Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 504: Cataclysm of Braavos

Chapter 504 The Catastrophe of Braavos

 Watching the Titan giant beheaded, all the Braavos people who witnessed what happened were dumbfounded.

The hopes that originally arose melted like ice and snow, and the fear of the dragon hidden deep in his heart took over again.

Countless people cried in despair, but some roared hysterically.

The place where the Titan fell was the city defense fortress of Braavos. A huge fist-shaped reef protruded from the tip of the island lake, which was densely covered with trebuchets and ballistae.

As descendants of slaves who escaped from the Valyrian Empire, the people of Braavos are most worried that their former masters will come riding on dragons.

 Hence these ballistae were used to combat the threat of dragons.

So, after witnessing the fall of the Titan, the frightened Braavos soldiers finally adjusted the direction of the ballistae under the orders of their superiors and launched an attack on the dragon.


Countless thick crossbow arrows shot towards the white dragon like a heavy rain.

Such an offensive seemed weak and weak in front of the white dragon that was now over a hundred meters in size.

Even if he is directly hit by a crossbow arrow, he cannot break through the defense of the scales. Even if a few crossbow arrows can penetrate the gaps between the scales, the damage they can cause is extremely limited. On the contrary, it arouses the anger of the white dragon.

After a shower of arrows, the white dragon let out a loud roar, then spread out its wings that covered the sky and the sun, flew quickly close to the rough sea, and rushed towards the sharp stone fortress.

  Before the ballistae in the fortress could be reloaded, raging flames spurted out from the dragon's mouth, like a huge fire spear, sweeping across the ballistae position.


Countless ballistae and trebuchets were turned into burning fragments in the flames, and the Braavos soldiers who could not escape were also wrapped in the flames.

Hearing screams came one after another.

Puff puff-

One after another, the soldiers jumped into the sea like dumplings, intending to escape the raging flames.

More soldiers took refuge in the rock fortress.

 But obviously, this is not a wise choice.

The flames spouted by the white dragon are so hot that not even stones can resist it.

In the night, the square fortress on the reef island looked like a quilt candle, and the melted stone turned into black liquid and flowed down.

 The soldiers in the fortress were surrounded by flames, roasted by high temperatures, screaming, twisted, melted, and turned into charred corpses.

The fire spread among the fortresses, and the rising fire illuminated the dark night sky, with orange-red and scorched black flowing, creating a scene that looked like the end of the world.

Until this time, no one in Braavos truly understood the despair of facing the dragon.

This is simply not a force that mortals can deal with. This is simply a force that should not belong to the world.

More than four hundred years ago, their ancestors went through untold hardships to escape to the northernmost tip of the Essos continent, on an island shrouded in mist, to escape the enslavement of the dragon kings.

 But today, the Dragon King comes again.

The people of Braavos found in despair that all the efforts they had made over the centuries were insignificant in front of the soaring flame beast.

 The sailors on the pier, the courtesans on the Silk Street, the priests on the Island of the Gods, the faceless men in the Court of Black and White, the keykeepers in the Iron Bank...all were so panic-stricken at this moment.

Naho Demitis stood on the attic of the Sea King's Palace, half of his face flushed red by the firelight.

"What kind of idiot would want to provoke such a being!" He cursed through gritted teeth, and no longer had the calmness of watching the show before.

As for the Antalion family's desperate counterattack, the Iron Bank actually looked on with cold eyes and even welcomed its success.

 But now, Naho finally understands what the dragon's wrath is.

If we don't respond quickly, I'm afraid the entire Braavos will fall into the flaming hell.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned around and walked out with a big stride. At the same time, he ordered hurriedly:

“Quick! Inform all twenty-three keykeeper families that we must change our strategy!”


The Iron Treasury envoy who left the Neptune Palace in a hurry did not see that behind him, His Majesty the Neptune, who had been seriously ill and dying, slowly climbed out of bed.

“Quero,” he cried, “call all your courtiers together, I have something to announce.”

Quro Valentine, the chief swordsman of Braavos, looked at Neptune standing firmly in front of the bed, his eyes as wide as copper bells.

 “Didn’t you understand what I said?” Sea King spoke again, “Go quickly!”

