Gamer Superstar

Chapter 38 38 - Thirst Trap

Chapter 38 38 - Thirst Trap

Looking at the title of the song and the lyrics, I remembered which song it was.

If I remembered correctly, this song had gone viral on TikTok in my previous world, it was a song where a girl sang something that made a lot of girls dream.

But when I looked at the lyrics again, I was a little afraid to sing it, especially in a live show...

The lyrics weren't ones that would make the boyfriends of the girls in the audience happy... but I guess I could understand why System had chosen this song for me to sing next.

My image to the public with the three songs I had was of a singer who was suffering, with abusive relationships, with relationships that didn't work out in the first two songs I recorded, and of a carefree boy in the second song.

The two songs didn't speak to each other in terms of an image for me, which meant that the public's vision of me was confused.

But that confusion wasn't a bad thing, it also meant that I was open to adopting any image I wanted, so I could make a song like the one System chose, sticking to an image of an attractive bad-boy man, which, since the public hadn't been able to define me yet, wouldn't be confusing.

Those who liked my first two songs would be able to relate to me because they think we suffer the same way, and normal kids would probably listen to The Lazy Song and identify with it a lot, creating an image of me as a chill guy who would be cool to hang out with.

This fourth song, on the other hand, would be focused on the female audience, a song to get girls interested in my persona.

But because this song was so focused on portraying me as an attractive guy to the female audience, I couldn't perform on stage and record this song with my current appearance.

Since I had just signed with the agency, this could be a problem if my agent was a jerk, but considering what I knew about Selena, I don't think this will be a problem.

[Hey Selena, are you home yet?] I texted her.

[Yeah, I'm at my parents right now, why?] She replied with a confused cat gif.

[I have an idea for my next song, but I'm going to have to work on my image for a few weeks for this song. My current weight will get in the way...] I explained my point of view on the public's view of me and my goal with this new song.

[I think you have a wrong view of your appearance, even though you're overweight, your image is not bad]. She replied, trying to cheer me up.

She probably thinks I'm sad about my weight and my appearance, but that wasn't the point.

[Don't worry, I don't feel bad about the way I look, but the lyrics I came up with for the song really need me to lose a lot of weight]. I started to explain. [I'll send you the chorus of the song so you can understand it].


After a few minutes, Selena finally responded. [Really, with lyrics like that, if you don't look at least above average, people are going to try to destroy you in the comments. Are you sure you want to sing that song? Creating a Thirst Trap image can be great for creating an idol persona for girls, but it can also stab you in the back with the hate you'll get from men].

[Yes, I think it will be good for my career in the long run. I don't want to focus my career on being a Thirst trap, but having it in the portfolio will be good for the female audience. Of course, unlike Thirst traps, I don't only want to focus on the female audience. I also have plans to make songs to get closer to the guys, but I'm going to have to take a few weeks off from performing, is that a problem for you?] I asked just in case.

[No problem, my goal is the same as yours, I want to help you grow with the long term goal. Even if we have to delay your debut for a month or two, that's fine with me, and I can convince my manager that it's a good idea, too]. She replied.

[Great, don't worry, I won't stand still. I'm going to use this time to create more hype and try to get more followers on social media. When we finally start playing shows, that might help]. I replied with satisfaction.

Even though I trusted her, she was someone I'd only met yesterday, so there were still doubts about how she saw the best path for my career, especially since she didn't know about my System.

I liked the song System chose for me, the choice was better than the song I'd planned to sing before, but there was a problem.

The music selector icon had turned gray and a countdown with the number 29 appeared in front of it.

Now, I don't know if that 29 is minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months, I'll find out after a while.

But I didn't need music for a while, so it didn't affect me.

I went to work out with my family in my workout clothes.

Especially now that I wanted to improve my appearance as much as possible, my focus on training had increased a lot.

Even though I'd been working out a lot the last few days, I guess I got used to it and didn't push myself to my limits in bodybuilding. But now that I had a goal, I pushed myself to the limit with each exercise until my muscles couldn't take it anymore.

Seeing my dedication, Olivia, Ethan and my dad got motivated and started training even harder.

Over the next few days, my routine was already set in my mind.

I would do my aerobics in the morning, help my mom cook breakfast to improve my skill level since my knowledge of school subjects was already at a good level, use my time at school to learn another language and improve my programming level, after returning home I would help Ethan with his homework, do two drawings, edit a few more seconds of the Lazy Song animation, do my weight training in the evening, and practice my guitar and singing before going to bed.

My days would be very busy, especially editing the animation for Lazy Song, but I knew it would be worth it.

The next day I had little time to rest as I adjusted to this routine.

The language I decided to learn was Spanish.

Since it is a language derived from Latin, it would be easier to learn French, Italian, and Portuguese in the future.

It's as if I was learning a new style of drawing, but that in the future my skills in that style of drawing would be useful in learning a similar style.

Not to mention, the size of the audience I can reach with these languages is huge. By knowing how to speak these five languages, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese, I can already open many doors across the American continent and at least half of Europe!

So, following this routine, the Lazy Song video was finally finished in 6 days, and my gains in the skills I practiced in those days were not small either!


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