Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 517: The eyes of the three-eyed crow

Chapter 517 The Eyes of the Three-Eyed Crow

 After the imperial meeting, everyone left one after another, except for the intelligence chief Gavin Mander who stayed.

 Samwell glanced at him and asked:

 “What? During the time I was away, someone was dishonest?”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gavin said, "Stevron Frey has been traveling frequently with Roose Bolton and Anya Waywood. Moreover, just when you came back, he also went to Lan Propose marriage to Tyrion at Nestor's house."

Samwell curled his lips disdainfully and said disapprovingly:

"The Freys are always so dishonest, but Roose Bolton, Anya Waywood, and Tyrion Lannister are not fools. Just keep an eye on them, don't worry too much."

 “Yes, Your Majesty.”

 “Is there anything else?”

Gavin nodded and said:

“Your Majesty, Duke Natalie Dayne has just arrived in King’s Landing, bringing with her an army of 30,000 people.”

 Samwell was stunned for a moment and said:

"Has Dorne recovered now? Can it actually raise 30,000 expeditionary troops?"

“Duke Nathalie said that the Seven Kingdoms are now in the most difficult time, and Dorne should contribute.”

Samwell thought of that cute and innocent face, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously:

"I see."

 Gavin said no more, bowed, and left immediately.

 Samwell sat alone in the hall for a while, then got up and went out.

 He hesitated for a moment in the corridor, and finally walked in the direction of Natalie's room.


  Samwell knocked lightly on the wooden door, and then heard brisk footsteps.

With a creak, the door opened, revealing the familiar face in my memory.

  "Shan...Your Majesty." Natalie gathered up her skirt and bowed.

 “Why are you meeting me like this?” Samwell rubbed her head habitually, messed up her ladylike bun, and then walked into the room.

Natalie closed the door, followed with a smile, and her tone returned to the familiarity before:

“Sam, did you just come back from the north? Did the Great Wall really fall? Are the legendary White Walkers really coming?”

"Yes, the Great Wall has fallen, and the White Walkers have really come. The Seven Kingdoms are about to face their most terrifying enemy." Samwell sat down at the table and sighed, "The North cannot be defended. I have Order all northerners to move south, and order the army to march north to the Neck, where we will establish a new line of defense."

Natalie saw the deep tiredness in the man's eyes, and couldn't help but feel a little sad. She quickly stepped forward, put her hands on Samwell's shoulders, and rubbed them gently, as if she was a wife serving her most beloved husband.

There were no decorations on her fingers, which looked elegant and clean. Her slender white fingers kneaded it just right, making Samwell relax after a moment.

“I brought 30,000 troops to King’s Landing this time. Although they are not many, and most of them are new soldiers, it can be regarded as Dorne’s contribution to mankind as king. You can also bring it to the Neck when the time comes.”

 “Hmm.” Samwell closed his eyes.

 He was indeed a little tired.

Although he always appeared confident in front of outsiders, in fact, he was often anxious inside.

The White Walkers can be regarded as the ultimate natural disaster in the world of Thrones, a terrible catastrophe that is approaching the end of the world, and the final stage of the game between the gods.

It can be said that from the beginning of time travel to the present, all the efforts made by Samwell are actually to fight against the White Walkers.

 Only the White Walkers, and perhaps the gods behind them, are the real enemies he needs to face all along.

 But to be honest, even after making so many preparations, Samwell is still not absolutely sure that he can lead mankind to win this battle.

It is said that only by knowing oneself and the enemy can one be able to fight without danger.

 But Samwell knew very little about this enemy.

The other party is like shrouded in a mist, unable to be seen.

He can only guess and test his opponents based on ancient legends that are difficult to distinguish true from false and what he has seen and heard.

The more he tried, the more Samwell discovered that this opponent might be more terrifying than he imagined.

There seems to be chilling secrets hidden in ancient legends.

"You will definitely lead us to victory again!" Natalie said in an extremely determined tone, stroking the man's brow with her fingers, as if to help him erase all his worries.

