Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 526: lion

Chapter 526 Lion

Even until he was carried up into the night sky by Viserion, Tyrion Lannister still couldn't believe that all of this was true.

Caesar didn’t lie. Do I really have Targaryen blood in my body?

Tyrion had also heard some rumors about Mad King Aerys being obsessed with his mother.

It is said that on the day of Lord Tywin's wedding, the Mad King openly declared at the wedding banquet that it was a huge regret that he had deposed the right of first night.

The subsequent break between Duke Tywin and the Mad King was also related to this.

Of course, these are all wild speculations, and there has never been any concrete evidence that the Mad King had an affair with the Duchess.

 But now, Tyrion finally realized that he was the tangible evidence.

 He is actually the bloodline of the Mad King!

 At this moment, Tyrion didn’t even know whether to cry or laugh, or finally feel relieved that he had not become a patricide after all.

 Perhaps this can also explain why he has had a morbid fascination with dragons since he was a child.

  When he first visited King's Landing to attend the wedding of his sister Cersei and King Robert, he made up his mind to see the dragon skulls hanging in the throne room.

  It is a pity that these skulls have been replaced by exquisite murals by the new king.

Tyrion, who was unwilling to give up, found these skulls in the dank secret passage. At that time, he held a torch and stood looking at these dark and shiny bones for several hours.

 Fantasy about the scene where the magic dragon spreads its wings, flies in the sky, and sprays fire.

Even imagined that he could ride on the back of a dragon.

 That way, even if he is a stunted, deformed and twisted dwarf, he can look down on the whole world!

And now, he is actually riding on the back of the magic dragon.

Even if he is about to face a very formidable enemy, Tyrion has no fear.

 He was even extremely lucky to be able to realize his biggest childhood dream before he died.

Furthermore, as a dragon knight, Tyrion died in the battle to defend King's Landing, and Tyrion felt that he had no regrets in dying.

Perhaps thousands of years later, his name will still be sung by bards.

At the thought of this, Tyrion felt as if a fire was burning in his chest, almost ready to burst out and burn everything.

So, he stood up on the dragon's back, held up the dragon crystal spear, and roared:

 "Come on! Viserion, charge on!"

Hearing the master's command, the golden dragon immediately flapped its wings and accelerated sharply.

Due to inertia, Tyrion stumbled and almost became the first dragon knight to fall off the dragon's back and fall to his death.

 “If Targaryen is smart, he should get a dragon saddle!” Tyrion climbed on the dragon’s back again, muttering, but his movements were much more honest.

At this time, he also saw that the ice dragon just flew over the Prime Minister's Tower and let out a roar.

The ice-blue breath poured down and bombarded the high tower.


This tall tower, which has experienced more than two hundred years of wind and rain, let out an overwhelmed whine.

 The next second, the Prime Minister's Tower was broken in half in front of everyone's horrified eyes.

Rumble —

 Half of the tower's spire, which was frozen into a huge lump of ice, hit the ground hard, kicking up a large amount of ashes and dust, as well as countless crushed corpses.

 At this moment, Tyrion drove Viserion and suddenly arrived.

 “Bite its wings!”

There is a tacit understanding between the dragon and the dragon knight that cannot be described in words, so even if they had just reached a partnership, Viserion immediately understood the master's intention, pounced on the ice dragon, opened his huge mouth and bit it He hit the opponent's left wing as thin as ice crystals.


The ice dragon's translucent wings seemed to be its weakness, cracking into lines under Viserion's bite.

 But this also angered the ice dragon.

It suddenly turned its long and thick neck like a python, opened its huge mouth, and then blew out blue breath at the golden dragon.


Even if Tyrion was hiding behind the golden dragon, he could still feel the chill that penetrated his bones. No matter how thick the woolen coat he wore, he couldn't stop its invasion.

Almost instantly, Tyrion was frozen.

 Fortunately, Viserion came to his senses and sprayed fire at the ice dragon's head.

Frost and flames were like two brightly colored water guns, violently colliding together in mid-air.

 The aftermath of the battle that splashed out gave the surrounding soldiers a taste of ice and fire.

 “Spread out! Spread out!”

Ser Noah Rowan swung his sword to scatter the soldiers.

 In the war between the giant dragon and the ice dragon, it is difficult for humans to intervene.

After all, the dragons are so big that humans are like ants in front of them, and their swords and spears are no different than toothpicks and needles.

The only weapon that can threaten the dragon is the giant crossbow equipped at the top of the city.

However, the effect of the previous hit did not seem to be ideal, and one's own dragon and ice dragon were fighting together, and it was easy to cause accidental damage by firing the crossbow rashly.

