Gamer Superstar

Chapter 92 [Bonus ] 92 - MV Release!

Chapter 92 [Bonus ] 92 - MV Release!

After Selena and I decided on the game, Jason came over and I showed him the game.

Jason loved the game, even though he wasn't as much of a music fan as me and Selena, he still thought the game was a lot of fun and wanted to keep playing to get an S rank as well.

When we finally left to do my show, I took one last look at my phone and saw that the song All of Me would be released in a few minutes and there were already 5,000 people in the waiting room to see it.

In keeping with tradition, I just closed the app and left to see the results when I got back from the gig.

- Sarah's POV -

Sarah, who was getting married the following week, was sitting on the sofa in the living room of her house drinking wine and eating snacks with her fiancé while they waited for the song All of Me to be released on BlackVelvet's MeTube.

Since they had agreed to do this the night before, they had planned their whole day around listening to this song.

Sarah had already heard the teaser of the song on BlackVelvet's vlog several times and was very excited to hear the full song.

And she wasn't the only one, the number of people in the room, which had been 5,000 a few seconds ago, increased rapidly, until 2 minutes before the song premiered, there were already 13,000 people waiting for the song to start.

Reading the comments with curiosity, Sarah was surprised that she wasn't the only bride who was excited about this song.

[I'm forcing my boyfriend to listen to this song with me, maybe he'll propose after hearing this?]

[This song sounds so beautiful...]

[BlackVelvet is really beautiful...]

[Does anyone know how old BlackVelvet is?]

[Be my groom, BlackVelvet!]

[I'm getting married in a few months, if this song is good, I want BlackVelvet to sing it at my wedding...]

[I want BlackVelvet to sing it for my birthday...]

[Does anyone know where he performs?]

[I'm a friend who's forced to listen to this music...]

Seeing the comments, Sarah and Michael, her fiancé, had a good laugh.

"How can there be such funny people..." Sarah laughed at the man who said it was her boyfriend who was forced to listen to the song.

Having already had a few glasses of wine, Sarah was much more at ease as she lay cuddled up in Michael's arms and read the comments on the TV.

After two minutes, a 30-second countdown appeared on the screen and people got excited.

Sarah even got up from the sofa and stood to get a better view of the music, which made Michael laugh.

There were currently 16,812 people watching this premiere and the number was increasing by the second.

Finally, the countdown reached zero and the video began.

Unlike BlackVelvet's other music videos where the video started with the music, this one was different.

The video started with BlackVelvet calling the bride and groom to come closer to the stage, just like they had seen in his vlog, and he gave a short speech to the bride and groom to set the mood very easily.

With one camera focused on him and the other on the bride and groom, when he started to play the song, it was clear to see the bride's eyes turning red without her even having heard him sing anything yet, just the piano playing.


What would I do without your smart mouth?

Drawing me in, and you kicking me out...

You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down...


Listening to this part of the unreleased lyrics, Sarah was surprised to see herself in this song, falling in love with the intelligent things Michael was saying, things he was explaining to her that she had no idea existed...


What's going on in that beautiful mind?

I'm on your magical mystery ride...

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright...


Yeah, I got dizzy listening to him say all those nice things and the next thing I knew it had already hit me and I was falling in love...' she thought. She thought as she realized that the song really suited her!


My head's under water...

But I'm breathing fine...

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind...


This time it was Michael who looked at Sarah and realized that this song was made for them, how crazy she was for things he had never imagined, crazy things like traveling to China without either of them knowing a word of Mandarin, when she decided she wanted to go bungee jumping and he had to go with her...

'Really, you're crazy and I'm out of my mind for going with you...' He thought fondly as he smiled and took another sip of wine.


'Cause all of me...

Loves all of you...

Love your curves and all your edges...

All your perfect imperfections...


Looking at Sarah's beautiful waist, looking at her freckled cheeks that she hated but he loved...

'All of me really loves all of you...' He thought happily, getting even more excited about their wedding, which would take place in a week.

Surprisingly, at the next part of the song's chorus, Michael realized that Sarah was singing along with the singer on the screen!


Give your all to me...

I'll give my all to you...

You're my end and my beginning...

Even when I lose, I'm winning...

'Cause I give you all of me...

And you give me all of you, oh-oh...


As she sang this, tears began to well up in Sarah's eyes, causing Michael to also get up from the sofa and hug her from behind as the two of them slowly swayed and danced as they watched the music video.

Even Michael had to admit that the Black Velvet boy was handsome.

Although he looked young, probably no more than 21, the boy had a charm that made Michael sure he was enjoying life as a rock star.

The camera control of the video was also very good, always changing to a different angle without making the audience dizzy or nauseous, and never forgetting to show the bride and groom on the screen to make the viewers of the song on MeTube even more emotional.

Looking at the comments next to the screen, Michael laughed at how many crying emoticons were posted.

The chat was going so fast that he didn't doubt that thousands of people were commenting at the same time.

The song already had 26,000 people watching the premiere and the number was still growing!

After a few minutes the song finally ended, but Michael and Sarah didn't let go and continued to hug each other in the living room of their house, turning to each other and smiling, both with tears in their eyes.

Suddenly, the music on the TV changed to a different song with an upbeat beat.


Today I don't feel like doing anything.

I just wanna lay in my bed...

Don't feel like picking up my phone...

So leave a message at the tone...

'Cause today, I swear I'm not doing anything...


"Pfft..." Listening to the lyrics of this song and watching the video on the screen, Michael couldn't control himself and started to laugh, completely breaking the cute and romantic atmosphere that had formed between them.

Sarah even wanted to get angry at him for ruining it, but she knew it wasn't his fault... she just wasn't laughing because she had heard The Lazy Song a few times and had gotten used to it.

But Michael, who hadn't heard the song before, found it a very new and funny experience to suddenly hear it played.

Knowing that it wouldn't be possible to continue the romantic mood, Sarah just shook her head with a laugh and sat back down on the sofa with Michael, who was practically hypnotized by the music playing on the screen and the animated clip of the character who was clearly the All of Me singer dancing with 5 people with animal heads in his room.

To enjoy the rest of the evening, Sarah decided to show Michael the BlackVelvet songs and see his reaction.

Just as she thought, his reaction to the other songs was also great, making the rest of the evening very enjoyable.

What Sarah didn't know was that Michael had a change of plans.

Instead of hiring BlackVelvet just to sing at the post-wedding party, he also wanted The Lazy Song to be played as he entered the wedding.

As Michael thought about how this song represented him, he began to like BlackVelvet even more.

Scenes of couples coming together to listen to All Of Me played in thousands of homes across the country, and brides received the link to this song as a recommendation for their wedding music.

In just 30 minutes, the All Of ME video had 60,000 views, an even higher number than The Lazy Song when it was released, indicating that Noah had another song that could potentially go viral on his channel!


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