Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 511: Broken defense line

Chapter 511 Broken Defense Line

Samwell rode the white dragon and flew over the army of zombies.

Cleopatra's flames plowed out channels of orange-red flames in the black army of corpses below, and the pungent smell of burnt bones filled the wind and snow.

Until this moment, Samwell had not yet recovered from the shock of the sudden melting of the Wall.

I didn’t expect that the north would undergo such earth-shaking changes after I had only been away for a week.

Although it is not known what method the White Walkers used to cause the Great Wall to collapse, it did catch humans off guard.

 They are simply not fully prepared.

Even the advance team sent before has not been able to reach the Wall from King's Landing.

The Northern Territory is really too big. Although it is vast and sparsely populated, in terms of area, its territory is almost equal to the other six countries combined.

 The march from King's Landing to the Great Wall at the northernmost point of the North would take a month and a half no matter how fast it was.

  In other words, Samwell was able to arrive within two or three days by driving a giant dragon.

With the Great Wall collapsing at this time, it would be unstoppable for the White Walkers to invade the Seven Kingdoms.

Thinking of this, Samwell could only sigh secretly, reluctantly collect his mind and focus on the current battle.

At this time, the endless tide of corpses continued to emerge from the wind and snow in the north, making frightening and weird howling sounds and spreading to the south.

The Night's Watch Legion and the Wildling Warriors relied on the buildings of Castle Black to set up positions and prepare for the battle.

 “Archers, prepare!”

An officer in black robe looked at the surging tide of corpses in front of him and took a deep breath.

 He tried hard not to tremble, but failed.

 Fortunately, the white dragon flying in the sky gave him a glimmer of confidence.

 “Ready! Fire the arrow!”

With an order, all the archers lit their arrows and then shot them high into the sky.

ˆBang bang bang—

Following a series of bowstring sounds, densely packed flaming arrows flew high into the sky, and then immediately landed, forming a small rain of fire.

Although the White Walkers are not afraid of fire, for corpses, fire is more lethal than steel weapons.

After a round of volleys, the ghouls in the front row were hit by arrows and fell to the ground, and the flames quickly spread across their bodies.

But these monsters are extremely tenacious. Even if they are covered in fire, they still do not die. They roll and crawl in the snow, howling wildly, until they are trampled and crushed by their companions coming up from behind.

 Unlike human soldiers, ghouls possess intelligence and emotions. They do not feel fear when they are hit, and will only charge forward headlong.

 As if their only goal is to tear apart all living creatures.

 After three rounds of arrow rain, the corpse finally rushed to the position of the human soldiers.

 “Hold! Hold the position, don’t retreat!”

Ed Stark, the Commander-in-Chief of the Night's Watch, holds the corrugated steel giant sword [Ice] inherited from his family in both hands and rushes to the front line.


A corpse rushed forward with its teeth and claws bared, but Ed swung his sword and cut the opponent in half in an instant.

 The corpse that was broken into two parts turned into a puddle of liquid before it fell to the ground.

 This is the restraint of corrugated steel weapons on ghouls.

 Legend has it that when the Valyrians forged these weapons, they imbued them with fire magic.

 It's a pity that corrugated steel weapons are too rare.

And the dragon crystal weapons were not all equipped yet, so it was extremely difficult for the remaining human soldiers to face the corpses.

Sir Denys Mallister swung his sword and chopped off the head of the charging ghoul, but the remaining headless body of the opponent still rushed towards him without mercy.


Sir Dennis smashed the chest and limbs of the corpse with several more swords before finally sending it to hell.

 But what’s even more frightening is the infectious nature of the ghoul.

 The human soldiers killed by them will soon get up from the ground again and fight back against their former companions.

 This caused the army of zombies to kill more and more people, and it seemed that they would never be able to finish them off.

Such a horrific scene is extremely impactful to anyone. Ordinary human soldiers will even collapse in front of the zombie tide.

Fortunately, the soldiers stationed at Castle Black, whether they are the Night Watch Legion or the Savage Warriors, have more or less fought against ghouls and seen these monsters, so even when faced with the zombie tide, there was no riot, but Ability to organize effective counterattacks.

