Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 2: 2nd book

Chapter 2: 2nd book

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Fenghua University library:

The glass door has been replaced. There is silence except for the low noise of someone talking from time to time. The library is almost empty because it is now a one week vacation period and most students have gone home.

Fu Yan is sitting in his usual position. And in his hand is a book with a shiny cover that looks a little like a science fiction novel.

The book is actually from the Galactic Library and it's about programming.

The Title on the cover of the book is simple, but it still gives a majestic feeling.

"Advanced Programming (Beginner)"

This book was recommended by the old man who called himself a guide.

According to him, since Fu Yan was already learning about programming on earth, this book will be helpful to him to understand about the technology in the library and how advanced it is.

When Fu Yan asked the old man whether he could understand it or not and about how weak he was at understanding questions, the Old man's words gave him great hope."Being a librarian of the Galactic Technical Library comes with some perks. Your brain is not like it was before. After you start to learn, you will be able to understand even the toughest questions easily and you won't even have to spend much time on them. If I were to compare your brain now to from before then I will say that your brain now is 15 to 20 times faster than before."

So he picked a book and started to read it. To his surprise, he really could understand it easily. There were still some parts where he had to work a little harder, but it was not a problem. The book covered some advanced programs and theories about how to be a better programmer.

It also covered many topics about how to optimize your program.

After reading it, he knew that it was far more advanced than earth's science. If most of these theories were to be published on earth, it would cause an uproar because it would bring the programming languages 5 to 7 years ahead of their time. "Well I am now sure that I have evolved," Fu Yan thought because he had finished the whole book in a day, not a whole day but more like in 13 hours.

When he was about to swipe on his tattoo to go back to the Galactic library to pick up another book, he remembered the advice that the old man gave to him that he shouldn't be hasty about reading books but rather he should digest the knowledge he had obtained from it.

So he pulled his left hand back and decided to go back to his room to practice what he had learned today.

After going back to his room, he pulled out his laptop from his bag and started to write a simple program. After he wrote the code, he executed it and to his amazement, it ran smoothly and booted up in just 6 seconds. With more practice, he came to understand that it was very easy to implement different kinds of formulas with this way of programming.

Night came, but Fu Yan was still sitting at a table with his laptop and writing a program.

He had decided to use this new way of writing the program to rewrite the old game that he had made for fun.

2 days passed. After just sleeping for 6 hours a day and wasting 2 hours on eating and exercising, he finally finished it.

He transferred the game to his mobile and opened it.

After playing a bit, he again modified the program a bit and the finished product was ready.

He uploaded the game to the app store and waited to see the response.

"Since I should not waste my visits to the library, I should just revise my course work and get ready for exams coming in 2 weeks."

With that, the vacation week ended and students started to return to the university.

While Fu Yan was sleeping on Sunday morning, he woke up because of the noise and saw that his roommate Li Mo had returned.

"Hey brother Yan, How are you. You gave us quite a fright that day, you know. You were bleeding like hell. Blood was even coming out of your nose and ears. We thought that you were done for. I even decided to pay a visit to your grave every week if you died, you know. So be thankful."

Upon hearing all this Fu Yan picked up the pillow and smashed it on the face of Li.

He knew that Li was joking and this was his way of comforting others.

Last year when his other roommate Shen Bie had a break up with his girlfriend, Li joked about how he was thinking about snatching her from Shen since she was easy to seduce but she was already seduced by someone else.

"I even made up a plan about how I was going to enjoy a week with her and then dump her"

Though they hated his way of comforting, they knew that he only wanted them to cheer up. Everyone knew that Li Mu was kind and caring.

Fu Yan left his bed and went out to eat breakfast.

After eating, he went back to his room.

His roommates had all returned and were now outside, eating.

Fu Yan Laid down on his bed and swiped on his tattoo.

A flash of light appeared and went towards the sky and Fu Yan looked like he was sleeping.

Just a second later he appeared in the massive hall again.

Old man (The Guide) appeared in front of him again and asked about how he feels being a librarian now!

Fu Yan described how he could learn very easily now and that when he read something now he won't forget it.

It would be like a picture in his mind and he could easily access and read it out.

"Old Man! I think you should tell me your name since calling you Old man, again and again, does not feel right."

"But I don't have a name since I am just a guide and I don't know what my name is and more even whether I even had a name."

"What do you mean? I don't understand!" (Fu Yan)

"I mean I have trained many librarians so far, and I don't know how long it has been since I started to train."

"What do you mean you have trained my librarians till now? Where are they now?"

Old man replied. "They died. Even if you are a librarian you are not an immortal".

You will die one day and then a new librarian will succeed you. This is the kind of rule the Library follows.

"Oh, ok!"

"Since you don't have a name, I will give you one."

"From now on your name will be Old Shun. So how is this name? Do you like it? If not I can change it."

Old Shun smiled but this time his face looked a little brighter. "No, this name is perfect! Thank you."

"No Problem," said Fu Yan.

"Since you are here then that means you have finished the book I gave you earlier."

"Yes, I have finished it. I can return it now and I have made a game in which I used an improved version of a program that I learned from the book. Can I submit it to the library to see if I can earn some credits?"

"Oh, you have made some improvements. Let's see."

Old Shun took back the book and book floated and went towards the 2nd rack in the 3rd row.

After that, he took the program from Fu Yan and evaluated it.

Soon a voice rang in his mind and he saw words starting to appear out of nowhere and float in the air.

"New Technical Knowledge detected. Evaluating!!"

After that, his right hand glowed and when he looked at the tattoo, an enlarged holographic book appeared in front of him and his status changed.

~On the first page of the book these words appeared~

Name: Fu Yan

Age: 18

Status: Trainee Librarian (Low)

Permission: 2 books a months

Level: 1 (7%)

Credits: 2

Books: 1 (remaining)

Library Visits: 2 (remaining)

"Wow, I got 2 credits and my level even progressed a little. That's great.

It means my hard work for 3 days paid off."

"Hey! Old Shun. What can I do with my credits, and what can I buy"?

"You can use credits to read books even if you have used your free quota and if you are having some problems in understanding something, the Library can use these credits and you will be able to understand that knowledge easily.

By understanding easily means that the knowledge will be put into your brain directly and you will also gain the experience of its creator."

"Oh, that's good. So can I pick another book now?"

"Yes! You can! This time I recommend this book."

With that Old Shun raised his hand and a book flew towards his hand from the racks.

He gave that book to Fu Yan who eagerly looked at the title page.

"The Art of Making Viruses (Beginner)"

Upon reading the title, Fu Yan was anticipating what would be in this book and how advanced it would be compared to earth.

After reading the first book he knew that any book in this library would be at least 5 years ahead of Earth technology.

With that, he returned back to his room and a book soon started to materialize in his hand.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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