Gamer Superstar

Chapter 118 118 - New school?

Chapter 118 118 - New school?

[I may have a better alternative for you.] Selena replied, leaving me surprised and confused.

What could be better than just finishing school and being able to dedicate myself to my career? I thought intently.

[What would that be?] I replied confused.

[In Oakland there is the Oakland Arts Academy, a school that specializes in teaching and developing future artists. It's not as demanding as what they do in Korea with the internship agencies, but it's a much more flexible school for students who are already artists, and with a curriculum that may help you develop artistically even more than studying on your own at home]. Selena explained via text message, making my eyes widen.

A school that focuses on artistic development? I had heard of something like that in my old world, but since it was always so far away, I never bothered to pay attention to it.

But now that I think about it, maybe that would be a good thing?

I'd still have to go to school, which wasn't very good, but I could study things that would really help me in the future, and thinking about the buffs I got in subjects in this current school, like a buff that speeds up my learning of math, that kind of buff might exist in this new school, too, right?

Considering that it could really speed up my development, I had to agree with Selena that this might actually be a better alternative.

Now that my skills had reached Lv35, the growth rate had slowed down considerably.

What used to take me a day to level up was now taking me a week, sometimes even two weeks.

Of course, this was still a very fast time considering that it took me a week to gain 4 months of knowledge in a given area, but for someone who was used to seeing numbers increase so quickly before, it was a little frustrating to see this slowing down.

So I began to consider this suggestion from Selena.

[If I'm not mistaken, this is a private school, right?] I asked, worried about how much the tuition would be.

[Yes... the problem with these schools is that because they hire prestigious teachers who were once great artists or worked with great artists, the salary they have to pay these teachers is high, which means the tuition is also high]. Selena explained, which made me worry.

[How much is the tuition at this school?" I asked.

[As far as I remember, the cost is $50,000 a year, but they are willing to pay it in 12 installments of $4,200.] Selena explained.

I was surprised at how much she knew. [How do you know so much about the school?]

[I went there, a lot of my family went there, so I'm very familiar with the price and the quality. That's why I recommended it to you, because I know the quality is good, and if it doesn't work out, you can just graduate early].

After listening to her explanation, I agreed.

Although it was a very expensive price for a school, considering that my current cost was $0 since I studied in a public school, but this school was garbage.

I was just wasting my time here while dealing with problematic people and uninterested teachers.

But what I found most interesting about this school wasn't for me, but for Ethan and Liv's development...

Considering how interested they were in pursuing an artistic career like mine, it would do them a lot of good to study at a school that focuses on development in that area.

Not to mention that it might help them get into the right mindset for this world, since I knew the art world wasn't the fairy tale they imagined it to be.

For the time being, I was still at the bottom of this world, without much contact with the real sharks, not to mention that I was lucky to have Selena as my agent, because if it depended on other agencies, if a rich woman came along who was interested in a pretty boy as her plaything, it was very possible that I would be "sold" to her.

The problem with putting Liv and Ethan in that school now is that I still wouldn't be able to pay the three tuitions...

The total would be $12,600 a month for the three of us to go there, not counting the cost of school supplies and other things that might come up... even though I made about $20,000 from MeTube and Spokify this month, I didn't even have a guarantee that it would stay that way next month.

I think I might try to enroll in this school first and see if it's really that good for a few months, if it's really as good as Selena said, at that point I can already confirm my financial stability, maybe even get more money per month, and then paying this $12,600 per month would be no problem for me. I thought as I analyzed all the points of how to do this.

Since I was the only one with the system, I would be able to see exactly how good the teaching was and the results for me would be much faster.

If I sent Ethan or Liv, no matter how much they learned, without a number and level system to know exactly how much they would improve, it would be difficult to define whether the school was really good and useful.

[Do you want to go there? I can arrange it for this afternoon] Selena sent me an encouraging message.

I thought for a few seconds, ignoring what the teacher in the classroom was saying, and made up my mind.

[Yeah, can you pick me up after class?] I asked.

[Yeah, I might be 20 minutes late, but can you wait for me?] she asked, to which I just confirmed.

It wouldn't be a problem to wait 20 minutes longer for Selena, I could just study on my cell phone.

So I told my mom and Liv that I wouldn't be coming home with them, but I didn't tell them why.

It made them curious, but they didn't ask too many questions.

The worst part of having to wait those 20 minutes was that since I was now "famous", people at school found out about my MeTube channel, saw the shows I did, the amount of people I got at the gigs, and felt that they should be friends with me.

I could see that the reason for their friendship was just interest, because many of these people were people who talked bad about me behind my back, even though I hadn't done anything against them in the past, but now that I was growing in my career and had become handsome, their hypocrisy made them act as if nothing had happened in the past few years and I was a different person.

Not wanting to get into any more trouble at the school where I might not be staying much longer, I just dismissed these annoying people, trying to be as rude as possible, and continued to fiddle with my cell phone.

My cell phone was another thing I needed to replace... I was using an Android phone from 10 years ago... I could trade it in for a new phone...

Suddenly I got a message from Liv telling me that she had arrived.

Selena arrived exactly when she said she would, 20 minutes after my class ended, so I got into her Tesla and we drove to Oakland.

"Did you go to this school, do you have anything important or interesting to tell us about it?" I asked as she drove.

"I did my three years of high school there, the teachers were very good. Since I focused my studies on arts management rather than developing as an artist, I can't speak 100% truthfully about the quality of the teachers there. But if you look at the students who left there, the vast majority were able to establish themselves as D-rank artists within a few years, which was quite an achievement. She explained, making me nod.

But I had a question about something important. "And how are the people there? Will I get annoyed with the students there?"

Hearing this question, Selena became thoughtful. "Since it's an expensive school... you can imagine the lifestyle of the people who study there... but among the many spoiled rich people, you'll find some people like you who don't let money go to their heads, or who got a scholarship, or who are just rich but had a good education at home."

Thinking about the possible classmates I'd have, the spoiled and stuck-up people, already made me lazy...

But thinking about the advantages of studying in a place that might have a powerful buff for my learning made me ignore that point and get excited about how much I would improve.

The distance between my current school, which was close to my house, and the Oakland Arts Academy was only 15 minutes by car, which wasn't a long time.

Considering that I would be able to buy my own car in the near future, getting to school would be even easier since I wouldn't have to have my mom drive me all the way the other way to Ethan and Liv's school.

The only downside was that I wouldn't be able to take them to school with me when I transferred them, since my license didn't allow me to drive with other minors in the car.

Could I try to ignore that? I could, but it would be safer to just let my mom take them than to get in trouble that could affect my career in the future.

There were so many cases of artists being destroyed by the media because they were caught drinking and driving, of course my case wouldn't be as serious, but it was better to have a clean record.

When we arrived at the school, I was surprised that the place looked like a university campus, with people walking around, people sitting on the grass playing instruments, groups practicing dances?

And how many beautiful people... while at my old school there was an average of 4 beautiful people for every 10 normal people, at this school the average was 5 beautiful people for every 5 normal people!

Of course, these beautiful people weren't people with charisma over 15 points, they were people with 11 points, which was just above average, and people with charisma over 15 points were quite rare, but there were still a few!

Looking at the cars in the parking lot, I could see the standard of living of these people.

The vast majority of the cars were sports cars or luxury cars, with even a few super sports cars in the lot, which made me raise an eyebrow at the family who gave a Ferrari to a teenager.

Selena parked her Tesla at an electric car charging station and we took a walk around campus so she could show me the places I might be most interested in at the school.


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