Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 507: Bran's Prophecy

Chapter 507 Bran’s Prophecy

 It is quiet and peaceful in the godswood of King's Landing.

The tall walls blocked the noise of people and horses in the castle, and only the chirping of insects and birds and the rustling of leaves in the wind were heard.

Queen Margaery Tyrell was walking alone in the forest, wearing leather boots and a green hunting coat. Her long curly brown hair was dancing in the wind, and her crystal eyes were like the lake in midsummer.

Following the wheel marks in front of her, she saw Bran Stark sitting in a wheelchair under a brown weirwood tree.

"Your Majesty the Queen." Bran bowed his head in the wheelchair and saluted, "You want to see me if you have anything to do?"

 Margaery shook her head slightly and showed a sweet smile:

“I just came to the forest to relax, and I didn’t expect to meet you.”

Bran looked into the other person's eyes quietly and said expressionlessly:

“Southerners believe in the seven gods, so why would they like to come to the godswood to relax? This is the domain of the old gods.”

“No matter whether the gods are old or new, as long as they can protect the people of the Seven Kingdoms, they are worthy of our worship.”

Bran heard the implication of the queen’s words:

 “What if they cannot protect the people of the Seven Kingdoms?”

"Then what good are they to us?" Margaery said the blasphemous words lightly.

 As Caesar’s pillow, she naturally knows more secrets about the gods than ordinary people.

For example, the Red God's control of Dickon Tarly, the conspiracy on Blood Reef Island, and the truth behind the death of the High Septon High Sparrow...

 After knowing these things, Margaery certainly could not maintain her awe and piety towards the gods.

 Brann’s blue eyes were shining with light as he said:

“Mortal wisdom cannot understand the gods’ plans, so misunderstandings are normal.”

Margaery immediately asked:

“So tell me, what are your old gods’ plans?”

Bran shook his head slightly:

 “I cannot understand the wisdom of the gods either.”

Margaery chuckled, took a few steps forward, and came to Bran's side.

The weirwood in front of them was carved with a miserable human face, and red sap flowed from the eyes like blood and tears.

 After a moment of silence, Margery asked again:

“Sam told me that as the chosen one of the old gods and the rumored green seer, you can see the past and the future?”

"The ancient gods lent me their eyes, so that I can see some fragments in the long river of time." Brand said, "But mortals have limited wisdom and may not really understand what they see. .So, if you want a prophecy, I can give it to you, but be careful, prophecy is a poisonous pie."

“Sam once said something similar.” Margaery nodded slightly, “He said that when you think you can see the future and control everything through prophecy, reality will always give you a slap in the face.”

 “Then do you still want to ask?”


 “What do you want to ask?”

 Margaery took a few steps forward again, reaching out and gently touching the rough bark of the weirwood.

 “Of my son, Octavian.”

Bran nodded, his blue eyes suddenly turned upward and turned completely green in an instant.

His expression became dull, as if his soul had left this body and floated to nowhere.

 After a moment, Bran’s voice sounded again, with an ethereal and mysterious feeling, and said:

 “He will be a king.”

Margaery was obviously relieved, but Bran continued:

"He will fall in love with a woman he shouldn't love, and the Seven Kingdoms will shed blood for this. He will also suffer the betrayal of his brothers, the suspicion of his vassals, and the accusations of his people. Westeros will rekindle the war, and the corpses will Filling the castles and countryside, dragons will kill each other, the sky will be dyed red with blood and fire, rebellion, killing, famine, death will follow one after another... until witchcraft, fire and grief bring an end to everything."

The forest became quiet again, and Bran's words were blown away by the wind and disappeared in the air.

Margery turned around, with no strange expression on her face. She watched the boy in front of her turn his eyes from green to blue again, and said with a smile:

 “Octavian had no brothers.”

  Brando: “Just because it doesn’t happen now, doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future.”

Margaery was silent for a moment, and her tone became a little complicated:

“Sam told me to watch out for you, and it seems like that’s the way to go.”

Bran still had that indifferent expression and said:

“I warned you, prophecy is a poisonous pie. It may seem sweet, but it actually contains murderous intent. Sometimes, it’s better not to know than to know.”

“Anyway, thank you for your prophecy.” Margaery smiled, and then asked, “Allow me to ask another question.”

