Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 533: sea ​​of ​​elements

Chapter 533 Elemental Sea

  In Samwell's vision, the whole world was spinning and tumbling.

There were colorful lights flowing all around, but nothing could be seen clearly.

 It was as if he was falling continuously from a cylinder, falling, but never reaching the ground.

I do not know how long it has been.

 Maybe a month, maybe a whole year, maybe longer…

 Samwell finally felt his fall slowing.

 And he seemed to have entered a sea of ​​radiance.

The surging water rolled around him, rolling up waves that were gorgeous and beautiful, but extremely dangerous.

 Samwell also realized that this was obviously no ordinary sea.

Rather, it is an ocean formed by various magical elements.

 This is the elemental sea!

Samwell remembered that when he was learning magic from the red-robed witch, she told him that the elemental sea was the source of all magic.

 It is outside the world, where mortals cannot see it and can never touch it.

It is not fixed in one place, but is constantly moving, sometimes far and sometimes close to the world.

 This is also the reason why the magic tide occurs.

Mortals who want to use magic and witchcraft must first learn to communicate with the elemental sea.

Of course, Samwell had felt the existence of the elemental sea, but he didn't expect that one day, he would actually enter the "sea".

  It seems that after killing the Night King, the aftermath of the explosion of the strange altar brought him into the elemental sea.

Of course, more accurately, he brought his spiritual body, or soul, into the elemental sea.

Samwell can still vaguely feel the existence of his body, and it seems that he can still go back at any time if he wants.

However, now that he has arrived at the Elemental Sea, Samwell is certainly not willing to return empty-handed.

 Somewhere, he always felt that here he could find the answers to many questions that had troubled him for a long time.

 I just don’t know whether this change of the soul entering the elemental sea was an accident or someone planned it.

 If it’s the latter, then he must be careful.

Perhaps there is a trap hidden here...

Samwell observed his surroundings cautiously, but only saw colorful elemental undercurrents surging, occasionally bursting out "sprays" that looked beautiful but were actually extremely dangerous.

 But no breath of life was found.

 This sea of ​​elements is indeed an extremely dangerous place for ordinary life.

Those violent elements can easily tear apart earthly creatures to pieces.

 Even Samwell’s spiritual body, whose mental attributes are off the charts, feels a deep threat.

 He avoided those violent elemental undercurrents and continued to explore forward cautiously.

In such a weird place, Samwell couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south, or even up and down.

 The surrounding environment is complex and colorful, but it has no specificity and cannot form a guide.

 As time goes by, those colorful elements gradually become monotonous and boring, and even cause physical discomfort.

 Emotions of irritability and anxiety begin to accumulate in the mind.

 “Who’s there?” So when he saw a figure passing by, Samwell immediately became extremely excited.

 But the other party turned around and ran away.

 “Hey! I don’t mean any harm.”

Samwell shouted, trying to sound sincere.

 But the other party did not dare to stay at all, as if he had seen an extremely terrifying enemy.

Because the distance was too far, and there were countless violent elemental undercurrents interfering in the middle, Samwell chased for a while, but still lost track of the other party.

I could only vaguely see that the other party had a weird tail, like a "lizard man".

  Samwell was sure that he had never seen the other party before, so he wondered why the other party was so afraid of him.

 In desperation, he had no choice but to continue exploring.

There is no distinction between day and night in the Elemental Sea. Samwell estimated the time by himself at first, but as time went by, he couldn't figure out how long he had been here.

 He began to worry about the situation in Westeros.

 My soul is swimming in the elemental sea, and my body should have fallen into a deep sleep.

People may have thought that he fell asleep because he was seriously injured in the battle with the Night King.

 Danni, Margaery and Natalie are probably going to be sad.

However, the Seven Kingdoms will not be in chaos.

 Samwell is quite relieved about this.

 After all, the threat of the White Walkers has been eliminated, and because he led mankind to win this epic war and end the Long Night, Caesar's name will surely spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms and become the object of praise and worship by everyone.