Of course, what’s more important is that there is a giant dragon in the sky to help in the battle.

After Cleopatra spreads her wings, the shadow she casts can almost cover the entire Black Castle. The dragon flames she spits out can draw hundreds of meters of flames on the snow, killing hundreds of ghouls. reduced to ashes.

 Such a powerful combat power injects the power of confidence into the human warriors.

Even many night watchmen who had been preparing to flee in the chaos returned to join the battle.

However, the Night's Watch logistics personnel led by Jon Snow and the team of wildling women and children continued to withdraw southward.

They know very well that the Great Wall of Despair stretches for thousands of miles. Even if Castle Black successfully blocks the tide of zombies, what about other places?

With the current strength of the Night Watch, it is impossible to fortify the entire line along the collapsed Great Wall.

Caesar and his dragons could not erect a wall of fire on top of the ruins of the Great Wall.

 So, disaster is inevitable.

 All they can do is to organize as many people as possible to take refuge southward before the army of zombies floods the north.

 “Hurry up! Hurry up!” Jon kept urging the evacuating people.

 But when he thought that his homeland would be poisoned by those monsters, his heart felt like a knife.

At this moment, he wished he could grow wings, fly to Winterfell, and take everyone in that castle with him.

An exclamation caught his attention. Jon looked back and saw a few undead corpses rushing through Castle Black's defenses and catching up with the retreating team.

"Don't panic! Keep moving forward!" Jon ordered and called his companions, "Owen, Grenn, follow me!"

 Three people and three horses broke through the ice and snow and rushed towards the corpse at the tail of the team.


With a few muffled sounds, the team of zombies was completely dispersed. Several skeletons were the first to be knocked apart and fell all over the ground.


 Jon turned the horse's head and rushed a few more times before clearing away the following corpses.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, a savage corpse on the ground suddenly jumped up.

Caught off guard, the horse was frightened and Jon was thrown off, falling backwards into the snow.

Before he could get up, the corpse rushed over and pinned him down.

They were so close that Jon could even smell the stench from the other's mouth.

The strong survival instinct allowed him to burst out with astonishing strength, flipping the ghoul over in one fell swoop, and then quickly rolled to distance himself.

Before he could find his weapon again and fight again, he saw a spear flying towards him and piercing the corpse's throat.

Blood spurts out, but freezes into ice in the air.

Jon was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward and added a few more swords, killing the corpse completely, and then turned around and said:

 “Thank you, Miss Vale.”

 “I’m not a young lady.” Waer said.

 Jon shrugged.

 He ​​knew that because Val was the sister-in-law of Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, many of the Night's Watch also called her the "Wild Princess."

 But this is actually a misunderstanding.

The barbarians do not have a strict class system, and even the king beyond the wall is not hereditary.

 Var will indeed be respected among the savages, but she will never enjoy privileges similar to those of a princess.

But to be honest, Wa'er has a noble temperament, and it is hard to imagine that she is one of the barbarians north of the Great Wall.

 “Another ghoul is coming.” Val reminded.

Jon was startled and quickly looked away, looking north.

 But this time, before he could take any action, Waer took the initiative and said:

"I will lead people to stop them, and you can continue to lead everyone south."

"You?" Jon subconsciously glanced at the other party with suspicion, as well as the group of women holding spears following behind her.

This kind of gaze obviously made Val feel uncomfortable. She snorted coldly and said:

“Crow, don’t look down on people. We free folk’s spearwives are no worse than your night watchmen.”

 After saying that, without waiting for the other party to respond, he led the team to meet the rushing corpse.

Jon had no choice but to remind him:

 “After we leave, you’d better join the army at Castle Black!”

 “I know!” Wa Er said, then waved his hand, as if urging the other party to move forward impatiently.

   Jon mounted his warhorse and followed the team heading south.

The group walked along the King's Road and soon came to Mole Village.

 Because they were worried that there would be corpses chasing behind them, they did not plan to stay any longer.

“Tell the villagers that the Great Wall has fallen and the White Walkers are coming. Those who don’t want to die should come south with us.” Jon ordered, “Remember to go to the cellar and have a look, and be sure to notify everyone.”

 “Yes!” A group of night watchmen took the order and left.

