Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 161: The Eyrie

Chapter 161: The Eyrie


Cannibal roared incessantly, its massive body weaving through the peaks of the Giant's Lance. Occasionally, green dragonfire flared from its muzzle.

Compared to the confines of the Dragonpit, the vast mountains provided a perfect wilderness for the dragon to unleash its power.

Rhaegar didn't rush Cannibal, allowing the dragon to revel in its freedom while he waited for Rhaenyra and Laenor to catch up. Syrax and Seasmoke had only just reached adulthood; their speed and endurance were still far inferior to Cannibal's.

Had he not been accommodating them, Rhaegar would have arrived at the Eyrie long ago.

He looked down at the Giant's Lance below. From the mountain's summit to the base of the Vale, the view was endless, bathed in the twilight hues of the setting sun.

Eyrie towered over the top of the Mountains of the Moon, straddling the Giant's Lance. Due to the treacherous terrain, The Eyrie was not very large, consisting of a cluster of seven long, slender white towers.

At this moment, Cannibal's roar echoed across the Giant's Lance, naturally alarming the inhabitants of the Eyrie. Guards emerged from the castle, forming two lines to protect a noble, tall woman with long hair and a graceful demeanor.


The roars of Syrax and Seasmoke followed as the two dragons carried their masters over the Giant's Lance. In full view of the public, the three dragons circled and landed in the front yard of the Eyrie Castle.


Three waves of air rose, and the guards moved quickly to shield the long-haired woman.

"Jeyne!" Rhaenyra shouted joyfully, dismounting first.

"Rhaenyra!" The woman waved her guards aside as the smoke cleared, her surprise matching Rhaenyra's.

Rhaenyra, dressed in her black riding attire, trotted forward. The woman, in her long skirt, greeted her with a swift swing of her dress. Soon, they met and embraced joyfully.

"It's been a long time, Rhaenyra," Jeyne said, smiling brightly and hugging Rhaenyra's waist before kissing her cheek.

Rhaenyra smiled daintily, patting Jeyne's back. "It's been half a year, and you're still so slim," she said with a hint of jealousy.

"Hmph, you're as capricious as ever," Jeyne teased, pinching Rhaenyra's waist to mock her lack of diet control.

As they spoke, Rhaegar and Laenor dismounted and approached. Jeyne, noticing them, whispered, "Let go of my hand. I need to perform a formal greeting."

Two meters away, Rhaegar placed his hands on his belly and smiled. "The Targaryens greet you, Cousin Jeyne."

Jeyne broke away from Rhaenyra, straightened her dress, and offered a formal salute. "The Eyrie welcomes you, Prince."

The two maintained their formalities, meeting rarely but observing the courtesies.

Laenor placed one hand on his chest and said solemnly, "Laenor of Driftmark, greetings to Lady Jeyne."

"Give my regards to your parents, Ser Laenor," Jeyne replied with a warm smile, her demeanor gracious.

"Well, now that everyone has greeted each other," Rhaenyra said, taking Jeyne's hand and placing it over Rhaegar's. "We're family, there's no need to be polite."

Understanding his sister's intention to bring him and Jeyne closer, Rhaegar took the initiative. "Forgive us for taking the liberty of visiting, cousin."

"No need for forgiveness. The raven sent word long ago, and I have been looking forward to your arrival all these days," Jeyne replied graciously.

Maintaining her ladylike demeanor, Jeyne gestured, "I've prepared a reception for you, as you've come a long way."

"Thank you," Rhaenyra expressed gratitude.

Guided by Rhaenyra, the group entered the castle, the atmosphere growing increasingly harmonious as they proceeded.

The main hall of the castle, located on the first floor, greeted them with a long table in the center. At Jeyne's command, the maids swiftly served plates of food, and soon the hosts and guests were seated.

"Greetings, Prince," a beautiful lady with curly black hair said as she brought the last dish, curtsying to Rhaegar.

Rhaegar glanced at her, noting her pale skin and striking dark eyes. Jeyne introduced her as "Lady Jessamyn of the Redfort House, my good friend accompanying me."

"Greetings, Lady Jessamyn," Rhaegar replied with a faint smile.

"You are as handsome as the rumors say, and also very graceful," Jessamyn complimented, offering Rhaegar a light embrace and a kiss on the cheek.

Rhaegar's face stiffened slightly, and he nodded in acknowledgment of the compliment.

"Jessamyn, you're too passionate," Jeyne scolded her friend gently, then guided Rhaegar to a seat at the long table.

Observing the interaction, Rhaenyra couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement. Catching Rhaegar's eye, she exchanged a knowing smile with him. She had heard the rumors about Jeyne and Jessamyn's close relationship, so she was relieved that they were welcoming Rhaegar warmly.

Meanwhile, Laenor, uninterested in the ladies, surveyed the guards at the door, seeking a companion with similar interests.

As the banquet proceeded, Rhaenyra, after taking a few bites of her food, inquired, "Cousin, why don't we see Lord Yorbert?"

His full name was Yorbert Royce, he was the Lord of Runestone and the current Lord Protector of the Vale, Jeyne's mentor and guardian, he had resigned from his title when Jeyne was three years old to assist her in managing the Eyrie.

Jeyne paused, her expression turning slightly grave. "I believe you've heard of the rebellion of the Mountain Clans."

"Not long ago, the Mountain Clans attacked the Hunter House in Longbow Hall," Jeyne explained. "Upon hearing the news, Lord Yorbert summoned his bannermen and led his army to support Longbow Hall."

Rhaegar frowned, surprised by the severity of the situation. "The influence of the Mountain Clans is this serious?"

Jeyne reassured him, "You can rest assured, Lord Yorbert is skilled with bow and horse. The Mountain Clans, who are like scattered sand, will not take long to be defeated."

Rhaegar nodded, acknowledging her words tacitly. He sensed an undercurrent of unease in Jeyne's tone but refrained from pressing further, respecting her reluctance to discuss the matter in depth.

Rhaenyra, however, had no such reservations. Turning to Jeyne, she asked, "Jeyne, with the impending war between the kingdom and the Three Sisters, how many knights of the Vale can be deployed?"

Jeyne explained the difficulty of deploying more men due to the Vale's own troubles, with most troops gathered in Longbow Hall. "If you wish support for the Stepstones Battle, you should turn to the great families of Gulltown."

Understanding the purpose of their visit, Rhaenyra was concerned about the Vale's capacity to contribute to the war effort.

"Cousin, why don't you let me take the dragon and ride to aid Lord Yorbert, and put an end to the rebellion once and for all?" Rhaegar offered, eager to assist.

Jeyne's eyes lit up at the suggestion, but before she could respond, Jessamyn kicked her friend discreetly under the table.

Jeyne fell silent, as if suddenly remembering something.


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