Gamer Superstar

Chapter 96 [Bonus ] 96 - Unusual request

Chapter 96 [Bonus ] 96 - Unusual request

Looking at all the cell phones in front of me, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to record them all, but thinking that this could also be a good way to promote myself, I had no problem taking the phones and recording videos of a few seconds for people to post on stories.

Considering that dozens of phones were handed out to me, and that each of these people must have around 100 to 1,000 followers, this would mean exposure to at least a few thousand people, not to mention that I remembered that this type of post also contributed to popularity in the GAA's algorithm for calculating my rank.

The good thing was that it also got the audience more involved, and more and more people came to the stage to hear me sing and participate in the show.

It was much more fun to perform with a lot of people listening to me and dancing to my songs than it would have been with just a few dozen people.

While I was performing, I analyzed the audience and realized that at least 40% of the guests were Latino, probably the family of one of the brides and grooms.

I noticed this because although they liked the songs, I noticed that they didn't enjoy them as much as the American audience.

With an idea in mind, I decided to use my Spanish skills for the first time.

[Spanish Language Mastery Lv 14]

With this skill at Lv 14, it was as if I already had 20 months of practice in this language, which wasn't the perfect level of a fluent Latino, but it was a level where I could talk to them easily, understand them, they could understand me, and I could sing some songs in Spanish.

So to cheer them up, I decided to try interacting with them in their language as well. ~ Hi guys, would any of you like to request some music? ~ I asked in my almost fluent Spanish.

Hearing me speak Spanish so naturally on stage, I noticed the shock on the faces of not only the Latinos, but also the Americans in the audience.

~ Qué pasa amigo, your Spanish is very good! ~ One of the Latino guests, apparently one of Sarah's uncles, shouted out in surprised Spanish, making the other guests laugh.

~ Do you speak Spanish? ~ This time it was Sarah's turn to exclaim in Spanish, surprised to hear me speak in her native tongue.

Smiling, I answered her. ~ Yes, I've been practicing Spanish for a few days, if you want any songs in Spanish I can sing them too. ~

Hearing me speak Spanish so naturally, no one believed that I had only been practicing it for a few days, but they didn't care and a Latin girl approached the stage while asking me to sing a very famous song in Spanish.

Looking at Mark and Frank, who confirmed that they knew how to play this song, I had also used this song to practice Spanish in the past and nodded and agreed to sing it.

With its fast and lively rhythm, this song got the Latin wedding guests excited and finally close enough to the stage to really dance.

In order not to ignore either type of guest, the Americans or the Latinos, I sang two songs in English and one in Spanish at the same time.

This way the Americans didn't feel excluded, while the Latinos felt included because I was singing in their language as well.

As I rested between songs and interacted with the audience, I received several comments from people asking if I really wasn't Latino because of my Spanish.

"Are you sure you're not Latino? Your Spanish is so convincing..." One of the three girls dancing at the front of the stage said in surprise as she looked at me.

Before I could respond, one of her cousins said. "Of course not, look at his face, all he needed was some blond hair to make him as American as possible."

Hearing this, I laughed because my features were indeed quite American, but with my charisma score at 15, it was possible that other ethnicities would find me attractive enough to see me as similar to them, so if the audience was English, French, German, even Latino, they could find a slightly generic feature in me that would make them see me as similar to them.

This was good because it was much easier to like something that looked like you than something completely different.

Of course, this wouldn't work with Africans because I didn't have anything very similar to them, so with them I would have to stick to the charisma of how I spoke and behaved in order to please them as well.

With Asians, on the other hand, I could approach the image of an idol that they idolize so much, which might make my life a lot easier when I go to Asia in the future.

~ Hey BlackVelvet, do you have any original songs in Spanish? ~ Sarah asked me, her eyes shining with excitement.

I hadn't chosen a specific song to sing, but it was hard not to say that I could sing Despacito, right?

But would Despacito be a good song to sing here?

Pretending to be deep in thought, I mentally opened the System screen and looked at the Music Selector.

[Music Selector: A device that analyzes the audience, the moment, the expectation, all available information to select the best song that the user can count on to please as many people as possible].

The Music Selector's cooldown had already reset in the last few days. I found out that the cooldown was actually 30 days, so if I used it now, I would have to wait another 30 days before I could use it again.

Looking at Sarah, who was very excited about my answer, and the other Latin and American guests looking at me expectantly and curiously, I thought that this might be a good time to use this feature again.

Even if it takes a while before I can use it again, it's not like I'm dependent on the Music Selector to choose my repertoire, isn't that the best thing about this feature for moments like this?

With that in mind, I nodded internally and activated the Music Selector to search for an ideal song to play.

"Yes, there is a song I'm working on in Spanish, but it's more of a side project for me to practice my Spanish than something I was thinking of doing for the commercial side. If you want, I can sing this song for you, just don't laugh at me..." I made up a story, used my acting skills, and waited for the music selector to choose my song.

With so many options in the previous world, it only took a few seconds for the Music Selector to analyze the audience and decide which song I would sing at that moment.

Jason had already been alerted to the fact that I would be singing an original song and was prepared to record me and the audience's reaction to my song.

Mark and Frank were worried, but when the song was chosen I went to them and explained the song, which they quickly understood and we were able to play it.


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