Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 531: Death of the Night King

Chapter 531 Death of the Night King

“Of course mortals cannot understand the gods.”

R'hllor said calmly.

 And He finally raised his head and revealed His face.

But strangely, Samwell found that he couldn't see the face clearly.

  It is as if there is a mysterious veil covering the face of the gods, preventing mortals from exploring.

"Mortals are even less able to understand the true mysteries of this world." R'hllor continued, "Caesar, I know you have many doubts, but you must know that only I can help you. Only I can save mankind from destruction. .”

He took a step forward, and the entire lava world trembled.

“Caesar, the only thing you have to do is kill Daenerys Targaryen…”

As he spoke, Samwell followed his gaze and looked ahead. Through the fiery red smoke, he could vaguely see the outside world.

Daenerys was driving Drogon as she swooped down desperately, the anxious look on her face clearly visible.

The black wave originating from the Night King surged on the ground, containing extremely terrifying murderous intent and coercion, but Daenerys did not flinch at all, but just rushed towards the shaky golden figure in the black tide.

 “Why do you insist that I kill Dany?” Samwell asked.

"This is her fate." The **** R'hllor muttered. "Back then, Azor Ahai used the blood of his wife to temper [Lightbringer]. Now, you must do the same. Everything is possible. The price, light requires sacrifice.”

"Sacrifice?" Samwell sneered and said, "Before I came, I got news that King's Landing was attacked by an ice dragon and almost fell. But at the critical moment, Tyrion Lannister rode the injured Wessey Leon miraculously defeated the ice dragon.

 But later I learned that the White Walker who controlled the ice dragon was actually Jaime Lannister.

 It was he who allowed his brother to kill him at the last moment.

 You see, this is the real sacrifice.

 Sacrificing your own life for justice can be called a sacrifice, but harming the lives of others... haha, that's called a sacrifice. "

R'hllor shook his head slowly: "You don't understand, Caesar."

"Perhaps I know more than you think." The smile on Samwell's lips became more obvious, "R'hllor, why do you insist on asking the person you choose to kill his wife? It's to show you your unshakable faith. ? Or is it for your convenience to better control it? Or is this a necessary ritual? "

While speaking, Samwell's eyes were fixed on the red **** opposite, trying to guess some clues from the expression fluctuations on his face.

 Unfortunately, he couldn't see anything.

"I said, this is a necessary price." R'hllor said, "Make a decision quickly, Caesar, your time is running out, and humanity's time is running out."

Samwell, on the other hand, was not in a hurry and rambled on:

“I heard that in the far east, there was a country called Dawn, which is now Yidi.

 The two gods "Night Lion" and "Daughter of Light" gave birth to a son, the Human Emperor, who ruled the Kingdom of Dawn for 10,000 years. But the reigns of his descendants became increasingly brief and chaotic.

 Until Queen Amethyst’s brother usurped his sister’s throne during the blood chaos and proclaimed himself the Blood Stone Emperor.

This act of parricide angered the gods.

So the ‘Daughter of Light’ no longer paid attention to the world, and the angry ‘Night Lion’ brought down the long night and countless demons, destroying the Kingdom of Dawn. "

"At this time, you actually still have the heart to tell stories?" R'hllor said.

"I just think it's a coincidence." Samwell said, "Back then it was the Night Lion, and now it's the Cold God, both of which brought the long night. The Lady of Light brought light back to the world, and now you, the King of Light, also want to save The world. Haha, R'hllor, aren't you the Lady of Light in Yidi legend?"

"Nonsense! Make a decision, Caesar." There was a rare hint of urgency in R'hllordao's tone, "I can't maintain this subspace forever. Once you return to reality, the Night King will tear you to pieces. .”

"You won't let this happen." Samwell said confidently.

"Of course I don't want this to happen, so you must cooperate with me!" R'hllor said.

“As a god, you actually need the cooperation of mortals to end the long night?”

"You don't understand. Behind the Night King stands the God of Cold, who..."

"The cold god?" Samwell interrupted with a sneer, "R'hllor, have you ever seen anyone freeze to death?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Samwell continued to talk to himself:

“Before they die, they will feel illusory warmth, even burning, which will make them take off their clothes involuntarily.

