Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 19: ' The two signatures '

Chapter 19: ' The two signatures '

POV: Robert Baratheon;

King's Landing.

About a week after the sacking of 'King's Landing'....

"They're alive Ned!!! That man's sons are still alive...I want them dead, his sons and his brothers! THE WHOLE FUCKING TARGARYEN PROGENY MUST DIE!!!" Said Robert turning to his 'brother'.

"They're just kids Robert! You can't be serious...we fought for justice, not senseless slaughter!" Ned replied.

"Ahaha! 'Senseless slaughter he says...' Did you hear that Jon? What they did to your father RICKARD! YOUR BROTHER BRANDON AND WHAT THEY MIGHT STILL DO TO LAYNNA, IT'S A SENSELESS MASSACRE!!!" Robert screamed so loudly that the still unhealed wound on his right side began to throb again...he began to catch his breath.

"Ned, I think what Robert meant to say is that we should, for the sake of the kingdom, try to avoid future tragedies. If Aegon and Rhaenys are still alive, more war will break out in the future. Thousands more dead..." Said Jon Arryn trying to find common ground.

"EXACTLY! How many more deaths do you want to see because of that fucking House? Will 'the honorable Ned Stark' stop the next war? Will you go there and tell those soulless fools...'There's no need to fight, we can live together holding hands and keep our honour intact!' ahahah! Ned, only blood will be the solution to our problems!" At Robert's words, Jon lowered his eyes, thinking that the breaking point was inevitable...he knew his 'son' Ned well.

"...I will march to Storm's End and rescue your castle and your 'true' brother Stannis...after that I will go and rescue my sister...That is all the North will do for 'King Robert Baratheon First of His Name'...I will take no more part in your plans." Said Ned looking Robert straight in the eye. After a few moments of silence he turned and left without saying goodbye.

Robert's shouting and swearing could be heard throughout the Red Keep.

Half an hour later...

Jon stared at Robert as he filled his fourth cup of wine. The man had calmed down and was already beginning to show signs of repentance for how he had treated Ned a short time ago.

"Martell, Dorne must surely be hiding Rhaegar's heirs..." Robert said to Jon in a moment of clarity.

"The situation is very delicate Robert, the Martells are not only denying that they saved Elia and her children but they are also shamelessly accusing House Lannister of slaughtering them and secretly disposing of the bodies..." Said Jon trying to think of a solution.

"Ahaha nice song but if they think they're fooling us they're sadly mistaken. I'm going to march on Sunspear and knock down every stone in every building standing and then yes the two abominations will pop up!" Said Robert, rekindling a spark of fury.

"There are many who believe in that 'song' unfortunately. The sacking of the city and the massacre that took place inside the Red Keep has dyed a crimson veil around the people's eyes regarding House Lannister...Also I would remind you that either Aegon I or Daeron 'the Young Dragon' failed in the subjugation of Dorne to the Seven Kingdoms. We have neither the evidence nor the men to invade Dorne..." Jon paused watching Robert clench his fists but luckily for him his 'protg' seemed to be listening to the wiser man's advice.

"What do you think we should do?" Robert.

"If this was a move planned by Prince Doran I must admit it was well played. It is as if Dorne has placed a bet on the Lannisters' actions...I will go to Sunspear myself to go deal with the prince." Said Jon Arryn.

End POV;


POV: Lady Barbrey Dustin;


About 3 months after the quarrel between Ned and Robert;

Lady Dustin (Protector of Barrowton and the lands of House Dustin) was petting the stallion of her late husband, Lord William. Four days earlier, Lord Eddard Stark had come bearing the news of her husband's passing. Ned Stark had the body of his sister Lyanna with him but had left William's bones at the 'Tower of Joy'.

After crying for two days and nights in a row, a cold, ruthless sense of hatred grew inside her.

'First Brandon disgraced me by fleeing into the arms of Catelyn Tully...and now I cannot even give my husband a proper burial.

You Starks have taken everything from me...' The young woman (about twenty years of age) thought.

A servant came running into the stable.

"'My Lady! My Lady! Men have come to the castle gates! They demand an audience! They say it concerns Lord William!" Said the young man.

"What? Who are they?" Lady Dustin asked, focusing all her attention on the messenger.

"They bear the crest of House Tallhart my lady...there are seven of them and they have brought a large wooden box with them!" The servant replied.

Lady Dustin widened her eyes in disbelief and began to head as fast as she could towards the castle doors.

About two minutes later...

"Lady Dustin I am Lieutenant Miggas in the service of House Tallhart, thank you for welcoming us here to Barrowton. We are here to deliver the remains of your late husband, Lord William Dustin." The man said, bowing respectfully. After finishing the presentation he pointed with one arm leaving room, a fine chest, made of what looked like fine oak wood, with the crest of House Barrowton engraved on it.

