Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 497: The Princess and the Dragon Egg

Chapter 497 The Princess and the Dragon Egg

There are three major hills in King's Landing, named after Aegon the Conqueror Targaryen and his two queens.

On Aegon's Hills sits the Red Keep, at the top of Visenya Hills is the Great Sept of Baelor, and on Rhaenys's Hills, there is a huge lair-like building called the Dragon's Lair.

  This is where the Targaryens once kept their dragons in captivity.

The dragon's lair is extremely huge, and its bronze gate can allow thirty knights to enter abreast on horseback.

But during the Dance of the Blood Dragons, a "shepherd" who called himself a prophet led tens of thousands of crazy civilians into the dragon's lair and killed the four young dragons left inside:

 Slikos, Mogul, Terexiu, Dreamfire.

Even the adult dragon Syrax, who came later, was killed by the mob in the dragon's lair.

The terrible "dragon-slaying" battle caused the dome of the dragon's lair to collapse, and now only the charred ruins remain.

“Four baby dragons were killed by a mob, I can understand that. But Syracuse... how did the mob kill it without heavy weapons?”

Walking among the ruins of Dragon Lair, Bruce Antalion asked curiously.

“The cause of Syracuse’s death has always been a mystery.” Sarah Tully held up her skirt and walked carefully among the charred rubble.

The young prince from Braavos next to him saw this and extended his hand in a very gentlemanly manner.

Sarah’s pretty face blushed slightly, but she still helped her up.

Sarah did not object to the marriage arranged by her brother.

Bruce's status is noble enough and she is also very good-looking. In the past, an earl's daughter like her would not be able to compete with the son of the Sea King.

 But things are different now.

 She is the biological sister of the King of the Seven Kingdoms.

 Although there are still some differences between Tully and Caesar, the number of Caesars in the Caesar family today is too small. As the king's biological sister, she can certainly get enough attention and deserved status.

 What’s more, Sarah’s father is also the Hand of the King.

"Some say that Syracuse was chopped to death with an ax by the 'Woodman' Harb, while others say that a knight holding a Valyrian steel sword cut off one of its wings, and a crossbowman shot it through. Eyes, and then the mob swarmed it and killed it. Others say that the 'shepherd' summoned the 'warrior', one of the seven gods, and cut off the dragon's head with a divine sword condensed from black mist."

As Sarah Tully walked, she explained the terrible battle that year, and kept peeking at the prince beside her from the corner of her eye.

Today is Bruce's last day in King's Landing. Tomorrow she will follow the son of the Sea King back to Braavos to complete the engagement.

 So, taking this opportunity, Sara personally took her fiancé to visit the major attractions in King's Landing.

The Dragon's Den is naturally a place not to be missed. Although it has been damaged and the dragons of the Caesar family are not placed here today, no matter what, this ruin still has an important influence in the hearts of dragon admirers.

“Where are the dragons of Caesar’s family now?” Bruce asked.

"On a peak north of King's Landing, people go to deliver meat to them every day." Sarah said, "Cleopatra followed your Majesty to the Great Wall, so now there are only three dragons of Queen Daenerys there, and Viserion was also seriously injured and has been unable to fly. The queen invited many bachelors and doctors to come. Although the injuries were cured, the golden dragon is still sluggish... Alas, I don't know if it can recover..."

“Don’t His Highness Prince Octavian also have a red dragon?”

“The dragon is still very young and is now kept in the Red Castle. It is inseparable from His Highness the Prince every day. Everyone says that the Prince is destined to become the rider of Yaoyang in the future. Oh, Yaoyang is the name of the red dragon, and His Majesty gave it to him personally..."

Sarah told everything she knew without any thought.

Bruce listened patiently, asked a few questions from time to time, and soon understood the situation of the Caesar family dragon.

Sarah was about to say something when she suddenly heard the howling wind above her head.

 She raised her head and saw a shadow appearing over the dragon's lair, blocking the sunlight.

"It's Drogon and Rhaegal." Bruce immediately recognized the two giant dragons flying high in the sky.

 “Yeah! There’s another one behind us!” Sarah shouted.

"Is that Viserion?" Bruce looked at the last golden dragon in surprise, "Can it fly?"

“It’s really Viserion!” Sara waved her arms excitedly, “Seven Gods bless him, he’s fine! Great! He’s healed!”