I have to say that her technique is very good, as if she has been specially trained. Every movement is just right, and the strength is just right, gently impacting his heart, giving him an unprecedented feeling.

"Yes, we will win." Samwell smiled with relief.

 He realized that at this time, countless people from the Seven Kingdoms, just like Natalie Dane, were almost blindly placing their hopes on him.

 And he must not live up to these expectations.

What about the White Walkers, they are just dead things crawling out of the grave.

What about the gods? Since the breakup of Blood Reef Island, he has fought against them many times.

 Others may fear the gods, but Samwell wanted to pull them off the altar from the beginning.

 “Sam.” Natalie suddenly bent down and put her breast gently against the back of Samwell's neck.

That soft and numb feeling slowly penetrates into the skin and reaches deep into the heart.

Samwell opened his eyes and saw the pretty face close at hand. The originally innocent girl now also had a hint of charm.

Of course, this charm also contains a hint of rawness and nervousness that cannot be concealed.

 But it is this just right rawness that makes the girl even more moving.

Samwell naturally raised his arms and put his arms around her neck, pulled her closer, and held the trembling red lips in his mouth.

 “Sam…” Natalie murmured, “I want a baby…”

 “Okay.” Samwell turned around and hugged her into his arms.

 The night became vibrant at this moment.


 The new moon is in the sky, surrounded by stars.

Samwell stood on the terrace of Maegor's Tower, looking at the howling night sky of wind and snow, feeling speechless.

 After the fun, Natalie fell into a deep sleep with satisfaction and exhaustion. Margaery, Daenerys, and the children had also gone to bed long ago, but he was not sleepy at all.

Having experienced the biting cold outside the Great Wall, King's Landing seemed particularly warm at this time, even though there were snowflakes in the sky.

 A whole flock of crows flew over the Red Keep, screaming sharply, their black wings beating against the white snowflakes.

Samwell looked at the direction the crow was flying, and there seemed to be a flash of light in the asphalt-dark world.

He stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on the snow-covered railing, and his whole body rose into the air like a feather, drifting into the cold and dark depths.

Snowflakes fell silently, wrapping the Red Fort in white robes.

 Samwell floated forward with the wind and landed in the godswood.

 Heavy snow covered the bare branches, and a few crows landed on the branches, squawking.

The darkness is like a solidified glacier, freezing time and sealing everything.

Samwell stepped forward, his boots making a squelching sound in the snow.

 He felt a certain energy rhythm in the air, and his eyes gradually turned green. Something seemed to be surging in the darkness around him, like cold fingers tracing across his back.

 “Your Majesty Caesar.” A childish voice sounded deep in the woods.

"Bran Stark," said Samwell, "or the Green Seer? The Three-Eyed Raven? Or—

 Old God? "

The darkness receded, and the light of the stars converged around a weirwood tree.

 The faces carved on the tree trunks are sad and bitter, and the weeping eyes seem to contain all the suffering in the world.

Bran Stark sat in a wheelchair and stopped in front of the Heart Tree. The starlight gave him a faint silver glow, like a dream.

“You can call me anything, Your Majesty,” he said.

 The eyes are also green.

The green pupils of the two people faced each other head-on, and their gazes intersected in mid-air.

"Is this the Green Vision?" Samwell asked, "But why can't I see the past and the future through it?"

Bran shook his head slowly:

"No, Your Majesty, you have talent, but it is not enough. The legacy of the greenseers depends on more than talent."

 “What else do you need?”

 “You still need eyes.” Brand said, “Eyes of suffering, eyes of despair, eyes of weeping blood.”

 Samwell nodded thoughtfully, the green in his eyes gradually dissipating.

"Tell me, Bran Stark. When you gave Mance Rayder's horn to me, did you know it was a fake Horn of Winter?"

Bran nodded.

 Samwell sneered and continued to question:

 “Give me a reason not to kill you.”

Facing such a threat, Bran still looked calm and listened to him say in a calm tone:

"Even if I hand you the real Horn of Winter to destroy at the Great Wall, nothing will change. The Wall will still collapse, just in another way, and the White Walkers will still come."

“You don’t even have the courage to try, how do you know you can’t change?”

