Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 33: Lets start the test!

Chapter 33: Lets start the test!

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Zhou Wen did not have a good past.

He was the first person from his village that went to university and all the village came to say goodbye to him when he left for university.

It was an era when education was not as popular and easy to access compared to nowadays.

He came to the city and many students in university were from if not rich but well off families.

He was often bullied in his classes because the cloths that he wore were often dirty and even sometimes tattered but he did not let these things slow him down.

He studied hard and completed his graduation and after that, he started to work at the same university.

Because he was from a humble background, he did not get the respect that he deserved from his workplace. Still smile never left his face. He greeted everyone with a warm smile and never took part in the power struggle until one incident.

He was a bright student and from his university days, he had started to work on a project that he thought would help many people. He was never after fame or money. He wanted to do something for the country. For the country that helped him study and gave him a scholarship to not worry about fees.

He encountered difficulty when creating the program and asked for advice from a senior who was well versed in that field. Who knew it would be his worst mistake.

Though his Senior helped him, he asked him about many other things related to the program that he was writing.

Suddenly he acted like he forgot something and ask Zhou Wen to get a file from his office. Zhou Wen did not get suspicious or anything. He was more than happy to help his senior.

He just went and got that file. It took him 10 min for this and those 10 mins changed his personality forever.

His senior left after getting that file and Zhou Wen resumed his work.

1 month later he found out that his senior was getting a reward and promotion for contributing to society.

When he found that the reason why he was getting rewarded was because of the same software that he was writing. He went to see him and hard reality was shown to him.

His senior talked to him with a cold face and said.

"What do you mean by, your work. I developed it and I am senior. I am well versed in this field why would I steal from you."

Zhou Wen felt like a bomb has been dropped in his head. He could never believe that the senior that he trusted and respected would do this to him. He tried his best to get his work back but got nothing.

He even went to the dean off the university but no one listened to him. The dean even threatened to kick him out of the university if he ever talked about this topic again.

Apparently that senior was related to the dean so it was not a surprise that head would cover for his relative.

This incident told Zhou Wen about how the world works and that he should only give respect to those who deserve it and make relations. Many relations.

Thus cold face Dean came into being. He worked very hard and after struggling a lot he got into the power struggle and finally became the dean of the university.

He could go for a higher position and he even had the qualification for it. But he felt quite satisfied with his current position.

Because of this even some of his seniors would talk to him politely. Today when Fu Yan spoke to him and used his own words against him. He found it interesting and was somewhat furious.

He decided to test this young man who looked very confident about his claim.

Now came the problem of how should he test him. Though Zhou Wen was a little angry but he thought rationally.

"Well no matter if he talked back to me, I should convince him first to attend classes because university helps a lot and students learn many new things here even if they are genius."

So he looked towards Fu Yan and said.

"Student Yan, I understand that you are very confident about your company being successful and I hope that it is, but think carefully. You learn many things here and if you don't take classes and only give exams, it won't help you improve."

Fu Yan smiled. He could see that the dean was being serious and he wanted to help him so he replied in a respectful tone.

"Sir I know what you mean but I think I can't learn anything new here. By being in the field would help me better. I entered university only because my aunt wanted me to have a degree. I did not come here to study."

Dean Zhou looked perplexed upon hearing Fu Yan's answer. He Wanted good for his students but it looks like this student did not want to appreciate it.

He initially wanted to convince him and let this student miss some classes if he wanted but now he had decided if Fu Yan did not pass his test. He would not allow him to miss even 1 class and if he did, he would not be allowed to sit in the exam.

"Hmph. Not appreciating my kindness." Zhou Wen thought.

He spoke to Fu Yan.

"Alright.Since you are so confident that you can skip classes and still take exams without a problem so it won't matter if I used questions from advanced courses. Right?"

Fu Yan nodded without showing any expressions on his face.

Zhou Wen got even angrier upon seeing Fu Yan nodded so he thought.

"Hmmph brat. Now you will know that you should respect your elders and if they offer you any advice, you should consider it and follow it with heart."

He said.

"Alright, let's start your test."

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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