Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 6: ‘The Seventy-seventh’

Chapter 6: ‘The Seventy-seventh’

Year 281, AC 1st day of the 5th moon. (The Great Tournament of Harrenhal is about 6 months away).

POV: Author;

"Fortunately, according to reports from the citadel, winter will soon be over...phew." Said the Torrhen Square Master, speaking quietly to himself in his office as he read the reports.

Although it didn't last long the winter had hit the North hard. Dozens of snowstorms had blocked almost every road, even the King's road was almost unusable.

Every village or hamlet in its territory was cut off. The Tallhart family expended a lot of manpower and resources to get aid through. Despite their efforts many convoys of grain and clothing were wiped out by frost, packs of wild beasts and bandits.

Even with the help of House Cerwyn the situation remained difficult.

The last report from the scouts who had managed to return indicated that an entire small village had been wiped out by a blizzard and that another was besieged by a large group of bandits...

Helman took the last report of the evening. It concerned the current state of the family's finances...

Reserves: 41,710 Gold Dragons.

Provisions: 3 years' reserves for the castle;

6 months' reserves for the populace;

Debts: Tot. 10,550 G.D.; *

House Stark 1,200 G.D.;

House Manderly 850 G.D.;

House Tully 1,000 G.D;

House Tyrell 7,500 G.D;

'Damn Tyrells, they tripled the price of grain six months before winter came. They don't even claim responsibility for the cargo, in case ''the Iron Fleet'' or ''pirates'' should ''plunder'' their ships. They even reduce their transport costs by simply leaving the cargo in White Harbor!' Helman clenched his fist in frustration.

''I can't affect the reserves of gold any more than that would leave our house too exposed...'' The man sighed.

*[Author's note: 1 golden dragon = 30 silver moons

1 silver moon = 7 silver stags

1 silver stag = 7 copper stars

1 copper star = 2 copper bigs

1 copper bigs = 4 copper pennies

1 copper penny = purchasing power value about $0.75]

[To recap: 1 gold dragon = 11,760 copper pennies = approximately $9,000 (rounded up for the harmony and peace of mind of all)].

There was a knock at the door. "Yes Tom?" Helman.

"Little Lord requests an audience, My Lord" Tom.

"Let him in, thank you Tom." Tom withdrew with a polite nod.

A child now almost over three feet tall entered.

"Father. I hope I'm not disturbing you." Said Duncan.

'The days of "Dad" are already over...time is the cruelest of enemies.' Thought the Lord with a deep nod of sadness that he quickly erased with a warm smile.

"Not at all son, in fact you are saving this poor man from oblivion." Tallhart.

"Maester Golbarth has once again praised your achievements in study, he is practically begging me to send you to the citadel, he says you could become the youngest 'Grand Master in the history of the seven Kingdoms'. I am proud of you my son." Said Helman with a big smile.

'Oh, Golbarth, my old friend... You have already almost reached the 'Mines of Moria'... Why do you keep digging your own grave?' Duncan thought irritated.

"'Your mother also says you spend every spare moment helping her with the twins*...tell me do you need any more favours? Or is there anything your mother and I can give you besides those trivial ingredients you requested for your name day?" Helman.

*[Born about 7 months earlier, a boy "Benfred" and a girl "Eddara"]

Now that little Duncan was a few steps away, Helman noticed that a pleasant scent hovered in the air and that his son's skin was strangely cleaner and shinier than ever.

"No father. I really don't need I..." Duncan said, keeping his gaze downcast in a hesitant and slightly fearful tone.

"What's going on son?! Has something happened? You can talk to me you know!" Helman straightened up from his chair and stared anxiously at his son. It was the first time ever he had seen Duncan so worried and all the man's alarm bells were shrieking.

"Nothing serious has happened...I think...'Dad' I don't know if I should tell you...I...I don't think you can understand me...or believe me." Said the boy in a tone that screamed desperation, insecurity and resignation. (Yes... he had practised quite a bit).

Helman sprang to his feet, dropping papers, pens and inks, and rushed towards his son, hugging him in the most reassuring way possible.

"Daddy's here Duncan! I will always protect you no matter what happens. But I implore you, for your old man's sake, don't keep secrets from me. You'll make me die of anxiety and worry...Your obstacles will be my obstacles!..Your enemies will also be mine! Dad swears to you, son!...So please tell me what's going on...Can you do it for your Dad!?" Said Helman with moist eyes kissing his son's 'perfumed' forehead.

'I'll almost certainly have to serve at least a year in hell for what I did and what I'm about to do to the poor guy...Forgive me if you can Helman!" thought Duncan feeling guilty about the 'little show'.

"Yes daddy sigh sigh...Do you remember when I asked you a few months ago why the people in the castle smelled so bad?" He asked 'sobbing'.

"Yes of course...because of the Frost...but this..." Helman was more confused than ever.

"You told me that not everyone could wash in winter, both because of the hot water problem and because bath oils were a luxury the castle couldn't afford...I...I wanted to look for a solution...and...I went to Gods wood to pray to the ask for help...and there I heard was a came from the gods tree..." Duncan interrupted himself to fuel the suspense a little.

"...and? What did that voice say to you son?!" Helman asked concentrating hard with his pulse racing.

