Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 472: white sword tower

Chapter 472 White Sword Tower

   Standing on the top of Maegor Tower, Samwell can overlook the entire King's Landing City.

  After cleaning up all night, the ghouls have completely disappeared in the city.

  Under the twilight of the morning sun, soldiers in a hurry can be seen everywhere in the narrow and curved alleys and wide streets.

  They are cleaning the battlefield and maintaining order.

   Wisps of charred smoke rose from all over the city, it was the Silent Sisters burning their bodies.

  In this battle, whether it was the Southern Army, the Northern Army, or the civilians in King's Landing, there were heavy casualties. It is roughly estimated that nearly 70,000 people died in this catastrophe.

   As for the injured, there are countless.

  Sorrow hangs over King's Landing like a haze, but just as the sun has risen, all the haze will eventually be dispelled.

  People from King’s Landing poked their heads out of the windows and doors from time to time, curiously looking at this city that seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and these strange soldiers with southern accents.

   Of course, there is also the white dragon entrenched on Aegon's High Hill.

  After experiencing the catastrophe of the ghouls, everyone is looking forward to having a strong man to protect King's Landing.

   And Caesar, who owns the dragon, has obviously become the first choice in people's hearts.

  If people still doubted the existence of the ghosts before, they thought it was just an ancient legend.

  But when the unkillable ghouls descended on King's Landing City in a storm, the fear of the White Walkers continued to grow in people's hearts like mushrooms after the rain.

   And the coming winter, and the prophesied endless night...

  Various factors lead the people of King’s Landing to pin their hopes on Caesar, expecting him to ascend the Iron Throne, expecting him to lead mankind to defeat the monsters in the long night again like the prophesied Son of the Holy Flame.

  Although Samwell has long stopped promoting himself as the Son of the Holy Flame, many times, the image of the king will be distorted by people's needs and imagination.

   Not only civilians, but even nobles mostly have a similar mentality.

  So when Samwell entered the Red Castle, the nobles in the throne room were already ready to bow their knees and surrender.

   But the strange thing is that they waited all night, but they couldn't wait for the new king.

  Yes, Samwell didn’t go to the Throne Hall, nor was he in a hurry to climb up to the Iron Throne that was pursued by careerists from the Seven Kingdoms, including himself.

   Instead, he stood on the top of Maegor Tower, looking at King's Landing City under the night sky, and watched all night.

   Until dawn came at this time, the guards on the side looked at the Storm King bathed in the morning light, and suddenly felt that he seemed to be a **** living on the top of the holy mountain.

   Great and lonely.

   "Your Majesty, would you like breakfast?"

   Samwell came back to his senses and nodded.

  The attendant hurriedly greeted the servant to serve a hearty breakfast, including duck eggs, sausage, oatmeal, and milk with honey.

   "Your Majesty, would you like some wine?"

  Samwell shook his head, finished his breakfast quietly, and wiped his mouth.

   Then got up and went down the stairs.

The guards breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, thinking that His Majesty the Storm King was finally going to meet those nobles who had been waiting impatiently, but unexpectedly, Samwell did not go to the Throne Hall, but left Maegor's Tower, Wander around the castle.

   Everyone couldn't figure out what the Storm King was thinking, but they didn't dare to persuade him.

   Until the two queens Margaery Tyrell and Daenerys Targaryen follow the follow-up troops into King's Landing, Samwell is wandering to the White Sword Tower.

   "What is your Majesty doing in the White Sword Tower?" Margaery asked puzzled.

   "Maybe I went to admire the elegance of the White Knights." Daenerys looked eager to try, and seemed to want to see it too.

  Margaery expressed doubts: "Really? But Sam himself killed three white knights, and sent one to guard the Great Wall."

   "We'll find out if we go and have a look."

   "You go, I'm going to see my father."

   "Okay." Daenerys bid farewell to Margaery, and went to the White Sword Tower under the **** of Ser Barristan Selmy.

  When she saw the slender building located in the southeast corner of the Red Castle, Daenerys suddenly turned her head and said to the old knight beside her:

   "Ser Barristan, if you do not object, I will have Sam take you back into the Kingsguard."

  Ser Barristan hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said:

   "Thank you for your kindness. However, since I left the Kingsguard, I have no plan to go back. If I can, I'd rather be your guard."

"up to you."

When Daenerys walked into the White Sword Tower, the first thing she saw was a white room with white wool tapestry hanging on the whitewashed stone walls, a white shield and two crossed white swords above the fireplace, and in the center of the room stood There is a white round table with a large white book on it.

  The round table is made of ancient weirwood, as gray as bone, carved into the shape of three war horses supporting a huge shield.

  According to tradition, the captain of the Kingsguard sits behind his shield, while the other six white knights sit on either side of the three horses.

  At this time, Samwell was sitting in the position of the Captain of the Iron Guard, flipping through the big white book on the table.

  This book is very thick, with thousands of pages, bound with fine white cowhide with gold hinges and silk threads.

   Its official name is "The Book of the White Knight", and it is generally called "The White Code".

  The "White Code" records the great achievements of every white knight who joined the Kingsguard.

   It is the lifelong dream of all knights in the Seven Kingdoms to be able to leave their names and history on it.

   "Sam, what are you doing here?" Daenerys' belly was already very big, but it still couldn't change her always in a rush.

  Samwell stood up with a smile, hugged his wife, and printed a kiss on her forehead:

"just looking around."

  Daenerys looked at the "White Code" opened on the table, thinking that she understood what her husband was thinking:

   "Are you planning to re-form the Kingsguard? That's right, the seven left by Lannister must not be used."

"Your Majesty," Sir Barristan couldn't help but reminded after hearing this, "The White Knight is a lifelong duty. Even when Robert Baratheon ascended the Iron Throne, he did not replace us who were originally loyal to the Iron Throne." White knight of House Targaryen."

  Daenerys hesitates.

  Sam Well said:

   "It is indeed inappropriate to revoke the status of a white knight without reason. However, they can voluntarily give up. Just like you took off your white robe in Tianji City."

  Ser Barristan was at a loss for words.

  Although he understands what the so-called "voluntarily giving up" means, after all, this precedent was set by himself, so he can't slap himself.

  Hesitating for a moment, the old knight sighed, with a hint of prayer in his tone:

   "Your Majesty, I don't intend to interfere with your decision. I just hope that you can respect the tradition of the Kingsguard, and don't let the glorious title of White Knight be tarnished."

  Samwell smiled and asked:

   "Do you think the seven White Knights chosen by Lannister have tarnished the honor of the Kingsguard?"

  Ser Barristan opened his mouth and said:

   "I have no right to judge the White Knight."

"Then let me say it." Samwell said, "Mandon Moore is greedy for life and afraid of death, Boros Braun is stern, and often goes to the Silk Street to play tricks, and Osmund Kettleblack is even more powerful. Dare to have an affair with Cersei, Sandor Clegane is not even a knight, as for the so-called Captain of the Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister, is still on the night watch at the Great Wall.

  Ser Barristan, do you think I have tarnished the honor of the White Knight? or them? "


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