"Not necessarily..." Bruce found that the golden dragon seemed to fly very slowly and unsteadily, "Viserion doesn't seem to be doing well..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the golden dragon coming from the north spinning precariously in the air, and then suddenly rushed towards the dragon's lair.

 “Get out of the way!” Bruce saw that the situation was not good and quickly knocked down Sarah next to him.

Sarah was completely frightened at this moment. She only felt the world spinning, the gravel under her feet was shaking, and the furnace-like hot wind swept along with the rich smell of blood, which was almost suffocating.


Looking at Viserion who was struggling on the ground and screaming continuously, Sara asked fearfully:

 “It, what’s wrong with it?”

“It seems to be in pain.” Bruce helped Sara up and carefully stepped back to avoid being affected by the dragon’s movements.

“It seemed to be crawling south.” Sarah suddenly came to her senses. “It probably wanted to go to the Red Castle, but it was too seriously injured and fell into the dragon’s lair halfway.”

Bruce looked up to the south and saw that Drogon and Rhaegal were indeed flying towards the Red Keep.

 Neither of these two guys seemed to notice that their brother had fallen.

Sarah became confused:

“Why did these three dragons suddenly fly to the Red Keep? Are they looking for Queen Daenerys?”

 Bruce did not speak, but carefully led Sara aside to avoid the golden dragon's crawling path.

 “We should call for help.”

"Hmm." Sara was about to leave with her fiancé, but her expression suddenly changed, and she pointed at Viserion's lower abdomen and said, "Look, something seems to be coming out there!"

Bruce then noticed that liquid was constantly dripping from the lower abdomen of the golden dragon. It was extremely hot and turned into steam as soon as it touched the ground.

Moreover, there seems to be an egg-shaped thing coming out.

 “It’s probably laying eggs!” Bruce’s eyes flashed.

 “Laying eggs?” Sarah exclaimed, “Dragon eggs?”

"Yes." Bruce stopped and stared at the dragon's lower abdomen.

Viserion noticed the two humans next to him and let out a roar to demonstrate, but the sound was weak, which exposed his own weakness.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s still seriously injured or because it consumes too much energy laying eggs.

“Sarah,” Bruce said, “go get someone to help. I’m here to watch Viserion.”

"Oh well!"

Sarah had no doubt that he was there, and quickly left the ruins of the dragon's lair, met the accompanying guards at the bottom of Rhaenys Hills, and rode towards the Red Keep.

 “What? Queen Daenerys is in labor too?”

 When she arrived at the Red Keep, she received another unexpected news.

"Also?" The captain of the guard noticed the wording in the princess's words, "Who else has begun to give birth?"

 “Viserion!” Sarah said.

 “That golden dragon?”

"Yes, inform quickly..." Sarah also knew that it was not good to disturb Queen Daenerys at this time, "Inform Queen Margaery! I will go find my father."

 “Okay, Your Highness.”

By the time Sara found Lord Randyll Tarly in the Hand's Tower, he was convening a royal meeting to discuss arrangements for Queen Daenerys's delivery.

  After learning that Viserion actually laid eggs at the same time, several ministers were a little confused.

 Earl Lucas Dane was the first to react and said with a smile:

“The last time Queen Margaery gave birth, Cleopatra also laid a dragon egg, so it’s not surprising that Viserion and Queen Daenerys gave birth at the same time.”

Earl Landau stood up and said:

“Grand Maester Qyburn and I are going to the Dragon’s Lair, and I will ask you to look after the Queen.”

 Everyone naturally said yes.

"Lord Randyll, let me go to the dragon's lair with you." Tyrion Lannister rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "You also know that I am very interested in the reproduction of dragons."

Earl Landau nodded and strode out without saying anything else.

 The group of people rushed from the Red Keep to Rhaenys Hills.

 But when they came to the ruins of the dragon's lair, they only saw the dying golden dragon lying on the ground.

 “Where’s Bruce Antalion?”

 “He, he was still here just now...” Sarah looked around in confusion.

 Grand Maester Coburn came to the golden dragon to check on its condition.

Tyrion also approached cautiously and asked:

 “Is this dragon finished laying eggs?”

  Coburn checked it, turned around and said:

 “Should have laid a dragon egg.”

