Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 8: Poor?

Chapter 8: Poor?

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

After renting the house, Fu Yan went to the computer market.

The house came with furniture and all other accessories so Fu Yan did not need to buy much beyond some stuff for his daily needs so he decided to shop for it later after buying the Server.

He reached the computer market by Taxi because it was on the other side of the city.

It was the most famous market of the province.

This market has almost any type of computers and their parts.

From company servers to workstations, almost anything could be found here.

Fu Yan inquired about a shop which sells company servers and went straight to them.

He was worried about the price because he knew other shops might offer a lower price but the quality might be compromised and he couldn't have that so he went to a shop that had a good reputation in the market and was known to have the best goods in the market.

When he entered the shop, a middle-aged man greeted him.

Fu Yan looked around and noticed that the shop looked more like an office than a PC selling point.

The middle aged man noticed his confusion and told him that they deal in servers which are very big so they just finalize the deals here and deliver the goods from elsewhere.

Fu Yan Nodded and told him about the specs that he wanted in a server.

When the salesman heard about his specifications, he advised Fu Yan that he should use a cloud service because he could have more options that way and it would save him a lot of money.

Fu Yan had indeed considered using an online cloud service but upon thinking that he would be storing the data he learned from Galactic Library, he refrained from it because all this data would be stored somewhere else and he would not have the control over who might see this data.

This way there was a high chance that his technology might be stolen and even if it was not stolen by the cloud service providers, some hackers might steal it because these service providers do not allow the customer to add a custom firewall on their servers.

Fu Yan told the salesman that he is buying a new server because he needed to experiment with it, and he could not do so with cloud service providers.

The salesman nodded and proceeded to show him the different servers they had.

Fu Yan did not like any of their servers so he chose to build a custom one.

"Sir, we can indeed build you a custom server but it will cost much more than those available."

"Money is not a problem, but I won't pay a penny if the quality is not up to my standard." Fu Yan said with a stern tone.

"Dont worry sir, our shop is known for its quality so you don't need to worry about it"

After paying the deposit and telling the salesman about what he needs on his server, Fu Yan decided to go to the mall for shopping.

The mall was of the western style.

It included a superstore and many other brand-name shops.

"Should I buy new clothes and other stuff which are fashionable these days?" Fu Yan thought upon seeing many fashion stores in a row.

"Well let's buy clothes and forget about other stuff. I need to stay low key and not attract attention because now I am nothing and there are big shots in the city, who knows which eagle cast its eyes on this tiny snake with gold scales so low key, low key"

Fu Yan entered the Armani Store and a young salesgirl greeted him.

"Hello sir, what do you want to buy?". She tried to be courteous but failed to hide the disdain on her face.

Fu Yan felt a little annoyed because this sales girl showed scorn when she saw his clothes and shoes.

He was still wearing his old shoes and clothes which were obviously Armani knockoffs, and his shoes were at least 2 years old.

"What kind of customer service is this? They treat their customers like this?" Fu Yan thought while replying with a low tone.

"I am just here to look around, sorry to disturb you."

"Then I will excuse myself. Please don't touch anything carelessly because they are expensive" She said with a ridiculing tone.

Fu Yan felt angrier but controlled himself.

"Sir, I am leaving, let our new staff member guide you around the store"

With that, she pulled over another young girl who was obviously nervous.

"Hello, sir. My name is Zei Mi, I just started here today but I can guide you around the store please follow me" Said the new girl with a nervous tone.

"Well, can you take me to casual wear?" Fu Yan said with an indifferent tone.

"Very well sir, this way please!" With that, she guided him towards the casual wear section.

Upon reaching the section he saw rows of different types of clothes and began to look through them.

He picked 2 sets and asked the salesgirl.

"Can I try them on?"

The salesgirl looked hesitant but nodded after thinking a bit but said.

"You can try them on but please be careful, don't damage them or else you will need to pay for them"

She said this with a caring tone.

Fu Yan could tell that she was really caring for him so he answered with a gentle tone.

"Well I will try to not damage them and thank you, you are really a kind and gentle girl"

Just when he was about to enter the changing room, the salesgirl from earlier saw him and she stormed towards him with anger on her face.

"What are you doing, who allowed you to try these clothes on?"

Fu Yan replied with a calm tone.

"So customers are not allowed to try clothes in this shop?"

The salesgirl replied with a condescending voice.

"Other are allowed to try them but not people like you"

Fu Yan was done being angry so he said with a smile.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because you don't have money and you will ruin the reputation of our store."

Fu Yan did not say anything back to her and proceeded towards the changing room and locked the door after entering.

"What are you doing? Get out now or I will call security"

Fu Yan did not pay attention to her and tried the clothes on and came out after putting them on.

"I need shoes with them, Zei Mi please choose for me and also call your manager."

Zei Mi looked stunned because Fu Yan said all this without even worrying about the angry salesgirl.

She suddenly thought about what her friend told her one time.

"Some rich people like to act poorly so that they can have fun"

"I think I might have crossed one today" While thinking this she went towards the manager's office.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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