Gamer Superstar

Chapter 87 [Bonus ] 87 - Video Ready

Chapter 87 [Bonus ] 87 - Video Ready

In a few minutes he came back and handed me the paper with my temporary license.

From what I read on the paper, the law said I couldn't drive with a young passenger, which meant I couldn't drive with Liv or Ethan in the car, which was understandable.

When I saw the name of the man on the seat of the instructor who passed me, and confirmed with him that it was his name on his ID, I nodded and went to meet my family to celebrate getting my license.

When they saw the paper in my hand, all three of them were very happy and we went out for ice cream together to celebrate.

Of course, it was Ethan who enjoyed the ice cream the most.

Taking advantage of the fact that we were already close to the computer store where I wanted to buy the laptop I wanted, I asked my mom to take me there and in no time I was out of the store with the laptop.

The configuration was exactly what I wanted, and as a gift, the salesman gave me a wireless mouse to use with the laptop, which would be very useful.

When we got home, after I'd finished helping Ethan with his homework, I called my mom down to the basement and showed her a complete video tutorial on how to use Adobe Premiere.

As a sample video, we found a cooking video of a woman who hadn't edited anything, and I downloaded it for my mom to practice her editing skills.

I know that she spent the first few days just getting familiar with the program until she knew how to do the most basic things so that she could start editing things herself.

The advantage to her was that if she had any doubts, I could explain it to her with my Teach skill, and she would learn and memorize it much faster than if she had to learn on her own.

[Teach Lv 27

Effect: When teaching others, as long as you know what you're teaching and what you intend to teach, the person has a 27% higher chance of understanding what you're explaining and increases the learning speed of that content by 27% during that study session].

Since she was always asking me questions, the 27% increase in learning speed during the study session was active for her all the time, which made it much easier for her to learn things from the video tutorial, to the point that by the end of the day she had memorized how to import a video, how to edit a video, and how to export a video with its original quality.

She still didn't understand most of it, but that in itself was very good.

My plan for the videos on her channel was to have her do a tutorial on how to make a recipe, but in a style as dynamic as the TikTok videos from my previous world.

Just as I was inspired by the editing style of MrBeast from my previous world for my vlogs, I wanted to be inspired by channels like "Cooking With Lynja" for my mom's channel.

This channel in my previous world managed to achieve the feat of reaching 12 million subscribers just with cooking videos and the charisma that Lynja had, of course I knew that something like that was unlikely to happen in this world because there was no "Shorts" video tab on MeTube, but it was still possible to replicate the things I learned from her videos.

Lynja's channel was one that started out posting very simple content on Youtube, but as TikTok became more popular, she started using TikTok's knowledge, with very fast-paced video tactics, multiple shots of the same thing but from different angles, added to using her cute personality to attract more subscribers, all of which led her from a slow growing channel to an explosive one that managed to gain almost 2 million subscribers in a single month.

Since there was no way to show these videos to my mother, I relied on my Teach skill to explain what I meant and to teach her the concept of what I wanted her to learn to use in her videos.

Using the base video I had downloaded for her to practice on, the next few days would be her trying to edit in the style I was talking about, while trying to learn how to use the program and use other techniques from the video tutorials I had given her that would be useful to her.

My mother was like an older version of Liv, a beautiful 40-year-old woman with black hair, but unlike us, she had green eyes.

If I had to rate their charisma, Liv would be around 15 or 16 charisma points, a really pretty girl, while my mother was around 14 or 15, only because of a lack of care she hadn't had in recent years due to having to take care of her children.

When the two of them got ready for us to go to the bar, Liv was probably around 17 points in charisma and my mother wasn't far behind with at least 16 points, meaning that if my mother took care of herself and dressed up, her appearance alone would greatly increase the chances that her channel would work.

I know from my example that the prettier a person is, the easier it is to be successful with both the opposite sex and the same sex.

When I was a fat, ugly boy, the other boys looked down on me and ignored me, but when I became handsome and fit, their attitude at school changed completely, and the boys greeted me and tried to talk to me.

I know they didn't have a crush on me, but there was a respect they had for me, probably because they felt I had moved up in the social hierarchy just by changing my appearance.

When I was a fat, ugly boy, the other boys looked down on me and ignored me, but when I became handsome and fit, their attitude at school changed completely, and the boys greeted me and tried to talk to me.

I know they didn't have a crush on me, but there was a respect they had for me, probably because they felt I had moved up in the social hierarchy just by changing my appearance.

That's why Liv was in the popular group and the old Noah was in the outcast group.

With my mother's appearance, even women would probably choose to watch her video over the video of another messy, dirty-looking woman.

Of course, in addition to the attention my mother would receive from women, there would probably be attention from men, but considering how much my mother loved my father and our family, I didn't even worry about that.

It's not like my dad was an ugly man either, he was Liv and Ethan's dad, so he had some good looks.

Currently, he's only around 12 points in charisma because he's tired from work and doesn't take care of himself, but looking at the photos from when they met and I was born, my dad was easily around 16 points in charisma too.

With our family earning more money, it's only a matter of time before my father doesn't have to work so much and can rest more at home, take better care of himself, exercise, improve his diet, dress better, with all these changes he can easily get back to at least 15 points in charisma.

Considering his age, 15 charisma points was pretty good for a man of his age.

While my mom was busy learning how to edit, Ethan was practicing the ukulele, and Liv was practicing her violin, I set up the laptop on a table that we had brought down to the basement and started editing my vlog for the week after I finished setting up the laptop.

As I was editing the video, I started to notice things that I hadn't even noticed on the old computer.

On the old computer, when I pressed play on the media player, it took about a second to actually play the video, whereas on this new laptop, it didn't even have a delay and played the video instantly.

When I tried dragging files into the program, it took a fraction of a second to read the file and it was already there for me to use!

Not to mention the small screen between the keyboard and the main monitor, which was very useful for me to look up references or multi-task while editing.

Something that was probably very easy for other people, as my family didn't have much money in either life, this was my first time using two monitors and I realized how useful it was!

With this rhythm of the four of us focusing on our things at home and my dad working, our week went by very quickly.

Within a few days, my vlog was completely edited and ready to post.

The way I made this vlog was completely focused on creating hype for the music.

The whole vlog was wedding-themed, focused entirely on the history of wedding music, and the whole video revolved around the narrative that I had made a song for weddings that I was sure the bride and groom would love.

I even put scenes of the bride and groom crying at the beginning of the video to increase the audience's attention and anticipation of what was to come, hoping that people would watch it to the end.

When I finally got to the music part, I just showed the chorus while focusing on the reaction of the bride and groom and their guests until the video ended with the date when All Of Me would be released on my channel and on Spokify.


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