Also, have you ever experienced frostbite? Maybe not, after all, you are a god.

 But the cold pain was very similar to the feeling of burning fire. "

 “What exactly do you want to say?” R’hllor’s tone became a little complicated.

"The Targaryens often have prophetic dreams." Samwell was still saying some seemingly nonsensical words, "They call this the dragon's dream. This allows them to hide from Valery. Leah's doomsday catastrophe also drove many family members into madness.

Of course, crazy or sane, sometimes it’s hard to tell.

Rhaegar Targaryen once composed a song called "A Song of Ice and Fire". There is a line in it that goes like this -

If black ice can burn, then flame can also freeze. "

"Caesar, if you continue to ramble like this, the night will fall over Westeros forever," R'hllor threatened.

"Really?" Samwell curled his lips disdainfully, "The Valyrian Empire was destroyed because the dragon kings were unwilling to cooperate with you?"

 “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

"Of course I know." Samwell said, "It's because you don't understand humans. You arrogantly think that the so-called gods can control everything. But I know that you gods are actually far weaker than people think. And humans are also far weaker. More powerful than I thought!"

"Arrogance will bring destruction." R'hllor warned again, "Caesar, if you are willing to cooperate, then I can only let you face the White Walkers and the Cold God on your own."

"The Cold God?" Samwell smiled disdainfully, "R'hllor, do you think I really can't guess it? The Night Lion and the Lady of Light are husband and wife, so what is your relationship with the so-called Cold God? The Three-Eyed Crow said that the Long Night was a trap and a scam, and it seems so."

"You will pay the price for your self-righteousness." R'hllor seemed to be about to give up persuading him. "The Valyrian Empire was destroyed by arrogance back then. Ridiculous mortals thought they could challenge the gods with a little power. Haha, but in reality Above, the so-called dragon empire is simply vulnerable.

 And you, Caesar, your dragons are not even a fraction of the Valyrian Empire..."

"That's not real power, R'hllor." Samwell shook his head. "Jaime turned into a White Walker and drove an ice dragon, but he still died in King's Landing. What killed him? A deformed dwarf. And a half-broken dragon?

 If you don’t understand this, you will never understand what is so powerful about human beings.

 It is even more difficult to understand what is really—

sacrifice! "

 After saying this, Samwell saw a light suddenly shining in front of his eyes.

R'hllor's figure disappeared like smoke.

At the same time, there was also this lava ruin-like world that dissipated.

The biting cold hit again, and Samwell once again saw the snow and wind in the sky, the black stand sweeping in like a tide, and Daenerys rushing towards him desperately.



 Samwell jumped up and held his wife on the black dragon's back in his arms.


Drogon roared, and orange-red flames poured down, blocking the incoming black tide.

The white dragon and the green dragon, who were fighting the White Walkers, also flew over one after another, breathing out flames together to help resist the Night King's offensive.

But the black tide became more and more turbulent, constantly compressing the scope of the flames, and was about to drown the three people and three dragons.

 Samwell raised the great sword and stood it upright in front of him.

His pupils have completely turned into pure gold, with countless golden flames spinning and dancing in them.

Golden threads gathered rapidly, eventually forming a huge golden three-headed dragon in the dark void behind Samwell. "Roar!!"

Golden energy surged and boiled crazily amidst the roar of the three-headed dragon, turning into a sword-like beam of light that shot forward, tearing apart the rich black tide and charging towards the Night King.


Two huge incomparable energies collided and annihilated each other.

 The terrible aftermath spread out like ripples, overturning everything around it.

 The earth shook violently, and the whole world seemed to tremble.

Arya Stark was also swept away by the aftermath.

 She covered her head with both hands and panted heavily.

  Until the snow and force fields in the sky gradually subsided, she carefully raised her head.

  However, he saw that the strange ghost who had been holding him hostage had disappeared.

She was left alone in front of the strange altar.

 No, it’s not just her.

And the Night King!

Arya looked at the scary man who was only more than ten meters away from her, and her heart beat involuntarily.

The blow just now also caused great damage to the Night King. The ice crystal armor all over his body cracked with countless spiderweb-like cracks, and a gray-white light was faintly revealed inside.