"...It told me to touch the tree...I did and the next thing I many visions Dad! I saw old men preparing something and the longer I stood there watching the more I understood! They told me it was called 'Soap'...and I knew how to make every way, I knew...and...and I made it...well here it is." Duncan opened his hand and a bar of soap sprang from his closed little hand.

"The presents I asked for on my birthday...well here they were the ingredients to make this so called 'Soap'...The voice also said it was a 'Gift'...but it also said I had to be careful...that's why I asked for the safe room Dad! The voice showed me ugly, ugly scenes...of you...mum...uncles...even...sigh sigh MY BROTHER AND SISTER!!! Ugh ugh...I realized that if I told anyone wrong...all those bad things would happen!!!" Duncan began to cry and sob, partly naturally because he felt like a real soulless shit.

"I'm sorry Dad I let you down!!!I let you all down!!! Sigh sigh...I put my family in danger!!! Uuuaaaghh! ghug ghug!" He cried harder dipping his face into the man's chest.

"Shhh it's okay Duncan! It's alright! Daddy's here! You didn't do anything wrong...shhh" He said trying to be as reassuring as possible.

15 minutes of crying, sobbing, reassurance, hugs and caresses later....

"Son, now that you've calmed down, can you explain to me better what this soap does?" Helman asked, satisfied that he had managed to calm down and even make his son laugh a little.

Duncan, riding the wave, explained to his father all the practical and functional aspects that the 'Old Gods' had explained to the boy.

He also explained to him all three types of soap he had created: one for the common people, one for wealthier people and one for the nobility.

He demonstrated the effects on Helman himself who was shocked for a moment. Now he understood why his son's skin was so clean and soft!

Duncan had even prepared a sheet with quantities of ingredients, labour processes and costs.

The cheapest soap could be produced for only about 2 penny a piece. The second of higher quality 1 copper star and 3 penny. The third of very high quality 1 stag and 4 stars.

They could easily have sold the three products for: 5 penny (common), 1 stag (superior) and 1 moon (supreme) a was a gold mine!...and now the Tallarth family had a clear path to a monopoly on production!!!

Helman tried with all his might to keep his composure and not to think about the possibilities and solutions of this great opportunity.

Duncan subtly and covertly told his father that it was also because of an article in a book by a certain Maester Qyburn that he had managed to optimise the process (a half-truth).

When the excitement and enthusiasm waned, Duncan was ready for 'the Final Act'. By now he could have played poor Helman like a violin.

"Dad I have to tell you one last thing...There is a reason I acted regardless of the risk...I believe the Old Gods gave me a 'second gift' protect me." Said Duncan again in a grim tone.

"What is it?" The man asked calmly but seriously.

"I could and still can feel it. I don't know how to explain it...but I can tell who inspires me with confidence and who doesn't." Duncan.

"When I'm around you, uncle and mum I feel it...I feel a warm, comforting and pleasant feeling...I feel it in others too but not as strong as yours. But... I don't know how to say it..." he interrupted himself as if he didn't want to continue. Helman immediately understood the message.

"Who son?! Who didn't give you that feeling?" Helman.

"Well... I don't think it's that reliable, Dad... I mean, it was just a feeling..." said a hesitant and frightened boy.

Lord Tallarth gently took his son's hands to reassure him.

"Don't worry you can talk to me about it you know, even the gods are telling you!" said Helman falling with both feet into the trap.

["Captain the men are ready! What are your orders?!"... "Fire at will!"] a strange voice echoed in a child's head.

"The...the...Maester Golbarth...yes, that's him...he gives off an aura that scares me father...if I go near him I get shivers all over my body...I don't know how to explain it but...but I feel that he can't be trusted...But he's never done anything to me, I swear! He's always helped me whenever I asked for help. He's always been kind! really don't know why it makes me cringe....even though..." the boy paused for a moment to think.

"Even though?!...Please continue son." Helman continued to maintain a slight calm smile but the look...the eyes were icy...they were the eyes of a man ready to kill at any moment.

"Well yes a strange thing happened...about almost a year ago the Maester was more relaxed and calm when we had our lessons, but one night I think he said something he shouldn't have...I don't know why, he just told me that he was born in the Westlands and that he was the natural son of a Lannister...I can't remember the name...Ah yes but I remember he was Tytos Lannister's cousin...I don't find anything wrong with that anyway. Since that day however the Maester has treated me a little more coldly and carefully. He never told me anything more about his past...but that's all I swear!" Explained Duncan quickly.

Helman stood still for a few seconds, contemplating the boy's words. The smile had disappeared, his left hand trembled slightly.

"Duncan thank you for being honest with me. It's getting very late your mother will scold us if you don't go to sleep now!" said Helman quickly.

"Yes dad, thank you for listening to me. I love you!" said Duncan with a smile.

"Me too son! Now go, it's late." The Lord gave his son a small hug, trying with all his energy to keep control.

The boy quickly walked out of his father's office.


In a land to the north of Westeros, a child walked slowly down a corridor of a castle. A loud roar of anger was heard echoing throughout the keep. The child stopped, looked over his shoulder for a moment, and resumed walking towards his rooms.

A small, childlike voice echoed down the corridor... "Let the Seventy-Seventh Hunger Games begin."


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