Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 523: new dragon knight

Chapter 523 The New Dragon Knight

Jon Snow walked hard in the wind and snow, his breath freezing his beard into ice.

 Although he usually shaves his face neatly, he also started to grow a long beard to keep his face warm.

Looking ahead, we saw a vast expanse of white, with heavy snow covering rocks, tree roots, rivers and lakes, and every step was filled with dangers.

The cold wind blew, carrying rolling snowflakes, and froze the teams heading south into snowmen, trudging through knee-deep snow.

"Hold on! The front is Carlin Bay, and you should be able to meet the army that is building the Neck Defense Line."

These words received only sporadic responses, and everyone was too cold to speak.

 The reason why Jon can still maintain strong energy is actually because of the great sword given to him by the king.

Along the way, this sword certainly gave him enough confidence to face the northern lords, but more importantly, it exuded warmth all the time, dispelling the severe cold of winter.

Therefore, although Jon never had the chance to draw the great sword from beginning to end - after all, the northern nobles recognized this distinctive king's sword, and naturally they did not dare to question the order to move south - but even if he did not draw the sword, it was the one that Jon could complete. The key to completing this special envoy mission.

After walking for a while, Jon suddenly smelled a salty smell mixed with the cold wind.

He raised his head, and through the curtain of wind and snow, a thin black-green line suddenly appeared at the end of the white horizon.

 The neck has arrived!

 Jon suddenly became excited and quickly told everyone the good news.

The whole team immediately became lively, and the people who were about to freeze suddenly seemed to feel the warmth from the south, and they all came to life.

The marching speed suddenly accelerated, and soon a broken tower was vaguely visible.

 Jon knew that this should be Calyn Bay.

Carin Bay is an abandoned castle at the northern end of the Neck. It is said to have been built by ancestors 10,000 years ago.

 At that time, the legend of Moat Cailin was still an extremely huge war fortress, with twenty tall and sturdy towers and basalt walls as high as Winterfell.

 It is a key fortress in the north to resist attacks from the south, and has defused countless attacks.

The Andals conquered the Six Kingdoms, but they were unable to conquer the defense line of the Gulf of Cailin. Therefore, to this day, the northern territory is still the territory of the Ancestors.

Of course, not anymore.

Today's northern border is filled with wind, snow and death, and is occupied by the dead crawling out of their graves.

As Jon walked, he swore to himself that he would take back the North and his hometown!

Thousands of years have long turned the former Cailin Bay into ruins, and now only the last three towers remain.

The Drunken Man's Tower tilted sharply, as if it might collapse at any time. The Son of the Forest Tower was like a spear piercing the sky, but the top of the tower was already broken. On the largest tower, there were twisted ancient trees emerging from the gaps in its stone wall. Squeezed out, it looks particularly weird.

Legend has it that the Children of the Forest unleashed their witchcraft here, causing a massive flood that split Westeros in two.

 The vast area south of the Gulf of Carin is immersed in water, forming the Neck.

Unfortunately, now that winter is coming and the swamps have frozen into ice, this natural chasm that separates the north from the south has lost its original function.

Fortunately, this is indeed the narrowest point in Westeros. To the east is the Bite Bay, which connects to the Narrow Sea, and to the west is the Bright Flame Bay, which can enter the Sunset Sea. This place is like a human neck, slender and Narrow, it is naturally easier to establish a new line of defense here than in other places.

Moreover, Ningze is backed by six southern countries, so logistical supplies are more convenient.

After Jon got closer, he found that colorful flags were flying on the Bay of Cailin. Countless labor soldiers were working hard to build a defense line that extended from the Bay of Cailin to the east and west and ended at the bay.

Although this line of defense is far less tall and majestic than the Great Wall of Despair, it is already more than ten meters high and looks quite impressive.

Moreover, on the city wall, a cylindrical hollow steel pipe protrudes at regular intervals.

Jon immediately guessed that those things should be the "artillery" rumored to be invented by His Majesty Caesar. It is said to have great destructive power and is the key weapon for the Stormland Fleet to defeat the Iron Fleet and the Arbor Fleet.

 After identifying himself, Jon and his party entered the city.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Jon clearly felt that the temperature here had risen significantly, as if the new defense line being built could really block part of the wind and snow.

"Is your Majesty here?" Jon asked the person in charge here. "I am the special envoy he appointed. I have completed my mission and came here specifically to return my mission."

