Gamer Superstar

Chapter 101 101 - Confusion

Chapter 101 101 - Confusion

As I approached the bar, people in line began to recognize me and wave to me.

"Hey, BlackVelvet!" A girl in line shouted excitedly.

"Hey bro, are you playing here tonight?!" A guy also shouted excitedly.

The people who recognized me weren't that many, but I was happy that in a bar where I hadn't played before, there were already people who knew me, which meant that the crowd at the gig would be a lot easier.

One thing I've noticed in the shows I've played in the last month is that having a group of 5 to 10 people who know you in the audience is enough to make the show a lot easier, because those people get excited, which makes the people who don't know you curious and make them pay more attention to you.

Of course, the quality of your music would have to be as good as the expectation and curiosity of these people who don't know you, but achieving that at the level I was at was good enough.

As I waved to a few people on the way to the backstage area, I became more and more confident.

The problem was that when I got backstage, I started to overhear some unpleasant conversations.

"You mean a Rank E singer is going to sing after me, really?" An irritated and slightly drunk man's voice came from the artist preparation room.

"Calm down, Fedrick, the boy who will be singing after you is BlackVelvet, he is causing terror in the other bars for the rank D artists, so in order not to damage your image, we thought it best to let you sing first..." A worried woman's voice also came from the room.

Jason, clever as he is, had his camera rolling since we entered the bar and was already recording everything around him.

"Calm the fuck down, do you think that just because my popularity has dropped a bit that I'm worse than an E Rank brat?! I'm about to reach C rank, maybe I'll reach it in a few months, but do you think some unknown E rank brat is going to put on a better show than me?" The man complained as he shouted louder and louder.

Hearing the man's aggressive tone, I was really worried about the woman he was arguing with in the room and decided to go in before the man decided to do something to her.

As soon as I opened the door, the first thing I saw was the man standing very close to the woman and a very uncomfortable expression on her face.

When she heard the sound of the door opening, the woman looked in my direction and was shocked to see me.

"BlackVelvet, you're early..." She said embarrassed.

But hearing my name raised the man's eyebrow and he stared at me with disdain, not noticing Jason recording behind me.

"So you're the E Rank brat who's going to sing after me? For fuck's sake, you don't look a day over 20, kid." The man sneered as he turned away from the woman and walked back to the other side of the room.

This caused the woman to breathe a sigh of relief and approach me.

Recognizing the opportunity with Jason recording, I smiled dismissively and replied. "Wow, he's so offended that a kid who's not even 20 is growing so much that he's surpassing him, maybe you should lower your shitty ego a little bit and accept that you're not as good as your pride thinks you are."

As soon as I said those words, the room fell silent.

The woman was shocked as she stared at me with her mouth open, unable to utter a single word.

Jason had a big smile on his face as he tried to hide the camera he was using so the man wouldn't see it.

Selena just kept the serious, stoic expression she usually maintained while standing slightly behind me, but on my side to support me, but a small smile was on the corner of her mouth.

The man, on the other hand, slowly turned to me, his eyes burning with anger, and snorted as he clenched his fists.

"What did you say, kid?" He asked, trying to take a deep breath to calm down, but would I give him the chance?

"Are you so old that you can't even hear what I said? Then I'll say it again, your shitty ego won't let you accept that someone more talented and hardworking than you has arrived and you can't accept that this younger person is taking your place," I said. I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

This was a good moment to point out how much bigger my forearms were.

I didn't look very muscular, but when I crossed my arms over my chest, it was clear that my arm was not natural and that I had spent a lot of time training it.

I noticed his eyes roaming over my arms as he approached me and gave up trying to get any closer.

"Shut up kid, if you come near me in the rows I might think about answering you." He said as he pushed a chair away and stared at me, trying to show bravado.

"Ohh, since I've been here I've only heard you talk about Ranks this, Ranks that, it seems like the only thing you know how to talk about is Ranks or yelling at women, don't you know how to solve things any other way?" I asked with disdain as I walked closer and faced him.

Looking into his eyes, I could feel the fire of hate rising as he stared at me, wanting to tear me apart.

But he didn't seem to know how to react.

"Hey, what's going on?" A playful female voice came from the door of the room and a group of people entered, looking at the situation curiously.

Looking at the door, I had no idea who the person who had just entered was, but looking at the surprised expression on the woman Fedrick was yelling at and Selena's raised eyebrow, I guessed that maybe this person who had arrived was the C- rank artist who would be singing after me?


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