Gamer Superstar

Chapter 115 [Bonus ] 115 - Duet

Chapter 115 [Bonus ] 115 - Duet

๏ปฟ๏ปฟHarper was quite surprised by what she was seeing on stage.

Since her family had recently moved to San Francisco from Dallas, she had missed seeing country artists perform here.

When she heard that Lila Brooks was performing tonight, she quickly bought a ticket to go see her with her friends from college.

Even though her friends weren't fans of that style of music, they decided to come to the show to support their friend without much pretense.

Since Lila Brooks was a C-rank artist, they thought that the artist who would open her show would just be a random D-rank artist, or even an E-rank artist, someone who would sing a few random songs but do nothing remarkable.

But to the girls' surprise, instead of just a random, unknown country singer, the boy who came up to sing had already caught their attention by his appearance.

Unlike what they expected from a 30 year old singer in a plaid suit or jeans, the boy on stage wore a very stylish outfit, more rock than country, with a t-shirt and black blazer, black pants and white sneakers, which made both the sneakers and his hair stand out!

When he started singing, instead of the country songs they were expecting, his repertoire was more focused on rock and pop music, which got them more excited than they had imagined.

From what they'd heard, he was already a well-known singer in the city's nightclub scene, something about him that made him famous very quickly without anyone knowing it.

The problem was when he sang the song "Boyfriend", which made Harper look at him in a different way.

If before she was just "looking at the beautiful view", after hearing this song she had to admit that her imagination started to run wild and she started to pay even more attention to him.

Even though he wasn't a singer of her favorite style of music, his good looks, good voice, and the fact that the lyrics he sang were so interesting meant that BlackVelvet was able to win a new fan in no time.

When Harper heard that he was going to sing a country song that he had written, she was a little confused and worried that he would disappoint her.

The other songs were so good, it would be a waste for him to come up with a country song just to please Lila Brooks' fans...

But when she heard the beginning of the song, Harper raised her eyebrows in interest.

Even her friends who weren't country music fans were interested when they saw that although he said this song was country, it was also different from the country songs they had heard before.


My baby wants a Birkin, she's been tellin' me all night long...

Gasoline and groceries, the list goes on and on...

This 9 to 5 ain't workin', why the hell do I work so hard?

I can't worry 'bout my problems, I can't take 'em when I'm gone, uh...


Hearing the strum of the guitar and the way he was singing made Harper very curious.

If this lyric was written for a rap song, she would have thought it would fit, but surprisingly, with the country style guitar playing and BlackVelvet's sweet voice singing it, Harper felt it fit even more!

Listening to the next verse, Harper felt that this song was even cooler than she had imagined, causing her feet, which were wearing two country boots without her realizing it, to start tapping from side to side.


Someone pour me a double shot of whiskey

They know me and Jack Daniels got a history.

There's a party downtown near Fifth Street

Everybody at the bar gettin' tipsy

Everybody at the bar gettin' tipsy

Everybody at the bar gettin' tipsy


As BlackVelvet sang the chorus of the song, Harper and her friends felt their bodies become more energetic, and before they knew it, they were dancing to the song.

Looking around, Harper saw that not only her friends who didn't like this kind of music were dancing and feeling the good vibe, but the other people in the audience were also starting to dance.


I've been Boozey since I left, I ain't changin' for a check

Tell my ma I ain't forget (oh, Lord)

Woke up drunk at 10 am, we gon' do this shit again

Tell your girl to bring a friend (oh, Lord)


Unbeknownst to them, just like when BlackVelvet sang this song at the bar last night, the audience at this show was singing the chorus part with him, causing a big, proud, excited smile to appear on his face.

But to the audience's surprise, when the next part of the song was about to be sung, instead of BlackVelvet's attractive male voice, a female voice came out of the loudspeaker.

For the fans of Lila Brooks who had come to see her, they didn't need to hear more than three words to know that she was the one singing it, causing them to scream in excitement and clap their hands when they saw her enter the stage.


One, here comes the two to the three to the four

Tell 'em bring another out, we need plenty more

Two steppin' on the table, she don't need a dancefloor

Oh my, good Lord


While Lila was singing this, she came over to BlackVelvet and put a black cowboy hat on her head that she had brought from backstage, causing a smile to appear on his face as he played the guitar.

Seeing the two of them interacting like that on stage made the girls in the audience get excited and start screaming.

While the men in the audience felt a sour feeling in their chests when they saw how the two of them interacted on stage.

Although Lila was 30, her youthful appearance made her easily pass for a 25-year-old woman, while Noah was the opposite.

Because of his chiseled jaw and the muscles he had on his body, he didn't look like a 17-year-old boy, so much so that no one questioned whether he was old enough to drink in bars or at weddings, thinking he was between 21 and 24.

So even though Noah and Lila were 13 years apart, it seemed to the audience that the difference between them was a maximum of 4 years!

Listening to Lila sing this part of the song, Harper was surprised at how well this song suited her voice.

It wasn't as good as BlackVelvet singing the song, but the difference in their voices made the song even more interesting!

On the second chorus of the song, Lila sang it alone while BlackVelvet just did the backing vocals and played the guitar while looking between Lila and the excited audience.


Someone pour me up a double shot of whiskey

They know me and Jack Daniels got a history (we go way back)

There's a party downtown near Fifth Street (okay, let's go)

Everybody at the bar gettin' tipsy (at the bar gettin' tipsy)

Everybody at the bar gettin' tipsy (at the bar gettin' tipsy)

Everybody at the bar gettin' tipsy


By this point, the audience had learned at least part of the chorus of the song, which made them sing along and made the performance even more interesting!

But what really made the show stand out was in the third chorus of the song, when instead of singing separately, BlackVelvet and Lila Brooks sang together, with BlackVelvet taking the second voice and Lila taking the lead, creating such a beautiful harmony between their voices that fans looked at the stage in shock.

"That song... what a cool song!" One of Harper's friends said in shock as she looked at the two of them singing on stage.

Although it wasn't the style they liked, they had to admit that the quality of this song was on another level.

Seeing her friends react to the song she liked made Harper smile with excitement.

Unfortunately for them, as soon as the song was over, BlackVelvet thanked the audience for the opportunity to sing, while Lila also thanked BlackVelvet for doing this opening show for her, before the audience gave BlackVelvet a round of applause, thanking him for the show, and he left the stage with the cowboy hat that Lila had put on his head.

When Lila's show finally started, the crowd was in such a good mood that even Harper's friends, who didn't like this kind of music, were so excited that they didn't care anymore.

Lila noticed how the crowd stayed for the show and felt that choosing BlackVelvet to open for her was the best decision she could have made.

Meanwhile, Noah was lying on a sofa backstage, resting with a big smile on his face.

"How was it? Did you enjoy doing a show in a different place?" Selena asked him with a proud smile, alternating a strange look between him and the hat on his head.

"It was great... the vibe of singing at a music-focused show where the audience is there for the music... it's an amazing feeling!" He smiled, not noticing Selena's strange look at the hat he was wearing.


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