 While speaking, he also took out the giant sword [Dawn] and placed it on his chest.

The man stationed at the Bay of Cailin was Count Matus Rowan, the lord of Golden Tree City. Of course he recognized Caesar's weapons and said:

“Your Majesty has gone on a patrol on a dragon and should be back soon. You can wait for him here.”

Count Matus looked at Jon again and asked:

“You are Eddard Stark’s **** son Jon Snow, right?”

 “Yes.” Jon nodded.

“Your brother is here, do you want to meet him?”

"Brother?" Jon responded immediately, "You mean Bran?"

Count Matus nodded and called a soldier to lead Jon.

Jonn thanked him and followed the soldiers to the basement.

There are no doors or windows here, it is dark and damp, and a large piece of peat is burning in the brazier.

“Bran?” Jon saw a familiar figure sitting in a wheelchair, and a thin brown-haired girl beside him was feeding him food.

Hearing the movement, the girl turned around and asked:

"May I ask you are?"

"Jon," Bran didn't look back, but he already knew who the person was, "You're back."

"Yeah." Jon took a few steps forward, "I almost froze to death in the north, but luckily I got back in time. Those **** corpses and white walkers were chasing after me so closely...Huh? What's wrong with your eyes?" Already?"

 He noticed Bran's eyes wrapped in white cloth, and was suddenly shocked.

“It’s not your king’s fault!” the girl said angrily.

"Meira, this is none of His Majesty's business." Bran himself was unusually calm.

“Hmph, you brothers, let’s talk, I’m going out first.” Meira placed the oatmeal bowl heavily on the table and left without looking back.

“The daughter of Earl Howland Reed, the leader of the Zelanders.” Bran introduced with a smile. “She has a bit of a hot temper.”

 Jon did not laugh, and asked seriously:

“Bran, what happened? Who blinded you?”

"It's me."

"Yourself?" Jon frowned, "Why did you blind yourself?"

"Seeing too much is not necessarily a good thing." Bran said calmly, "Without my eyes, I can feel more peaceful inside."

Jon stared at Bran suspiciously for a long time, but could not find any hatred or resentment on his face.

  After seeing him for a long time, he suddenly felt that he could not understand this younger brother.

"To be honest, I liked you better before." Jon said slightly sadly.

Bran was silent for a moment:

"We can't go back, Jon. The wolf cub has to grow up, and when he grows up, the world changes."

Jon took a deep breath, stopped worrying about this topic, and asked instead:

"By the way, have mother, Sansa, Arya and Rickon made it back safely? And father, hasn't he arrived at Moat Cailin yet?"

"Sansa and Rickon went to King's Landing, you don't have to worry. As for mother and Arya, they were temporarily lost in the snow, but they are not in danger." Jon frowned again:

“Didn’t mother and Arya evacuate together? And father, why didn’t you tell him?”

Bran lowered his head and whispered:

 “You will understand later…”

Jon suddenly burst out. He grabbed his brother's shoulders, lowered his head, and asked in a deep voice:

“I hate riddles! Tell me the truth, what happened to mother and Arya? And father, where is he now?”

Bran still had the same calm expression:

"Sorry, Jon, have you forgotten that I'm blind? I can't see many things and can't give you answers."

Jon stared at his brother steadily, as if he wanted to see through the white cloth to see the eyes behind him - whether they were still intact or not.

"Bran, what else are you hiding from me? Don't forget, I am your brother, and I am also a Stark."

"You are only half a Stark." Brand said, "There are some things that you don't need to bear. Moreover, the script has long been changed beyond recognition, the turbulence of fate has been running rampant, and no one dares to say that he can still control the overall situation... So, you It’s not that I’m trying to shirk the question, it’s that I really can’t answer it.”

Jon was confused and was about to ask again when he suddenly heard a loud dragon roar.

 Subsequently, the whole Gulf of Carlin rang out with warm cheers from the soldiers.

"His Majesty Caesar is back." Bran said, "You are going to return to life, so go quickly."

 Jon had no choice but to turn around and leave.

When he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and saw his brother sitting alone in the shadow, like a withered body.

For some reason, Jon suddenly felt an uncontrollable sadness in his heart, almost making him shed tears uncontrollably.

Before his eyes became wet, he quickly quickened his pace and walked out.

The cold wind blew against my face, brushing away the tears that were still brewing. Jon calmed down and came outside the tower.

 Looking up, he immediately saw three giant dragons flying high in the sky.

