Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 82: Attacked!

Chapter 82: Attacked!

Editor and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish

Fu Yan looked towards the portal and saw the collector's body coming out of it. The light on its head was now blue, which meant that it had completed its mission.

The Collector started to walk towards Fu Yan after coming out of the portal and, when it got near him, Fu Yan noticed something. 

There was a trace of an explosion on its body. Though it did not damage anything, let alone leaving a scratch, still this showed that it was attacked. 

Fu Yan raised his hand and lightly tapped on the collector's head and the chip that he had inserted before popped out. He took the chip and walked towards his seat.

He inserted the chip in a rectangular device and pictures and videos from the Collector's point of view started to appear on the screen. 

He fast-forwarded to the videos where the Collector was attacked and started to watch it. 

On the screen, it showed that the Collector approached the coordinates given to it and landed on the planet. 

The planet was desolated and no greenery could be seen anywhere. Its atmosphere looked like Mars. The only difference was that unlike Mars this planet was covered with endless rolling hills that had a yellow-ish hue to them.

After the Collector landed, it scanned the surroundings and then started to verify the signature of the planet. It took 1 minute to verify the signature and after verifying that it matched, it proceeded to gather the planet's energy.

The Collector raised its left barrel-shaped arm and pointed it towards the surface. The gear turning sound came from the video which showed that the Collector had started to do its work. 

A yellow beam exited from the barrel and landed on the surface, and suddenly dust started to fly, and the whole area around looked as if there was a sand storm. 

The area where the Collector landed was plain and it was surrounded by hills. After a while of the beam pointing at the surface, a white-colored plasma type material started to rise from the area where the beam was focused, and it started to be sucked through the barrel like thing to a back container. 

The reading started to rise and when it was around 31% suddenly the screen shook. It was as if something hit the Collector. The view changed and the Collector looked towards the area on its body where he was hit. Then it shifted its attention towards where the shot had come from.

The camera zoomed in and a bunch of lizard-like beings came into view. Behind them was a huge barrel that was still emitting smoke. Confusion could be seen in these Lizard-like beings as the collector was still standing without any damage after taking a hit from the giant cannon-like object.

The collector raised its other arm and pointed it towards them. The sound of gear turning came and the other hand also transformed itself into a barrel. The collector did not utter any sound, he just fired.

A tiny ball of light exited the barrel and slowly made its way towards the lizards. It looked harmless, and the speed with which it was going made the lizard-like being laugh. They started to laugh and then prepared to fire a second shot at the Collector.

Just as they were about to fire the second shot, the ball of light reached them and suddenly the world in the camera turned dark leaving only one light spot and that was where the light ball had landed.

After a while, the camera focused again and the spot where the ball of light had just landed, nothing could be seen. No mountains, no lizards, not even a flat surface. There was a deep pit there and lava was seeping through the gaps.

The collector then scanned for any presence and, getting no response for any other living things, it turned its attention towards the ground again and started to extract the energy with renewed haste.

Soon the bar reached 42%, it stopped and retracted the barrel back into its arm. 

Then a white light started to shine around it. Fu Yan knew that when he was teleporting back, so he stopped the video there and sighed.

"So this is how the Library punishes those who disobey it and interfere with its business." He knew that Librarians could destroy the galaxies but, since he had never seen it, it felt like it was a story and the power the Library held but now seeing the destructive power of the Library, he knew how powerful it was.

"Well I am the Librarian now and this power belongs to me. Since my property was attacked then I need an answer. But first, let store this energy that has been gathered."

He went towards the back of the collector and pressed on a small screen on there. A small light flashed as it was checking Fu Yan's identity and upon confirmation, white smoke came out from the sides of the container and it unloaded itself from the collectors back.

Fu Yan took the container which was only 10KG to 12KG in weight and started to walk towards the backside of his desk. 

When he got there, he again tapped on a screen and a white light scanned Fu Yan's whole body and after confirmation, the screen turned green.

All these protective measures showed how important this energy was to the Library. Only 2 other people aside from Fu Yan were able to access the energy containers and store them. Anyone else who tried to unload the container from the Collector would regret it for his life if there remained any.

After the light turned to green, a small space opened on the floor large enough to fit the container in it. This energy could be called the life force of the Library. Though there were other sources of energy too but planetary energy the most important and easy to obtain.

The moment Fu Yan placed the container in it, the space closed. Suddenly Fu Yan received a message in his brain that his experience value had increased. 

He swiped on his left hand and a transparent screen popped up showing his status.

Name: Fu Yan (Galactic Library Employee)

Age: 18

Status: Librarian (D-)

Permission: has access to all data within the library

Access: Store-?-?-?-?

Level: 13 (20%) +7%

Credits: 6320

Duty: Manage the Library

Mission: 1 every 2 months. (It is necessary for the librarian to collect books back by himself once every 2 months. Workers can be sent to collect books otherwise - time remaining for current mission= 1 month and 11 days)

Fu Yan looked at the screen and saw that only a little amount of experience was increased.

"Well, it looks like only missions are best if I want to increase my level."

Then he noticed another thing, he never paid attention to before, the remarks in front of his name. "Galactic Library Employee".

This meant that he was only an employee not the owner but, from what old Shun had told him, he could become the owner but before that, he needed to prove his worth to the Library.

"Well, that's for later. As old Shun said, focus on the present first and worry about the future later so the present task is to ask Xic as to why the collector was attacked."

He signaled a worker and asked him to call Xic here. Fu Yan sometimes became interested in how the Library works. Something in the Library was so high tech that they made no sense but sometimes there were things that he needed to do manually. Like doing verification and inserting chips in the collector, he wondered why this process couldn't be automated. Like now, he needed to manually go and ask Xic to come here which could have been improved with a special technology that would alert the badge holder or something. 

Fu Yan sighed thinking all this.

"Well, I will get answers to all these things someday." He thought while waiting for Xic to arrive.

After waiting for only a minute, he saw Xic walking towards him in a hurry. When he reached Fu Yan, he hurriedly asked.

"Sir, can I take the book now. I need to get back to my planet as soon as I can. The earlier I get there, the faster we can build this engine."

Fu Yan raised his hand and said in a cold tone.

"Hold on Mr. Xic, you can take the book as the payment has been completed but, first tell me why my property was attacked." He pointed towards the explosion mark on the collector's body. 

"I hope that you have a satisfactory answer or else you are in trouble. We are not nice to those who try to harm us." Fu Yan's tone got colder as he said this.

"So, what's your answer?" Fu Yan looked into Xic's eyes and asked.

[[[[[[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]]]]]]]

Thanks, Kaito_Izanaga for gifting ballon.

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[ol][li data-annotation-id="a7079e3c-7562-e259-8701-1a72c097b81a"]------ Editor's Note ------[1] Mars does, in fact, have an atmosphere, however, over time it has become extremely thin. It is unbreathable, being primarily composed of Carbon Dioxide, and is, on average, -80F or -60C.  [/ol]


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