"I would like to check the remains Lieutenant..." Lady Dustin said as she continued to stare at the wooden coffin. She was approaching the body step by step with awe.

"Of course my Lady. Open it!" Said Miggas receiving nods of approval from his men.

The 'coffin' was opened with care and attention. Lady Dustin approached and saw it there....

A decomposing body, but definitely 'treated for preservation'. It had been carefully cleaned, embalmed and oiled. Even the damaged armour had been treated. Both hands (now shriveled) rested on the chest holding a long sword, and a shield with the symbols of House Dustin had been carefully placed over them.

Barbery Dustin couldn't keep her hands off the dead man's face. It was him...her William.

" love..." The woman said quietly. After a minute of caressing the man's remains Lady Dustin stood up and asked the men to close the coffin. The men obeyed.

"House Dustin thanks House Tallhart for this noble gesture. THAT EACH OF THESE BRAVE MEN BE REWARDED WITH 50 GOLD DRAGONS." She commanded her attendant, who for a moment was shocked at the sum.

"We are grateful and honoured, Lady Dustin, but we cannot is our duty and honour to help give a proper burial to a hero of the North. We could never accept a reward for that." Said the lieutenant as everyone bowed in appreciation for the gift offered.

Lady Dustin was unarmed and caught off guard. She had never imagined that men could refuse such a sum. For ordinary people, fifty gold dragons meant a new life....

"Then let shelter and refreshment be offered. House Dustin will not allow you to leave without at least repaying the gesture with due hospitality." Lady Barbery said in an authoritative tone, making it clear to the men that she was not prepared to give in on this point.

"We thank Barrowton and Dustin House for their hospitality and accept with pleasure my Lady. If possible we would like to be able to leave within three days at the most hoping that our request will not cause you offence." Said Miggas bowing his head.

"No offence taken Lieutenant. Upon your return to Torrhen's Square I would like you to extend my most sincere thanks to Lord Helman and his family in advance. When I have passed the mourning period (about two weeks by tradition) I will come to thank the Tallhart family myself." Lady Dustin replied.

"Torrhen's Square will be honoured to receive you my Lady." Miggas said as if he already knew what to expect.

Other similar events were happening or had already happened in seven other locations.

End POV;


POV Author;

Torrhen's Square.

Three weeks before...

The escort of 100 knights, accompanying their Lady Olenna and Young Willas Tyrell, entered the gates of Torrhen's Square.

Leobald Tallhart had been charged with welcoming their guests.

After half the armed escort entered, the carriage carrying the lords of House Tyrell arrived.

Leobald had arranged a small parade with approximately 50 guards and a dozen servants.

House Tallhart was to show courtesy and respect, but not of the right importance.

The carriage was opened by an attendant in the service of the Tyrells.

"Well? What are you waiting for to extend your hand in aid of this old woman? What do you want a bag of gold for the effort perhaps?" Said an old but energetic voice inside.

"I beg your pardon my Lady!!!" The young man pounced like a cat upon hearing the rebuke.

A woman, in her sixties, about 5 feet tall, wearing an exquisite green dress adorned with golden streaks, got out of the carriage. A boy of about 10-11 years of age followed soon after. The woman did not even look around and walked towards the man ready to greet her.

"Lady Olenna, Young Lord Willas, Torrhen's Square welcomes you. I am Leobald Tallhart." Leobald said, giving a small but polite bow.

"I expected at least a welcome from Lord Helman. Has my House offended yours to such an extent? I thought the hospitality here in the North was 'legendary'." Said Olenna Tyrell in a sarcastic tone.

"My brother apologizes for not being able to come in person to greet our welcome guests my lady. Unfortunately matters of the utmost urgency are holding him back. And yes my Lady, the people of the North revere the laws of hospitality like no other in the South." Leobald replied courteously and in a tone slightly amused by the stinging tongue of the famous 'Queen of Thorns'. Olenna snorted as if to say 'Yeah, right'.

"'Please take a seat we have arranged humble but pleasant refreshments inside. You must be tired from your long journey." Leobald.

About three hours later...

Lady Olenna was led into a room where there was a long rectangular table with two chairs. Leobald was leading the way. Qyburn had been instructed to show young Willas the castle library.

"So then it is you I will have to 'dance' with? You're a bit young for my taste but looks and likability are two points in your favour boy." Said Olenna turning to Leobald.

"Ahah! Unfortunately I am a married man my Lady, if you had asked me a few years ago I would have accepted without any hesitation. The interlocutor will be arriving in a few minutes, would you like some wine during this wait?" Leobald.

"No thank you, I prefer to have a clear head to best chastise the poor fellow who will be arriving." Olenna.

"Then here's wishing you goodbye and a future prosperous collaboration between our two Houses." Leobald said, giving a bow before taking his leave. He was still smiling at the woman's daring, but humorously appreciated, jokes.