 One white, one black, and one green.

Both the white dragon and the black dragon had people on their backs, but the giant dragon with green scales had no one riding on it.

“Why is Rego here too?” Count Matus Rowan in front of the crowd looked at the sky and wondered, “It doesn’t have a dragon knight...”

“Lord Luo Wan, I heard that your Majesty has four giant dragons. Why are there only three here?”

Count Matus glanced at Jon and explained:

"Your news is out of date. Your Majesty now has eight dragons. However, four of them are young dragons that have just hatched. Among the other four dragons, only the white dragon Cleopatra and the black dragon Drogon have dragon knights. The green dragon Rhaegal and the yellow dragon Viserion are still masterless dragons.

 The presence or absence of knights has a great influence on the dragon's combat effectiveness. After all, they are wild beasts with limited intelligence. Once they go crazy, they will even become indistinguishable between friend and foe.

I don’t know why His Majesty brought Rego to the front line. Is it possible to find a new dragon knight? But who else here has the blood of dragon master? "

 Hearing this, Jon's heart pounded.

 He knew that as the illegitimate son of Stark and Targaryen, he should actually have the ability to control dragons.

 Did the king know this secret?

 Did his father tell him?

 While Jon was thinking a lot, three giant dragons had landed one after another.

As for Drogon and Rhaego, the existence of the white dragon Cleopatra really caused some panic.

 After all, it is too big.

 The other two dragons combined are not half as big as it.

 It spreads its milky white wings and can cover the entire Bay of Cailin under it.

This overwhelming pressure made everyone feel suffocated. Even if they knew that this dragon was a friendly force, they could not suppress the instinctive fear in their hearts.


The white dragon landed on the frozen swamp, causing huge vibrations that made people worry about whether the thick ice could bear its weight.

"Hey, boy," Count Matus pushed Jon who was dazed next to him, "Aren't you going to report back to His Majesty? Go quickly."

"Oh well."

Jon nodded and walked up quickly.

 The closer you get to the white dragon, the more truly you can feel its power.

 The substantial heat wave emitted is like an invisible barrier, blocking out the cold of winter.

 Jon had the illusion of going from winter to midsummer.

"Your Majesty Caesar, Your Majesty Daenerys..." Jon glanced at the beautiful queen with silver hair and purple eyes, thinking that she should be considered his aunt...

But he immediately calmed down and saluted respectfully, "Jon Snownot came to report to you. I have visited every castle in the north to urge the lords to issue orders to move south. This is your sword, now The property returns to its original owner.”

 Samwell took the giant sword and smiled:

"Well done, Jon. You are a major contributor to this migration. What reward do you want?"

 Jon’s heart beat violently again, but he still bowed his head and said:

"Your Majesty, I am a night watchman and I cannot accept rewards..."

"You night watchmen just can't accept the title of fief, but other rewards are still acceptable." Samwell pointed directly at the green dragon lying aside, "Do you want that dragon?"

 Jon really couldn't say no now.

Daenerys looked at her husband in surprise and whispered:

“Sam, Rego has a violent personality and not everyone can get close to him.”

 Samwell looked at Jon:

"Jon, do you have the guts to give it a try? The White Walkers are coming, and we need more dragon riders."

"Since His Majesty values ​​me so much, of course I can't live up to your expectations." Jon no longer refused and immediately agreed, turned around and strode towards Rhaego.

Daenerys said worriedly:

“Sam, why do you let a Stark **** ride a dragon? He’ll burn to death.”

“He is not only the **** son of the Stark family,” Samwell explained with a smile, “he is also the **** son of the Targaryen family.”


"Yes. He is the son of your brother Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark."

Daenerys' eyes widened, but the next moment, she couldn't help but not believe it.

 Because, Jon Snow really climbed on the green dragon's back.

Rego flapped his wings and let out a loud neigh. Then he rose into the sky and flew high into the sky with his new master.

Jon watched the Moat of Cailin become smaller and smaller under his feet, and his heart was filled with joy that almost exploded.

 The oncoming wind and snow were biting and cold, but the fire in his chest seemed to ignite him.

 “I am a dragon knight!” He shouted wantonly, letting Rego lead him to continue to gallop north.

Not long after, he saw a thin black line appear on the northern horizon, emerging like a black tide, spreading, and soon covering the vast white land.

 The ghoul is coming!

Jon's heart was frightened, and he immediately ordered Rhaego to turn around.

 (End of this chapter)


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