 At this time, the only thing the defenders in the Red Keep can do is to help clean up the corpses created by the ice dragon's breath.

 In the night sky, Tyrion was riding on the back of a dragon, and his body was shaking violently as the dragon fought, and his body was almost falling apart.

He could even hear his own bones creaking under the strain.

 Fortunately, I didn’t have dinner. This is the only thing Tyrion is thankful for.

Otherwise it would be very embarrassing if you vomited on the dragon's back...

Just as Tyrion was thinking wildly, a sharp sound pierced through the air sounded in his ears.


 He keenly felt an extremely dangerous aura approaching, and subconsciously lowered his head -


An ice spear flew past Tyrion's cheek, and the cold breath almost made his blood freeze.

 “Hey! Missed!” Tyrion was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, but still shouted provocatively at the ice dragon knight on the opposite side.

But the next moment, the Ice Dragon Knight stretched out his hand and grasped it in vain. The wind and snow solidified into another spear in his palm, and the spearhead shone with a blue and biting cold light.

 “Do it!” Tyrion cursed secretly, his heart sinking.

Although he also has a dragon crystal spear in his hand, in terms of throwing skills, Tyrion is not much different from an underage child.

How high a martial skill can a dwarf have?

But when things came to an end, Tyrion would not back down. From the moment he flew high into the sky, he never thought about returning.

The words of his fiancée Shae vaguely echoed in his ears, but deep down in his heart, Tyrion had the idea of ​​dying generously.

 I don’t get respect when I’m alive, but someone should sing my praises when I’m dead.

Facing the oncoming ice spear, Tyrion did not dodge, but actually stood up from the dragon's back, holding the dragon crystal spear high in his hand, and was about to rush forward.

 Did not choose to throw because Tyrion could not trust his accuracy.

Moreover, unlike the White Walkers who can condense ice spears from the wind and snow, this dragon crystal spear is his only weapon.

 He only has one chance to attack.

 So, he didn't care about the White Walker, but rushed towards the ice dragon who was fighting with Viserion.

 He knew very well that this ice dragon was the real threat to King's Landing.

As long as you kill it, the White Walker won't be able to cause much trouble.

Moreover, slaying a dragon is an irresistible temptation for anyone.

Tyrion has heard the dragon-slaying story of Savin the "Mirror Shield" countless times since he was a child. Today, he has the same ambition!

  Unfortunately, he underestimated the difficulty of slaying the dragon and even more underestimated his own strength.

Although he tried his best to thrust the dragon crystal spear into the ice dragon's body, he did not expect that the ice crystal-like scales were so hard and smooth. The dragon crystal spear scratched across the surface of the scales, failing to break the defense at all. Leaving a shallow trace.

But the ice spear thrown by the ice dragon knight had penetrated deeply into Viserion's abdomen, causing the golden dragon to let out a painful and shrill scream again.

Haven't I been able to save King's Landing this time?

Tyrion thought desperately. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a hot stream of heat coming from the dragon crystal spear, running down his arm and reaching his whole body.

A very magnetic voice sounded in his ears, chanting a spell that he couldn't understand at all.

"Melisandre?" Tyrion lowered his head and seemed to be able to see the fiery figure standing in front of Maegor's Tower, performing some kind of witchcraft.

In an instant, Tyrion found that his body was filled with explosive power. An unprecedented powerful feeling made him feel as if he was on top of the world.


Viserion roared again and was clearly at a disadvantage in the fight, with his entire body being pinned down by the ice dragon.

 While turning upside down, Tyrion did not fall off the dragon's back. Instead, he quickly grabbed the dragon's scales, jumped onto the golden dragon's neck, and then jumped onto the ice dragon's left wing.

Within a few breaths, he was like a dexterous little demon monkey, scurrying onto the ice dragon's head.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the ice dragon knight immediately rushed over. An ice spear condensed in his palm again and stabbed Tyrion.

But Tyrion ignored the threat behind him and only stared at one place -

 The eyes of the ice dragon!

 He knew that that was the most vulnerable part of the dragon.

At that time, he was as strong as Meraxes, but he was also shot in the eye by an arrow from a Dornish ballista, and fell to his death in Hellgate Keep.

Today, with the help of the red robe witch and the golden dragon Viserion, Tyrion also pierced the ice dragon's left eye with a dragon crystal spear.


 “Die, you bastard!” Tyrion roared.

 He could feel that his spear had pierced the ice dragon's eye, and it had penetrated so deeply that it might have reached the brain.

So, Tyrion once again used all his strength to stir the dragon crystal spear wildly.


