Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 491: The Legend of the Night King

 Chapter 491 The Legend of the Night King

  From Junlin all the way to the north, after passing the neck, there is a vast white world.

  The northern border in the cold winter seems to have lost all colors, leaving only gray and white.

  Even the White Blade River that runs through the northern border has frozen and is completely impassable.

  The two sisters of the Stark family rode on the back of the dragon. After the initial novelty, they were shivering by the bitter cold wind.

   Fortunately, both Bailong and Samwell exude a scorching aura, resisting most of the severe cold, so that they will not be unbearable.

  I landed at Cailin Bay halfway, and there are still a small number of Reed family soldiers stationed in the remaining three towers. They prepared cooked food and clean rooms for the king who came suddenly.

  After resting all night, the three of them set off again.

  Before it got dark the next day, Winterfell was finally in sight.

  The two sisters hugged each other excitedly again, yelling.

  It was the first time for them to look down on Winterfell from the sky, only to realize that the ancient city they had taken for granted was so beautiful.

  The snowstorm has stopped, but this northern castle has already put on a thick white dress.

   City walls and towers, countless courtyard corridors, constitute this vast labyrinth made of gray stone.

  Everything in the city is bustling and noisy, all under their feet, so familiar yet so strange.

They looked at the soldiers standing guard on the top of the tall city, the servants sweeping the snow in the square, the chefs picking vegetables in the glass greenhouse, the hounds running back and forth in the kennel, and the silent godswood. ...This is their home, the place they wanted to escape from, but now they are eager to return to.

  The arrival of the white dragon caused a commotion.

   Fortunately, the story of Caesar has already spread throughout the continent of Westeros. Even the people of Winterfell in the far north recognized the king's mount after the initial panic.

  Of course, more importantly, they recognized the two sisters who jumped off the back of the dragon.

   Soon, the current Duke of Winterfell, Rickon Stark, walked over quickly under the leadership of Maester Luwin.

  Although the little guy really wanted to hug his sisters, he still saluted the king patiently.

  After exchanging pleasantries, Samwell entered the main castle hall surrounded by everyone.

  He sat on the high seat in the center of the hall without hesitation, the chair that the rulers of all dynasties have sat since the owner of Winterfell became king in the Northland.

  The cold stone seat has long been polished to a smooth surface, and the heads of roaring direwolves are carved on the front ends of the huge handrails on both sides.

   "Is Mrs. Caitlin not there?" Samwell asked.

   "Mother went to the Great Wall." Duke Rickon replied.

   "Lady Catelyn has brought supplies to the brothers of the Night's Watch," Maester Luwin added.

  Samwell nodded and said:

  "In this case, let me just say it straight. The winter has come, and more terrifying things will follow. I have assembled an army of 200,000 in King's Landing, and I can send my troops northward at any time to support the Great Wall.

  But because of this, the food in the south is not abundant, and I am afraid that it will not be able to support the north. Therefore, I hope that people from the north can move south. Of course, this is just a suggestion, it's all voluntary, I won't force it. "

   Duke Rickon subconsciously looked at Maester Luwin.

   "Your Majesty, we will announce your proposal to the whole territory." Maester Luwin said, "But I'm afraid there may not be many people from the north who are willing to stay away from their homeland."

   "It doesn't matter, you just make an announcement. Hunger and severe cold will make them choose."

   "Yes, Your Majesty."

   Maester Luwin then arranged for Samwell to live in the castle, and also gave up the room that originally belonged to the lord to entertain the king.

  Although Winterfell is located in the north, the castle is built on a natural hot spring. The steaming spring water flows through the walls like the blood of the human body, driving the chill out of the room.

   After taking a hot bath, Samwell changed into clean clothes.

   At this time, there was still some time before the dinner party. He opened the heavy brocade curtain and opened the window to let the cold wind howl in.

   This room is located at the highest point of the main castle, from here you can see most of Winterfell.

  Although the city had just been ransacked by the ironmen and the Bolton family, it was still full of vigor and vitality soon after returning to the Stark family.

  Even now that winter is coming, people are still working hard without being intimidated by the severe cold.

   And among these brave northerners, an old woman caught Samwell's attention.

  She was sitting on a tower not far from the main castle, hunched over and knitting clothes.

  When Samwell cast her gaze, she looked back immediately, and there seemed to be something flickering in her cloudy eyes.

  The king waved his hand, and orange-red flames emerged in midair, gathering to form a bridge.

  And Samwell followed the flame bridge from the main castle to the tower.

  As he stood in front of the old woman, the flames behind him suddenly dissipated, as if they had never appeared before.

   "Are you the old nanny of the Stark family?"

"Probably." The old woman smiled at the king with her toothless mouth open. "That's what they call me. They asked me to be Brandon Stark's nurse at first. Not Lord Eddard." The son of Brandon Oh, but the older brother of his grandfather, the Duke of Rickard.

   However, this Brandon died when he was three years old. My children and I stayed at Winterfell.

  I gave birth to Duke Rickard, and I also breastfed Duke Eddard. The current Duke Rickon grew up listening to my stories since he was a child.

   Your Majesty, do you like listening to stories? "

   "That depends on whose story it is."

   "Whose story do you want to hear?"

  Samwell thought for a while and said:


   "Ah, the Night King." The old woman wriggled her mouth, "It is said that he is the thirteenth commander-in-chief of the Night Watch Legion, but he fell for a woman.

  A woman with skin as pale as the moon and eyes like blue stars.

  Night King fell in love with her like crazy, pursued her, possessed her, even though she was as cold as Xuanbing.

  But he still brought her back to the Great Wall, made her queen, and called himself king.

  They ruled the Great Wall for three years, until the Starks of Winterfell joined Joman, King Beyond the Wall, to kill the Night King.

   But after his death, people destroyed all records about the Night King.

  His name has since become taboo..."

  Hearing this, Samwell asked:

   "Do you know the true identity of the Night King?"

   "Some say he is from the Bolton family." The old woman said, "Some say he is from the Amber family, the Flint family, or even the Royce family in the valley. But none of them."

   There seemed to be a pale light flickering in the old woman's cloudy eyes:

   "He's a Stark."

   "Oh?" Samwell raised his eyebrows. "I heard that Stark will be buried in the catacombs of Winterfell after his death. So, is the Night King also here?"

  The old woman showed a toothless smile again:

   "Your Majesty, why don't you go and see for yourself?"


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