Lady Olenna sat down and waited. On the table were white parchments, a quill, ink and a bell.

About three minutes later, the door opened...

An almost four foot tall boy entered the room and closed the door behind him. Olenna stared at him, feigning astonishment at first but continuing to watch carefully. He had steel-white hair, green eyes with silvery streaks, and a fine suit coloured with a mixture of white and crimson red. Olenna could already tell who was in front of her and why he was dressed in those extravagant clothes.

The boy made a small effort to position himself properly in the high chair.

"Lady Olenna it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Duncan Tallhart eldest son of Lord Helman and for today I will be the representative of my house for the negotiations to come." Said the boy in a formal but polite tone.

"What is a bad joke perhaps? How old are you boy? Did you even make it to your sixth name day? Why is House Tallhart deliberately insulting House Tyrell?" Said Olenna pretending to be insulted. She wanted to test the waters to confirm or deny the rumours.

"My Lady, House Tallhart has no intention of insulting the honourable House Tyrell. I was chosen simply because I am the best person to represent my family's interests." Duncan replied.

"You would be the best person? Pff don't make me laugh Young Lord I can smell the mother's milk even from here. Either Lord Helman will come in person to deal with my House or we will leave." Said Olenna in an indignant tone.

"I am very sorry for the smell of milk my Lady, but I assure you that it is top quality milk. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the milk used to feed Lord Mace Tyrell in the past...his choices are increasingly beginning to make me believe that 'milk' was poisoned. Quite frankly, my lady, House Tyrell had the upper hand. You could have crushed Robert Baratheon and ended the rebellion. I believe Aerys II would have even given you our lands if you had requested it, and you would not be wasting your time with this 'immature' child today." Said Duncan.

"Cough! Cought!" She nearly choked on her spittle.

Olenna Tyrell took a heavy blow...she had fired an arrow to test the enemy's defences and in return a hundred spears came back.

"My lady all right? Can I offer you something to drink? Some wine, water or...milk by any chance?" Duncan played a perfect scene of a loving grandson caring for his poor grandmother.

Olenna recovered quickly after suffering another slap.

"Yes thank you...I do believe some wine to warm my throat would be appreciated, to help this poor dried up southern body to your less summery climate." Olenna said, conceding the point to the boy.

Duncan rose, and like a perfect page at his Lady's service, carefully poured the wine taking the jug and cup on the small table beside him.

"Thank you my dear." Olenna downed a big gulp. She really had to calm the nerves bouncing back and forth inside her head.

'Bloody Snow' thought the older woman.

"So my that the land has been verified and assessed...Can we talk business?" Duncan asked showing a colder, less innocent look.

Olenna was shocked by the intimidating presence displayed by that unnatural being.

"Yes, I'd say we can start..." Olenna.

"Then, please. Ladies first," Duncan said, nodding his hand.

"Is it true what the rumours say about Bloody Snow? Did you really devise and lead the battle plan in the 'Snow Mill Massacre'? It is also said that you shot down dozens of knights with your own hands..." Olenna asked with sincere curiosity.

"Ahahaha, I'm afraid my Lady that the song sung in the south was a little too overblown and stuffed. Only one knight and he was already half for the plan...well let's just say Ser Vane Westbrook led his cavalry with valour but...I'm afraid he wasn't very familiar with the land or its inhabitants." Duncan replied amused, he had remained very elusive in the last part.

"We've never been good at fighting...but as far as trade goes, House Tyrell has no equal. So boy what does your house want to end this once and for all?" Olenna asked impatiently.

"We would like House Tyrell to lend our House 2 million gold dragons, with a total interest of 3% to be repaid in unspecified instalments no later than a period of 20 years..." Duncan pulled the tongue-less hand grenade.

"Are you out of your mind? You think you have a kingdom to run? What on earth is House Tallhart supposed to do with all that money? Hire every mercenary company in Essos and march off to conquer the seven kingdoms?!" Olenna replied, knocking the device back before it exploded.

"Our House does not wish to wage war against anyone. We love peace and prosperity. We crave many whims and pleasures that we cannot satisfy here in the North...we would like to sample some pleasant 'Southern comforts'." Duncan replied quietly.

"We'll never lend you that much money... with your 'soaps' you'll pocket a maximum of 10,000 gold coins a month. I don't see how you can pay it back. Not to mention that ridiculous number 3 you cited. We'd barely cover the transportation costs of safely delivering the money to you halfway." Olenna took her time and then proposed a counteroffer.

"200,000 within 10 years with a measly 15% is what my House can lend." Olenna

"1,800,000 within 18 years at 5%," Duncan.

"250,000 within 12 years at 13%" Olenna.

An hour and several figures later...

"Uffff, all right old grumpy woman with a poisonous tongue, House Tallhart accepts the proposal of 630,000 G.D. at 8% within no more than 10 years. However, the transport and security of the gold will be on House Tyrell's shoulders." Said Duncan simulating a nervous breakdown.

