Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 54: Greed is Curse

Chapter 54: Greed is Curse

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan still had a cold look on his face. He looked at the kneeling queen with some interest because it looked like she knew about the existence of Librarians.

He waved his hand a little and said.

"Ok stand up, I don't blame you. I need the book back." After saying that he took out a hand scanner type machine from his inner pocket and scanned the cube with it. A green light shined on the cube and soon after it disappeared.

Fu Yan was surprised but he did not show that on his face. He knew that this device could scan the books from the library to determine their authenticity but did not know that it could also store the book. He thought that he could study this book a little but when he tried to bring it out of the device, a warning appeared on the transparent screen in front of him.

"Warning, Librarian level is not enough to access this technology yet." Fu Yan smiled a little and thought, "Sure enough, the Library won't let me read advanced books without contributing."

He shook his head a little and put away the device. Then he looked at the queen who was still kneeling and sighed.

"Ok, you can stand up now. It was not your fault. But we still need to discuss the late fees. I hope you are ready for that."


When they were talking, Adkin received a report from his general that a strange man had appeared on the battlefield from the sky. He was a little surprised when he heard this and then hurried with his general towards the field.

When he arrived, he saw the Queen of the Xoria Empire kneeling in front of the man. The man had a cold look on his face and he later took out a strange device from his pocket and pointed it towards the cube that the Queen was holding. The Cube disappeared after a green light shined.

Adkin was curious about the identity of the man who could even make the Queen of one of the biggest Empires kneel. He was somewhat afraid of the man but after seeing the man taking the cube, he became furious.

He came all the way here, even risking his kingdom's future to get that Cube, but now a man from an unknown origin has taken it away.

He roared and started to run towards the man with his soldiers.


When Fu Yan was about to talk about the late fees with the Queen, he heard a roar. He looked back and saw a fat man running towards him with black-armored soldiers.

He looked at him a little and paid no attention to him. Fu Yan again faced Marin and was about to speak again, when he heard the man shouting.

"Give me the Cube or else you will die."

Fu Yan looked around and saw that the black armored soldiers had surrounded him. The Queen Marin Briarfall looked angrily at the coming fat man and said.

"Adkin is this all your doing?. Don't you fear my revenge? How dare you do this. Leave at once or I will destroy your kingdom personally."

Fu Yan looked at the Queen and then the fat man, thinking.

"It looks like there is some friction between them. Well, it does not matter to me. I only need to get the late fees now and after that what they do is not my problem."

The fat man paid no attention to Marin and furiously looked at Fu Yan and said.

"Boy you better give that Cube to me or else I won't guarantee your life."

Fu Yan shook his head upon hearing this and replied.

"No, I can't do that. This is the property of the Library. Since the lending time has passed, this book is to be returned to the Library."

Adkin became even more furious upon hearing this. He planned all this, even risking the future of his kingdom, just to get the Cube. If he were to be successful, he would become the new overlord of "Pheonon", but now a boy from God knows where came and wants to destroy his plans. He could not let this happen.

Marin looked at Adkin and again said in an authoritative voice.

"Adkin, don't speak rudely towards Mr. Librarian. You can't handle the consequences if you were to anger him. If you retreat now, I might forgive you but if you insist on continuing then don't blame me for what happened later. I will destroy your whole kingdom."

Adkin looked at Marin with a smirk and said.

"My beautiful Queen Marin, I will kill you all here and get that Cube. After that when your brother inherits the throne, I will support him and form an alliance with him. Since he is already against you, I think he might even reward me for removing an obstacle for him."

Marin became red with anger but looked apologetically towards Fu Yan.

"Sir, please don't get angry because of his behavior. He does not represent the people of our planet. I will deal with him first then I will surely pay the late fees in any form you desire. Please forgive me."

Fu Yan shook his head and said.

"You don't need to worry, only those who have borrowed books from the library are eligible to represent their planet. An insignificant bug like him can't decide the future of a planet."

After saying this, Fu Yan looked at the fat man and said.

"I advise you to back down now. This is better for you, otherwise, you might lose your life."

Adkin sneered when he heard Fu Yan. He did not continue to delay and ordered his soldiers to attack.

Fu Yan sighed when he saw the fat man shouting to attack him, thinking "Greed is really a curse, No matter what race or galaxy it is. Greed is always present. As long as something has consciousness, it will have greed in its body."

He sighed again and took out a small ball from his pocket. He looked at the incoming army and tossed it on the ground.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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