Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 26: arrange

  Chapter 26 arrangement

   "How many people are there in the tribe?"

  In the wooden house in the center of the camp, Samwell, sitting at the top, asked.

  Below him, the new patriarch, wizard, and elders of the Huya tribe gathered.

   "My lord, there are still more than 2,300 people in the tribe, but most of them are women, the elderly and children."

  Samwell, of course, heard what Cheeman meant, and asked:

   "Lack of food?"

   "There is enough food now, but due to the lack of young and strong, the prey harvested in the future should be greatly reduced... It is estimated that there will be a shortage of food in a short time."

  Samwell rubbed the back of the chair, of course he knew in his heart that most of the young and strong members of the Huya tribe had either died in battle on Yingzui Island, or they had become their own captives.

  Of course he didn't want to release these captives, after all, they had to rely on them to build the territory.

  However, these women, children, and children of the Huya tribe cannot be ignored.

  Whether it is out of humanitarianism or to buy people's hearts from a utilitarian perspective, Samwell must settle these people well.

   It's just that it's really difficult to support so many people with the money and food in his hands.

  But Samwell wasn't too worried.

   After all, we have just won such a big battle. Is it too much to use this to increase investment with investors?

  Samwell asked himself that compared to those entrepreneurs who dare to ask for money just with a ppt, he is already a rare honest person.

   After pondering for a while, Samwell said:

"Qiman, please count the number of unattended elderly people over sixty years old and children under ten years old in the camp. In addition, count the disabled, sick and other people who cannot take care of themselves. I will build a The orphanage takes care of these people in a unified way. Of course, entering the orphanage is voluntary, and if someone at home takes care of them, you don't have to go."

   "You are such a merciful lord!"

   Qiman and a group of clan elders bowed their heads and said sincerely.

   Samwell continued:

"As for the women in the camp, if they wish, they can marry my unwed warriors, and for every tribal woman who marries to Yingzui Island, I will give a silver stag as a reward for newlyweds. Congratulations."

   "Thank you, Lord Caesar!" Qiman bowed again, "It is the greatest honor for a Huya tribe woman to be able to marry those powerful warriors under your command!"

   "Since you have become my subjects, you should stop using the Huya tribe's name. From now on, this place will be called Huya Village, Qiman, I appoint you as the village head, and be responsible for managing this village for me."

  Cheman hurriedly walked up to Samwell, knelt down respectfully and saluted:

"It's my pleasure."

  Samwell lifted it up and said:

   "Considering that Huya Village has just experienced a war, I will exempt you from taxes for three months. However, if a war breaks out, Huya Village must respond to my call."

   "Yes, my lord, it is our honor to fight for you!"

   "Cheman, you write letters to other nearby savage tribes on my behalf, telling their leaders that I am also willing to accept them as my subjects, and the treatment is the same as that of the former Huya tribe."

   "Yes, my lord."

In fact, Samwell didn't have much hope for other savage tribes to take refuge in. The Huya tribe was because of the existence of Qiman, the leading party, and the leaders of the other tribes would definitely not want to have multiple lords on their heads and pay an extra fee. share tax.

  However, the posture still needs to be shown first.

   In the future, these savage tribes can be slowly conquered, but the most urgent task is to digest the Huya tribe first.

  Subsequently, Samwell made an appearance of being close to the people, and consulted the opinions of the elders present.

  These clan elders are also sensible people, so of course they dare not take the opportunity to raise excessive opinions, lest they offend the lord, so they only raise some trivial opinions.

   In order to show his benevolent side, Samwell also fulfilled their little requests.

  Only the opinions raised by the tribal wizard Saru made Samwell frown.

  Originally, the Huya tribe believed in the so-called "God of the Mountain". Now that they have become the leader of Samwell, Saru wanted to know whether all the tribesmen should convert to the Seven Gods.

   Of course, Samwell knows that faith must be treated with caution, otherwise it will easily cause turmoil.

