Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 219: The Dragon’s Return to Essos

Chapter 219: The Dragon’s Return to Essos


The Red Keep, Attic

Otto and Larys sat opposite each other, the dim light casting shadows on their faces.

"Harwin will depart tomorrow for the Riverlands to quell the rebellion," Otto said lightly, his eyes sharp as swords.

Larys smiled coyly. "Harwin the Breakbones—my brother's name carries weight."

"Are you sure?" Otto ignored Larys' insincerity, getting straight to the point.

"No problem," Larys replied, his eyes flashing. "My father and brother are quite capable; they won't disappoint."

"Once this is accomplished, the Grand Maester and I will recommend you as the new Master of Coin," Otto said, rising to leave.

He had never liked the second son of the Strong House. Larys reminded him of a rat that had crawled out of a dark sewer.

Larys, holding his cane, rested his chin on his hand, watching Otto's back with a smile.


Elsewhere in the Red Keep

Viserys had summoned Rhaenyra through the Kingsguard.

"Rhaenyra, there's been no news from the Stepstones. Return to Dragonstone and deploy the Royal Navy to patrol the Narrow Sea," he ordered, visibly exhausted by the successive bad news.

Rhaenyra was taken aback. "Father, the fleet has been patrolling the Narrow Sea, and the fleet at Driftmark has been contributing as well."

"The Seven Hells! My memory fails me," Viserys muttered, smacking his head. "What of Lord Corlys? I hear he is still ill."

"Yes, Aunt Rhaenys and Laena are watching over him day and night," Rhaenyra responded truthfully.

"There is a fleet patrolling the Narrow Sea, but King's Landing needs more reinforcement," Viserys muttered. "With Harwin transferred to the Riverlands, Otto will manage the City Watch for the time being."

"Otto!" Rhaenyra's heart tightened. Harwin had always been a staunch loyalist, and Otto taking command of the City Watch was a blow to her influence.

"Don't worry, Otto is Alicent's father and an old friend," Viserys reassured her. "The Red Keep still has the Kingsguard, three hundred strong."

The King's Guard had been newly bolstered, combining the original Red Keep guards with Rhaegar's newly appointed Dragonkeepers.

Rhaenyra calculated the situation. "The front line is still at war. How many more men can the king's army spare?"

"It's difficult. What we could spare has already been given to Harwin," Viserys replied, his headache worsening at the mention of the Riverlands. "Go and visit Lord Corlys on Driftmark when you have time," he added, pausing before emphasizing, "And your two adopted daughters."

He felt awkward mentioning them again; they were Daemon's children. Rhaenyra smiled and agreed, hiding her concerns.



The Nine Free Cities of Essos

Nine letters from the Targaryen Dynasty arrived in the hands of the leaders of the nine Free Cities.


Representatives of the Triarchy convened a meeting, first to discuss Dorne's refusal to send troops by sea, then to discuss poisoning - a controversial but effective solution.

An old man in brocade robes spoke first. "The Targaryen boys were terrorized today, and a false deadline was set to allow for a sneak attack. Three thousand Unsullied are waiting in the harbor."

Lysandro Rogare, playing with a whip, added, "The situation is delicate."

Several magisters in the room also held similar whips, their faces serious as they debated.

A servant hurried in and handed a letter to the brocade-clad old man. Soon, similar letters were delivered to Lysandro Rogare and another magister from Myr.

As they read, their expressions changed from curiosity to shock to anger.

"Arrogant! Does he want to start a war between two continents?" the old man shouted, crumpling the letter in anger.

Lysandro's face grew grave as he read:

"The Triarchy has invaded the Stepstones, plundered the Seven Kingdoms' people, and threatened to poisonthe heir to the Iron Throne.

 Rhaegar Targaryen, eldest son of Viserys I and heir to the Iron Throne, writes to you:

Seven days from now, if the Triarchy does not withdraw from the Stepstones, we will march on Tyrosh.

Someone is trying to awaken the wrath of the sleeping dragon. So Targaryens will return it with blood and fire!"

The letter concluded with a flourish.

"The Targaryen brat wants to invade Tyrosh. Where does he get the nerve?" the old man fumed.

The Triarchy Council

Tyrosh and Lys are island nations across the sea from the mainland.

Lys is located near Volantis, on the Summer Sea.

Tyrosh, an island nation near the Disputed Lands, were particularly concerned.

"The letter should be spread throughout the Free Cities. We must seek allies quickly," Lysandro urged.

