Gamer Superstar

Chapter 72 72 - Frowning eyebrow

Chapter 72 72 - Frowning eyebrow

- POV Unknown Girl -

My family and I used to go out to different restaurants for lunch every Sunday.

Each week it was someone's turn to choose where to eat, usually Bella would choose a restaurant we went to that had a big playroom, my mom liked to choose a quieter place, while my dad loved a Brazilian steakhouse on the other side of town.

I liked Asian food, both because of the anime I watched and because of Asian dramas.

Last time we had Korean chicken, but this time I wanted to have Chinese food, so we went to this restaurant.

Bella wasn't a big fan of that kind of food, but she could eat it anyway.

I enjoyed it, especially with the spicy chicken I chose, which was delicious, but I was surprised to see a family come in.

The parents of this family were normal, the girl in the family was a little familiar to me, but I couldn't remember where, while the little boy in the family I could recognize right away.

I think his name was Ethan Black, the boy Bella liked at her school.

I could only recognize him because of the picture Bella had put next to her bed.

But what surprised me was the boy who came in behind them.

Because of how close he walked to the family and because of the color of his eyes, I thought he was Ethan's older brother, but what shocked me the most was not that, but that I knew him!

If it was just his face, I could probably be confused about who he was, but with that bleached hair, I knew the chances of it being someone else were very slim.

But I still had a little doubt and wanted to be sure who it was.

My eyes couldn't leave him, even if I tried to look away.

To compare what I was seeing, I took out my cell phone and looked at the screen as I looked at him, trying to see any differences.

The only difference I could see between them was their clothes, because in the video he was on stage with a guitar wearing black band clothes, while here in real life he was wearing a blue shirt with the normal Nike logo without the chains and necklaces he was wearing in the video.

But even without those details, it was clear that he was BlackVelvet!

While I was excitedly realizing that it was him, he suddenly turned around and stared at me!

"What are you staring at, Emily?" My mother asked confusedly as she looked at me.

Seeing that she caught me looking at another table, I quickly lowered my eyes and put my phone away, hoping he wouldn't notice me looking at it.

"It's nothing..." I replied a little nervously.

I knew it was impossible for him not to notice that I was looking at him, but could he think it was a coincidence?

Seeing the way I was acting, my father began to look around suspiciously.

But just when I thought it was over and we'd get back to normal, a childish voice shouted from the restaurant.


Hearing this, my little sister became confused and looked around to see who had called her.

We were also surprised and looked around to see if someone had really called her or if it was just a coincidence.

But Bella was quicker than us and found the source of the voice.

With a cute giggle she jumped out of her chair and ran towards the voice.

"Ethan!" She said happily as she ran to the table of the little boy she liked at school.

The problem was that as soon as she did, BlackVelvet, who was standing next to his brother, also looked at us, or more precisely at me!

- Noah's POV -

Seeing the little girl run up to our table made me smile.

When Ethan called out her name, I recognized who she was. Isabella was the little girl I took with Ethan for ice cream the day I first met Jackson.

"Hey Ethan!" She said happily. "What are you doing here?"

"I came for lunch." He said happily.

Hearing this, Isabella nodded too. "I came for lunch too."

Looking around the table, Isabella looked at each of us until her eyes landed on me for a few seconds before returning to Ethan.

"Where's your brother?" She asked confused.

Leaving me confused as well.

"This is my brother." Ethan pointed his finger at me, making Isabella even more confused.

"Not that brother, Noah, the one who took us out for ice cream..." She explained, but Ethan was even more confused.

"That's Noah, he's the one who took us out for ice cream." Ethan explained, leaving Isabella completely shocked.

When she saw me, I still weighed 140 kilos, so to see me now weighing around 80 kilos was very surprising for her.

"Are you really Noah?" she asked confused.

I smiled at her and nodded. "Yes, I'm the Noah who took you to the ice cream parlor."

"And who beat up that arrogant kid?" She asked, trying to confirm.

"Yes, the Noah who beat up the arrogant boy." I said smiling.

But my smile didn't last long when I heard a confused voice. "What's this about beating up an arrogant boy, Noah?"

I looked at the source of the voice and saw my mother staring at me suspiciously, breaking into a cold sweat as she remembered that I had been hiding my fights from her.

"It's a long story Mom, I'll tell you later..." I laughed nervously as I tried to cover it up.

My dad had a big smile on his face at that moment, probably proud, while Liv looked at me worriedly, but not so much after seeing how I acted at school.

"Jeez Noah, you look so different!" The little girl with short blonde hair and big glasses on her face looked at me in shock.

"I know, right?" Ethan agreed.

While the two kids were talking, Isabella's mother came over to our table to greet my parents and take Isabella back to her table so they could finish eating.

Remembering something, her mother asked. "Next Sunday is Isabella's birthday, if you want to come and take Ethan, we'd love to have you."

"That would be great, I think Ethan would love that, wouldn't you, Ethan?" My mom confirmed with a smile.

"Yeah!" Ethan laughed as he got excited.

When Ethan confirmed that he wanted to go, I could see Isabella's eyes sparkle, causing me to smile knowingly as I looked at the two of them.

Out of curiosity, I turned my eyes to the table where Isabella was sitting, and once again my gaze met that of the girl at the table, the one who had been staring at me before Ethan called Isabella over.

When our eyes met again, she quickly looked away as I felt her cheeks blush.

Did she recognize me?" I wondered.

While the two mothers confirmed the time of the birthday, I overheard Ethan and Isabella talking.

"I'm getting really good at the ukulele, and Noah is teaching me a new song. If you want, I can sing it for you on your birthday!" Ethan said smiling.

Hearing this, Isabella became even more excited as she nodded her head as fast as a chicken pecking at rice on the ground.

Noticing her excitement, Ethan got excited too as they talked about it.

Would this be Ethan's first concert? I asked myself, thinking it was funny.

After Isabella and her mother went back to their table, I kept looking at them out of curiosity and saw that the girl at the table was very nervous for some reason.

Looking at the girl, she seemed to be the same age as Liv, or maybe a year younger? I'm terrible with ages, but if the girl was nice, it would be interesting to make her and Liv friends.

Just then Selena sent me a message on my phone and a smile appeared on my face.

--- Emily's POV -

When my mother returned to our table with Bella, my father asked what had happened.

"It's the Blacks, Bella's little friend's family." My mother explained.

"Ahh, the little boy Bella plays with?" He asked.

"Yes! His name is Ethan!" Bella said, very excited for some reason.

"What were you two talking about?" my dad asked curiously.

"I was telling them about Bella's birthday, which we're having next Sunday, and I invited them." My mother explained.

"Is his brother going?" I asked startled, causing the three of them to stop and stare at me.

My mother looked suspicious with a smile forming on her face, while my father was also suspicious, but with a frown as he stopped looking at me and looked at the Black family table.

Damn it... I've ruined everything...' I thought in despair.

"Yes, Emily, apparently he's going to Bella's birthday party too." My mother replied with a laugh, which made my father's eyebrows furrow even more.

"Hehe, Ethan said that Noah is teaching him to play the ukulele and that he's going to play me a song for my birthday!" Bella said with a silly smile on her face.

And that was enough to make my father's eyebrow furrow so much that you couldn't even see his eye.


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