this once again and let out a sad sigh.

Masaya seems to realize that there’s a gap in my heart that he can exploit, so he suggested to me once again.

“Anyway, in times like this, how about you meet with a junior that’s kind of attracted to you…”

“Still, no.”

“This boy is unexpectedly conservative! Eh, please, Tasuku. Just meet the girl for once, then you can do whatever you want.”

“Like I’ve said before, I have a girlfriend…”

“You dare to say that you have? In this situation? Really?”


I can’t answer immediately…There isn’t a memorable fact for proof, we even began to chat less frequently. Can I really call a girl with such a relationship to me a girlfriend? This is an entirely different question than the feelings that I have for Aguri.

“Moreover, we just witnessed Amano and Tendou pairing up together in plain sight…”

Right now, there isn’t anything comparable to them between Aguri and me.


Masaya patted my shoulder at this quiet moment as he shoved his schedule to me.

“Alright, after school, the girl will wait for you behind the old school building that’s originally a parking lot for bicycles. Thanks!”

“Hey, wait! I already said I have a meeting today-“

“I can’t hear it! I can’t hear it!”

Masaya ignored my complaint and even covered his ears as he makes a beeline out.

“That guy…! He planned to escape after he said everything, right! I’ll be a douchebag that leaves a girl that’s interested in me waiting on the field if I don’t go after school, am I! You got to be kidding me!”

Although I tried my best to chase after Masaya after I realized what he’s trying to pull off-

-Int the end, until that troublesome after school moment arrived, Masaya covered his eyes and totally avoided me.

…I take back what I said once more.

Masaya isn’t a prick. I’ve already found him being this wholeheartedly nasty respectable.


I’m pretty sure that I made a wrong friend.


“Also, that girl isn’t even here yet…”

After school, I can’t help but go to the abandoned bicycle parking lot for the meeting. There’s no one here, not to mention a girl. There’s only the screeching noise of the rusted tin roof of the storage house being blown by the wind.

Even when I’m stepping onto the grass that grew between the gaps of the stone slab road, of course, the only place that I can see doesn’t even have a wall to lean onto. This is extremely uncomfortable.

“I want to quickly finish this and actually go to my original meeting…”

I rubbed my neck boringly as I waited for the girl. Actually, I wanted to grab my phone out to play as well. However, I don’t think it’s good for the girl to see me clearly using the phone to kill time. Even if there’s nothing to do, even it’s not comfortable, I still maintained my nervous attitude and stood upright.

“…How should I put it? Perhaps this is my bad habit…”

I feel like I shouldn’t have anything to do with the girL, yet I still ended up considering her so much. If I’m really prioritizing Aguri over everything, I shouldn’t have come here in the first place…

“…I just can’t do it.”

That’s why I was described as a smooth and slick person, right? But this is really who I am, I can’t help-

“You can’t do what?”


Someone’s suddenly answering me from the back. Although I was scared for a moment, I quickly turned back. Then, there’s a girl with a reddish-brown short bob hair and ultra-short skirt. She looks pretty refined.

I’m starting to freak out, but I still immediately gave her a smile and raised my hand.

“H-Hi, uh, …it’s okay for me to call you Ryoutsuzi-san, r-right.”

After I smiled, I immediately regretted it. “Why the hell am I smiling?” …Why do I quickly want to show my sweet side despite there’s no need for that…Sigh.

However, this girl, …Ryoutsuzi-san wouldn’t have noticed my regrets. She even smiled innocently.

“Ahaha, yeah, thanks. Ah, you don’t need to be so nice. Just call me Onnmu is alright. By the way, senpai, you came super early. That’s cute!”

Ryoutsuzi-san- No, Ryoutsuzi talked as she laughed out…The serious side of mine let out a big sigh in my heart. Ugh, hmm, after I got in high school, I thought I was more or less getting used to a girl like her…It looks like there’s still a long time for me to adapt.

I first make sure I calmed down before facing Ryoutsuzi again.

