Game of the Monarch

Chapter 81: Ghost Special Corps (1)

Chapter 81: Ghost Special Corps (1)

“What happened? We want the details.”

The command staff asked the messenger for the sequence of events.

The messenger paced his breathing and explained composedly.

“The enemy raided a position where we were managing our supplies, but they were successfully repelled with minimal damage. Afterwards, Sir Gayle pursued the withdrawing enemy.

“Pursued? We have prohibited overextensions through military decree, have we not?”

“Yes. However, Sir Gayle made an assessment as the on-site commander that he could commence a chase with his order of knights.”

“He overextended then. And what was the outcome?”

“They encountered enemies that were lying in ambush and entered battle. In the midst of battle however, Sir Gayle says he caught sight of enemies that were wearing the black, skull-shaped helmets, as well as Siegfried who is designated as a high-priority target.”

Duke Brans rose from his seat and shouted.

“Where are they located?!”

“They are deep within the forest located southeast of our encampments.”

“The southeast? Is that not in the direction we marched from?”

“You cannot possibly be suggesting that they have been observing our movements until now from the rear…?”

“Is that how they were able to so accurately grasp our openings? Such an audacious plan…”

The commanders exclaimed in surprise.

They had committed to performing extensive reconnaissance in order to find the enemy’s main encampment. Of course, proceeding with recon in a mountainous region – with the Hildess Republic as their opponent – was not an easy task.

Whenever a recon unit was dispatched, less than half the unit would return alive. Nevertheless, they shouldered the sacrifices and pushed ahead with their scouting to find the enemy’s camp no matter the cost.

… and now, it was clear that it was all in vain.

After their very first encounter, the enemy had scattered towards the direction from which the Strabus army had advanced from. In other words, they had set up in the rear and were carrying out their guerilla operations from there.

It was a frighteningly bold and elaborate plan. Subsequently, no recon unit they operated could find them.

Now, however…

“Ready the army at once. No – until then, I shall go first. All knights and other men who are with me at present, follow my lead.”

Now that they had discovered the enemy’s position, they could hammer down with a full-fledged attack.

As Duke Brans made haste, one of the commanders alarmedly halted the Duke.

“Your Grace, this is dangerous. We have no more than 3,000 men present with us at this camp. There lies a significant risk in attacking the enemy’s main site with a force of this size.”

But the Duke did not listen.

“3000 men will be enough. Besides, the enemy would have dispersed their troops to wage their guerilla war.”

“That may be so, but…”

“If the bastards relocate their camp and conceal themselves again as we speak, we are finished. Move it!”

Duke Brans shoved his commander to the side with a bellow and exited the tent.

Until now, he had calmly followed his commanders’ opinions as there was no clear course of action. However, he now intended to wage this war his way with the enemy’s position finally discovered.

“All knights, with me!”


Duke Brans sprung into action, personally leading the troops.


When the Duke arrived on the scene, their troops were still engaged in brutal combat with the enemy.

“There’s Siegfried!”

“Catch him! Getting him will be the greatest accomplishment of this war!”

All the soldiers and knights were reinvigorated when they saw Siegfried. 

War was, in some respects, a shot at success and climbing the status ladder in the Strabus Kingdom. In particular, if an individual designated as a high-priority target by the kingdom was captured or killed, the one responsible received an enormous reward regardless of their societal rank.

In fact, there had been occasions where the lowliest of soldiers would kill such a target and receive a noble title. One of the distinct features of Strabus Kingdom culture was that rewards were given for distinguished services regardless of one’s rank or status. The only exception were foreigners, such as Milton who had been stationed on the Western Front.

Only, while such opportunities to advance in society instilled courage in the soldiers, it also had the effect of disorganizing their formations. The battle lines fell into disarray as rogue soldiers sensed a chance at glory and dashed out, nullifying their strength in numbers.

These soldiers could not come close to Siegfried, and were one-sidedly cut down by the Black Skulls that were protecting his position.

‘None can do.’

Quickly discerning the present situation, Duke Brans thundered as he personally galloped forward.

“Pull the troops back! They distract me!”

The moment the on-site knights heard the Duke’s voice, their morale surged forth.

“His Grace has arrived!”

“All men, make way! Do not obstruct the Duke!”

Knowing Duke Brans’ combat style, the knights looked out for their soldiers without being told to do so.

In more normal times, the Duke was an ordinary man who was not particularly considerate but not harsh either.

However, whenever he flipped the switch and entered battle mode, he metamorphized into a completely different man.


Duke Brans galloped forward with a wild roar.


No one lingered around his path as he swung his sword all over the place. His thunderous charge, with no room to discriminate between friend or foe, could not even be stopped by the resilient Black Skulls.


The defensive lines of the Black Skulls collapsed as they were unable to withstand his attack.

“Follow the Duke!”

“Exterminate these Republican dogs!”

This was the greatest reason that Masters were so valued on the battlefield.

No ordinary soldier could impede a Master that was wreaking havoc in combat. Of course, even a Master could be felled if there was the time and resources to surround them for sufficiently long. 

However, this would only work if the enemy solely consisted of one Master. Who would stand still and watch as an enemy’s formation was destroyed?

“Die, you dogs of the Republic!”

“We will slaughter you all!”

With wrathful vengeance, the Strabus Kingdom’s knights and soldiers ruggedly collided with the enemy. While the Black Skulls were individually strong, they could not possibly stop their enemy’s offensive after their formation had collapsed.


Eventually, Siegfried issued his order of withdrawal. His special forces unit escorted him and they began drawing back at once.

“Pursue them! We absolutely mustn’t let them get away!”

Of course, Duke Brans had no intentions of allowing them to go scot-free.