Quiro woke up suddenly. Too many things happened tonight that he couldn't understand. However, under the power of the old Sea King, he still subconsciously responded:

 “Yes, Your Majesty!”

 Under the threat of the dragon, an unprecedented storm is brewing in the political arena of Braavos.

But Samwell didn't pay attention to this at all at this time. After annihilating the Braavos army that dared to resist, he drove the white dragon to rise into the sky again and headed towards the Island of the Gods.

 This island, located at the intersection of the Heroes' Canal and the Long Canal, got its name from the many gods it worships.

 There is the Weeping Lady of Lys, the wooden hall of Harmony, the triangular tower of the Three Heads, the stone statue of Silence and the Labyrinth of the Weaver…

As the most prosperous trading city-state on the continent of Essos, Braavos brings together travelers from all over the world, and of course also gathers faiths from all over the world.

Samwell’s goal is very clear, which is the most conspicuous red-roofed square tower—

Red Temple.

In the temple, a group of red-robed priests looked at the approaching dragon, with desperate expressions on their faces.

The leader of the red-robed monk had tears in his eyes and seemed to have just suffered a huge blow.

 He suddenly raised his hands and said loudly:

 “We mortals shall die alone!

 At a loss, in the valley of hesitation!

 Fortunate to have compatriots, gather together and march together!

 Happily I have the true God, whose blessings overwhelm me! "

 When he said the last sentence, all the red-robed monks shouted in agreement.

Suddenly, the outer wall of the temple lit up with a dazzling red light, as red as blood.

When the orange-red dragon flames fell from the sky, this layer of red light blocked the flames.

But the next moment, a more dazzling golden flame shot out from the dragon flames, instantly gouging out a huge hole in the red light shield.


The square dome of the temple exploded, countless rubbles flew everywhere, and half of the beams and columns of the entire hall collapsed.

The red-robed monks looked at the blond and golden-eyed King of the Seven Kingdoms in disbelief, floating above the main hall, looking at them with an indifferent and pitiful gaze.

"Caesar!" The leader of the red-robed monk stepped forward and said, "You are the apostle of the true God, why did you betray me?"

 Samwell smiled coldly:

"Betrayal? That's what I should ask R'hllor."

The red-robed monk said:

"The golden flame and the red flame have the same origin. Since you are the son of the holy flame, how can you..."

 “I am the Lord of the Flame!” Samwell interrupted.

 Golden flames surrounded him, making him look extremely sacred and tall.

 A real coercion spread, overwhelming the red-robed monks in the hall.

 But they still refused to give in.

"Arrogant!" the leader of the red-robed monk shouted angrily, "How can a mortal peep into the authority of the true God!"

"True God?" The sarcasm on Samwell's face became more intense. "The Crow's Eye is right, all gods are lies. If your true **** really has supreme power, let him stop me."

 After saying that, the giant sword in Samwell’s hand suddenly swung out—

 A golden ray of light that was more dazzling than the sun suddenly exploded, instantly filling the entire Red Temple hall.

The red-robed monks in the temple did not put up any resistance at all, and they turned into piles of ashes before they even had time to pray to the Lord of Light to save themselves.


Cleopatra suddenly landed, and her huge body crushed most of the Red Temple.


It let out an angry and excited roar, waved its thick tail, and swept down all the remaining buildings of the Red Temple.

Samwell raised his head and looked at somewhere high in the sky, where he vaguely felt a voyeuristic gaze.

The eyes were filled with anger—

 Angry but powerless.

 “Are you really a bunch of pathetic prisoners?” Samwell asked to the sky.

 The provocative look on his face became more and more undisguised.

Cleopatra was still breathing fire unbridled, turning the ruins of the Red Temple into a sea of ​​fire.

Countless followers of the Red God in Braavos looked at all this, and something in their hearts was collapsing.

 “No! This is impossible! How could the true God allow this demon to wreak havoc!”

 “Is R’hllor fake?”

"The end is coming! This is a test from the true God! We must be strong... No! The devil has seen it! Run!"


The believers dispersed and ran away crying.

  The Island of the Gods, which used to be extremely sacred and solemn, is now filled with betrayal, doubt and fear.

 For the people of Braavos, tonight is destined to be a night that will never be forgotten.

