Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 266: Daemon’s Unauthorized Actions

Chapter 266: Daemon’s Unauthorized Actions

As they walked into the castle, the stone halls appeared empty, lit only by a few bonfires.

Stepping onto the soft carpet, Rhaegar noticed two women approaching with their servants.

"Cousin, come wipe off the rain before you catch a cold," Laena said, draped in a blanket. She handed out towels and shawls with the help of the servants.

Beside her stood a mature woman with black curly hair and a beautiful face. She spoke courteously, "It is an honor to welcome all the princes and princesses to Storm’s End."

Rhaegar , who had never seen this lady before, looked at Rhaenyra inquiringly.

Tightening her cloak, Rhaenyra replied regretfully, "We are here to pay our respects to the late Lord Boremund, Lady Elenda."

Elenda responded mildly, "I have seen the sincerity of the Targaryens. Please, prepare to take a warm bath to avoid catching a cold."

"Thank you, my lady," Rhaenyra said, expressing her gratitude and quietly informing Rhaegar of Elenda's identity.

Elenda Caron, born into the House Caron of Nightsong, a region in the Dornish Marches, had married Borros Baratheon. She wasn't well known in her early years, but now she was the Lady of Storm’s End.

Rhaegar brushed back his wet hair, exchanged polite pleasantries, and then asked bluntly, "Where is Lord Borros? Why haven't we seen him?"

"My husband is entertaining Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, paying homage to his late father-in-law," Lady Elenda's voice was magnetic, and she responded calmly.

Although it was discourteous that Borros hadn't come out to greet them, her explanation was reasonable, assuaging any discontent among the princes and princesses.

Since they had come to pay their respects, Rhaegar chose not to be critical and allowed himself to be led up the stairs by his attendant. He was soaked to the skin and needed to change before seeing anyone.

As the group conversed, more guests were entertained and brought into the castle. Lady Elenda managed the arrivals with well-organized grace, thanking each one personally.


After washing up, Rhaegar left the bathroom to find his brothers and sisters. Laena had been waiting for a while, gathering her cousins to head upstairs to the Great Hall of Storm’s End for the feast.

She rubbed her belly with one hand and explained, "There will be no outsiders at the feast. Lord Borros has arranged it especially for us and our family."

"Cousin, Daemon and Laenor didn't come?" Rhaegar asked, noting the absence of Seasmoke.

Laena hesitated for a moment, then grumbled, "Daemon arrived later, and Laenor went with him to the Stepstones for defense."

With Caraxes not fully healed, Daemon didn't have a dragon to lead him, so Laenor and Aegon took turns leading the patrols.

As they chatted, they soon arrived at the hall where the banquet was to be held. A bearded Borros sat at the head of the table, scolding his servants. Across from him, Corlys was calmly rubbing his chin, and Rhaenys, dressed in a corseted gown, stood by the wine cooler, eyeing Borros with displeasure.

If he weren't her cousin, she might have slapped him.

Rhaegar and Rhaenyra approached with smiles, greeting them, "Aunt Rhaenys, Lord Corlys."

Seeing her nephews and nieces, Rhaenys lifted her smile and held a bottle of fine wine as she stepped forward. "I didn't expect you all to be here. What a pleasant surprise!"

"Lord Boremund's contributions were so significant that Father emphasized our presence here," Rhaegar said warmly, offering a hug to his enthusiastic aunt.

Rhaenys hugged her nephews and nieces in turn, then took the hands of Rhaenyra and Helaena. "Borros can be rough around the edges. Don't be offended by any lack of hospitality. It's commendable that you braved the rain to come here."

Rhaegar and his brothers followed her, casting glances at the still-irate Borros. Realizing he was being watched, Borros patted his coat, stood up, and lifted his chin proudly. "The Baratheon House thanks you and your family for visiting, Prince."

He then gave a shallow bow, his bloated stomach making the gesture awkward.

"Huh," Aegon snorted, seating himself with a sigh.

Rhaegar glanced at Aegon but said nothing. He placed a hand on Borros' shoulder and said softly, "A moment of silence for your father."

With that, he ignored the lord and sat down next to Rhaenyra. Borros, visibly irritated, took his seat and yelled at the servants to bring the dishes, venting his frustration.

The grief of his father's death, combined with the excitement of newfound power, left him struggling to control his emotions.

The feast was about to begin when Lady Elenda arrived, apologizing, "I just greeted House Dondarrion of Blackhaven. I hope I'm not late."

"No, please sit down," Rhaenys replied, tasting the red wine and sharing it with her husband and two nieces.

The feast officially began. Rhaenyra enjoyed the carefully selected dishes, smiled at Corlys, and casually said, "Lord Corlys, I heard you recently made a significant deal with the Prince of Pentos?"

Corlys, his demeanor unchanged, forked a steak and replied indifferently, "The spices and wine from Pentos are quite good."

"I've been to Pentos. The local customs are fascinating," Rhaegar said, implying more but choosing to drop the topic.

The Sea Snake had been quiet for three years, but his increasing contacts with the free cities warranted attention.

Corlys didn't respond directly, instead chatting with Borros about some strange tales. The banquet felt a bit chilly, but Lady Elenda and Laena did their best to entertain the ladies.

Aegon ignored the conversations, gulping his wine and thinking to himself, "Daemon didn't show up. Otherwise, I'd have made him look bad."

