Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 157: Back and New Plans!

Chapter 157: Back and New Plans!

Hellen was afraid this is the reason she didn't think about what is going to happened next when she admit suicide during vibes.

She will be alive in real life or not? Or what happened if she die there too.

When she was falling she got goosebumps due to fear and felt a force pulling her downward, in this moment she felt air around her and touching her body slightly.

If she was not going to die it was the best moment of her life as she was actually feeling that moment stolen from her fears.

She closed her eyes and got ready to die. She was afraid to die at the start but she realized if she did all this end.

The pain, fear, tragedies, bad fortune got to end with her. 

The wit was end and she striked with the ground and felt the pain.her body in real life bounced like she striked with the floor and this get back her to the real life.

Hellen shreiked and opened her eyes,looked round and found her self alright on the couch where she was sleeping ahead.

Hellen didn't what happened to her that brings her to those vibes. She found the packet of chips at her right side and snacks spread.

'Was i slept?Why don't i remembered anything?'Hellen touched her head as she didn't remembered the last thing happened to her before vibing.

She felt pain when touched her head and the right shoulder. She was worried about this and felt hungry so took the packet of chips and started to eat.

She was in good mood before Tina left the house but this time a tear of blood was shedding out of her left eye. She thought it was just a normal drop of tear but when she cleared t and found blood on her hand she worried.

'Please! Come back ' she talk to herself and hide under blanket.

She was so upset by thinking about these weird things. She had started loosing hope. 

Tina was coming back,in the way she was thinking about Hellen and praying that she will be alright.Tina was blaming herself to get late ,she thought if she didn't stop at a restaurant for a meal she will reached there at time.

Tina was ten minutes far from Hellen, at this time her curiosity increased all she want is to see Hellen fine infront of her eyes.

It's all about Mike in the start but somehow she was started to feel something about Hellen too.

Tina took a deep breath and feel relaxed when the door of the basement was in front of her. She ran toward it and unlocked the door.

Hellen's heartbeat increased as she didn't know there is Hellen or someone else. She was not able to walk or check too, the only thing she can do is to wait till the person entered inside showed up. She was starring at the door attentively.

Tina entered and both of them become happy to see each other. Tina rushed into her arms and gave her a warm hug.

Both of them were laughing happily. Suddenly they realized they were behaving dramedy so loosen the grip and Tina slipped back.

"How was your day?"Tina asked while giving her a package.

"It's weird casually," Hellen replied calmly.

"Are you alright?"Tina asked weirdly.

Hellen remembered the moment when that Alien Dog was rushing something inside her throat and replied, "Yeah I think so, everything should be alright. You'll go and get fresh."

Hellen's expressions were telling that there is something not okay but at this time Tina was extremely tired and want to get a refreshing bath.

She walked toward the toilet and started singing while taking bath, Hellen was fed up by remaining in one place alone she felt good with her presence.

Hellen again turned into a good mood and started opening the package, when she touched the package she got the wine of Henry when he was sobbing in his bed before giving the package to the deliveryman

Hellen felt sad for him and wished to be there with him. She want t see more but it was only a short vibe of thirty seconds and after this, she didn't see anything.

"No, I want to see more."She shouted hopelessly.

Tina came out of the toilet and asked "What happened?"

Hellen got disturbed by seeing him and intense pain in her head started. She was going through numberless changes and might be her brain was not adjusting with it.

She holds her head and started to shriek in pain, Tina can't hear her voice as she was in the shower and singing in loud voice.

After five minutes she realized someone is shouting. Tina stopped singing and turned the shower off, she hurriedly wrapped herself with a towel and come to see Hellen.

Hellen was in pain and shouting" I don't want this please get me out of this."She was crying while shouting.

Tina didn't know what to do with her. She didn't know how to make her comfortable.

Tina sat near to her and started touching her hair lovely" Everything should be alright Hellen please be brave. You can come out of it by yourself."

Hellen felt better but still crying and tears were shedding out of her eyes. She is not well. This can be seen through the dark circles she got around her eyes were getting darker each day.

Tina thought to gave her sleeping pills because this is the only way she found for her.

Tina started looking for the First Aid box and when found check for the sleeping pills.

She opened her mouth and gave her the pill after this gave her a sip of water. Helen was still muttering in pain after ten minutes she fall asleep.

Tina was also very much tired after traveling for the whole day but after seeing Hellen in this condition she forgot about taking a rest.

Tina started walking in worry and called Henry. Henry just came after finishing up with his duty.

"Yeah, Did you received the parcel?"Henry asked while getting inside his apartment.

"You have just arrived, Go and get fresh. I will call you later."Tina replied as she heard the clattering of keys.

"Yeah, but I want an answer to my question first."

"I got that parcel and just arrived half an hour ago."

"Did you guy started working on finding Mike? Henry asked curiously.

"We were going to but Hellen is not well, I don't think so I can handle from there. I need your help now."Tina was trying to handle things by herself but now it's getting difficult for her to cover as Hellen's condition was getting worst day by day

"I will try to join you guys, I am also feeling noob by just waiting for the things to happen by themselves."

"Hellen is not capable of walking or joining us, Do something about this too."

"Yeah, I had a surprise for her. I'll send an email to the department and pack my stuff to join you."

"It sounds cool," Tina replied happily.

"Okay, then I have to do the packing. If you need something text me I'll take it for you."

"Okay, be attentive and take all precautions. They should not get where you are going."

"Don't worry  I can handle this." After saying this Henry disconnected the call while microwaving frozen wings to eat.

Henry was thinking we were always working as a team in all difficult times so we succeeded, they need me and together we can find Mike.'

Henry was pouring vine in the glass and thinking about the excuse he have to make for traveling and lost in thinking suddenly microwave sounds "Ting!!!!! 1". This alerted Henry a he immediately turned it off.

It doesn't matter how much Henry is worried he believes on good meal brings good fortune for you and he gave the meal priority on all the stress and strain.

He took the meal elegantly and then started packing. He put on his favorite shirt and suit. He was thinking about Hellen too as he wants to impress her.

He like her but the things turned so messed up that he doesn't get the perfect moment for telling her about his feelings.

Henry sends an email about getting out of the city due to some family emergency, he changed his car nameplate and called his friend to travel to the other city with the illusion of his safe.

There was a technology in their time that they had to wear a chain in which they fitted a chip so it gives you the face of that person encoded in the chip.

Henry got ready one of his men for this time. The man replied," I will take your place but this time I need more money."

"You will get more than your expectations but don't do any mistakes, there is no space for mistakes in this mission."

"I Got," he replied confidently.

Henry changed his face with his dead uncle with the help of a face-changing locket and drove toward Their team. 


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