“So? Uh, Ryoutsuzi, perhaps Masaya didn’t mention it to you, but I already got a girlfriend.”

“Hmm? Ah, I know. That Aguri girl, right? I’ve heard it before. Senpai’s surely cute!”

“You think I-I’m cute?”

Yeah, I heard that you two did nothing even dating for half-a-year, isn’t that right?”

Ryoutsuzi answered me without any embarrassment or hesitation…This time, it’s not just in my heart, I almost wanted to sigh in real life as well.

I scratched my head and asked her.

“Uh, well, if you know that I have a girlfriend, why are you looking for me?”

“Why? You mean why I’m looking for you, right. You’re really asking me this? Uh, ah, how about please go out with me, senpai.”

“What do you mean by how about…”

I fell silent, yet Ryoutszui continued calmly.

“Eh, it’s because senpai’s relationship isn’t going well, right? Then it’s fine, right? Coincidentally, …I can count as being single right now.”

You can also count as being single right now?

“No, it’s not fine. How should I put it…Uh, …this is just a temporary roadblock…I still have my feelings for her…”

Why am I saying this in front of a junior that I just met for the first time? My face is blushing from all the embarrassment.

I hastily concluded to finish this quickly.

“So, I can’t go out with-“

“Ah, alright.”


The girl backed down immediately, and it made me let out a weird noise. It feels like I just hit nothing during a sumo match.

Even so, it’s great to know that the girl is willing to back down. I raised my hand lightly and continued.

“Uh, w-well, that’s it…”

“Yes, this is it. I’m entirely okay with it!”

Ryoutsuzi answered with a baffling smile for some reason. I raised a “?” on my head. However, I’m good as long as she can understand. So, I decided to turn around and leave-


-At this moment, I suddenly felt that my right arm is wrapped in something soft, so I freaked out and stopped walking.

I anxiously tried to confirm. Then, I found out…Ryoutsuzi is sticking really close to me and wrapping her plumpy chest around my arms.

She glanced up to me and smiled.

“Then let’s go, Tasuku-senpai.”

“Eh, huh? Eh, where are we going-“

“Hmm? Ay, I can do it wherever you wish, anyway.”

“What do you mean by you can do it wherever-“

“It’s okay as long as there’s a quiet place for us to be alone.”


Suddenly, I realized that my heart is gradually calming down to a point where I was surprised by it.

I forcefully…got my arm off her, and then I answered her calmly with an emotionless tone.

“…Ryoutsuzi, didn’t Masaya tell you? I need to meet someone today.”

“Really? But senpai, I’m pretty sure that I can make you happier.”

Ryoutsuzi said that with an innocent smile.

I can’t help but…despise at her.

“Ha! That’s absolutely impossible.”

Suddenly, she was triggered and answered a bit angrily.

“What was that. Don’t tell me the girlfriend that doesn’t allow senpai to do anything is better than me?”

“Yeah. Of course.”


I answered like it was nothing. Ryoutsuzi immediately glared at me anxiously…Uwah, I feel like this girl is finally showing her real side. How terrible…

“Please, senpai, can you not act like this? I’m feeling cold.”

“Oh, it’s good that we’re cooling down. See ya.”

I waved casually as I planned to leave, but Ryoutsuzi grabbed my shoulders forcefully…I told you this girl is super scary.

“Just say it directly if I’m not your type.”

“Sigh, that’s not the problem-“

“That’s the problem. Isn’t everything fine if there’s nothing wrong with my look?”

“No, no, no. It’s not fine.”

“As long as senpai’s girlfriend doesn’t know about this-“


I can’t take this anymore, so I shouted at the top of my lungs. However, the girl is still my junior. Once I saw her trembling in fear, I scratched my head and said, “I’m sorry.”

“How should I put it, Ryoutsuzi…Anyway, I’m not really trying to reject you. Although I’m not in love with you, I still think it’s not bad to do that with you.”