The grief in Bran's eyes became more intense:

“Your Majesty, to be honest with you, I have seen dozens of changes, and the greenseer before me, His Excellency Brynden Rivers, has seen thousands of changes, but still cannot escape the fateful fate.

This catastrophe is destined to be faced by mankind and cannot be avoided. "

Samwell looked at the boy in the wheelchair quietly, with golden flames flashing in his eyes:

 “To be honest, I don’t trust you.”

"I know." Brand said, "In fact, when Brynden Rivers first became aware of your existence, the first thing he thought of was to eliminate you as a variable."

 The king instantly narrowed his eyes, exuding a strong aura of danger.

Bran seemed not to care about this and continued:

“Brynden first noticed your abnormality in Horn Hill five years ago. In order to prevent the world line from getting out of control, he tried to make corrections..."

Samwell suddenly said:

 “He did the tricks on my horse!”

Bran nodded:

“To be more precise, Brynden exerted some influence on your riding teacher and led him to tamper with the saddle. However, you were lucky to survive.

At that time, the Red Comet had not yet arrived, and Brynden's abilities were greatly limited. This was the limit of what he could do.

 As you continue to grow, your power continues to expand, and your influence on the world becomes greater and greater. But just as Brynden was preparing to attack you again, he suddenly saw some pictures from the out-of-control future.

 ‘Caesar may bring another possibility. ’

 Brynden told me so.

 Later on, he gave up interfering with you and even gave you some help when needed. "

“Did you give the Royce family the bronze armor?”

"Yes." Bran nodded, "There are many things, things you may not be aware of, that will provide you with necessary help in the future."

"What things?" Samwell said coldly, "Euron Greyjoy's eyes? The real Horn of Winter? Or the yellow skull of the Faceless One? Tell me clearly, which ones were given by the old gods? What is their use? ?”

Bran shook his head firmly:

“Believe me, Your Majesty, it’s better not to know some things. The more doors you open, the less you have a choice.”

"I hate you most, you idiots who only speak half the words!" Samwell said fiercely.

Bran said quietly:

“That’s because once our words are complete, they become lies.”

Samwell looked thoughtful, but then he asked again:

 “Then what is your position? What is your purpose?”

"Don't worry, Your Majesty." Bran did not avoid the question this time, "I am always on your side and on the side of humanity."

 Samwell did not hide his suspicion:

“Unfortunately, I don’t feel much sincerity.”

 “What now?” Bran said, and suddenly reached out to grab his eyes——


 In Samwell's surprised gaze, the young man actually clasped his own eyes alive!

"Your Majesty," Bran's empty eyes were filled with tears of blood. At this moment, he had a strange resemblance to the weeping face on the heart tree behind him, "This is the sincerity I am showing you."

 The young man handed his bleeding eyeball to the king.

 The tone is neither urgent nor slow, neither light nor serious.

 It was as if the person who became blind from then on was not himself at all.

"Perhaps, you can also regard this as a punishment, the punishment for deceiving you at the Great Wall last time."

 Samwell stared at the two eyes in front of him, remained silent for a long time, and said:

 “Is this one of the things the old gods gave me?”

Bran nodded:

“Yes, Your Majesty. Don’t you want to truly have the Green Vision? These are the eyes you lack. With it, you can see the past and the future for yourself.

  But I must warn you.

Some doors, once opened, can never be closed again.

 Once you step into the long river of time, your body will definitely get wet. It is a luxury to hope that you will be as refreshed as before.

Whether this is a blessing or a curse is really hard to tell.

 So, please make your choice carefully. "

 “Without your eyes, are you still the Three-Eyed Raven?” Samwell asked.

Bran shook his head, but there was not much frustration on his face. On the contrary, there was a feeling of relief:

 “My mission has been accomplished, now it’s up to you.”

After thinking for a moment, Samwell finally took the two eyes, took a final deep look at the weeping boy, and said:

“Tomorrow you come with me to the Neck and go to the battlefield.”

Bran nodded quietly:

 “As you wish, Your Majesty.”

 (End of this chapter)


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