Bran warns: "The more you know, the more painful it is."

 Margaery shook her head and said:

“It’s not about Octavian. It’s about the White Walkers. They haven’t made any movement so far. Could it be that the Great Wall can really stop them?”

This time Bran replied without opening his green vision:

“The Great Wall cannot stop their progress. Just as it cannot stop the coming of winter. This is a catastrophe that humans must face and cannot escape.”

"Okay, I understand." Margaery nodded, "Two hundred thousand troops gathered in King's Landing. They will neither mobilize to the north nor disband. These days, there are always lords bothering me. It seems that next time If they come again, I can be a little tougher.”

 “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Margery thanked her, then turned and left. But after walking a few steps, she turned back and said:

“Last question, can Sam recover the stolen dragon egg when he goes to Braavos this time?”

"Yes." Bran said with great certainty, "He can recover all the stolen dragon eggs."

“All?” Margaery asked doubtfully, “But the only one that was stolen was one dragon egg.”

“The Caesar family only lost one dragon egg, but the Targaryen family did not.”

Margaery showed a thoughtful expression. At this moment, a black shadow floated over their heads, covering the sun.

“His Majesty Caesar is back.” Bran looked at the white dragon that covered the sky, with an inexplicable glimmer in his eyes.

With a sweet smile on her face, Margaery said goodbye to Bran and quickly walked out of the godswood.

 When she returned to Maegor's Tower, she saw that Samwell had jumped off the dragon's back and walked over carrying a large package.

 “Sam!” Margaery walked a few steps quickly, hugged her husband and kissed her, “Is everything going well?”

"Of course." Samwell unwrapped the package and showed the four dragon eggs to his wife, "There are extra bonuses."

"Four?" Margaery immediately thought of Bran Stark's prophecy just now. She didn't know whether to be happy or afraid, and the expression on her face became particularly complicated.

  Samwell explains:

“The other three were dragon eggs stolen from House Targaryen by Alyssa Farman.”

"So that's it." Margaery calmed down, took her husband's arm, and walked to the castle with him. "Now Daenerys is going to be extremely happy. By the way, what's the situation in Braavos now?" ?Do we need to send troops to prevent them from retaliating?"

"Don't worry about this. Braavos has surrendered. Sea King has become history, and now the secret city has become a province of the Iron Throne, with Ferrego Antalion serving as the first governor, and the Iron Bank It will also be moved to King's Landing. In short, there is still a lot of finishing work to be done, so please send someone to inform the cabinet ministers that I will convene a royal meeting."

 “Okay.” Margaery nodded and took a few steps away before turning back and saying, “Sam, Bran Stark told me something just now…”

 Samwell glanced at his wife and said:

"I reminded you that Bran Stark today may not be the innocent boy from Winterfell he was."

"I understand." Margaery said, "I'm afraid he has become the spokesperson of the old gods..."

"Perhaps the word puppet is more appropriate," Samwell said. "Remember, no matter what he said to you, forget it. There is a trap hidden here. Think about what happened to the Targaryen family due to the prophecy, right? The fire in Summer Hall, the suspicious Mad King, and Prince Rhaegar who kidnapped someone else’s fiancée.”

"Don't worry. I won't become a mad queen." Margaery smiled, her expression obviously much more relaxed, "Okay, go and give the dragon egg to Dany quickly, and I'll inform the ministers."

"Okay." Samwell kissed his wife's forehead again, then turned and went up the spiral staircase.

  Came to Daenerys' room and found her sitting in a rocking chair holding her daughter Rhaenys.

“Hush—” Daenerys saw Samwell coming in, and immediately put her finger to her mouth and whispered, “She just fell asleep.”

 Samwell smiled and raised the package in his hand.

Daenerys’s eyebrows suddenly rose.

 She stood up carefully, put her daughter into the cradle, signaled the maid to continue rocking, and walked out quietly.

“Why so many dragon eggs?” Daenerys took the package as soon as she left the house and stroked the dragon eggs inside with a smile.

She immediately reacted without waiting for Samwell to explain:

"These are the three dragon eggs laid by Princess Rhaena Targaryen's Dreamfire, right? They were stolen by Alisa Farman."

 “That’s right.”