“However, …I’m still not interested in that. Sorry, go look for another guy. In reality, I think you’re really adorable, objectively, yes-“

-I immediately realized my mistake in the middle of my sentence. T-This is my bad habit, right! Why am I praising her looks! Do I really have to talk good to a girl in this situation! I’m helpless! I can readily enter the top 16 if there’s a global competition for being smooth and slick!

“Bam! Bam! Bam!”

I feel like I can’t be helped. So, I banged my head on the rusted rebar on the side. So, Ryoutsuzi freaked out at my strange reaction for a second…But then, she let out a sigh and mumbled in defeat.

“…Tasuku-senpai, you’re really just the same as what Masaya-senpai told me.”

“Same as what Masaya told you?”

“He said you’re an obedient little sheep disguised in a handsome wolf skin.”


I can’t believe that stupid Masaya saw me right through! For real? Don’t tell me my wish for “a stronger restart” in high school is actually not remotely as successful what I’m imagined?

I pressed my chest and gasped. Then, Ryoutsuzi seems to be smiling in relief.

“Eh, but I didn’t expect you to be this obedient. You’re the friend of Masaya-senpai, who asked me ‘do you want to go to another place’ 10 minutes into the gathering. Tasuku-senpai, it’s more like, why are you friends with him?”

“…P-Perhaps I want to ask someone else about this as well.”

After I answered, we can’t help but smile at each other bitterly. Sigh, actually, Masaya is a nice person, …even though I wouldn’t comment on his sexual desires.

“Uh, well, I need to meet someone at the entrance of the main school building…”

I planned to leave after I said that. Ryoutsuzi didn’t stop me, but she said “I’ll go with senpai as well” before walking next to me.

I scratched my head as she gave me a little devilish smile.

“It’s fine. I’ll leave Tasuku-senpai before the girl finds out.”


I think she saw me right through…Am I the type of guy that express all his feelings on the face?

Ryoutsuzi and I tagged along the road back to the school building…Honestly, there’s not much that we can talk about, …but I’m terrified of those so-called silent moments. Once I snapped out of it, we’re already chitchatting.

“Ryoutsuzi, I’ve always wanted to become a normie before.”

“Really…Sigh, but I don’t think you can be one when you rejected a girl’s confession that blatantly.”


Ryoutsuzi twirled the tip of her hair as she casually replied with a bitter comeback. Although I was hurt for a bit, …even so, I still answered in my own style.

“R-Right. In the end, perhaps there’s no way for me to become like you or Masaya.”

“Aha! I can’t believe a handsome senpai is saying something so depressing to a junior that he just broke up with, that’s super cute!”

Ryoutsuzi clapped her hands as she burst into laughter. Jesus, this girl is really a bitch. Uh, even though it’s true that I broke up with her! However, usually, that’s not a reaction a depressed girl will give!

While I’m still annoyed, I turned my head to the front…and cleared my throat.

“But, after I met a couple of new friends, I started to think about what is it that I really want.”

I paused for a moment here, …after a second of hesitation, I grabbed the chance and said the conclusion with a bright smile.

“I think it’s okay as long as I’m chasing after the ‘enriched normie life’ in my heart-“

“Ah, Hiro! Eh, you guys are not going to the club activity today? Wow, …I’m glad to know that! Then I’ll go with you too! Hey, hey, hey, if you got the time, why don’t we find a quiet place? I’m just kidding…Hiya, I’m really sorry.”

“What the-, are you serious?”

The senpai was halfway through his philosophical presentation, and she dares to start squiring noisily to another boy? How did she change her mind that quickly? Same as Masaya, she’s so ridiculous that I’m beginning to respect her. The Easy Girl Onnmu Ryoutsuzi. A born normie is really something else.

Just as I’m feeling somewhat convinced, Ryoutsuzi noticed that Hiro guy is trying to get something excitedly, so she turned back to me.

“Well, Tasuku-senpai, I’ll be seeing you. Help me say hi to your girlfriend.”

