Gamer Superstar

Chapter 109 [Bonus ] 109 - Shot of Whiskey

Chapter 109 [Bonus ] 109 - Shot of Whiskey

While performing on stage, I felt the difference between the two levels of [Stage Presence] and [Guitar], as well as the new level in [Sing].

All in all, I was surprised at how well I performed on stage.

Even though I had just done a performance where I was practically "in the zone", I felt that my performance was even better now because of this difference in skill level.

Especially Stage Presence, which I felt I had a good level of before and was used to doing, now I realized that I should focus even more on this skill to improve the quality of my show as a whole.

If my stage presence was as high as Fedrick's, I would completely dominate him because of my charisma, but because of this big difference in our skill levels, he had the upper hand...

However, seeing how his final show was, I had to be very careful not to use my Observe skill on him again... I couldn't risk having my mana dwindle to zero and not even being able to finish the show.

Meanwhile, I just watched him normally without using the skill.

Looking at his choice of songs, I had to admit that he chose well, but I felt that something was missing.

Since I always use an original song in special moments to handle more difficult situations more gracefully, I felt he was missing that.

Most of the songs he sang weren't his, and he only sang 3 of his originals, one less than I did, which seemed to make his show lack a bit of personality.

For an artist with a 6 year career, he should have dozens of songs to choose from, right?

But that was fine with me, even though he acted and sang very well the last time he was on stage, it wasn't at such a high level that I wouldn't have a chance.

If I sang my new song, I'd have a chance to win over the audience and win this musical battle.

Then, as I walked on stage for my last three songs, I passed Fedrick and noticed him smiling mockingly at me.

"Looks like you weren't that good, kid..." He sneered as he passed me.

Not stopping, I replied dismissively without turning to face him. "Funny how you've only reached this level in six years? Maybe in 50 years you'll reach C-Rank Peak."

Jason, who was recording next to me, turned the camera on Fedrick and noticed that he froze as he shook his hand and then walked back as if nothing had happened.

As I took the stage, the applause from the audience was deafening, knowing that this would be the last musical battle performance of the night before the results were announced.

Smiling and waving to the people, I took a good look at the audience and was happy with what I saw.

There were between 100 and 200 people in the audience, half of them women and half of them wearing cowboy outfits.

With "Boyfriend" I had probably already won over a large part of the female audience, which had already won me over almost half of this audience, so if my next song won over a large part of the audience in cowboy outfits, I would be guaranteed a musical battle.

So to set the stage, I had something in mind.

My first song was just a normal rock song by some artist from this world, which got the crowd going, but not enough to win over more of the audience.

My ace up my sleeve was the next two songs.

During my time backstage, I had researched country music and learned how to play a song as quickly as possible.

My musical level wasn't that high, but since the music wasn't that difficult, I felt that as long as I sang these two country songs in a row, the music of this world and my original song, my chances of winning were even greater.

"For the next two songs, since these are the last two songs before Lila Brooks comes on stage, I thought I'd sing something special..." I said smiling, causing the audience to surprise and celebrate with curiosity.

"I've been working on an original country song for a while, so since today is a special occasion, my first musical battle with the awards is to sing the opening of Lila's show, I thought I'd sing this original song of mine today!" I said with an excited smile.

"Wooooo!!!" The audience shouted excitedly, curious to see what I was going to do.

"But before I sing my original song, I'm going to prepare you by singing 'Last Night' for you, I hope you like it!" I said, making them excited and celebrating even more.

Because "Last Night" was a famous song in this world, the country audience was happy for me to sing it, and the normal audience didn't think it was a bad song.

So it was a good transition song to prepare them for the song I was going to sing next.

As I sang, I saw that just singing a country song was enough to get the audience excited, especially since I had chosen a good song.

Now that I was going to sing my original song, I felt that I really had a chance to win this musical battle.

"Guys, for my next song, I want to know who's drinking whiskey?" I asked as I raised my glass and looked curiously at the audience.

Hearing my question, dozens of hands went up, holding glasses full of whiskey like mine, which made me smile.

"All right, let's have a sip of whiskey for the next song, and for those of you drinking beer or other drinks, I want to see you drinking too!" I said as I raised my glass to my mouth and looked at the audience, who got excited and did the same.

The scene of hundreds of people drinking at once in the bar made not only my eyes light up, but also the bar manager's eyes light up as she knew that just that one sip I was asking everyone to take from their drink meant several hundred dollars for the bar in sales of other drinks afterwards.

"Now for the music!" I said as I swapped my guitar for an acoustic and started to strum the tune.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.