However, the enemy’s retreat was exceedingly fast and well-organized. Even as they scattered in all sorts of directions, the promptness and smoothness with which they retreated was almost as if they had organized their groups beforehand. It seemed it would be difficult to cause significant damage.

‘This cannot be. We barely caught onto them…’

Forgetting everything else, Siegfried at the very least had to be eliminated at all costs.

The reason that the Strabus Kingdom’s Duke became involved in the strife of a small nation such as the Lester Kingdom in the first place was because of Siegfried. Due to the designs arising from his mind, they lost their chance to destroy the Hildess Republic once and for all.

Not only that, but the expedition troops were devastated and the Republicans broke through the Northern Front to trample over their national lands.

Siegfried was rightfully designated by the Strabus Kingdom as their number one priority target, and this was when he was yet to fully bloom his reputation in the Republic.

Then how much of a threat would he become if he were to assume the reins of real power?

‘He will be captured here without fail.’ 

Duke Brans decided to overextend himself just a little in order to catch Siegfried.

“All knights, follow my lead! We shall pursue the enemy.”


Duke Brans and the knights started to give chase.

At that moment, Duke Brans did consider that this could be the enemy’s attempt at luring him in. 

However, he believed that he could break through any trap they could have set and continued to spur his horse forth. 


“Sir Siegfried, the enemy is hot on our tail.”

Siegfried listened to his subordinate’s report even as he sped his horse.

“Is Duke Brans with them?”

“Yes, he is.”

“And how are their forces?”

“40 men are assumed to be knights, accompanied by a cavalry force of what looks to be 1000 horsemen.”

“Then there would likely be infantrymen as well, though they would be lagging behind.”

Siegfried ran some quick calculations as he galloped on.

“We can catch him. Lure him into the designated point.”

“Yes, sir!”


Duke Brans slowly closed the distance with the enemy he was chasing.

A pursuit situation such as this was advantageous for them. This was because the Hildess Republic’s cavalry were, in fact, famously awful.

As most of their lands were covered by mountains, the topography did not lend itself to operating a cavalry unit and they were few and far between. Thus while the Hildess Republic’s mountaineers were known for their high standards, their mounted troops were rather the converse.

With both the quality of their horses and riding skills being inferior to the Strabus cavalry, the distance between them was surely but slowly closing.

And when the distance between them finally closed…

“Turn the tables!”

They stopped fleeing, and turned around to charge at their pursuers instead.

“So they come.”

Duke Brans was ready, having anticipated that something like this would happen.

The enemy was few in number anyhow. At most, they likely had somewhere around the range of 300 horsemen. While the Black Skulls were elite soldiers, Brans was not intimidated when he was accompanied by his own elite unit.

‘Nothing but a meaningless struggle.’

Duke Brans was sure of his victory.

But it was then…


Something completely unbelievable happened.

At Siegfried’s signal, a vivid aura started spewing from the enemy’s weapons.

Not just one or two, but all 300 soldiers without fail.


“It-it cannot be!”

All were bewildered at this sudden spectacle of 300 Experts. Regardless of whether they were bewildered or not, the 300 Experts came thundering towards them.



The brutal sounds and screams of destruction emanated from everywhere, as this black tide enveloped the sandcastle that was the Strabus detachment.

While Siegfried’s Ghosts were inferior in number, they were the ones that perfectly dominated and trampled over their enemy.

“What… what is this…”

Duke Brans was shocked senseless. 

A special unit that was all Experts?

Such a thing had been unheard of.

Duke Bran fought against the coming tide and even felled a few Ghosts himself, but that was not enough to reverse this situation.

Even if he himself was able to withstand the attack, Experts were a calamity for regular cavalry and knights who had not reached the Expert level.

And there were 300 of them…

‘This just isn’t something that could happen. Unless they gathered every single Expert in the Hildess Republic to this one spot, how could…’

Deep in shock, Duke Brans could not command an adequate response – and Siegfried was not going to wait for him to regain his bearings.


A deadly swing came slicing through the air towards him. Duke Brans reflexively raised his sword to block it.


After their clash, his opponent used his attack’s recoil to bounce back quickly.


Duke Brans clenched his teeth as his entire lower arm was numbed by the impact.

‘He’s strong.’

He looked at his enemy with a grave expression.

“Who may you be?”

It was the titan of a man who had been together with Siegfried.

“I go by the name of Jake, Captain of the Ghost Special Corps.”

“Ghost? Might you be the captain of these skulls?”

“That is so.”

As they conversed, Duke Brans scrupulously observed his adversary.

And while he did not let it show on the outside, he was greatly surprised.

He had an idea after they exchanged blows, but he did not want to accept the truth.

‘This man… surely he’s not a…?’

“Indeed he is a Master.”

The one who confirmed Duke Brans’ fears was Siegfried, who came up from behind Jake with a cool expression.

“No… I won’t believe such a lie-”




With one word, a blade made of aura was brought to life around Jake’s colossal sword.

Duke Brans watched the colorful aura blade, the symbolic technique of Masters, in sheer disbelief.

Siegfried smiled.

“As you can see, he is a Master as you are.”

Duke Brans ground his teeth.


“It is an honor that you know of my name, Duke Derek Brans.”

Duke Brans was simmering.

“Were you always hiding this trump card up your sleeve? A special unit consisting only of Experts, with a Master that has been hidden from the world until now?”

“We have laboriously prepared to hunt the titan that is a man such as yourself. Quite alright if I do say so myself, would you not agree?”

“Hmph. This far exceeds ‘quite alright’. Did you fear me so much that you prepared to this extent?”

“It is due to my rather cautious nature.”

In the short time that they conversed, the rest of the scene had already been settled.

Almost all the soldiers that accompanied Duke Brans on his pursuit had fallen to the blade of a Ghost. Some of the knights were still doggedly fighting back, but they too were only a matter of time.


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