“Who’s helping you? Basically-“

“Ah, Hiro, wait for me! Eh, you’re grabbing something from the clubroom? Uwah, I really like a sports clubroom full of the smell of men! I’m going with you!”

“I feel like you’re amazing.”

In a sense, this girl’s reputation is skyrocketing in my heart. Onnmu Ryoutsuzi. Perhaps this is a name that’ll be recorded into history in a certain way, I’ll have to get her signature the next time we meet.

I watched Ryoutsuzi slowly disappears from my sight. After that, I started walking to the place for meeting again, which is the entrance of the school building.

So, just like what I expected, the person is waiting for me there. After seeing me, that person rushed here with a smile like a puppy…However, she suddenly seems to have noticed something and pouted angrily.

“Eh, you’re too slow! Didn’t you say that you’ll come back quickly!”

She looked up to me and is even getting angry in a somewhat adorable and innocent way.

I played with that person’s hair as I apologized.

“Sorry to make you wait, Amano.”

She-, no, it’s he, Keita Amano, escaped from my hands as if it’s tickling him as he smiled embarrassingly…However, based on the baffling sense of responsibility that he has to be angry in this situation. The boy answered me with a pretty subtle tone.

“I-It’s really long! But, …we’re not in a rush today, anyways…”

“Isn’t it fine then?”

“B-But, I don’t think it’s good to be late and acted like there’s nothing wrong when you’re meeting with someone.”

“I already apologized. If we’re friends, you have to forgive me on minor issues like this.”

“F-Friends! Y-You’re right, we’re friends…Y-Yes.”

The classmate that’s easy to coax is mumbling a bit excitedly, “Friends, …ho, ho, friends.”

I shrugged my shoulders helplessly at Amano, then I urged him “we’re going” before taking the first step.

“Ah, wait, …wait for me, Uehara-kun.”

Then, Amano quickly rushed next to me and walked on my side.

We directly left the school and headed towards downtown.

During this time, Amano slightly tilted his head and asked me.

“By the way, Uehara-kun, where did you go? It looks like you’re walking to the entrance from outside…”

“I need to do some errands.”

“Errands, …it sounds like there’s another meaning.”

“Nope, it’s not like that. Although I want to bicker with you, it’s really just something trivial.”

Indeed, perhaps there’s not another word other than “trivial” can be used to describe what I went through.

In the end, Amano seems to be curious and asked.

“What’s with that, I’m super curious. Explain in details, please.”

“No, no, no, you’re really annoying right now.”


Amano pouted his cheeks, unwilling to give up. That reaction made me can’t help but laugh. Then, he suddenly gave me a serious look and asked respectfully.

“But, …Uehara-kun, should you really be going with me today?”

“What do you mean by really going with you?”

“Uh, it’s because …there’s no Game Hobby Club meetings today. I’m just going to the game store to check out vintage games. That’s all.”

“Yeah, but I’m the one that asked to go with you. In reality, I’m interested in vintage games as well.”

“Uh, but…I guess you had to deal with something today, right? Isn’t that supposed to be something more important than going to the game store with me?”


It seems that Amano noticed something and are worrying for me. After all, I’m “late” today when I’m a guy that’s surprisingly good at arriving on-time.

I looked at his eyes, ….and then I smiled as I started to rub his hair with my hands again.

“Nope, …it’s not like that at all. Your side is way more meaningful, and I also prioritized you first.”

“R-Really? That’s good to know…”

Amano smiled a bit embarrassingly. However, I think he doesn’t want me to see a reaction like that. So, after he cleared his throat, he dared to start talking trash to me.

“Uehara-kun, but if I’m looking it this way, I didn’t expect you to have this much free time. Are you really a normie?”

“Shut up.”


So, I poked his head forcefully.

Well, today, I still started my lethargic, unconstructive, and youth-wasting after school time lazily-

-And even laughing like an idiot with my best friend.


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