Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 481: Order armed

  Chapter 481 Armed Forces of the Order

  Samwell looked at the archbishop in rough clothes in front of him, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually widened:

   "Master Archbishop, why are you dressed like this? Where's your crystal crown and gold silk gown?"

"It's all sold," said the archbishop. "The poor people are still hungry. I have no right to wear gold and crystals on my head, so I sold them. I also sold other crowns and rings in the storeroom. , tapestry, and all the finery."

   "It can be seen." Samwell glanced at a group of archbishops who were also dressed in simple clothes, and some thoughts turned in his mind.

   "The Seven Gods created sheep, and the wool is enough to keep humans warm." The Archbishop said, "Your Majesty, what are you doing in the Cathedral of Baylor this time?"

   "I want to pray to the gods." Sam Will said.

   "Follow me, please." The archbishop handed over the brush in his hand to the archbishops, and then led Samwell through the double wooden doors to the main hall.

  The sound of footsteps echoed on the marble floor, colorful lights slanted in from the glass windows, and countless dust danced in the light beams.

  The hall was filled with the smell of incense, and the candles in front of the seven altars shone like sparks.

  Samwell came to the statue of the Father, knelt down and bowed his head in prayer.

  The seven white knights also knelt behind him, and only the archbishop stood.

  After the prayer, Samwell stood up again, and saw that the archbishop looked at him with a softer gaze.

   "Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, you have not yet accepted the coronation."

  Samwell pointed to the ruby ​​tile-steel crown above his head:

   "When I was on Blood Reef Island, I put on this crown for myself, so naturally I don't need others to crown me."

   "At that time, you were the Storm King, but if you want to become the king of the Seven Kingdoms, I'm afraid you need the approval of the Seven Gods."

  Samwell smiled slightly and said;

   "Did Aegon the Conqueror be crowned by the Archbishop in Oldtown? No, he didn't. His crown came from the sword in his hand, the dragon at his feet, and the army behind him. Not the gods."

  The archbishop's face darkened again:

   "Your Majesty, what you said is disrespectful to God."

   "I admire the Seven Gods." Sam Wells said, "The Conquistador accepted the Archbishop to personally apply the Seven Holy Oils on his forehead. Three hundred years later, I can do the same. This is my concession."

  The archbishop was silent for a moment, and said:

   "I can anoint you with holy oil, Your Majesty. However, you need to repay the Iron Throne's debt to the church first."

  Samwell frowned: "How many?"

   "About 900,000 golden dragons. And interest..."

   "Is that a debt owed by Robert Baratheon?"


   "Then you are looking for the wrong person. It is time to go to the Baratheon family to ask for the debt."

   "You don't want me to ask Tommen for money, do you?"

   "There's still a Stannis on the Great Wall, let's find him."

  The archbishop shook his head: "Your Majesty, you don't have to joke with me. This is a debt owed by the Iron Throne. Now that you are sitting on the Iron Throne, you should pay it back. Otherwise..."

   "Otherwise what?" Samwell's tone also cooled down.

  The archbishop pointed to the direction of the gate:

"Your Majesty, when you came, you also saw those people outside the church. Believe me, there are countless poor people like them in the Seven Kingdoms. You nobles are playing the game of power and constantly waging wars. But let the people shed blood..."

   "They will not bleed anymore." Samwell interrupted, "The civil war is over, and I will settle them."

   "But your army is still not disbanded."

   "That's another war."

   "Yeah, endless war." The Archbishop said, "Blood that can't be shed. It's not you who bleed anyway, right?"

"I have shed more blood than you can imagine." Samwell said, "And the war I am preparing is not for power. Without the protection of my army, your people will not just shed blood. Winter And the long night will sweep over Westeros and take all life. Hasn't your **** told you this?"

  The archbishop's eyes flashed:

   "Your Majesty, if this is the case, then the poor need more power to protect themselves."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"What I want to say is that when winter comes, the church needs more warriors wielding shining swords to fight against the evil in the long night. If Your Majesty can allow me to rebuild the ancient Knights of the Holy Sword and Knights of the Stars, Then I will absolve the debt of the Iron Throne, and anoint you true Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.

  Under the gaze of the Seven Gods, I will anoint you with holy anointing oil! "

   Sure enough. Samwell pouted secretly.

  The High Sparrow finally revealed his true purpose.

  The so-called Knights of the Holy Sword and Knights of the Stars are both former religious orders.

  The Knights of the Holy Sword, also known as the Sons of Warriors, is composed of knights who voluntarily gave up their land and titles. Also known as the Gathering of the Poor, the Knights of the Stars are made up of lowly plebeians.

  The common feature of the members of these two military organizations is that they are extremely fanatical about the belief in the Seven Gods, and they swear allegiance to the Archbishop.

  The armed forces of the religious order in history have caused great troubles to the nobles and the royal family, and they are also a big killer used by the Church of the Seven Gods to suppress the nobles.

But Maegor I Targaryen set off a war between the royal family and the church. The king suppressed the church's armed forces with **** and cruel methods, and set a golden dragon for the head of each warrior's son and the scalp of each poor assembly member. And a reward for a silver deer.

   Although the religious order was indeed banned by the royal family in the end, Maegor did not win the war.

  He only got the name of "cruel", and the fate of betrayal, and finally died on the Iron Throne.

  It can be said that without the Knights of the Holy Sword and the Knights of the Stars, the Church of the Seven Gods would be a toothless tiger.

   But if there is...

  The smile on Samwell's face grew brighter.

  The archbishop thought that the king agreed to his proposal.

   But Ser Barristan, who had been with the king these days, knew that when Caesar smiled like that, something bad happened to someone.


  Hearing that the king agreed with his plan, the archbishop couldn't hide his joy, and his old face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile:

"Blessed by the seven gods. The rebirth of the armed forces of the sect has answered our three hundred years of prayers day and night. Your Majesty, you are indeed the true king blessed by the gods! I will bathe and fast, and pray in the church for seven days and seven nights , and anoint you with my own hands..."

   "No, you fast overnight and anoint me tomorrow morning." Samwell had no time to waste on such boring rituals.

  The archbishop frowned, but nodded under the king's firm gaze:

   "Okay, do as you say."

   Subsequently, the archbishop personally sent the king and his party out of the Baylor Cathedral.

  When walking down the hills of Visenia, Sir Brynden Tully couldn't help but said:

   "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not a good idea for you to restart the religious order's armed forces at this time."

  Samwell looked back at the white knight, smiled and asked:

   "Give a child a sharp sword, what will happen?"

   Brynden thought thoughtfully:

   "Cut yourself?"

  Samwell smiled, did not continue this question, and instead said:

   "Get Gavin Mander to meet me."



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