 “Then why didn’t you see the dragon egg?” Sarah hadn’t reacted yet.

 But Earl Landau immediately turned around and ordered to the accompanying attendants:

“Notify the city garrison immediately, and immediately close the seven gates of King’s Landing, and everyone is strictly prohibited from going out! Then notify Baron Gavin Mander, and tell him that Bruce Antalion and a dragon egg have disappeared at the same time.”


Seeing her father's serious look, Sarah finally reacted and her face suddenly turned pale:

 “No, it won’t…Bruce…he won’t steal the dragon egg…”

Earl Landau sighed secretly, patted his daughter on the shoulder and said:

 “Not everyone can withstand such temptation. But it’s not your fault.”

 Sarah had tears in her eyes.

Tyrion leaned over unsteadily and said:

“I don’t think it was Bruce who did this.”

 Sarah’s face suddenly regained its luster:

 “Lord Tyrion, why do you say that?”

"Dragon eggs are indeed very tempting," Tyrion explained, "but they may not be worth the risk that Bruce Antalion takes to steal. You know, Aquaman's position in Braavos is now unstable, and he needs us. help. There is no reason to offend the Caesar family at this critical moment.

 In my opinion, a dragon egg that has not yet hatched is not as good as the title of King of the Sea.

  Not to mention that in doing so, he had to prepare himself for the wrath of Caesar. "

Earl Landau nodded slightly and asked:

“Then who do you think stole the dragon egg?”

“And he kidnapped Bruce!” Sara added. The girl who was in love had already identified her lover as a victim in her heart.

"It's hard to say." Tyrion shrugged, "Miss Sarah, was there anyone else in the dragon's lair at that time?"

"No." Sarah shook her head. "It was just me and Bruce. Then I went to the Red Keep to deliver the message, and he stayed alone to look after Viserion. Could it be that someone else came to the Dragon's Den later?"

Archmaester Qyburn said: "The dragon's lair has been abandoned for nearly a century since the death of the last dragon of the Targaryen family. There are no guards. It would be difficult to know who else is coming."

"This depends on Lord Gavin's 'little bird'." Tyrion said, "I hope he will not be worse than Varys's dead spider."

Earl Landau did not answer these words, but looked at the grand maester and asked:

 “Lord Qyburn, how is Viserion?”

“It is very weak.” Qburn said. “It was originally injured, but now it has laid dragon eggs... However, the dragon’s vitality has always been tenacious. I believe it can survive it.”

"Okay." Lord Randyll ordered, "I will take some people here to look after Viserion. Let's go back to the Red Keep first."

Hearing this, Sara became anxious: "Father, what should I do with Bruce?"

Tyrion said leisurely:

“Miss Sarah, don’t worry, the whole King’s Landing is looking for your fiancé and the dragon egg. If the person who kidnapped him hasn’t hatched the dragon and flew away, we will find it sooner or later.”

Sarah nodded silently and followed her father out of the dragon's lair with a heavy heart.

The group of people returned to the Red Castle and found that it had become a sea of ​​joy.

 Drogon and Rhaegal circled and flew in the sky, making brisk neighing sounds from time to time.

Servants ran around the castle shouting and spreading the good news:

 “Her Majesty Queen Daenerys has given birth to a princess!”

 “Her Majesty Queen Daenerys has given birth to a princess!”


Tyrion whistled softly and said:

“I wonder if this little princess will burst into tears when she learns that her dragon egg has been stolen.”

Lord Randyll had long been accustomed to the Lannister dwarf's poor talk. He pretended not to hear what he said and strode towards Maegor's Tower.

As soon as they entered the queen's palace, Margaery came up to her and asked:

“Lord Landao, I just heard that something happened at the Dragon Lair?”

“Yes.” Lord Landau nodded and told the story about how Viserion might have laid a dragon egg, but it was stolen.

Of course, Bruce Antalion, the son of the Sea King from Braavos, was also mentioned.

  But it did not directly say that this person stole the dragon egg.

“I have ordered King’s Landing to be sealed off and informed Lord Gavin to investigate. There should be results soon.”

"Okay." Margaery nodded, seeming to understand something, "Release the raven and inform His Majesty Caesar about this. Of course, don't forget to tell him that Daenerys gave birth to a daughter for him. I’m waiting for him to come up with a name.”


 (End of this chapter)


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