Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 51: school castle

  Chapter 51 School City

  The school city, which is famous in the Seven Kingdoms, is located on the banks of the Mijiu River. It is a large building complex.

  It does not have the majesty of the towering tower, nor the sacred magnificence of the Starry Temple, but it is the place with the richest cultural atmosphere in Old Town, and even in the entire Westeros continent.

  The gate of the Academy City is facing the direction of Whispering Bay. There is a tall green Sphinx statue on both sides of the gate, with a lion body, eagle wings, and snake tail, but it has the faces of a man and a woman. They all closed their eyes tightly, as if they were contemplating some thousand-year-old puzzle.

Samwell walked into the school city under the leadership of Baelor Hightower. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw a lively small market. There were many vendors setting up their stalls, but they were selling things like books and maps. . A lot of people gathered beside them, waiting in line for assistant bachelors to help them write paperwork.

Going forward, Samwell also saw a small island with a huge weirwood planted on it. The dense branches and leaves almost occupied the entire island. Countless crows perched on the tree, which looked like a picture with An oil painting with a strong religious atmosphere.

  Crossing a wooden bridge weathered by wind and rain, a tower covered with moss and vines appeared in front of the two.

   Baylor stopped here and said:

   "Sir Caesar, my sister Moloya is up there. The room on the left hand side of the stairs is on the fourth floor. I still have something to do, so I won't go up with you."


   After watching Baylor leave, Samwell walked up the stairs alone.

  Come to the door of the room that Baylor said, he raised his hand and tapped the door a few times.

   After waiting for a while, I heard a deep female voice from inside: "Come in."

  Samwell pushed the door open and entered.

  The smell in the room is a bit weird, like the smell of raw meat that has been stored for a long time, plus disinfectant.

  The light was also very dark, and the only window was covered by a curtain. Samwell got used to it a little before he could see the furnishings clearly.

   Then he was taken aback.

  Anyone who enters a room full of various stuffed animals for the first time will have this reaction.

  Lizards, giant snakes, brown bears, cheetahs... and all kinds of weird animals that even Samwell couldn't name, all were made into lifelike specimens and displayed on the shelves.

  Samwell finally understood why Baylor had to find an excuse to sneak out and let himself come up alone. The guy obviously didn't want to enter this room.

   "Ahem, dear Miss Moroya, I am..."

   "I know who you are." Moroya interrupted, "I just woke up this morning, and a servant told me that you would come to me."

  She spoke very fast, as if she was in a hurry. While speaking, she didn't stop moving her hands. She was peeling off the belly of a big palm spider with a sharp knife.

  Dark green juice stained her hands, looking weird and oozing.

  Samwell settled down and squeezed out a smile:

   "Since this is the case, I wonder if Miss Moroya can use the silver mine..."

"It's right there." Moluoya interrupted again, raised her thin chin and pointed to the small table in the front row, "The one with the white cover is there, everything you want is in it, look for yourself, what's there If you don’t understand, you can ask me.”

  Samwell stepped forward to pick up the book, flipped through it casually, and after confirming that it was correct, said:

   "Thank you Miss Moloya, then I will take my leave first. If there is any doubt, I will..."

   "Okay." Moroya interrupted again, as if she couldn't wait to drive him away.

  Can't you let me finish a sentence?

  Samwell slandered secretly, turned around and ran away immediately.

   You can't stay in this place for long, you will lose your sanity.

  Going out, feeling the warmth of the sun again, Samwell breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Crazy Girl" Moroya really lived up to her reputation.

  While walking outside, Samwell flipped through the book given by Moroya.

  The book is indeed about knowledge related to silver mining and refining, but there are many difficult technical terms and esoteric symbols.

  Samwell did not work in this line of work in his previous life, and the chemistry knowledge he learned in high school has long been returned to the teacher, and it is extremely difficult to read now.

   Just when he felt a headache, he suddenly heard a noise coming from the front.

   Lifting his head, he saw a lot of people gathered in front of the gate of the school city, as if they were watching something.

  Curious, Samwell walked over.

   "... deprive you of your bachelor title, from now on, you are no longer a member of the Academy City..."

  Hearing this, Samwell realized that it was the school city that was expelling the bachelors.

  He squeezed forward a little, and finally saw the unlucky guy who was expelled clearly.

  It was a tall, thin old man, a little stooped, with wrinkles around his protruding blue eyes, and a faint smile on his lips, even when he was facing deportation.

   "Qyburn, what else do you want to say?"

  Hearing this name, Samwell was slightly startled.

  Of course he remembered that there was a character with this name in the series, and that person was also a bachelor expelled from the Academy City, and later became Queen Cersei's confidant.

  Cobain raised his head slightly when he heard the manager's question, but his eyes were a little confused, as if he didn't know what to say.

  Another man wearing a doctor's ring couldn't bear it, and comforted:

   "Qyburn, from now on you don't have to abide by the bachelor's oath, and you are no longer a servant of Westeros. You can restore your original surname."

   "Surname?" Cobain finally spoke, and the smile on his mouth became a little sarcastic, "I have been in the Academy City for more than 40 years, and no one remembers my surname. Even I forgot myself."

   "But you still have profound knowledge, which is enough for you to live a life without worrying about food and clothing. However, remember to stop doing those immoral experiments, otherwise the kingdom's laws will not let you go."

   After finishing speaking, the manager and the doctor turned and returned to the academy city, leaving Keben in a daze.

  The crowd of onlookers saw that there was no excitement to watch, and they all left one after another.

  Only Samwell walked up to Cobain and said:

   "Bachelor of Science..."

   "I am no longer a bachelor."

   "In my mind, a bachelor is not a status, but a respectful title for a learned person."

  Cobain's face moved slightly, he took a serious look at Samwell, and said:

   "Young Sir, thank you for your kindness. Is there anything I can do for you?"

  Samwell's smile became brighter and brighter: "I found a silver mine in my territory, and I need a bachelor to help guide the mining and refining. Would you like to help me with this?"

   "Don't the bachelors in your domain know metallurgy?"

   "My castle hasn't been built yet, so the Academy City didn't send a bachelor there."

  Cobain frowned: "May I ask, where is your territory?"

Samwell smiled slightly, and said: "Let me introduce myself, I am a pioneer knight conferred by the Duke of Metz, Samwell Caesar, I have established a territory in Yingzui Island in the Red Mountains, and I have more than 10,000 territories under my rule. civil."

   "Crimson Mountains?" Cobain frowned even deeper, but his expression softened when he heard that there were more than 10,000 people, but he was still hesitating.

  Samwell remembered that in the original book, the scientific research madman was expelled from the academy city because of the live experiment, and said:

   "Bachelor Keben, as long as you are willing to be my advisor, I can fully fund your research. Of course, it must be research that does not violate the laws of the kingdom."

   "Fully funded?" Cobain was a little moved, and then thought of the silver mine mentioned by the other party, finally nodded, "Okay! Dear Sir Caesar, I am willing to be your personal consultant."

  (end of this chapter)


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