Gamer Superstar

Chapter 50 50 - Music Done

Chapter 50 50 - Music Done

I followed the sound of the violin while Frank and Mark continued to test how to make the music fit the new instruments.

The higher I climbed, the louder the noise got.

I knew it couldn't be Ethan, he was just learning to play the ukulele and had no idea how to play the violin.

Unless he was such a monster on the ukulele that he had mastered it in a few minutes and was able to reproduce the sound of a violin through a ukulele, but that was impossible, so there were only three other suspects.

My father had already been ruled out because he had no knowledge of any instrument.

That left my mother and Liv.

They both knew how to play the violin.

My mother learned when she was older, just to try to encourage Olivia to learn, while Olivia learned because she was forced to by my mother.

The surprising thing was that as I followed the sound of the violin, I came to the door of Liv's room, and at the door, my mother was hiding with a big smile on her face and red eyes, probably holding back the excitement of seeing Olivia trying to play the violin again.

I could understand where this happiness was coming from, since Olivia had practically hated her for several years.

Seeing her play the violin again was like seeing her overcome her anger at my mother and wanting to move on.

When my mother saw me, she was scared and embarrassed. "Don't tell her I heard."

I laughed softly and nodded in agreement as I knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in." Liv said as she stopped playing.

Entering the room, I looked at her with the violin on my shoulder and smiled. "Looks like yesterday's talk was productive." I said proudly.

"Yes... she told me why she taught me to play the violin..." Liv replied. "I still don't agree with the way she did it, but she apologized. Seeing you, Ethan and your two friends so focused on playing instruments and having fun made me want to play again...but I'm a little rusty."

"You played that very well." I replied. I replied. "Did you know I need a touch of violin for the song I wrote?"

Looking at me a little skeptically, she replied. "You don't have to make something like that up, I'm happy just to be practicing again, you can go and have fun with your friends."

I shook my head and spoke again. "I'm serious, I was really wondering how I could get a violin to play a detail of the song. I don't know how to play it, and that was a taboo subject between you and my mom, so I didn't know what to do. How about it, do you think you can help me?"

Seeing that I was serious, Olivia was surprised and I could see the sparkle in her eyes.

"If you think I can be useful... I'd be happy to help." She said a little embarrassed but excited.

Smiling, I called her down to the basement where we were trying things out and showed her how the song went.

When she heard the lyrics for the first time, she looked at me with a strange expression.

"Did you make this song to pick up girls?" She asked.

"Pffttt..." Mark started to laugh when he heard her question. "She got you dude!"

Rolling my eyes, I ignored Mark and explained: "The song wasn't meant to get girls, but I can't deny that it was meant to get the female audience. And you, as part of the female audience, what did you think of it?"

Putting her hand to her chin, Liv began to remember the lyrics and sighed. "If you weren't my brother, but some random singer I saw on the Internet, I'd probably be interested in him."

She said it in a less awkward way, but I could understand what she meant.

We were brother and sister, so it was a strange subject to talk about, but basically what she meant was that if I was a random guy on the internet, she would be attracted to me.

It was hard to say, especially with two other guys in the room, but she understood.

She, being the female audience, liked it, so I was happy and we started trying to add the violin.

I remembered that the original song had a violin in just a few seconds, so her part was pretty quick.

But when I saw how much fun she was having with us, I realized that I could use her more in the future.

Maybe even come up with some violin-heavy music to get her to play with me, I think she'd like that.

With all that done, the music was finished by the end of the day.

To thank Mark and Frank, I gave them $250 each. They didn't want to take it, but I insisted, saying that although I liked them too and had a nice friendship despite the short time, I knew that business was business and the help they had given me had saved me a lot of time.

At my insistence, they both left, pretending to be angry, but I could see that they were happy with the money.

Considering they were probably making $100 a night, it was like we'd had a good time that afternoon and still made the equivalent of two and a half nights.

One thing Mark said as they left made me think.

"How I wish practicing with Jannet and Harry was this peaceful and fun..." Which surprisingly also got a nod from Frank, showing how chaotic and heavy the atmosphere was in their band.

Although I had some ideas for the future, this was still for the future, so I didn't say anything to them about it except to say I was sorry about how it was.

To celebrate my finished song, I showed it to my family while we were in the car going out for fried chicken.

Their reaction was exactly what I expected.

Ethan, as expected, was very excited when the song was finished, even though he already knew what it was when I sang it to show Mark and Frank.

My dad loved the song and looked at me with a proud smile and a grin as if he knew something more.

I could imagine the reason for his smile, but I couldn't talk about it with my mother in the car because I just laughed and pretended I didn't know anything.

My mother, on the other hand, surprised me.

I expected her to complain about something in the song, especially since the lyrics were much more suggestive than my other songs, but she just complimented it and said that it would probably be a hit, especially with the girls.

I looked away and saw that even Liv was surprised, but I immediately wondered why.

Maybe solving the problem with Liv had taken a weight off her shoulders, making her lighter and more tolerant.

Which was great news.

After celebrating my Sunday, I prepared for the Grind.

I currently weighed 108kg, while my goal for next Saturday was to be at least 94kg.

Considering how much muscle mass I'm gaining, I'll have my ideal body by next Saturday!

Of course, I probably won't be perfect, which is my goal at some point, but I will be able to wear short, tight clothes that define my body without making me feel insecure.

And most importantly, I'll finally be able to start playing gigs!

When I thought that this could start as early as this week, I started to get excited because I loved the feeling.

Thinking of something, I decided to send Selena a message explaining that I felt good enough to do a show this week.

Surprised at how quickly I had lost weight, she was concerned, but I assured her that I was healthy and would be able to perform, so she said she'd look for a good place for my first show.

------ Lauren's POV -----

When I looked at Noah in the car mirror after listening to his song, I had to control myself not to ruin the mood.

And it's not because the music is bad, it's because the music is so good! That's the problem!

Because if the song was bad, I don't think any girl would be interested, but seeing how handsome and slim he's become, combined with his voice and the lyrics, it's going to be hard for girls to resist...

I just hope he doesn't turn out to be a creep who breaks girls' hearts, because the way this is going, that's probably what's going to happen.

And looking at that confident smile on his face, I'm afraid that's exactly why he makes this kind of music.

Looking at Jonathan next to me, I think I need to tell him to have this conversation with Noah.

Since he hasn't been around a lot of girls, we haven't worried too much about talking to him about it, but now that he's getting attractive and girls are going to want to approach him, I think it's safer for his father to talk to him about it.

Unbeknownst to me, Jonathan got a chill next to me, sensing that something bad was about to happen, and so did Noah in the back seat of the car, causing them both to have a confused look on their faces as they looked around.

(Olivia's 'Liv' Visual Representation is available in the novel's main page and at


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