Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 21: Contract!

Chapter 21: Contract!

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan was delighted upon seeing his status. His level has improved by 3 and his librarian status has improved by 2.

Also, he received 430 credits so he could use many of the services provided by the library.

"Since you became an intern so you will be presented a chance to sign a contract with the library."

While he was immersed in the joy of his status being improved, he heard the voice of old Shun.

"Contract? What is it for?"

Old Shun calmly explained.

"By signing a contract with the library you will become an employee of the library and your status will be different from us workers. You will also have more privileges. You will be able to read all medium knowledge books while you are in the library and there won't be any limit in how many times you can visit the library."

Fu Yan thought for a while after hearing this and said.

"Since I would have more privileges than there should be something that I have to do for the library too because there is no free meal in the world."

Old Shun nods and says.

"You are right. By signing this contract and becoming an employee you would have to work."

"Work? What kind of work!"

"By work I mean, the work a librarian does. Keep the books in the library safe and protect them, arrange them, and collect the books that were lent to others and issue fines to them if they are overdue."

Fu Yan did not answer and just stood there thinking.

He thought for a long time and finally decided to accept the contract.

"Ok Old Shun. I will sign the contract."

Old Shun smiled upon hearing this and waved his hand.

An antique paper flew towards Fu Yan.

"This is the contract. Read it first then sign. You would have to place your thumbprint on it and you have to use your blood as ink."

Fu Yan read the contract and it had all the clauses that old Shun had explained.

SO after reading it, he bit his thumb and placed it on the contract.

White light shined and it flew into Fu Yan's head.

He felt as if his memory had improved again.

"I guess this is one of the perks of being a contracted employee."

"Now what do I have to do." Fu Yan asked.

"Nothing for now. Keep doing your normal work and when you are needed you will be notified."

Fu Yan checked his status again and saw that it had changed.


Name: Fu Yan(Galactic Library Employe)

Age: 18

Status: Intern Librarian (medium)

Permission: 6 books a month (can be taken out of library premises)

Level: 8 (21%)

Credits: 431

Salary: 300/month

Books: 6 (remaining) can be taken out of library premises

The visit count has been removed and he had "Galactic Library Employe" written in front of his name. Also, he now had a salary of 300 credits per month.

After seeing his status, he smiled and decided to use the credits to improve his game and cloud program.

When he asked about this to old Shun, he showed him how to use library technology to for credits.

Fu Yan followed the Old Shuns steps and paid the credits.

He soon received a Flash with the improved version of the software.

His credits were down to 331.

It cost him about 100 credits but knew it was worth it.

He then returned to his room and plugged in the flash into the PC.

He studied the improve version and got new insights from it.

"It was worth to spend credits on it. I can use this technology in many more places and it would help me a lot."

He called Fei Hong and asked her to come to his house.

He wanted to Give her the Animation videos in person because they were huge in size and also he wanted to talk about the strategy about how to market this game.

First, they will release the animation videos to get the attention of young people, then they would market it as an educational game that can improve the studies of children while they play games. This would be targeted towards parents so that they would make their children play the game.

After Fei Hong Arrived, He talked to her for 2 hours and they mainly discussed how to price the game and other stuff.

Fei Hong wanted the game to be paid if the user wanted to play but Fu Yan was against it. Mainly because he wanted this game to stepping stone for the company to prosper.

After a long discussion, they decided to make 2 versions of the game.

One would be free, which would be used to attract the customers and others would have more features and more professions.

Fu Yan also thought that this was the best approach so he agreed.

He gave her the material needed for the promotion of the game and told her that the game was ready to play and could be launched anytime.

"Fu Yan have you made the game secured enough because you know in our local market many players would try to hack it and add plugins so I am worried that it would the game experience for others."

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"You don't have to worry about this fact. Our game would be mostly hosted on cloud and it very hard to add plugins also even if someone tried to do it, we can detect it in the first 5 sec and those players would be banned for 1 week first and given a warning, if they do it again, they would be banned for 1 month and if don't stop after this they would be banned for life from this game."

"Also be sure to add this in the promotion that even the users with low-end configuration can play the game smoothly."

Fei Hong nodded and after confirming some other details she left.

Fu Yan smiled at her leaving Figure and thought.

"She is going to busy for a while so I think its time I raise her salary and give her a huge bonus."

He asked Qing to note this to remind him later and started to read what was left in the book.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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