Gamer Superstar

Chapter 79 79 - The Music!

Chapter 79 79 - The Music!

Ever since I accepted the glass offered by Mr. Thomas, the guests seemed to see me as much more approachable and people started coming closer to the stage to interact with me.

Some came to request songs, others came to offer me drinks, while some even offered me their cell phones so I could record stories for their social networks while I sang.

Of course, I did all this, singing the songs people asked for, accepting drinks, and recording videos for people to post.

This made everyone's spirits soar, which made the show soar, to the point where we were approaching the two-hour mark, which was the time limit for my show.

Jason had shot several scenes from different angles, even setting up additional cameras in addition to his main camera to capture the audience's reaction as I sang the song for the bride and groom.

Since I was also wearing a suit, the difference between my current image and my normal image was very big, so I was excited to see what the audience's reaction would be to how I was dressed.

Although I have few original songs, whenever I sang one of my original songs, I liked to see the audience's reaction to these songs.

Even though they were older people than my standard audience, they still enjoyed the songs as much as the young people, which was nice to see.

As soon as I finished one of the songs I was supposed to sing, Selena came to the stage to say something to me, so I just took a water break and went to talk to her.

"Hey, is something wrong?" I asked tiredly as I drank water from a 600 ml bottle.

I'd never done a show longer than 60 minutes, and now that I was up to 120, I was getting exhausted.

If it weren't for the statistics I had gained in the 72-minute show, I don't think I would be able to continue singing.

[+1 CON]

The difference of getting this point in the total amount of stats I had wasn't that big, but just by getting this point, I felt like my stamina had recovered a lot, which was a great help.

Smiling at me, Selena shook her head as Jason approached to film our conversation.

"There's no problem, in fact it's the opposite, the bride and groom liked your show so much that they want to extend the time from the initial 2 hours to the full 4 hours that we had set as the maximum time." She said smiling, but that smile soon changed to a worried expression when she saw me with a tired smile on my face. "Will you be able to stand and perform for those four hours?"

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I think I can, but I'm not sure. I think it's better if we just accept an extra hour and make the total time just 3 hours... I'd rather perform less and deliver a great performance than have to lower the quality and perform longer to make more money..."

Nodding her head thoughtfully, Selena agreed. "Really, if we only want to focus on quantity, she will start to sacrifice her potential, we'd better accept just one more hour then."

I smiled at her and nodded.

"Another thing the party organizer told me is that you can sing the song for the bride and groom now, since everyone is drinking a lot, she wants people to still be conscious when you sing it, so as soon as you can you can start." Selena explained, making my eyes glaze over.

"Okay." I replied excitedly.

I was excited to sing this song, I knew people would love to hear it, I knew their reaction would make the song do well on MeTube, and there was something else that excited me.

Since this song is perfect for weddings, if this song does well on MeTube and becomes popular, the likelihood of more people hiring me to play at their wedding is very high!

With more people wanting to hire me, I could charge more and get paid more and more for each event.

Of course, I wasn't going to stop playing in bars, as I would get more of an audience there than on MeTube these days; weddings were just a way to make more money, which I wouldn't deny.

Returning to the front of the stage, under the expectant gaze of the excited audience, I smiled as I raised a glass of whiskey.

"Everyone, please give me a minute of your attention." I said politely as I looked at everyone, hoping they would pay attention to me.

"Could the bride and groom please approach the stage?" I asked.

Hearing my request, their eyes became confused as they approached. From the way they looked, I could tell that they had already been drinking and had probably even forgotten the song they had asked me to sing for them, which was great for me because their reaction would be even more genuine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a special night of celebration and love, and I'm honored to be a part of this special moment. I would like to dedicate this next song to the bride and groom. May the journey you are about to embark on be filled with joy, love and complicity. May this song be a symbol of the eternal love that you share, and may it be with you every step of the way. Please join me in a round of applause for the newlyweds! I said as I placed my glass on the table beside me and began to clap.

Listening to my speech, the bride and groom smiled excitedly as the guests began to clap as well.

"The name of this song is All Of Me, a song I wrote to celebrate the union of the two of you with details of your lives, I hope that whenever you hear this song, even if it's 20 years from now, the feeling you'll have is the same as the one you're feeling now." I said as I put my guitar down and got behind the keyboard.

Adjusting the sound of the keyboard to have the same majestic sound as a grand piano, I began to strum a melody with a smile while looking at the guests.


What would I do without your smart mouth?

Drawing me in, and you kicking me out...

You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down...


Upon hearing the lyrics at the beginning of the song, the bride and groom's eyes widened as they stared at each other with smiles, finally remembering that they had asked me to make a song about them.

"It's about our beginnings..." The bride said with emotion.

"Yes... from when we first met and I couldn't tell if you liked me or not haha..." The groom laughed as he hugged his wife and looked at me again.


What's going on in that beautiful mind?

I'm on your magical mystery ride...

And I'm so dizzy, I don't know what hit me, but I'll be okay...


"That pretty little head..." The groom laughed as he kissed the bride on the head, making her smile excitedly as she looked at me singing on stage.


My head's under water...

But I'm breathing fine...

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind...


While listening to this part of the song, the bride and groom were surprised by the double interpretation of this part.

"He managed to mix our fight in the Caribbean about him pretending to drown with a metaphor about us sinking together and breathing well as we fall in love!" The bride said in shock as she listened to the song even more animatedly.

Even the groom, who didn't like music very much, began to wonder how I could go on like this.


'Cause all of me…

Loves all of you...

Love your curves and all your edges…

All your perfect imperfections...Give your all to me…

I'll give my all to you…

You're my end and my beginning…

Even when I lose, I'm winning…

'Cause I give you all of me…

And you give me all of you, oh-oh...


Without them realizing it, at some point during the chorus, instead of hugging each other from behind, they started facing each other and danced a beautiful waltz together in the middle of the guests.

As I played the keyboard and sang, I could see the bride and groom's wet eyes, red faces, and big smiles on their faces as they danced.

Not only were the bride and groom emotional as they danced, but I also saw many tearful red eyes around the guests looking at the bride and groom and smiling.

Couples who loved each other would stare at each other and cry together as they put themselves in the shoes of the music and realized how much they still loved each other and were happy to be together.

In just one song, I completely changed the mood of the party from a lively moment where everyone was getting drunk to an emotional moment where guests were staring at each other with watery eyes.

That was exactly my goal, and seeing how Jason focused on capturing the reactions of the bride and groom and the guests, I was sure this song would go over well on MeTube!


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.