  The savage tribes living in the Crimson Mountains actually have different beliefs. Some believe in the seven gods, some believe in the old gods, and some believe in other messy gods, such as the "God of the Mountain" of the Huya tribe.

  If they are forcibly converted to the Seven Gods, not only Huya Village is prone to problems, but other savage tribes may also be more resistant to Samwell after hearing about it.

  But in the continent of Westeros, except for the northern border, the Church of the Seven Gods is the official religion. If they learn that the people under Samwell believe in all kinds of messy gods, they will probably send someone to question them.

  Samwell pondered for a moment, and said:

   "My subjects have the right to freedom of belief. If they are willing to convert, the Seven Gods will naturally open their arms to them. If they are not willing, they can still retain their original beliefs."

  After considering the pros and cons, Samwell finally decided not to go to the Church of the Bird Seven Gods.

  After all, increasing one's own strength is the top priority, and he certainly doesn't want to push the savages in the mountains to his opposite because of belief issues.

  As for the accusation of the Church of the Seven Gods... To put it bluntly, how many teachers does it have?

  After the former religious group was forcibly disbanded by Maegor I, the Church of the Seven Gods has lost the ability to interfere with the lord's affairs by force.

  If you just send monks to be held accountable, Samwell has plenty of ways to deal with it.

  Anyway, try to delay as much as possible, and when he has enough strength, he will naturally have the confidence to bargain with the Church of the Seven Gods.

   Just like the nobles in the northern border, don’t they still stubbornly believe in the old gods, does the Church of the Seven Gods dare to send people to burn the weirwood in their homes?

   "You are truly a benevolent lord!" the wizard Saru said respectfully.

   Just when Samwell thought the other party was done, Saru actually said again:

   "My lord, can I recommend a young man to be your attendant?"

  Samwell frowned again, a little displeased in his heart, feeling that the old man in front of him was a little ignorant, and he actually wanted to squeeze people around him.

   Seeing that Samwell had misunderstood himself, Saru quickly added:

   "My lord, he is a descendant of the tribe's chief. If you can accept him as a servant, it will be the glory of everyone in the Huya tribe."

   "The heir of the old patriarch?" Samwell looked at Cheeman, "Do you have other brothers?"

   Before Cheeman could speak, Saru explained:

   "No, I mean the grandson of the old patriarch, Katu."

  Samwell understood in an instant, and looked at Saru with a very playful look: "Is he the son of Cheka or Chimu?"

   "The son of the Cheka, my lord."

   "Bring it here and let me have a look."

   Saru walked out of the wooden house, found a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, took his hand and said:

   "Katu, you will become the lord's attendant. From now on, you will lead the horse, hold the gun, clean the armor, and obey all his orders. Do you understand?"

  Katu couldn’t help shaking his head, and said in a muffled voice:

   "But I don't want to be his servant, he killed my father!"

   "He killed your father on the battlefield. In an aboveboard manner, you shouldn't hate him for this. Instead, you should learn from his bravery. Moreover, if you continue to stay here, I'm afraid you will die without knowing why."


   "Do you know how your grandpa died?"

   "Didn't grandpa die of illness?"

   "No, he was smothered to death by Chiman!"

  Katu opened his mouth wide, obviously shocked by the news.

   Immediately, he shouted: "Then why didn't you tell everyone?"

   Saru put his index finger in front of his lips, beckoning the other party to keep his voice down, and said helplessly:

   "Even if I tell the truth, how many people will believe it? This will only cause the Huya tribe to fall into greater turmoil."

   Afterwards, Saru didn't say any more, took Katu's hand and returned to the wooden house.

   "My lord, he is Kato."

  Seeing Katu standing there blankly in a daze, Saru quietly pushed his back.

  Catu secretly glanced at his uncle Qiman, then quickly looked away, then stepped forward and knelt in front of Samwell, saying:

   "My lord, please allow me to be your attendant."

  Samwell looked at Cheeman, but saw that the other party was looking at the ground expressionlessly, as if he didn't care about what was happening in front of him.


  (end of this chapter)


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