 The main force continued to move south.

 Jon rode through the streets of villages and towns, knocking on doors and announcing the coming disaster.

 It wasn’t until he saw two figures in the snow that he stopped.

"Kingslayer?" Jon almost didn't recognize him.

 Because at this time, James was kneeling in the snow, his body covered with snow, almost drowning him.

 In his arms, there was another person, but it seemed that he was no longer alive.

Hearing someone calling him, James' stiff eyes moved, but he didn't speak.

 “Come with us, the White Walkers are coming.” Jon advised.

Although the Lannister family and the Stark family have enmity, Jon has a good impression of Jaime.

 Because before, when Duke Tywin Lannister temporarily took control of the situation in the North, he sent people to the Great Wall to demand that his eldest son Jaime be taken away.

 In fact, the night watchman did not dare to block this request.

 After all, the Lannister family controlled the four northern realms at that time and was at its most powerful. The Night's Watch could not refuse Lord Tywin.

But the strange thing is that James himself refused to leave, saying that since he had put on black clothes and sworn an oath, he would abide by it until death.

 Many of the night watchmen disagreed with this statement.

After all, regicides have a notorious reputation. This person even killed the king he swore to protect, so why should he stick to it?

 But no one expected that this time, the regicide really did not intend to break his oath again.

Even when Lord Tywin sent people to forcibly kidnap Jaime, he was able to escape halfway back to the Wall.

Since then, many brothers of the Night's Watch have changed their views on the regicide.

 Jon is also one of them.

Today's night watchmen are a mixed group, including robbers, thieves, rapists, and illegitimate children...regicide does not seem out of place here.

 They are all a group of scum abandoned by the world, but they are forced to do what heroes should do.

“Follow me,” Jon urged again. “Who is that in your arms?”

This time James finally responded:

“Cersei, she blew the horn of winter and brought down the Wall.”

Jon was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on his face became inexplicably weird:

 “She blew the horn of winter?”

"Yes." James' tone revealed despair, "I killed her with my own hands."

 Jon was immediately even more surprised:

 “You, you killed your own sister?”

"Yes." James gave a bitter and self-deprecating smile, "I killed my sister, my lover, and the mother of my children.

 You say, should I die too? "

 Jon said nothing.

 He was hesitant to tell the other person the truth.

 But what is the truth?

Is it true that Robb blew the Horn of Winter?

 So many weird things have happened that Jon has lost his judgment.

And he was worried that if he told the other party that he killed the wrong person, James would collapse directly.

However, looking at the current state of the Regicide, I am afraid that he is not far from collapse.

"Cersei and I are not only siblings, but also lovers." Jaime said, "We are basically the same life divided into two halves. We once shared the same womb. I came into the world holding her feet. When we are united, I feel complete.

Now she is dead, in my hands...

 But she won't be alone.

 We came into this world together and we will leave together. "

Hearing this, Jon already understood that the other party was determined to die.

 He said no more and turned to leave.

Soon, all the troops left Mole Village, leaving only the Lannister siblings.

In a daze, James saw five figures looming in the wind and snow, like gray ghosts, riding on war horses made of condensed wind and snow.

Their helmets were closed tightly, but Jaime knew who they were without looking at their faces.

 Five people were once his sworn brothers.

Ser Oswell River, Ser Jon Darry, Prince Lewin Martell of Dorne, Gerold Hightower "The White Bull", Arthur Dayne "The Sword of Dawn", among them Among them, there is also a man wearing a crown of blood and grief—

That was Rhaegar Targaryen, former Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne.

 They gathered around like a mist.

“You swore an oath,” said Ser Arthur Dayne sadly. “My own hand laid the sword upon your shoulder.”

 “I put on a white cloak for you with my own hands.” Prince Rhaegar said in disappointment.

 The ghosts jumped off their horses amid the snow and wind, and six long swords were unsheathed, but they made no sound.

The sword light slashed at him, and James couldn't avoid it.

 But the next moment, the sword light melted like ice and snow.

A group of corpses followed the scent of living people to Mole Village, but they ignored the siblings in the snow.

They even went out of their way to avoid them, as if something extremely terrifying was gestating and sprouting there.

 (End of this chapter)


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