Chapter 6 06 - End Of Demo

While Gabe was watching players through the creator's eyes, Amoura was continuing through more of the game's story.

At that moment, she had already arrived at Luiza's house and was watching the conversation that the other characters were having with each other, quite shocked by what she was seeing.

In front of her, a woman named Luiza was arguing with a drunk man who was cursing at another woman named Roxana.

The content of the discussion was not something that surprised Amoura, since this was the kind of concern and insecurity that she imagined people would have when they saw their home and their lives being destroyed by such powerful and unknown monsters. But what truly shocked her was how interesting the story was that was unfolding. She wanted to know what had happened to each of these people; she wanted to know how each one got there, even to know all of their names - something she'd never cared about in any game she'd played before.

Unlike other games, where she just kept firing a gun non-stop, with a repetitive and tedious task, in RD: Village she was feeling very intrigued and curious about the story that this Developer had made! He didn't need to make a story like this with the quality of the map and the monsters he made; that alone would have been enough for the game to be a success.

But even so, this young student of game development decided to make an interesting story so players wouldn't feel bad while playing, which greatly improved the impression she had of whoever made this game. Even though the game was very scary, if she didn't like it, she wouldn't even be playing it anymore, as she wouldn't waste her mana on a pointless and boring game.

Listening to the group of humans just chanting a macabre prayer inside Luiza's house, Amoura felt that it was very familiar.

"This chant, I've heard something like this before… There was that lady near the cemetery…" Amoura said in a low voice.

But what she said was overheard by an elderly man in the house. "You mean that old woman? She's fucked up in the head!"

"But there is wisdom in her devotion! I hope it serves to protect her, as it will protect us," Luiza added.

But as soon as Luiza said that, the old man started laughing strangely.

"Hahahaha!" At the man's laugh, he began to squirm. His head hit the table and started knocking everything over.

The other people were scared and tried to help.

"What the fuck are you doing?" The drunk man shouted angrily.

"What's going on, Leonardo? Are you okay?" Luiza asked worriedly as she approached to help.

But when she got close to him, the man screamed "Aaarrrghhh!" as he got up with a knife in his hand and cut Luiza's neck!

Amoura was frozen. She didn't understand what was happening, until old Leonardo came towards her and she saw Leonardo's face was corroding, as if the skin was dying faster every second. Blood seeped from between his teeth, and his formerly white skin was now turning blue.

"He's turning into a zombie!" Amoura soon understood, but Leonardo was closing in on her quickly.

"Okay What do we do?"

Amoura heard the voice of Elena, a girl she had found in an abandoned house. In that house she had found Elena and Leonardo, who at the time was injured, but she hadn't thought about the origin of Leonardo's injury back then. Now Amoura understood how Leonardo had been injured! He had been infected by a zombie, but had not done any proper treatment!

With a quick thought, Amoura turned towards the door and pushed Elena out.

"Elena, step back!"

"No, let go of me!" Elena wanted to react to Amoura pushing her away, but suddenly screams were heard from the room where they were.

The woman Roxana, whom the drunken man had been cursing at, was about to run away, but Leonardo, or the zombie that Leonardo became, pulled the woman by her feet and began to tear at the woman's skin with large claws that grew from his fingers.

The fabric fell into the fireplace that lit the room, making the fire start to spread throughout the house. Amoura felt her heart racing again, seeing the massacre scene of that man killing all his friends and family because of the virus was something very scary, especially when the man finished biting Roxana's neck and started running towards Amoura.

Out of instinct, Amoura took the pistol that was on her waist and pointed it towards the man, but because of her nervousness, she only landed a couple shots in the chest, which did not stop the zombie from continuing to shamble towards her while screaming.

When the zombie had almost reached her, Amoura heard Elena speak.

"Let him go!" she told the man, who was also apparently the girl's father.

The zombified man started to grab Amoura (who was playing a male character), but as Leonardo didn't want to let go of Amoura, Elena fired, making the zombie fly backwards.

Amoura was shocked and saw a shotgun in Elena's hand, who started to cry.

"Okay It's okay…"

Amoura soon understood that Elena was feeling very bad about killing her own father, and quickly got up to comfort the girl, but they didn't have much time, as the fire was spreading very fast through the house.

Seeing this, Amoura and Elena started looking for a way out.

Unfortunately, all the doors were closed with wooden boards shutting them up to prevent the zombies from getting in, so the two of them were trapped.