 And this night is far from over.

 Among the panicked crowd, a man covering his whole body with a hood was running quickly towards the hill at the southern end of the Island of the Gods.

 At the top of the hill sits a temple with a black spire—

 The House of Black and White.

 The Temple of the Faceless One.

 The temple door is a pair of tall double-carved wooden doors. The left door is made of weirwood and is as white as bones, and the right door is made of slightly shiny ebony.

The hooded man quickly came to the door and knocked on the wooden door hastily.

 After a while, the wooden door opened, and a faceless man wearing a black and white robe came out.

 “Why do men come?”

"I am Bruce Antalion, the son of the Sea King." The hooded man said urgently, "Now the dragon is attacking, which is an extremely terrible disaster for Braavos! On my father's orders, please Take action immediately and kill the intruder!"

The faceless man shook his head slowly:

“The Faceless Ones are servants of the Many-Faced God. They only obey the revelations of the gods. Your father has no right to order us.”

Bruce said angrily:

"You are also a member of Braavos! The original Faceless Men were also enslaved! We worked hard to escape from Valyria and build a new city here, a free city-state without slaves! Do you want to Are you going to watch it being destroyed? Do you still want to be the dragon's slaves again?"

 The faceless man still shook his head calmly:

“The Dragon King this time is different from the Dragon King in Valyria. You have also been to Westeros, you should know that there are no slaves there.”

 “But are you willing to bow the knee to Caesar?”

 “We will not bow the knee to any mortal.”

 “Then kill Caesar!”

"Death is an expensive gift." The faceless man still said in his slow tone, "It cannot be given casually."

Bruce was almost furious, but when he looked back and saw the Red Temple that had been reduced to a sea of ​​flames, a flash of firmness and determination flashed across his face. He finally gritted his teeth and escaped something from his large robe.

"This is the dragon egg I stole back from King's Landing!" He said with great reluctance, "Use it in exchange for Caesar's life, is that enough?"

 The faceless man suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the dragon egg:

 “Be alive.”

"Of course they are alive!" Bruce said, "Unlike the three dead eggs that were turned into stone by those **** in the Iron Bank, these are newly born dragon eggs that can definitely be hatched! As long as you can find dragon seeds, You can subdue this dragon!"

 The so-called dragon species are the descendants of the Dragon King family.

This kind of people are actually not uncommon.

At that time, the Valyrian Empire was so powerful that the entire continent of Essos trembled under the power of forty dragon king families.

But equally, there are countless people who are eager to get the blood of the Dragon King family, so nobles from all over the world are rushing to send their daughters to the beds of members of the Dragon King family.

 Even if you don’t need a title.

 As a result, countless illegitimate children of the Dragon King family were born, and these people were called "dragon species".

During the Dance of the Dragons, members of the Targaryen family suffered heavy casualties and could not even find enough dragon knights to control the dragons.

 So they found dragons and let these lowly illegitimate bloodlines control the dragons and participate in the battle.

Bruce knew that the House of Black and White also longed for dragons.

Who wouldn’t want to own such a terrifying creature?

If he hadn't been forced into a desperate situation, how could Bruce be willing to give such a precious dragon egg to the Faceless Man?

"Hurry!" He saw the white dragon rising into the sky again and heading towards the Court of Black and White. He immediately urged more anxiously, "Make a decision quickly! Do you want this dragon egg?"

 The faceless man opened the wooden door, gave way, and said:

 “Men come in first.”

 Bruce breathed a sigh of relief and immediately rushed into the Courtyard of Black and White.

 He entered the door with his front foot, and the white dragon landed on the hill with his back foot.

 Samwell jumped off the dragon's back and slowly came to the black and white wooden door.

 “Why do men come?” the Faceless Man asked again.

Samwell’s golden pupils looked at the Faceless Man from top to bottom, and seemed to see something interesting. A meaningful smile appeared on his face:

 “I’m here for my dragon egg.”

 The faceless man nodded, stepped aside again, and said:

 “Please come in.”

Samwell looked at the dark space behind the wooden door and smiled again:


After saying that, he strode forward and entered the Courtyard of Black and White.

The pair of black and white wooden doors slowly closed behind him, as if two worlds were separated.

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 (End of this chapter)


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