"Who will help us?" the brocade-robed old man replied. "Braavos is still at war with Pentos. Volantis wants us destroyed by the dragon. Qohor and Norvos are under siege by the Dothraki. Lorath is too far away and too poor to be of any help."

The Triarchy had been emboldened by its dominance in Essos, plundering ships and invading the Stepstones. Now they faced isolation.

Frustrated, Lysandro replied, "Dorne refused to send troops. If we don't unite the other city-states, we have no allies."

The representative from Myr, a dark, heavyset man, spoke. "The dragon's return to Essos affects more than just our three city-states. Braavos and others may reconsider."

Memories of Old Valyria’s dragonlords still haunted the people of Essos. Perhaps some could be swayed to support them.

"Don't expect too much," Lysandro cautioned. "This might be the rash decision of a teenage prince. The King on the Iron Throne is weak. We should send a letter to dissuade him."

The Stepstones, situated in the Disputed Lands, belonged neither to Westeros nor Essos. Fighting there was one thing; a dragon landing in a Free City was another matter entirely.

"Good idea. I'll draft a letter immediately," the Myrish representative agreed, hurrying out with his whip.

Despite his outward fury, the brocade-robed old man was anxious. "Just in case, station the Unsullied in Tyrosh and set up scorpion crossbows in the harbor and on every tower."

Lysandro, recognizing Tyrosh's vulnerability as the likely first target, did not object.



In the darkness of the night, a massive figure broke through the clouds, revealing the crescent moon. Under its pale light, Cannibal, black as charcoal, glided silently, his green eyes surveying the island below.

On a familiar clearing, the dark green dragon Vaghar lay sleeping, eyes closed. Nearby, next to the beach, a scarlet dragon huddled among the gorse. Rhaegar recognized it immediately as Caraxes.

After the Dance of Dragons, Caraxes had been severely injured. His body was covered in scars, and one of his wings was torn. Unable to fly until his wings healed, the once mighty Blood Wyrm moved like a reptile.

Sensing Rhaegar's gaze, Caraxes twisted his slender body and dragged his damaged wing deeper into the gorse.

"Land, Cannibal," Rhaegar commanded, steering the dragon towards High Tide Castle.

Upon landing, he was greeted by Rhaenys and Laena, mother and daughter, who welcomed him warmly. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Rhaegar got straight to the point, discussing the Triarchy's declaration of war and his decision to attack Tyrosh.

"I'll fetch the baby," Laena said, her smile fading as she found an excuse to leave. Her special status as a daughter of House Velaryon and Daemon's wife made her wary of entangling herself in too many battles.

Rhaegar frowned, surprised by Laena's immediate retreat from involvement.

"Don't mind her. Say what you came for," Rhaenys said, her face stern.

"The most important element in attacking Tyrosh is our dragons. I need all three of Velaryon's dragons to participate," Rhaegar stated bluntly.

"No way!" Rhaenys replied sharply. "The Targaryen name is sensitive and cannot be associated with an invasion of Essos."

They were a family of Dragonlords. Over three hundred years ago, Old Valyria had conquered much of Essos. An invasion by Targaryen dragons could provoke a severe backlash from the entire Free Cities.

Anticipating her resistance, Rhaegar patiently explained, "The Triarchy is desperate. We only need to strike one city-state decisively to defeat them."

He had studied the situation in the Free Cities. Volantis had a grudge against the Triarchy, and the other cities were either in turmoil or struggling to defend themselves. The Triarchy could not count on allies.

"Rhaegar, your strategic vision is excellent, I won't deny that," Rhaenys said firmly. "But I won’t help you, and your father won’t approve of your decisions."

She knew her cousin well. The Battle of the Stepstones had already drained Viserys's courage and patience. Attacking the Triarchy and risking the wrath of the Free Cities was unwise.

Rhaegar pressed on, "The Triarchy is the greatest enemy of House Velaryon. Can’t I take the risk to resist them?"

Rhaenys shook her head. "You represent not only yourself but the entire Seven Kingdoms. As the Master of Dragons, I oppose your risky behavior."

She sighed deeply. "I still have to care for Corlys, and Laena needs to feed the child. You are free to go."

"Aunt, this battle cannot be avoided!" Rhaegar's eyes flashed with determination as he turned and left.

He would return to King's Landing and seek his father's permission, and to prepare his armor for the inevitable conflict.


After Rhaegar left, Rhaenys found Laena, who was breastfeeding her child.

"You should agree to help him. It will redeem Daemon," Rhaenys suggested, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed.

Laena shook her head, a hint of shrewdness in her eyes. "The King still loves him. I don't want to make any extra effort."


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