In such a situation, no idiot would dare to jump out and cause trouble.

Even if Samwell is away, the eldest son Octavian can successfully sit on the Iron Throne.

 The imperial council is also filled with trusted ministers he has arranged, who are enough to help govern the country and stabilize the post-war order.

Thinking of this, Samwell suppressed some worries in his heart and chose to move on.

 The surrounding environment remains the same as before. No matter how gorgeous it is, you will become tired or even nauseated after looking at it for a long time.

If you stay in this kind of place for a long time, I'm afraid normal people will go crazy.

Samwell's mentality is quite good. Firstly, he has not been here long after all. Secondly, it is because he can feel that his strength is rising at an extremely fast speed as time goes by. With.

On the attribute panel, there is no movement in strength and agility, but the mental value has already exceeded the one hundred mark, and is running towards two hundred, three hundred, or even thousands.

The consequence of this is that Samwell himself no longer knows how strong he is.

 He only felt that his body was filled with terrifying energy, energy that even made his heart palpitate and that he could not fully control.

However, Samwell has some guesses as to the reason for the sudden increase in strength.

 It has nothing to do with the elemental sea, but because he led humans to defeat the White Walkers and end the long night.

As a result, almost all people in Westeros today, whether they are the First Men, the Andals, or the Rhoynar, worship this great king crazily.

Especially because he is still "severely injured and unconscious", this makes people admire the king's sacrifice and dedication even more, and appreciate him and worship him even more from the bottom of their hearts. This kind of crazy worship from the heart has turned into a kind of weak special spiritual energy, which is constantly gathering towards Samwell.

Although it is weak, it is particularly impressive when gathered in thousands.

 Samwell felt that this might be the power of faith.

And this is probably what R'hllor, the King of Light, is striving for.

Perhaps the arrival of the long night, the White Walkers, and the cold winter is also for this thing.

 Samwell thought as he continued to move forward, while constantly adapting to the sudden increase in strength.

 He ​​found that as his mental value continued to increase, the faint murmurs he heard before completely disappeared, and the violent undercurrents in the elemental sea were no longer as dangerous and deadly in his eyes as they were at the beginning.

In addition, Samwell also feels that his connection with Westeros is growing.

Sometimes, he can even "hear" his people praying and worshiping him.

 And he seems to be able to convey some information to his people through this weak connection...

 I don’t know if it will be regarded as an oracle after doing this.

Samwell also realized that he seemed to be transforming into a "god" step by step.

When his mental attributes exceeded 1,000, his strength seemed to have made a qualitative leap, and the elemental sea gradually changed its appearance in his eyes...

The undercurrent of elements is no longer an obstacle, and he can even see scenes far away through those gorgeous brilliance.

 So, he immediately locked onto several figures.

 One of them is an old friend.


Samwell accelerated suddenly, and his spiritual body turned into a dazzling golden light, breaking through the elemental undercurrent along the way and shooting forward.

 Ahead, a harpy was frightened by the sudden movement and fled screaming.

 Although she was fast, Samwell was even faster.

 As he raised his hand, the entire elemental sea trembled instantly.

Countless turbulent undercurrents were stirring and sweeping, immediately blocking the harpy's escape direction.

When she saw that she couldn’t run away, she immediately changed her face, turned around and said respectfully:

“Lord Caesar, don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! Back in the ancient city of Ghiscari, we tried our best to help you.”

"Oh?" Samwell stopped, looked down at the banshee in front of him, and said with a smile, "How do I remember that in Slaver's Bay, you guys kept shouting at me to kill me?"

"Then you have misunderstood us." Harpy quickly defended, "If you think about it carefully, have we ever caused any substantial harm to you? Not only was there no harm, but you also gained a lot in Slaver's Bay, right? And those illusions should have given you a lot of hints."

Samwell showed a thoughtful expression, then put down his offensive posture and softened his tone:

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to explain. Why do you want to do this? What tips do you want to give me?"

