Gamer Superstar

Chapter 85 85 - Driving test

Chapter 85 85 - Driving test

With my video editing level, I could easily edit my mom's video, but what we wanted was something for her to occupy herself with and feel useful working on, so instead of spending a little time editing her videos when she needed it, wouldn't it be better if I just used my Teach skill and taught her how to do it?

Even if she struggled with the technology, we had time, it's not like her channel was an urgent priority that she had to post a video tomorrow, I saw her as Liv, she would invest in training so that when she started everything would go smoothly.

But there was a problem with my mom learning to edit.

We only had one computer in the house. That computer was already shared between me, Ethan and Liv. Ethan even had a tablet to look up things for his school, so he hardly used the computer, but I used the computer all day long, whether I was editing my videos, making art, learning to code, programming my game, the only time I wasn't on the computer was when I was practicing my physical activities or when I was practicing my music.

Then I realized I needed to buy a new computer.

Looking at the options available, I found a laptop with a very powerful spec, 8TB of SSD storage, RTX 4090 graphics card, i9 processor, 64GB of RAM and of course Windows operating system.

With this laptop I knew I wouldn't need to upgrade this hardware for several years and it would be useful for everything I wanted to do, from playing games, testing games, editing videos, everything would be perfect.

The problem was the price... a desktop in this configuration would be expensive, but a laptop is even more expensive because of the difficulty of putting the parts together in such a thin device.

From what I've seen in the pictures, they've managed to make it slim enough to not get in the way of the user carrying it around, despite being a bit heavy, and they've even put a small second screen on the bottom to act as an auxiliary monitor in case you want to do two things at once.

But the price was $3,500, which was more than I had available.

When I looked at the specs of this computer and compared them to the current computer I had, the difference between the two was miles apart. While my current computer would crash from time to time while I was editing videos or producing music, and it would take more than an hour to render a finished video, the new computer would not crash and would reduce the time it took to render videos to a maximum of 5 minutes.

When I opened my MeTube and saw how much I would earn the following month, I saw that it was possible to buy this laptop with the money from the channel, as long as I used a credit card and paid it off next month.

So I went to ask my father.

He was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, enjoying his Sunday off.

"Dad, do you have a credit card with a high limit?" I asked.

He looked at me in surprise and replied. "Yes, Noah, but why would you want a credit card? You know it's dangerous to get into debt with a credit card, right?"

"Yes, Dad, I know it's dangerous, that's why I made sure I would actually have the money to pay off this debt next month before I considered buying anything with a credit card." I explained. "I want to buy a more powerful laptop so my mom can learn to edit videos on my old computer without worrying about it getting in the way of the things I do on the computer during the day."

Hearing this, my father nodded, probably finding my motive acceptable, and got up to get his wallet.

"Here, this card has an available limit of $10,000, but I only keep it for extreme emergencies because of the interest in case I can't pay it off, you can keep this card with you now that you're getting good money every month, just be careful not to spend more than you can afford." My dad explained as I looked surprised and nodded.

Since this card had a $10,000 limit, even if I spent the entire credit card in a month, it would still be within my budget considering how much I was earning per month.

"Thanks dad, the laptop I want to buy doesn't come close to $10,000, I'll take care of it carefully." I smiled as I took the card and went back to the basement to buy the laptop.

According to the website I found, the laptop would arrive here in 4 days, but I could also go to a physical store and buy the laptop there for the same price, which made me raise an eyebrow and decide to go and buy the laptop tomorrow.

With that settled, I went back to editing the video until it was time for us to go out for lunch. This time we didn't run into anyone we knew at the restaurant and no one recognized me, so we just enjoyed our family time until it was time for my show that night.

Since everyone was so excited, my parents decided to go to the bar where I was playing my last gig tonight to encourage me.

Instead of going to the first bar I went to, they decided to go to the second bar because I could finish the show there and enjoy the rest of the night with them, while I couldn't stay long at the first bar because I had to leave to go to the second bar.

Both shows went smoothly and Selena was able to convince the two bar managers to raise my fee from $300 to $400 since I was also playing with the Rank D artists.

Luckily, I got another Stage Presence level that night!

[Stage Presence Lv 5 -> 6].

With this new level of Stage Presence, I was able to make the show more lively and interact with several groups of people around the bar, who also started to have fun and send me drinks to have fun with them.

Unfortunately I couldn't accept that today because my mom was in the audience and if she saw me drinking on stage it would cause problems for me.

But there was also a statistic I received that made me even more excited.

[Charisma (CHA): 13 -> 14 (13 + 1)]

Unfortunately, I couldn't see the difference that happened to me while I was singing and receiving this statistic, but I could see that while I was singing, especially during the song Boyfriend, the look on the faces of the girls at the bar became even more intense, while Selena's look when I left the stage was a slight frown.

Has my appearance changed into something she doesn't like? I wondered confusedly as I pulled out my phone camera to see the difference in my face.

Looking at my face, despite the sweat dripping from it, I really felt that I looked better, my face was more refined, the lines of my face were more angular, and by dividing my face in half, the two halves were becoming more symmetrical, which made me more pleasing to the eye.

It wasn't like I had become a different person just by gaining one charisma point, but that charisma point made me even more attractive than before.

That's probably why Boyfriend got a bigger response from the female audience, because the Thirst Trap I developed was becoming more and more effective, both on my face and on my body, which was already much better than last week.

I just couldn't understand why Selena was staring at me.

But since she didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to push the issue either and we left with my family to enjoy the rest of the party.

Jason came with us as well and we enjoyed the evening together, with only me and Selena not drinking.

Me because my mom was watching me and Selena because she was driving and had to go back to her house, which wasn't very close.

The next day, after I woke up and did my routines, I had two important things to do.

The thing I was most excited about was going to the store to buy the new laptop I wanted, because I was excited to see what it would be like to work with one.

The other important thing I had to do was to figure out why I wasn't going home with my siblings after school.

Today was the day I was supposed to take my driver's test, and the test would be held in the school parking lot.

When Liv and Ethan heard that I was going to take my test today, they both got excited and didn't want to leave, so my mom just smiled and came with them to watch my test.

To avoid having to go home and come back, we just had lunch at a restaurant near the school and then went back to my test.

"Are you Noah Black?" A chubby man asked, looking me up and down with an irritated voice.

Confused, I looked at him, not understanding the reason for his irritation, and nodded. "Yes, sir." I replied naturally.

"Get in the car kid, let's finish this quick." He said without looking at me as he got into the passenger seat of the car.

Seeing the way he was acting, I was worried that this test wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be.


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