 But he obviously has not lost his fighting power. He raised his hands again, and the rich black energy gathered again.

 “He must be killed!” Arya whispered to herself.

Facing an extremely terrifying enemy, this young girl from the Stark family did not think of escaping immediately.

 She held the dragon crystal dagger hidden in her clothes, and her inner thoughts became firm almost instantly.

Hence, Arya crouched down, held her breath, and carefully approached the Night King from behind.

 The closer he got to her, the more she felt the biting chill.

  It almost froze her blood.

“Swift as a deer, silent as a shadow...” Arya murmured the teachings of her teacher Syrio in her heart, and approached the Night King like a black kitten.

 Get closer...

"Fear hurts more than a sword..." Arya told herself, trying to stop her hands from shaking, "Swift as a snake, still as water..."

 She took a few steps closer.

But the Night King didn't seem to notice.

"Strong as a bear, fierce as a wolf. Fear hurts more than a sword..." Arya has already reached behind the Night King. With one more forward thrust, she can pierce the dragon crystal dagger into the opponent's back.

 The biting cold and raging fear almost made her lose the ability to think.

 But she still used up the last bit of strength in her body and stepped forward suddenly.

"Stab the enemy with the pointed end!" Arya remembered the first lesson she learned about using a sword, aimed at a crack in the Night King's armor, and stabbed it hard -


Just before the dagger was about to touch the Night King's body, the other party suddenly turned around.

 The blood all over Arya's body was completely coagulated.

 Has it been discovered?

 She thought in disappointment, but kept moving forward with the dagger in her hand.

 Go forward, go forward again, through the wind and snow, tearing apart the dark force field, piercing the cracks in the armor...

Until this moment, Arya still couldn't believe that she actually stabbed the dagger into the enemy's body.

 It was so smooth that it seemed like a fantasy.

 She raised her head and saw a pair of blue eyes.

 There was a look in it that made her very familiar, even very kind.

 Arya's inner ecstasy was instantly replaced by fear.

She didn't know why, but she felt heartbroken for her enemy, as if she shouldn't have stabbed him.


While she was stunned, a golden giant sword pierced the Night King's chest.

 Caesar just arrived.

"Your Majesty..." Arya made a weak voice, "Have we won?"

 The king made no answer.

The coldness, fatigue, and fear that had accumulated before suddenly swept over her at this moment. Arya rolled her eyes and fainted.

Just when she was about to fall to the ground, the Night King raised his hand to support her and held her in his arms.

 “Ed Stark.” Samwell revealed the Night King’s true identity without any doubt in his mind.

The Night King turned around and looked at Caesar, his blue pupils returning to their original brown-grey color at some point.

 The eyes are no longer as dead as ice and snow, but full of extremely complex emotions—

 Sadness, regret, self-blame, pain, relief…

 “It all ends here,” said Samwell.

"No..." The Night King shook his head slowly, the sadness in his eyes getting stronger, "Everything has just begun..."

Samwell frowned in confusion, and was about to ask again when he saw the Night King's armor melting like dew.

 Light blue blood spurted from his wound, hissing and steaming around the golden sword.

Before turning into smoke and disappearing between heaven and earth, the Night King used his last bit of strength to pass Arya forward in his arms.

Samwell caught the little girl and saw that the Night King in front of him turned into wisps of swirling smoke almost instantly, leaving only the milky white glass-like bones shining palely.

 But then the bones melted too.

Surrounded by water vapor, the leader of the White Walkers disappeared between heaven and earth.


 The other ghosts around also made strange roars, and the corpses began to go crazy.

The dark sky suddenly opened a gap, and the long-lost sunlight shone through.

 “Sam!” Daenerys’s voice came from behind, with infinite joy, “We have won! The long night is over!”

Samwell was just about to turn around when he suddenly saw the strange altar in front of him explode, and a rich black light spread out like a flash of light.

 A huge and irresistible terrifying suction force penetrated the armor and body and reached the depths of Samwell's soul.

He turned back to face his running wife, showed a helpless smile, and murmured the last words of the Night King just now:

 “Everything has just begun…”

 (End of this chapter)


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