The Harpy breathed a sigh of relief and said cautiously:

"It all starts with the Elemental Sea. It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, at the peak of a certain magic tide, a person suddenly gained the ability to communicate with the Elemental Sea, and he became the first in the world. Wizard. Some say this man is a Yidian, others say he is a Valyrian, and others say..."

 “To make a long story short!” interrupted Samwell angrily.

 “Yes, yes, yes.” The harpy quickly simplified her language.

"In short, witchcraft began to spread in the world, evolved into countless schools, and gave birth to countless powerful wizards. There were no gods at that time, and powerful wizards at the peak of the magic tide could even move mountains and fill seas, destroy Tian Mie Di already exists like a god.

However, all this ceased to exist as the tide of magic receded.

The wizards were horrified to find that it became increasingly difficult for them to communicate with the elemental sea, and the spells they cast became weaker and weaker. In the end, the once most powerful witchcraft degenerated into a juggling act.

 This triggered mass panic and despair. Fortunately, thousands of years later, the tide of magic resumed again, and wizards were overjoyed to find that they were powerful again.

 After this cycle several times, the wizards began to study how to enter the elemental sea and no longer be affected by the tide of magic. They tried to use this to become true and eternal gods.

Later on, someone succeeded and successfully found the way to the Sea of ​​Elements by building an altar.

He thought it was the door to heaven, but he didn't know that it only led to hell. "

 At this point, the harpy sighed sadly several times, and then continued:

“You should also be able to see that the Elemental Sea is not a beautiful place. It is vast and boundless. The existence of elemental undercurrents makes it impossible for even weaker creatures to survive here.

 More importantly, it is easy to get in here, but very difficult to get out. "

 “Is it difficult to get out of here?” Samwell frowned.

"It's not too difficult for you." Harpy explained, "You are extremely powerful now, and you have a physical body to provide coordinates. If you want to go back, you only need to pay a certain price..."

Samwell wanted to ask what the price would be, but then he thought that he was not in a hurry to go out, so he continued to listen patiently.

“The first batch of wizards who came to the Sea of ​​Elements did not expect this. They thought they had arrived in heaven and imagined that they could continue to practice in the Sea of ​​Elements and continue to become powerful until they became gods.

 But then they discovered that practicing in the elemental sea was not much faster than in the secular world. Instead, they had to always pay attention to the dangerous undercurrents in the elemental sea.

Moreover, the life here is too boring and boring, almost like going to jail.

 So, some people want to return to the original world.

 But then they realized that there was no way they could go back.

  Panic began to spread in the elemental sea. Some people went crazy, some began to attack each other, and some people aimlessly explored the elemental sea, trying to find a way out...

Until the magic tide comes again, the elemental sea is closer to the original world in a sense. As a result, some people discovered that they could communicate with mortals in the original world..."

Hearing this, Samwell laughed and said:

“And you guys who are trapped in the elemental sea are regarded as gods?”

 “Ahem, yes.” The harpy continued with some embarrassment,

“We tried to use this communication to find a way to escape from the elemental sea. Later, someone discovered that after being worshiped by mortals, they could get some kind of feedback from mortals and increase their strength. We call this feedback energy the power of faith.

 It allows us to see strong hope again, but it also becomes a wrong path leading to the end...

 At the beginning, everyone only established sects in the world by spreading witchcraft knowledge, gathering believers, and gaining the power of faith.

 But then, some terrible guy discovered a faster way to harvest faith—

 Create fear. "

The harpy looked around cautiously, as if she was afraid that her words would be overheard. After confirming that no one else was there, she lowered her voice and continued:

 “Or, more accurately, to make the long night.”

Samwell showed a true expression and said bluntly:

 “This person you are talking about is R’hllor, right?”

 The harpy nodded:

“Yes, He is called by this name now, but He has many other names.

For example, the Red God, such as the King of Light, and another example,

 Night lion! "

 (End of this chapter)


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