The ice dragon let out a shocking roar of pain.

There was an air of death in the roar, Tyrion could hear it.

 He closed his eyes contentedly and prepared to receive the ice spear from the ice dragon knight behind him.

Tyrion is extremely satisfied to be able to die as a "dragon-slaying hero".

However, the expected stinging pain and coldness did not come, and he only felt that he was tumbling and falling.

The defenders in the Red Castle were all attracted by the ice dragon's shrill scream. In the light of the torches, they only saw the golden dragon and the ice dragon entangled together, falling from the sky.


Two huge bodies crashed to the south of the Prime Minister's Tower, hitting the buildings on the ground with a devastating momentum, including the southern wall of the Red Fort.

The ground shook violently, and the dust and wind and snow stirred up, forming a fog barrier in mid-air.

The two dragons had already hit the city wall, rolled out of the Red Castle, and finally stopped among the cliffs and rocks near the sea.

Tyrion woke up dizzy, feeling that there was pain everywhere in his body.

The surging power that filled my body just now also receded like a tide, leaving with it the temperature.

Tyrion felt like he was about to be frozen into a lump of ice.

He turned his stiff neck with difficulty and looked to the left. He saw the ice dragon lying among the gravel, its huge head hanging down weakly, and a dragon crystal spear inserted in the socket of his left eye. —

 That is your own masterpiece!

 Looking at the ice dragon's colorless eyes, Tyrion felt a strong sense of pride and pride.

 I really slayed the dragon!

Viserion also fell next to the ice dragon. It seemed to be extremely seriously injured. There were wounds and frostbite all over its body, especially the hideous scar on its belly, which almost disembowelled it.

 But at least it’s not life-threatening.

Tyrion even felt that this victory was a little too perfect, until he saw another figure—

 Ice Dragon Knight.

 It’s over. Tyrion watched the White Walker walking towards him with a spear, and felt his heart sinking.

 “Viserion!” he shouted to his mount, “Save me!”

 Unfortunately, the golden dragon was too seriously injured and could not move.

 “Melisandre!” Tyrion longed for the red witch to send him power again.

If he could become as powerful as before, he would have the confidence to have a duel with this white ghost.

 It's a pity that he didn't feel the warmth again.

 “Noah! Pod! Come and save me!”

Neither the defenders nor Tyrion's attendants have been able to come over yet.

 “Gods save me…” Tyrion felt more pious than ever.

  Unfortunately, the gods did not answer his prayers.

The White Walkers are still approaching, taking slow and unhurried steps, as if admiring the desperate struggle of their prey.

"I'll fight you!" Tyrion used the last bit of his strength to get up from the snow, pulled out the dragon crystal spear stuck in the eye of the ice dragon beside him, and then rushed towards the White Walkers.

 With an indomitable momentum.

Unfortunately, he is too short, his height is less than half of the White Walkers.

He was also too weak. He staggered and almost fell down after just a few steps.

 “Ah!!” Tyrion roared crazily, as if he wanted to shout out all the fear in his heart.

 Then he closed his eyes.

Just die, at least on the way to charge. Tyrion thought.

 Be prepared to face death.

 But death did not come.


There was a crisp sound, and Tyrion felt as if his spear had pierced into something.

He opened his eyes in surprise and saw that the spear in his hand had penetrated into the White Walker's belly and came out through his body.

 Have the gods appeared? Tyrion looked at the tip of the ice spear parked a few feet in front of him in shock, only to realize that he was so close to death.

 But why didn’t the other side stab him?


The White Walkers knelt down weakly and just looked at Tyrion with a complicated look.

 A look that felt extremely familiar to Tyrion.

Suddenly an impulse surged in his heart, and he stepped forward and took off the White Walker's ice crystal mask.

 Sure enough, under the mask was an extremely familiar face.

"James?" Tyrion trembled, feeling an unprecedented panic, "You, what are you? How could you..."

"Little brother..." James said with a smile, "I knew that one day, you would become a great hero... You are smarter than me and braver than me... Unlike me, you only do stupid things..."

"No! That's not the case!" Tyrion suddenly rushed forward and hugged his brother.

 But he found that James' body was gradually dissipating like smoke.

 “Brother…” Jaime smiled faintly, “You are… the real… Lannister…”

Soon, his body melted into the wind and snow, leaving only a puddle of ice water in place.

Tyrion knelt there helpless, his head lowered, shaking uncontrollably.

The searching soldiers finally came over. When they saw the dead ice dragon, they immediately burst into cheers.

 But in this passionate moment, Tyrion did not feel the glory of becoming a hero.

 He only felt endless coldness.

 (End of this chapter)


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