Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 49: Borrowing!

Chapter 49: Borrowing!

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan was racking his brain to come up with ideas to improve his language translator software.

He thought for an hour but could not think of any new ideas. The main problem that he was facing now was how to reduce the time taken by the system to translate the given data. The book already had explanations of how to reduce the error rate when translating, but the time it took was the same when compared to the algorithms that were already available in the market.

This language translator would also be integrated with the voice recognition system so if a user wanted to translate their voice, it would take even longer.

"What should I do? Should I just go with it and release it? Its impact on the market would not be as I desire."

He lay down on his bed and started to think of new ideas again.

He looked at the computer screen that was far from him and wondered.

"If I need to get there faster, how should I do it?."

Suddenly an idea came into his mind.

"Yes, why not use the same formula that I use in cloud gaming? It can be used to reduce the size and can save a lot of computing power thus giving the results faster."

He jumped down from his bed and hurried towards the computer.

"Why did I not think of it before? I can reduce the time required by the servers from 1.3 sec to just 1 sec."

Don't look down on this marginal value. In the IT and computer field, an improvement of even 2 milliseconds is considered a job well done.

He started to type furiously on the keyboard and Qing was helping him correct his little mistakes.

He spent all night and finally finished writing the software till morning. He laid down weakly on the bed and closed his eyes.

Now all that left was to collect data on different languages and integrate it with this software. It was a very tricky part as it would take years to collect data and improve the database little by little.

But Fu Yan had an alternate solution. He thought.

"Why should I collect data all by myself, since many companies have already collected them so why not use it. I just have to ask them nicely."

And by nicely he meant to use Qing. No firewall could block her and there was no system she could not bypass.

He gave this little task to Qing and slept soundly.

After Fu Yan gave his order, Qing started to show her magical prowess of hacking. Her first target was a domestic internet browser company "Baidu". She accessed their database soon enough and started to transfer the files containing data on different languages.

She then chose other small domestic companies that were also related to translation and stole...Ahem 'borrowed' data from them.

They were contributing to the betterment of humanity so they should be proud and happy, it's just that they would never know about it and they don't need to.

After borrowing data from domestic companies, Qing proceeded to ask for data from foreign companies. She would knock on their door and when she found the door open, she would just acquire the useful data.

It's not that everything went smoothly, she met resistance, too. The door was shut tight so she had to knock very hard on Google's door, still, no one answered or noticed her but the door opened on its own due to her constant knocking.

She collected the data and went on her own way since no one welcomed her.

This time Qing did not repeat the same mistake that she did when she was downloading videos from the police database and checked to learn if there was any limit on data transfer.

Since she was collecting data from an active base of companies, there was no limit on transfer.

She finished all this work in just 4 hours. Fu Yan also woke up by this time because the legal person that his aunt had told him about would be arriving soon so he had to receive her.

He looked at the data being integrated into the Language translation software, he smiled and asked.

"Qing did everything go smoothly. Did you encounter any problem?."

"No big brother. All the data was acquired smoothly. It will take another 9 hours and 12 minutes to finish integrating it."

Fu Yan nodded and went to take a shower. After 10 min a taxi arrived at his door and he walked outside wearing a casual dress.

"To the airport please."

The driver nodded and started to drive. The taxi arrived at the airport and Fu Yan asked the driver to wait there and went towards the lobby to meet the lady arriving.

When he entered the lobby, he saw a beautiful woman in her 20s looking at her phone and then looking around.

He went towards her and asked.

"Hello! Are you Miss Jiao Mei?"

The lady looked at him and nodded.

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"Nice to meet you. I am Fu Yan. Your new employer. A taxi is waiting outside so let's talk after we reach the office."

The lady nodded and started to walk beside him.

Fu Yan opened the door for her and placed her luggage in the back. He sat beside the driver and told him to go towards his office building.

While sitting in the taxi, he thought.

"Shit I have not arranged for a place for her to stay."

He hurriedly messaged Qing and asked her to rent a beautiful apartment in a good location near the company at any price.

Since he had money now, what good would it do to not spend it? Besides, how much could an apartment cost to rent?

Just after 10 min, Qing replied and told him about the location of the apartment and the PIN for the security door.

No, she did not hack it, she rented it with legit means.

They soon arrived at the office building and went in. Fu Yan had already told Fei Hong about the legal person coming today so she was waiting for them in the meeting room.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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