 “Great!” Daenerys took out the dragon eggs one by one and looked at them carefully. The more she looked at them, the more she liked them.

However, she soon became acutely aware that only one of the four dragon eggs contained vitality, while the other three seemed lifeless.

“These three have been around for so long that they are almost turning into stone.” Daenerys said worriedly.

Samwell comforted him: "The dragon eggs we hatched back then were turned into stone."

"Yes." Daenerys immediately regained hope, "So, do we need to hold another incubation ceremony? A blood and fire ceremony?"

"Perhaps not. Now that the demonic tide has revived, it is much easier to hatch dragons than before." Samwell stretched out his hand to caress a dragon egg, and golden flames flashed in his palm.

 The scales on the surface of the dragon egg immediately shone with a faint light, seeming to respond.

"Huh? This dragon egg has become much hotter." Daenerys exclaimed in surprise, "It seems to have really come alive."

  Samwell caressed the other two ancient dragon eggs in turn, restoring their vitality.

 “It should be able to hatch smoothly now.”

"Great!" Daenerys kissed her husband happily, but then she had the trouble of happiness again, "Which dragon egg should I put in Rhaenys's cradle now?"

 Samwell laughed and said:

“You just put four dragon eggs in front of her and let her choose.”

"good idea!"

 Samwell handed all the dragon eggs to Daenerys, said goodbye to his mother and daughter, and came to the council chamber.

 At this time, all cabinet ministers have been notified and come to the meeting.

“Is there any new news on the Wall?” Samwell asked first.

"It's still the same, Your Majesty," Gavin Mander replied. "It seems there is some kind of magic in the Wall that makes the White Walkers afraid."

 “So we can rest easy?” said Tyrion Lannister.

"Not necessarily." Randyll Tully shook his head. "The White Walkers may be planning something, and we cannot take it lightly."

"Lord Randyll is right." Samwell echoed, "We must continue to make preparations. How is the dragon crystal weapon being made?"

“The dragon crystal weapons currently created are enough to equip an army of 50,000 people.”

 “Not enough.” Samwell frowned.

"I have summoned almost all the craftsmen from the Seven Kingdoms to come to King's Landing. I have also sent a large number of miners to mine dragon crystal on Dragonstone Island. I believe the speed of weapon casting can be improved to a higher level. It is estimated that in three months, our army of 200,000 will All will be replaced with dragon crystal weapons."

"Three months..." Samwell pursed his lips, not satisfied with this time point.

 But he also knows that this is already the limit of production capacity that can be achieved at present.

"Okay, then arm the fifty thousand troops first and let them go north to the Wall immediately." Samwell gave the order.

 “Yes, Your Majesty.” Earl Landau nodded immediately.

Tyrion said:

"Your Majesty, you may not know that many nobles have begun to complain... They feel that since the White Walkers cannot break through the Great Wall defense line, there is no need for us to maintain such a large army. After all, it is winter now, and food production has been severely reduced. We still have It’s such a militancy..."

 “Who’s complaining?” Samwell interrupted coldly.

 “Levill Peake, Matus Rowan, Mari Meterin, Alexander Stemon…”

Unexpectedly, Tyrion actually announced a series of names, as if he had already recorded them.

Everyone looked at this guy with strange expressions as he reported most of the nobles in the south, but did not mention any of the nobles in the north.

"Whoever complains again, let them come directly to me." Samwell said, pretending not to see some of Tyrion's little thoughts.

 “Yes, Your Majesty,” Tyrion said briskly, no longer dwelling on the issue.

“In addition, there are still some things that you need to deal with in Braavos.” Samwell recounted the surrender of Braavos.

Hearing that this most powerful and wealthy Free Trade City will become a province under the Iron Throne, everyone's expressions were extremely excited.

“With the support of Braavos, our logistical pressure will be greatly reduced,” Gavin said.

“Your Majesty, can you ask the Iron Bank to give up the ten-year mining rights to Casterly Rock’s gold mines?” Tyrion asked cautiously.

 Samwell glanced at him and said calmly:

 “Go and talk to them yourself.”

Tyrion pursed his lips, seeming to realize that he was delusional.

 Samwell stood up and said:

"Well, in three days, I will go north again, and I will continue to trouble you with the matters in King's Landing."

 “Yes, Your Majesty.”

 (End of this chapter)


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