"Gone." Olenna replied quickly, not wanting to get to her third cup of wine.

"Now if you don't mind we would appreciate the loads of 'soap' being sold to House Tyrell. Should I receive another raven or relay with a complaint from Melessa Tarly, I swear I will burn both Tarly and Florent houses to the ground with my own hands." Olenna.

"Oh my lady I fear I have been misunderstood...I thought it was clear that the loan given by you was the pledge to repay my House from the 'attempted kidnapping' of me or one of my loved ones. I assure you, Lady Olenna, that both my father and I did not at all appreciate the 'trick' thrown at us...But I am sure we can find a compromise that will be of enormous benefit to both our Houses." Said the boy removing the mask of weariness he had been wearing until recently.

"..... listen to you kid, but always keep in mind that the North has suffered quite a few losses from this last conflict and that the Reach has remained safe, well fed and supplied." Olenna replied, pulling out a look a Lady should never have...

"We would like to propose a long-term business partnership with House Tyrell. We will sell you batches of soap on the same terms as the Northern Lords. In return we would like House Tyrell to repay the loads with, livestock, quality seeds, cheese, honey and essences for perfumes. Obviously the cost will have to be comparable with the profit ratio that my house has with soap. However House Tyrell will have an advantage that no one in Westeros or Essos has so far..." Duncan increased the suspense.

" have my attention Bloody Snow" Olenna.

"Currently House Tallhart has released 5 varieties of soap fragrances; Pine, Berries, Lavender, Lemon and Strawberry. If House Tyrell were to provide us with a wider variety of fragrances, they would get batches of soap with a variety of scents that no other house would have...we will also provide your house with a new method of extracting fragrance essences. A tried and tested method that will increase your yield rate by at least 3 times using half the raw material you normally use. And last but not least, this..."

Duncan finished his speech by pulling a small bottle out of his pocket.

Olenna guessed what it might be, she had seen many of them in her life. She took the bottle and popped the glass cap. For a moment Olenna's gaze wavered, but she recovered a second later.

Never before had she smelled such a delicate and intoxicating perfume. Comparing it to the perfumes made in the Reach or Lys, it was pure rose essence compared to horse piss...This was a weapon and a powerful one at that.

"Yes Lady Olenna, there is no need to feign lack of interest. Both you and I know what you have in hand and my House is capable of producing gallons of it and other varieties of equal value. We will sell these scents exclusively to the House of Tyrell, on the same terms as the soaps." Duncan gave a friendly smile.

"So, do we have a deal?" He asked feigning expectation.

"We have a deal." Olenna replied without any hesitation whatsoever.

"Well then!", "Ding, Ding!", "Ding, Ding!" Duncan rang the bell resting beside him.

A few seconds later, a tall man wearing a smart uniform in which the symbol of the 'Iron Bank' was embroidered entered.

"Young Lord Duncan, Lady Olenna it is a pleasure and an honour for the Iron Bank to be able to perform consultancy services to these two great houses of Westeros." Tycho Nestorys said with a smile.

"Thank you and all the employees of the 'Iron Bank' for giving some of your time to ensure prosperity and trade in our lands Mr. Tycho Nestorys." Duncan reciprocated.

Olenna was petrified. She might as well have insulted the new King to his face and still felt less discomfort and anxiety she was feeling right now. If there was one entity Olenna Tyrell would not mess with, it was the 'Iron Bank'.

"Mr. Tycho we only have a small two-digit variance to change on the contracts that have already been filled out." Olenna stood in religious silence at the utterance of those words.

Tycho handed the papers to the boy. Duncan used his pen to make the necessary changes on the three sheets of paper already filled out.

Tycho showed the finished document to Lady Olenna who scrutinised it very carefully.

Everything, everything they had discussed was there. Even the quantities of the lots were as Lady Olenna had hoped, there were only two small spots...Duncan had estimated that he would only be able to get a 600,000 G.D. loan instead of 630, and the percentage had changed from 10% to the agreed 8%...

In all this time, the boy had dragged the woman where he wanted her...

"Then my lord and lady I would say that if the parties have reached an agreement, we can proceed with the proper signatures." Tycho approached Lady Olenna first. The 'Queen of Thorns' remained silent for almost a minute. Finally she pulled a stamp from her sleeve and prepared to sign and stamp the three documents. One copy of the contract for House Tallhart, one for House Tyrell and one for the 'Iron Bank'.

The signature read:

'Mace Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden and Protector of the Reach'.

Tycho paid no attention to the written name and walked towards the young lord.

Duncan pulled a stamp from his breast pocket and prepared to sign and stamp the same documents.

The signature read:

'Ser Helman Tallhart, Master and Protector of Torrhen's Square'.


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