Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 19: Rules

Chapter 19: Rules

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

After replying to Qing, Fu Yan again lay down and stared at the ceiling. He could not help but remember his childhood that he had spent with his parents and his little sister.

Tears started to swell in his eyes. He felt like crying out loud.

This was the first time ever since that incident that he felt like crying.

Bad memories and bad past never leave.

"I wish I was there with you. Mom, Dad, Jing"

He remembered when his aunt told him about the accident and the only sentence that he kept repeating was that "I should have gone with them.".

He cried silently.

When he was engulfed by the memories of his past, the door of the room opened.

Fu Yan did not notice it, he just stared at the ceiling.

It was Fei Hong that came in.

She was about to call him when she tears in his eyes.

She felt sad upon seeing him like this.

She did not know she was feeling it but she felt as if she could feel the pain and suffering of Fu Yan.

His face was not that he usually showed.

It was the face of someone who had lost someone dearly and could not forget them.

She looked at him for a while.

The ordinary-looking boy but with an aura of despair but if you look closely you could see the features that are hidden under his usual face.

Those eyes which showed wisdom, the gaze which was like he knew everything and the aura around him that excludes him from the masses.

She blushed but composed herself.

She called out to him.

"Fu Yan! Are you ok? Why are there tears in your eyes? Are you feeling pain somewhere."

Fu Yan looked towards the voice and saw Fei Hong standing there.

He wiped the tears that he did not know when formed in his eyes and said with a smile.

"Oh! It's you, Fei Hong. When did you come back? Sorry, I did not notice."

He avoided her question.

Fei Hong did not pester too much and said.

"I just came back and saw tears in your eyes so I got worried.

"It is nothing but just some memories of the past. Anyway, I was not able to ask you much earlier so now that I am feeling better, let us talk."

He wanted to busy himself so that he could stop thinking about the past.

Fei Hong started to explain the details of what had been done in the past month and what were the plans for the future.

Fu Yan listened to her and added a few things for her to do and when they were about to finish, he added.

"I am very close to finishing the game so you can start preparing for marketing. I am very confident that this game can become a benchmark for the future game to come. I will send you some videos that you can use in the marketing campaign"

Fei Hong noted down everything that Fu Yan said and after telling him to rest, she went back to the office.

Fu Yan stayed in the hospital for 2 days.

When he went back home, the first thing he did was to check the core algorithm of QIng.

He analyzed it for 3 hours.

"It indeed upgraded and now it can be compared to a 12 to 14 years old child though in some areas it surpasses this limit but overall it's about this old."

He checked the logs which were saved when he was not present and was surprised to see that Qing had hacked the city's camera and traffic lights network.

"I hope that this is not found" but after analyzing further he was awestruck. Qing did not brute-forced her way in the network. She just accessed it normally as if she saw a door and tried to open it and when she inserted the key in it, she found that the door was unlocked so she just went in.

"Man! This is refreshing. Doesn't this mean qing can hack any network or server easily?"

While Fu Yan was happy about this discovery, he was also worried.

He had seen many movies where AI had taken over the world or had caused war which destroyed the world.

He did not want to see Qing doing that so he decided to pass restrictions on her.

The restrictions were not on her freedom but the moral restrictions.

He added new lines in her code and these lines were for shaping her personality.

He was already teaching her the difference between good and bad.

He added new rules.

1:She was not allowed to do any hacking unless she was permitted.

2:She was not allowed to harm anyone unless permitted.

3:She was not allowed to transfer her core data unless permitted.

4:If she is attacked, she has the permission to counter-attack but the 2nd rule must be followed.

5:If her data is being forcefully transferred, she is allowed to self destruct or transfer herself to somewhere safe and wait to contact the admin.

And the last rule that Fu Yan added was something that he contemplated for a while then decided to add.

6:If she is not able to contact the admin, all the above rules but 3rd are voided.

He decided to add this as security for himself because from the recent event he could see that Qing tried to help him and hacking the city network was her way of helping him.

After adding all these rules, Fu Yan relaxed a bit.

When these new rules were added to the core program of Qing, she started to upgrade herself.

It took her 4 hours to upgrade.

Nothing much was changed but now Qing talked more like a person.

The server fans were spinning at full and were making a lot of noise.

"I think it's time I add a new server for you too. What do you think of it Qing?"

"Big Brother! Qing also wanted to tell you this. I am feeling really stuffy, I can't run at my full capacity now."

Fu Yan nodded and said.

"After the upgrade, your core program needs more space so a new server is needed as for the computing power, the new server farm that I bought will be enough for you to run at full capacity for now since you don't have much workload. As for the future, we will have many more server farms so you will never face the problem of computing power."

"Anyway this all for tomorrow, have the tasks of the puzzles I gave you been completed?

"Yes, Big Brother. I have completed the task and I have generated 5 million puzzles and can create 50 million more if given time."

Fu Yan nodded with delight. This was something that hindered the game developers and Qing had completed that work in 1/20 of the time that they would take and this is not her limit, she will be even faster in the future.

"Excellent! Now the only thing that remains is the cloud network. I think it will take me another week before it is finalized. As for you, I have a new task."

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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