Luckily, Amoura found the key to an old pickup truck and decided to try driving this pickup truck around the house, breaking the surrounding walls to open a passage for them.

But the truck was very old, the fire was spreading faster than the truck could handle hitting the walls.

"Let's go up that ladder!" Amoura called out to Elena as she pointed to a rickety wooden ladder.

"Let's go!" Elena answered as she continued to climb with Amoura.

The stairs took them to the attic of the house, which had two windows.

"Look, we just need to get through that window and we can get out!" Amoura said excitedly.

But Elena was quite sad. "But what will happen if we leave? We have nowhere else to hide. Everyone in the village has died, and there are only monsters roaming around…"

Sensing Elena's depressed tone, Amoura replied, "Look, in the window you can see a castle. Let's go to that castle to find shelter,l; it must be safe there!"

Looking at the castle through the window, Elena just shook her head and said in a desperate tone. "No, I'll never go to that place! There's only death and blood there. Nothing good ever came out of that keep. I can't go, but what am I going to do while you're gone?!"

Amoura was about to answer when she heard a noise from below.

"Elena…" A husky, monstrous voice whispered.

Looking down, Amoura could see it was Leonardo, Elena's father, who came crawling up the stairs.

"Father!" Elena said excitedly as she went downstairs to help her father, whom she was seeming to have hoped against hope had recovered his sanity.

"He's not your father anymore, Elena!" Amoura shouted in concern.

"Ethan, go save your daughter…" Elena said while crying, especially when she saw the ladder they had used to get up here start to break as the fire weakened the floorboards beneath it.

Amoura did not accept this and stretched out her hand. "Jump here and hold my hand, Elena! Let's get out of here together!"

But the wood Elena was standing on began to crack even more. Soon, Leonardo fell into the sea of ​​fire that was the underside of the house, and the next second Elena fell too, screaming in agony as she was burned by the fire before hitting the ground below with a thud.

Amoura still had her hand extended downwards, her expression shocked to see that even Elena had died.

"Why is everyone dying…?" she wondered in disbelief. "That… This is too much…"

Trying to put it all aside, Amoura went to the window she had been looking through with Elena and decided to jump out, tears streaming down her face.

Leaving the house, Amoura saw another altar like the one she had seen in the church. Inside was the other stone she needed to open the gate out of the village at Luiza's house, so, with a destination in mind, Amoura ran towards the large gate with the image of an angel and a demon fighting.

But as soon as she opened the gate out of Luiza's house, Amoura saw a man screaming.

"No, Mother Miranda!" He screamed, while a woman held him by the neck and pulled something from inside his chest which looked like a blade.

"What was that thing…?" Amoura wondered in shock, as she held the gun pointed straight ahead, ready for any attack that might come her way.

On the way to the gate, Amoura passed the crazy old woman who was laughing to herself as she said, "Death has visited them all!"

When she finally opened the gate that led out of the village, towards the castle, Amoura looked up at it and said, "It's just some simulated blood and death… right?"

But while she intended to keep walking, Amoura felt that everything around her was turning black.

Startled, Amoura tried to raise her gun to defend herself, but finally calmed down as she saw words appearing in front of her.

"Thanks for playing the Demo version of Residual Devil: Village!" - EA.

Looking at this message, Amoura was surprised. "Is this just a Demo version?! Where is the full version of the game?! I want to keep playing!"

[Damn, I'm still crying over Elena's death, mostly thinking about the things she said about the castle.]

[Yes, I'm dying to know what it is about this castle that makes her so scared, but can't we find out what happened there?]

[Damn, I'm going to download this game to play too!]

[I'm going to download it too, looks like so much fun!]

[I already downloaded it, now just need to play and experience it.]

[Are there things in the village that Amoura didn't find?]

[What game is this? I want to try it too!]

[Was this game made by a college student?]

Most of the comments were from players excited about the game's story or frustrated that they couldn't learn more about it. But there was something in common between all of them: even those players who didn't like to train firearms decided to download the game because they felt that the story was very interesting!

As soon as Amoura finished the game, the amount of viewers on her livestream was over 500 people. Comparing that to the roughly 250 viewers she had when she decided to test Resident Evil, she had managed to more than double her audience!

As for Residual Devill, the amount of Downloads had gone up from 44 to 270 over the course of the broadcast, and it was still going up at a very fast rate!

Gabe was watching the amount of players logging into the game with a big smile on his face.


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