Gamer Superstar

Chapter 76 [Bonus ] 76 - Vlog Release!

Chapter 76 [Bonus ] 76 - Vlog Release!

"So you're going to post your first vlog now?" Selena asked confused as she looked at me and my computer screen in the basement of the house.

"Yeah, I spent the whole week editing and I think the quality is good enough to post it now." I replied proudly as I looked at my skill.

[Video Editing Lv 5 -> 9]

With this skill at Lv 9, it was as if I had 9 months of experience in video editing, which was already a big leap in everything I could do.

At first, I could only edit the most basic things, such as silent cuts or simple zooms, but as the skill level increased, I started to have better ideas and things to improve the quality.

Of all the things I learned, the one I was most proud of was motion tracking, where I used it several times to make the video more dynamic and keep the audience's attention, as well as smoother, more fluid zooms.

Instead of just zooming from point X to point Y in 30 frames at a fixed speed, I started doing several tests and several presets of zooms where the speed started slow, increased halfway through, and then decreased at the end, making everything much more fluid and enjoyable to watch.

The level of editing I wanted wasn't something like the ytb poop of my previous world, but I wanted to reach a level similar to Mr. Beast's. Of course, I didn't want to clog it up.

Of course I wasn't going to clog the video with things happening every 3 seconds to overdose the viewer with dopamine, but I wanted to use 3d visuals and more dynamic transitions to increase video retention.

If there's one thing I learned from YouTube in my previous world, it's that if the video is good and captures the viewer's attention, the platform will promote your video and you will grow.

An example of this was my music, which I didn't promote beyond the first thousand views of Numb, but the views kept growing because of MeTube promotion.


Monetized views: 2,160,000 = $1,836

[Numb - 555,909 views] +117,192 views

[In The End - 598,349 views] +133,278 views

[The Lazy Song - 1,867,958 views] +499,926 views

[Boyfriend - 427,154 views] +259,278 views

[Boyfriend Live - 764,247 views] +727,926 views

[68,208 subscribers] + 19,968 subs

[Spokify Music Plays: 979,000] +460,000 views

Spokify Monetized Views: 538,000 = $2,152

[Instabram: 35k followers] +12k followers


This morning, when I added up how much I had received from MeTube and Spokify this week, my eyes almost popped out.

The total had risen to $3,988, that's the income from two weeks of broadcasting my music!

If this growth continues until the end of the month, I could really hit the 5-figure mark with my music alone, not having to worry about making furry art anymore, and being able to focus that time every day on developing more skills and my music career!

With the example of my songs growing only through organic promotion on MeTube, I was confident that my video would also grow this week, of course I don't think it would grow as much as the songs, since songs usually tend to go viral more than videos on MeTube.

It was very common to find songs with 10 million or even 70 million views that you'd never heard before, but MeTube videos with more than that number were rare.

But as long as the video got more than 50k views, I was happy, because that would be enough to pay Jason's costs.

"Don't you want to see how your vlog is received?" Selena asked curiously.

From what I could see, she was also curious to see how the video would go since it would be a big step for my career.

"Yes, I want to, but I think it's become a tradition for me to post my video and my song and not watch it all the time. It helps me deal with the anxiety a little bit and it's worked for all my videos, so I'll control myself and let you see the results after the wedding." I explained as I pressed the button to post the video and minimized the window.

I looked at Selena and saw that she was frowning as she stared at the computer screen. "Looks like someone is anxious to see the result of the video?"

Selena shifted her eyes from the screen to my face and snorted. "Huh, let's go to the wedding."

Laughing, I picked up my things and walked to her car.

Instead of the normal clothes I wore to concerts, I was now wearing the suit Selena had taken me to buy yesterday.

I could have gone alone, but she didn't trust my taste and went with me to buy a suit that she thought would enhance my appearance.

In the end, I chose a black suit with a dark gray shirt inside and a light blue tie, which went very well with the color scheme I was wearing for BlackVelvet and really highlighted the ends of my bleached hair.

We had already put the acoustic guitar, guitar and keyboard I would be playing in the car.

They hired me to play for two hours and the price was $1,500, but I could play another two hours for an extra $500 per hour that they hired me for.

This extra margin was both in case they wanted me to play longer because the party might be good, and also so they wouldn't have to hire an artist who wasn't good for a long time.

That way I would have the opportunity to earn more if I did a good show and they would have the opportunity to pay less if the show wasn't so good.

It only happened that way because I was a rank E artist, if I was a rank C artist it would never happen, but these are things I have to accept in the beginning and since I'm confident in my music, it didn't affect me that much.

Even if I only played for 2 hours, that would be $1,200 for me after paying Selena's fee.

Considering how much she made, I once asked her how she profited in the end.

"Considering how much you make from the 20% of my shows, doesn't that make little money for you and the company?"

When she heard this, she nodded as she drove away.

Her explanation was that even though she earned little commission from me, the company still paid her a high fixed salary, not to mention that when I became a Rank A artist, the amount of commission would be several times her current salary.

Usually, agents like her had several artists under their umbrella, so even if they earned little from each artist, it would still be a few thousand dollars a month when all the artists were added together.

But Selena preferred quality over quantity; she felt it was better to focus on developing me and earning a lot from me in the future, rather than signing several other E-list artists and earning little for many years to come.

Which made sense to me.

We soon arrived at the place where the wedding was to take place.

- Charlie's POV -

After hearing from Tony that BlackVelvet's younger brother was his school friend, Charlie was completely shocked.

She never imagined that the singer she admired so much was actually so close to her and she didn't know it.

The problem was that when she asked Tony to get close to Ethan, BlackVelvet's brother, Tony refused and no matter what she did, he wouldn't accept since the two of them were like arch-enemies at school.

No matter how much she tried to offer Tony things he liked, Charlie didn't come out on top and just had to accept that there was nothing she could do about it.

Can I try to think of something else to convince Tony in time? She thought as she picked up her phone and opened BlackVelvet's MeTube channel to see if there was any new music.

Even though she knew he wouldn't be releasing any music just yet, since they hadn't posted anything on Instagram, it couldn't hurt to check, right?

To her surprise, there was no music, but she did see a new video!

[The Backstage of My Shows! - Vlog #1]

Looking at the title, Charlie laughed at how self-explanatory it was, but what caught her attention was that in the thumbnail, you could see him on stage singing on one side of the screen, and on the other side of the screen, a man with a speech bubble saying swear words!

What is that? Did he get into a fight during a performance?" she wondered, as she clicked on the video to watch.

The video began with a scene of BlackVelvet talking to a girl in a car; from their conversation, the girl appeared to be his manager, which made Charlie sigh with relief.

The things that happened in the video were very common, but oddly enough, even though she had watched 70% of the video, she didn't even notice how quickly it went by and was very entertained by everything that happened.

Instead of videos where the artist talks to the camera as if the camera was the audience, the camera in the BlackVelvet video gave the impression that the viewer was a member of the BlackVelvet team, making the intimacy they felt much greater.

The scenes of BlackVelvet making jokes, him getting tired while asking for water, their conversations about general things in the show, all of it was nothing too extravagant, but the feeling Charlie got was like she was there!

Other subscribers like Charlie, who were surprised by how natural and interesting the video was, watched it for so long that the retention rate became very high, causing MeTube to start spreading the word to people who liked similar content but didn't know about BlackVelvet, resulting in several people across the country discovering this channel for the first time and having different reactions to this video.


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