Despite being bested by his uncle before, Aegon didn't believe he couldn't win. He felt that Daemon's initial attack had caught him off guard, preventing him from fighting back effectively.


Bloodstone Island.

The sky was dark, with clouds rolling in, heavy with moisture, foreshadowing an impending storm.

On the azure sea, a warship sailed toward the strait leading to the disputed lands. Several cargo ships flying the flag of the Triarchy moved steadily through the waterway.

A deep horn sounded from a remote island watchtower, its call spreading across the sea for miles.

"What's going on? Increase the alert!" The mercenaries on the cargo ships sprang into action, emerging from the cabins and taking up defensive positions.

"Roar..." A sharp dragon roar pierced the air as a light gray dragon swooped down, unleashing a torrent of Dragonfire.


The dragon's flames struck a cargo ship, snapping its mast and igniting a fierce blaze, sending mercenaries sprawling in chaos.

"It's a dragon, retreat!" the mercenary leader shouted, his face pale with shock. He had never imagined a dragon would attack them.

As the cargo ships attempted to turn and flee, a warship approached from the distant sea, its mast flying the three-headed red dragon banner.

Daemon, clad in black armor, his expression as cold as the stormy weather, eyed the cargo ships intently.

With a swift motion, he drew his longsword and ordered the archers to ready their bows. "Attack! Leave no one alive!"

Swish, swish, swish...

Arrows flew, their flaming tips raining down on the cargo ships like deadly fireflies. Screams filled the air as the ships erupted in flames, and the mercenaries fell into disarray.

"Roar..." Laenor rode back on his dragon, Seasmoke, shouting, "Dracarys!"

A fierce sea battle erupted. The warships closed in, their ramming horns smashing through the hulls of the cargo ships. Chains were thrown to hold the ships together.

Daemon, wearing a helmet adorned with dragon wings, leaped onto the cargo ship with the agility of a predator. He cut down mercenaries with ruthless efficiency, his eyes cold and unyielding.

The battle was long, but finally it ended. The soldiers cleared the battlefield and threw the bodies of the mercenaries into the sea to feed the fish.

"Please, my lord, I am only a merchant..." One of the merchants begged for mercy on his knees, but was quickly silenced with a slash to the neck, dying with a look of despair.

Daemon removed his helmet, leaned back against the railing, and received a letter from his adjutant. After reading it carefully, he grinned and stomped on the corpse beneath him with satisfaction.

The letter bore the Volantis crest in wax. Casually tearing the paper, Daemon strode to the cabin and kicked open the door.

"Ah!... Don't kill me..." Inside, besides crates of goods, there were ragged slaves huddled together.

Daemon scanned the room and then addressed his adjutant coldly, "Keep the female slaves, dispose of the rest."

"Yes, Prince." The adjutant, his face just as cold, drew his sword and entered the cabin. Soon, the air was filled with the sound of desperate, dying screams.

Daemon paid no attention to the carnage, ordering the soldiers to gather the goods and transport them to the warship.

Seasmoke flew overhead, its wings stirring the cold wind. Laenor, riding the dragon, looked torn and hesitant. "Is it really necessary to plunder the Triarchy's ships?"

The Triarchy was divided between the aggressive Hawk faction and the more moderate Dove faction. Though tensions remained, both sides had maintained a fragile peace.

Malicious plundering of the other side's cargo ships can easily be the cause of a violent backlash.

"Why not?" Daemon replied, his face expressionless. "If the Triarchy can plunder our ships, we can plunder theirs."

Laenor, uncomfortable with such ruthlessness, changed the subject. "Laena asked you to attend the funeral at Storm’s End. Do you want a ride?"

"No need," Daemon said, wiping the blood from his longsword on a corpse's clothes. He smirked, "I can go where I want without a dragon. Besides, I've just acquired a shipment of treasure. I'll take a ship and bring gifts to the appointment."


Three days later, the funeral ceremony was held at Storm’s End Castle.

The sky was overcast, casting a somber mood over the event. In the center of the vestibule, a one-person-high wooden platform held the body of Lord Boremund.

Rhaegar presented a bouquet of flowers and bowed his head in silence. Behind him, Borros and the other guests followed suit, laying down their bouquets and offering eulogies.

Borros, his eyes red and swollen, held the hands of his wife and daughters as he struggled to contain his grief while looking at his father's closed eyes.

Rhaenys gently urged, "Borros, let uncle rest in peace."

Borros nodded, releasing his wife's and daughters' hands. He walked solemnly to Rhaegar, who was dressed in black armor, and said, "I beg you, Prince."

"My condolences," Rhaegar replied, then turned his gaze to the Cannibal dragon near the city gates.

According to Lord Boremund's dying wish, he desired to be cremated like his wife. Rhaegar connected with Cannibal's mind and spoke in High Valyrian, "Cannibal, Dracarys!"

"Roar..." Cannibal's wings spread as he slowly approached the wooden platform. He raised his neck high and unleashed a precise stream of dark green Dragonfire.

The flames engulfed the remains rapidly, the dry wood fueling the intense blaze. The fire consumed the body, leaving only ashes behind.


"Roar..." Cannibal's roar was joined by those of other dragons, including Dreamfire and Syrax, their cries echoing throughout Storm’s End Castle.

The guests lifted their heads and recited eulogies reverently. The vestibule was filled with the sight and sound of several massive dragons, each with different scales and colors, their roars resonating deeply with the mourners.

The ruling power of House Targaryen was felt by all in attendance.


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