Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 30: Investigate

Chapter 30: Investigate

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

After saying his greeting to Fei Hong, Chen Fan went out of the meeting room with the foreigner man.

They took the elevator to the underground parking lot.

There a driver was waiting beside a Luxury car. Upon seeing them coming, he opened the rear car door for them.

Both sat in without saying anything and the car slowly went out of the building.

After 5 minutes of sitting in silence, Chen Fan spoke.

"Mike, what do you think about their statement about other projects linked with this cloud technology."

After saying this, he looked towards the foreign man.

Mike said nothing and closed his eyes. After staying like this for a minute, he spoke.

"I think the probability of them developing another project is high and you also know how much this cloud technology is worth. Many of our future projects are linked to the cloud as well and if we can get this technology, it's going to be a lot easier for us and our stocks will go up quite high."

Chen Fan nods and said.

"From her attitude how she said that they won't be seeling this technology, for the time being. it's quite hard to get this deal done."

Mike nodded and closed his eyes.

"Fan, who do you think that man was. What is his relationship with the company."

"Well I can try to investigate but I don't believe something solid would come out. I tried to investigate this company but they have done quite a lot of work to hide the details." Chen said with a frown.

Mike opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"Hoh! It looks like Mr. Chen has to do overwork these days. Tell me what you have found out till now."

Chen started to tell details about what he had found out till now.

"The company was registered 3 months ago and Fei Hong was the CEO from the start. As for the shareholder's structure, it is owned by many offshore companies and its equally divided. This way of doing shareholding is done to hide the real owner and it's being practiced by many and its hard to trace. None of the employees here at their office is involved in the development of Cloud technology or game development. Most of them are hired to just maintain the game servers and some other simple operations so the main development team is still a mystery and no one the company knows we have talked so far, know about them. Only Fei Hong knows about it and its impossible to get information out from her as of now."

Mike listen patiently and was sorting the information provided by Chen Fan. He spoke after staying silent for a while.

"I think you should investigate that young man because my senses are saying he has an important role in this also even if we can't buy the technology we should cooperate with them if possible. It does not have to be big but enough to keep in touch with them."

Chen listened and nodded.


After sending the two of them, Fei Hong returned to the meeting room and sat beside Fu Yan.

"So what do you think. Will they cooperate with us?" Fei Hong said.

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"Though that Chen person tried to hide it, I could see the excitement form his face when you said that many other projects are linked with the cloud technology so they will try to cooperate with us. But their main focus, for the time being, is going to be the cloud computing technology of p our and they will try their hardest to buy it or have a share in it or something similar."

Fei Hong just listened and said nothing. Fu Yan continued to speak.

"And the other person that sitting beside him, though he said nothing and act like he did not care about anything that you guys talk. But the truth is that he noted each and everything you guys talked and if I am right about this, they will investigate me now and try to find out about me."

Fu Yan laughed when saying the last line and his premonition was right.

Fu Yan looked at Fei Hong and said.

"Don't worry, they would just investigate and this was bound to happen. So you don't need to worry. For the time being focus on the company and if they offer any other kind of cooperation then it's up to you to decide. Other than selling the technology, you can do what you want."

Fei Hong nodded and stood up.

Fu Yan also stood up and went outside the meeting room with her. He was about to go home now but Fei Hong did not let him, saying "I will drop you so wait."

Fu Yan kindly refused her offer and said.

"You have work to do so I will just take a taxi."

He went out of the building and took the taxi home. He wanted to finish reading the book today and he had to go to the library too and he could not, while Fei Hong was present.

He took out his mobile and started to read the messages.

He had quite a lot of messages from his friend. Most of them form his roommates. They all had the same questions.

"Why are you not coming to university and where are you."

In short, they all seemed worried about him. He had not opened the messaging app since the accident and even before he was too busy to reply.

"I think I should go to university tomorrow and see if I should freeze the semester or drop out. I will try to ask the professors if I can just take exams and not attend classes."

He planed his tomorrow's schedule and moved his finger to turned off the app.

Just when he was about to turn it off, he saw a message from someone, he had not talked for quite a while.

"How did she got my number, Did I told her my number. Well, I can't remember. Anyway, we will see when I go to university tomorrow."

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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